Gun owner paranoia---

It’s hard to shoot someone if you can’t get a gun. People rarely shot in the UK...
It is impossible to defend yourself or your property from the criminal who pays no attention to laws and gun bans without having a gun protected by the Constitutional right to own one.
It’s easier to defend against an unarmed criminal.


You are absolutely correct!!!

Unfortunately, criminals don't pay attention to laws. That's why they're criminals. See, you'll be the one who's unarmed. However, the criminal attacking you will be armed.

That's the problem.

The only people affected by laws, old and newly enacted, are law abiding people who aren't the problem in the first place...
Yes all that fear the gun lobby did a good job on you.
Our homicide rate is 4x higher than countries with strong gun control. They also don’t have lots of accidental deaths. These countries are clearly safer. The gun lobby has lied to you.
It’s hard to shoot someone if you can’t get a gun. People rarely shot in the UK...
It is impossible to defend yourself or your property from the criminal who pays no attention to laws and gun bans without having a gun protected by the Constitutional right to own one.
It’s easier to defend against an unarmed criminal.

It’s easier to defend against an unarmed criminal.

How do you keep a criminal from being armed?

pass more laws?


They ignore them.
Have fewer guns.
Have fewer guns.

More than non criminals
Our homicide rate is 4x higher than countries with strong gun control. They also don’t have lots of accidental deaths. These countries are clearly safer. The gun lobby has lied to you.

Solve the problem of criminals ignoring laws and getting their hands on illegal weapons they use against innocent people, THEN ask law-abiding citizens to give up their Constitutionally-protected firearms.

That shoulddn't be too hard for the all-powerful Democrats.

Get back to us when that happens.
It’s hard to shoot someone if you can’t get a gun. People rarely shot in the UK...
It is impossible to defend yourself or your property from the criminal who pays no attention to laws and gun bans without having a gun protected by the Constitutional right to own one.
It’s easier to defend against an unarmed criminal.

It’s easier to defend against an unarmed criminal.

How do you keep a criminal from being armed?

pass more laws?


They ignore them.
Have fewer guns.
Have fewer guns.

More than non criminals


Our homicide rate is 4x higher than countries with strong gun control. They also don’t have lots of accidental deaths. These countries are clearly safer. The gun lobby has lied to you.

Solve the problem of criminals ignoring laws and getting their hands on illegal weapons they use against innocent people, THEN ask law-abiding citizens to give up their Constitutionally-protected firearms.

That shoulddn't be too hard for the all-powerful Democrats.

Get back to us when that happens.
They get weapons from legal gun owners.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

I am 100% behind the idea of enacting laws which keep guns out of the hands of criminals, kids and the mentally retarded.

The problem is that the left wants to go after the actual guns. They do very little to enact laws which deter someone from, say, using a gun in the commission of a crime. You want "common sense"?

If you draw a weapon, or pretend you have a weapon, while committing a crime, you go to prison for 25 years. Period. No parole. If you fire that weapon during the commission of the crime, you go to prison for life. You can apply for parole in 45 years. If you shoot someone, but don't kill them, while committing a crime, you go to prison for the rest of your life, with no chance for parole. You will die behind bars. If you shoot someone while committing a crime, and they die as a result of their wounds, you get the death penalty.

If you've not committed a crime, but are found to be in possession of an illegal firearm, you go to prison for 25 years, no parole. If you happen to be a felon and are found to be in possession of a firearm, you go to prison for the rest of your life, no parole.

Even gang-bangers don't like the prospect of such harsh penalties.

Banning certain weapons is stupid if you enact and actually enforce other laws. I asked a liberal which of these three guns they would ban if they could ban only one, and they said they would ban the one in the middle:


(I'm aware of the misspelling of "rifle" in the picture. I didn't create it.)

When I asked him why, he said because the one in the middle is a military machine gun, and that the other two look like the guns he shot at Boy Scout camp years ago.

The problem is that, functionally, they're the exact same gun. They shoot the exact same ammunition and inflect the exact same level of damage.

But that one in the middle sure is scary looking.

And therein lies the problem: People want to ban certain guns because they look scary. They want to ban "semi-automatic" weapons because all you have to do is pull the trigger to send another round downrange to your target. Well, next time you have a revolver in your hand, take a real close look at it, because it does the same thing.

Anyone involved in the gun debate needs to have a functional understanding of guns. If they don't have that, they have no business being part of the conversation...
Any semi auto rifle capable of holding high capacity magazines is capable of killing lots of people really fast. No legal reason to need mass killings weapons.

Your argument is based on what you're afraid could happen. Sorry, but that's a fail.

I have ten 30 round magazines. If I had 30 ten round magazines, I would still be able to reload and continue shooting, simply because people are going to be in hiding, and not trying to engage me. It takes all but a couple three seconds to replace an empty magazine.

A weapon is an inanimate object. It will kill no one unless it's in the hands of someone who want to kill someone.

It would be far better if we addressed the problem of someone wanting to kill someone as opposed to worrying about how he'll do it...


I almost exclusively use ten round AR magazines at the range. It helps me keep account on the number of rounds I fire and they are better for bench shooting than the longer 30 rd mags.

I have several hundred 30 rd mags but the only time I use them is when I shoot my Class III M-16.

In a given time frame I can shoot just about as many rounds with ten rd mags as I can with 30.

It only takes a couple of seconds to reload.

If a bad guy want to shoot up a place he could do it just as effectively do it with ten round mags as he could with higher capacity mags.

Banning mag capacity is nothing more than another one these stupid feel good stupidities of the Liberals than know nothing about firearms. It will do nothing to stop crime but will infringe upon our Constitutional rights.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

I am 100% behind the idea of enacting laws which keep guns out of the hands of criminals, kids and the mentally retarded.

The problem is that the left wants to go after the actual guns. They do very little to enact laws which deter someone from, say, using a gun in the commission of a crime. You want "common sense"?

If you draw a weapon, or pretend you have a weapon, while committing a crime, you go to prison for 25 years. Period. No parole. If you fire that weapon during the commission of the crime, you go to prison for life. You can apply for parole in 45 years. If you shoot someone, but don't kill them, while committing a crime, you go to prison for the rest of your life, with no chance for parole. You will die behind bars. If you shoot someone while committing a crime, and they die as a result of their wounds, you get the death penalty.

If you've not committed a crime, but are found to be in possession of an illegal firearm, you go to prison for 25 years, no parole. If you happen to be a felon and are found to be in possession of a firearm, you go to prison for the rest of your life, no parole.

Even gang-bangers don't like the prospect of such harsh penalties.

Banning certain weapons is stupid if you enact and actually enforce other laws. I asked a liberal which of these three guns they would ban if they could ban only one, and they said they would ban the one in the middle:


(I'm aware of the misspelling of "rifle" in the picture. I didn't create it.)

When I asked him why, he said because the one in the middle is a military machine gun, and that the other two look like the guns he shot at Boy Scout camp years ago.

The problem is that, functionally, they're the exact same gun. They shoot the exact same ammunition and inflect the exact same level of damage.

But that one in the middle sure is scary looking.

And therein lies the problem: People want to ban certain guns because they look scary. They want to ban "semi-automatic" weapons because all you have to do is pull the trigger to send another round downrange to your target. Well, next time you have a revolver in your hand, take a real close look at it, because it does the same thing.

Anyone involved in the gun debate needs to have a functional understanding of guns. If they don't have that, they have no business being part of the conversation...
Any semi auto rifle capable of holding high capacity magazines is capable of killing lots of people really fast. No legal reason to need mass killings weapons.

Your argument is based on what you're afraid could happen. Sorry, but that's a fail.

I have ten 30 round magazines. If I had 30 ten round magazines, I would still be able to reload and continue shooting, simply because people are going to be in hiding, and not trying to engage me. It takes all but a couple three seconds to replace an empty magazine.

A weapon is an inanimate object. It will kill no one unless it's in the hands of someone who want to kill someone.

It would be far better if we addressed the problem of someone wanting to kill someone as opposed to worrying about how he'll do it...


I almost exclusively use ten round AR magazines at the range. It helps me keep account on the number of rounds I fire and they are better for bench shooting than the longer 30 rd mags.

I have several hundred 30 rd mags but the only time I use them is when I shoot my Class III M-16.

In a given time frame I can shoot just about as many rounds with ten rd mags as I can with 30.

It only takes a couple of seconds to reload.

If a bad guy want to shoot up a place he could do it just as effectively do it with ten round mags as he could with higher capacity mags.

Banning mag capacity is nothing more than another one these stupid feel good stupidities of the Liberals than know nothing about firearms. It will do nothing to stop crime but will infringe upon our Constitutional rights.
You have some imagination.
It’s hard to shoot someone if you can’t get a gun. People rarely shot in the UK...

They don't live in Democrat controlled South Chicago, do they?

If we ship them our Negroes and Illegals their crime rate will soar regardless of the laws.
They get weapons from legal gun owners.

Link or lie! Tick Tock.....

Barry armed foreign terrorists and Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the needless deaths of Americans. Barrywas not a 'Legal gun seller'.

DEMOCRATS should lead by example....turn in all their weapons, fire all their gun-toting security personnel, tear down the walls they claim don;t work protecting their homes...
Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?
Our homicide rate is like 4x worse than other wealthy natiions. And our law enforcement is much more likely to be gunned down. You pretend to be pro life when not discussing guns?

So despite the fact that you have a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun you are still afraid of being murdered by a person with a gun.

Got it
Yes it can be much better. Other countries don’t have a mass shooting problem and their law enforcement isn’t constantly gunned down. And again our homicide rate is huge relative to other wealthy countries. Again, you pretend to be pro life?
Mass shootings account for less than 1% of all murders.

And where have I ever said I was pro life?

But i see once again you are making assumptions about me based on your 2 dimensional view of the world. I am pro second amendment so therefore I voted for Trump, I am anti abortion, I am against gay marriage etc etc etc etc etc

FYI I didn't vote for Trump in any election, I support a woman's right to choose, I don't care if gay people get married ( in fact I have many gay friends and I was best man at one)

So now I will take a step back and watch your tiny little brain explode
Okay, thanks for your clarification. I had this vision of you keeping a gun in your locker or your AR next to the coat rack in a classroom. ;-)

No problem ... Where I live, firearms are not uncommon.
They are easily accessible in most places, if someone wanted to use one.

I know it will sound odd to many people, but the biggest problem we have with people and firearms ...
Is people who don't know shit about them.

They are considering legislation that will allow teachers with a CAC Permit to carry in the classroom.
I don't know about all the administrators in every school in the District, but I know the Principle at the Elementary school has a rifle in his office.

Also ... To carry a firearm on school property here (not just in your vehicle), only requires a CAC Permit (if you don't open carry) and approval from the school.

Somehow I'm not seeing a middle school or high school kid getting a CAC permit to carry concealed in any school district in the country. Wouldn't have happened anywhere in Idaho when I was there, although a few years ago they started allowing college and university kids to do that (which I thought was pretty dumb).

We agree that the average gun owner doesn't know shit about guns or how to use them. I took three levels of both class and personal training when I got mine. IMHO, training should be mandated. At least a beginners class with range certification. It could be done in half a day and would no doubt save lives.
They get weapons from legal gun owners.

Link or lie! Tick Tock.....

Barry armed foreign terrorists and Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the needless deaths of Americans. Barrywas not a 'Legal gun seller'.

DEMOCRATS should lead by example....turn in all their weapons, fire all their gun-toting security personnel, tear down the walls they claim don;t work protecting their homes...
Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?
Our homicide rate is like 4x worse than other wealthy natiions. And our law enforcement is much more likely to be gunned down. You pretend to be pro life when not discussing guns?

So despite the fact that you have a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun you are still afraid of being murdered by a person with a gun.

Got it
Yes it can be much better. Other countries don’t have a mass shooting problem and their law enforcement isn’t constantly gunned down. And again our homicide rate is huge relative to other wealthy countries. Again, you pretend to be pro life?
Mass shootings account for less than 1% of all murders.

And where have I ever said I was pro life?

But i see once again you are making assumptions about me based on your 2 dimensional view of the world. I am pro second amendment so therefore I voted for Trump, I am anti abortion, I am against gay marriage etc etc etc etc etc

FYI I didn't vote for Trump in any election, I support a woman's right to choose, I don't care if gay people get married ( in fact I have many gay friends and I was best man at one)

So now I will take a step back and watch your tiny little brain explode
Pro death is some stance.
To solve violence rates like in Chicago problems that are not allowed to be brought up need to be addressd in tha massive rate of single-parent homes witha huge number of minority fathers bailing / leaving their families. Another taboo issue is Black-on-Black, can't talk about that.
We should make abortions easier to get it seems.

Or policies that help black males be providers.
What you suggest?

Pro-job trade policy and ban third world immigration.
I don’t think it’s hard to get a job now. What would that solve?

It is hard to get a good job. It is hard to get a job were wages rise nicely over time.

That used to be the case before globilization.

IMO, right now, black males don't provide for their families, because they CAN'T.
That was the case before when we had strong unions and every company wasn’t a near monopoly.

Change is sometimes bad. So, let's change BACK.

Globalization, Free Trade, are policies that have failed to deliver what they promised.

Let's change them BACK.

Unions need to step it up too. They need to spend less time supporting dems and more time representing their members.
We need to end the monopolies first. Then we need campaign finance reform so our politicians can’t be easily bought. We need more unions to make the many jobs we have pay more.

First? Why wait to have better trade and immigration policy?

YOu think this country can't walk and chew gum at the same time?
Define better? Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing. I’m not sure what Better immigration policy is.

Pro-jobs, long term. Ban Third World immigration. See wages rise, you will see more black males marrying and forming healthy families.
That doesn’t work. Again trump hurt manufacturing. Wages won’t rise because we have near monopolies and collusion.

Wages were rising, especially lower end wages. And that was almost immediately as the policies were barely or not even fully implemented.
To solve violence rates like in Chicago problems that are not allowed to be brought up need to be addressd in tha massive rate of single-parent homes witha huge number of minority fathers bailing / leaving their families. Another taboo issue is Black-on-Black, can't talk about that.
We should make abortions easier to get it seems.

Or policies that help black males be providers.
What you suggest?

Pro-job trade policy and ban third world immigration.
I don’t think it’s hard to get a job now. What would that solve?

It is hard to get a good job. It is hard to get a job were wages rise nicely over time.

That used to be the case before globilization.

IMO, right now, black males don't provide for their families, because they CAN'T.
That was the case before when we had strong unions and every company wasn’t a near monopoly.

Change is sometimes bad. So, let's change BACK.

Globalization, Free Trade, are policies that have failed to deliver what they promised.

Let's change them BACK.

Unions need to step it up too. They need to spend less time supporting dems and more time representing their members.
We need to end the monopolies first. Then we need campaign finance reform so our politicians can’t be easily bought. We need more unions to make the many jobs we have pay more.

First? Why wait to have better trade and immigration policy?

YOu think this country can't walk and chew gum at the same time?
Define better? Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing. I’m not sure what Better immigration policy is.

Pro-jobs, long term. Ban Third World immigration. See wages rise, you will see more black males marrying and forming healthy families.
That doesn’t work. Again trump hurt manufacturing. Wages won’t rise because we have near monopolies and collusion.

Wages were rising, especially lower end wages. And that was almost immediately as the policies were barely or not even fully implemented.
There were lots of min wage increases. Hence at the lower end.
We agree that the average gun owner doesn't know shit about guns or how to use them. I took three levels of both class and personal training when I got mine. IMHO, training should be mandated. At least a beginners class with range certification. It could be done in half a day and would no doubt save lives.

We don't agree that the average gun owner doesn't know shit about them or how to use them responsibly.
The average gun owner here has grown up with access to firearms practically all their life.

I started carrying a firearm unsupervised in the woods when I was 12.
You may think that is stupid ... And I am willing to agree that you may be too stupid or incompetent to handle that kind responsibility ... :thup:


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