Gun Owners of America plotting to assassinate U.S. President?

That is why the founders gave us second amendment remedies.....gotta keep the negroes in line
Why who needs to keep blacks in line? OH that's right the LBJ bunch.

He signed the Civil Rights act of 1964


Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years".

Your quote is unattributed

Please provide a credible source
Every stinking political assassin since Oswald has been a left wing nut case and every mass shooter in modern history has been a liberal democrat or a nut case protected by democrats or the offspring doped up by the establishment left wing education system.
John Wilkes Booth was a Democrat
That is why the founders gave us second amendment remedies.....gotta keep the negroes in line
Why who needs to keep blacks in line? OH that's right the LBJ bunch.

He signed the Civil Rights act of 1964
A republican bill. LBJ was as big a racist as there ever was in gov't. But you idiots on the left are too stupid to care.

The Civil Rights Bill of 1964 would have gotten nowhere without significant arm twisting by LBJ. And no, it was not a Republican Bill. Why don't you post some misleading North/South vote tallys now?
That is why the founders gave us second amendment remedies.....gotta keep the negroes in line
Why who needs to keep blacks in line? OH that's right the LBJ bunch.

He signed the Civil Rights act of 1964


Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years".

Your quote is unattributed

Please provide a credible source

Read LBJ's biography ... It is in there.
I suggest you read the whole thing so you can better understand the man. Lyndon B. Johnson Portrait of a President eBook Robert Dallek Kindle Store

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That is why the founders gave us second amendment remedies.....gotta keep the negroes in line
Why who needs to keep blacks in line? OH that's right the LBJ bunch.

He signed the Civil Rights act of 1964


Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years".

Your quote is unattributed

Please provide a credible source

Read LBJ's biography ... It is in there.
I suggest you read the whole thing so you can better understand the man. Lyndon B. Johnson Portrait of a President eBook Robert Dallek Kindle Store

He knows the quote is true, he's just having a hard time getting past the racism of the democratic party.
Let's hope the DOJ are on these wackos.

Oh my.

You progressives better go after this bastard first:

{ What country ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure. }

You can term him a counter-revolutionary, Comrade haznonuts.
Gun Extremist Larry Pratt Obama Is Anti-Gun Because We Might Just Want To Use Them To Keep People Like Him From Becoming Tyrants Blog Media Matters for America

Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt said in an interview that President Obama "clearly doesn't like the fact that the American people can own guns because we might just want to use them to keep people like him from becoming tyrants."

Pratt, who heads a gun rights group considered to the right of even the National Rifle Association, made the comment during a November 17 appearance on Newsmax TV's America's Forum. He also bragged that his group was responsible for the 2013 defeat of a U.S. Senate bill to expand background checks on gun sales.

The latest inflammatory remark from Pratt comes hours after the release of a video project by The American Independent Institute (TAII) and gun safety group Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) on the state of the gun lobby that discusses how media turn to Pratt for commentary on the gun issue, often while ignoring his lengthy history of extremism and past association with white supremacists.

Pratt's claim on America's Forum came during a discussion of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The purpose of the treaty is to prevent the transfer of arms to human rights abusers and it would have no impacton domestic gun laws. Nonetheless, GOA, the NRA, and conservative media often advance the conspiracy theory that the ATT will be used by international entities to register or even confiscate privately held guns in the United States.

Let's hope the DOJ are on these wackos.
We know one thing...

If he is assassinated, it will be by a gun owner
Yeah, the rabid RWs are just kidding.

Yeah right.


Yeah, that's not photo-shopped - we all know how honest you commies are,,,,
Gun Extremist Larry Pratt Obama Is Anti-Gun Because We Might Just Want To Use Them To Keep People Like Him From Becoming Tyrants Blog Media Matters for America

Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt said in an interview that President Obama "clearly doesn't like the fact that the American people can own guns because we might just want to use them to keep people like him from becoming tyrants."

Pratt, who heads a gun rights group considered to the right of even the National Rifle Association, made the comment during a November 17 appearance on Newsmax TV's America's Forum. He also bragged that his group was responsible for the 2013 defeat of a U.S. Senate bill to expand background checks on gun sales.

The latest inflammatory remark from Pratt comes hours after the release of a video project by The American Independent Institute (TAII) and gun safety group Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) on the state of the gun lobby that discusses how media turn to Pratt for commentary on the gun issue, often while ignoring his lengthy history of extremism and past association with white supremacists.

Pratt's claim on America's Forum came during a discussion of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The purpose of the treaty is to prevent the transfer of arms to human rights abusers and it would have no impacton domestic gun laws. Nonetheless, GOA, the NRA, and conservative media often advance the conspiracy theory that the ATT will be used by international entities to register or even confiscate privately held guns in the United States.

Let's hope the DOJ are on these wackos.
We know one thing...

If he is assassinated, it will be by a gun owner

Could easily be poison or a deliberate car crash.
Gun Extremist Larry Pratt Obama Is Anti-Gun Because We Might Just Want To Use Them To Keep People Like Him From Becoming Tyrants Blog Media Matters for America

Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt said in an interview that President Obama "clearly doesn't like the fact that the American people can own guns because we might just want to use them to keep people like him from becoming tyrants."

Pratt, who heads a gun rights group considered to the right of even the National Rifle Association, made the comment during a November 17 appearance on Newsmax TV's America's Forum. He also bragged that his group was responsible for the 2013 defeat of a U.S. Senate bill to expand background checks on gun sales.

The latest inflammatory remark from Pratt comes hours after the release of a video project by The American Independent Institute (TAII) and gun safety group Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) on the state of the gun lobby that discusses how media turn to Pratt for commentary on the gun issue, often while ignoring his lengthy history of extremism and past association with white supremacists.

Pratt's claim on America's Forum came during a discussion of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The purpose of the treaty is to prevent the transfer of arms to human rights abusers and it would have no impacton domestic gun laws. Nonetheless, GOA, the NRA, and conservative media often advance the conspiracy theory that the ATT will be used by international entities to register or even confiscate privately held guns in the United States.

Let's hope the DOJ are on these wackos.
We know one thing...

If he is assassinated, it will be by a gun owner

Could easily be poison or a deliberate car crash.
Famous gun owners

John Wilkes Booth
Lee Harvey Oswald
James Earl Ray
Sirhan Sirhan
John Hinkley
Famous gun owners

John Wilkes Booth
Lee Harvey Oswald
James Earl Ray
Sirhan Sirhan
John Hinkley

One can't help but think that if you had a point, you wouldn't have to lie through your fucking teeth.

Sirhan Sirhan, a foreign national with no legal right to have a gun.

John Hinkley, diagnosed mentally ill, no legal right to have a gun.

Comrade shitflinger - why did you laws not stop them? Do criminals not respect the law?
Famous gun owners

John Wilkes Booth
Lee Harvey Oswald
James Earl Ray
Sirhan Sirhan
John Hinkley

One can't help but think that if you had a point, you wouldn't have to lie through your fucking teeth.

Sirhan Sirhan, a foreign national with no legal right to have a gun.

John Hinkley, diagnosed mentally ill, no legal right to have a gun.

Comrade shitflinger - why did you laws not stop them? Do criminals not respect the law?
Of course they do
They need them for their second amendment remedies. The NRA would defend Hinkleys right to bear arms
Gun Extremist Larry Pratt Obama Is Anti-Gun Because We Might Just Want To Use Them To Keep People Like Him From Becoming Tyrants Blog Media Matters for America

Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt said in an interview that President Obama "clearly doesn't like the fact that the American people can own guns because we might just want to use them to keep people like him from becoming tyrants."

Pratt, who heads a gun rights group considered to the right of even the National Rifle Association, made the comment during a November 17 appearance on Newsmax TV's America's Forum. He also bragged that his group was responsible for the 2013 defeat of a U.S. Senate bill to expand background checks on gun sales.

The latest inflammatory remark from Pratt comes hours after the release of a video project by The American Independent Institute (TAII) and gun safety group Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) on the state of the gun lobby that discusses how media turn to Pratt for commentary on the gun issue, often while ignoring his lengthy history of extremism and past association with white supremacists.

Pratt's claim on America's Forum came during a discussion of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The purpose of the treaty is to prevent the transfer of arms to human rights abusers and it would have no impacton domestic gun laws. Nonetheless, GOA, the NRA, and conservative media often advance the conspiracy theory that the ATT will be used by international entities to register or even confiscate privately held guns in the United States.

Let's hope the DOJ are on these wackos.
you got assassination out of that?...
Gun owners are not happy with the elected party in power
What should they do?

Campaign to elect representatives who believe as they do
Resort to second amendment remedies
Gun owners are not happy with the elected party in power
What should they do?

Campaign to elect representatives who believe as they do
Resort to second amendment remedies
have they done it yet?.......most of the shit the more vocal of the "Gunners" throws out there is just bullshit and bluster....just making themselves feel better thinking they have control.....
Every stinking political assassin since Oswald has been a left wing nut case and every mass shooter in modern history has been a liberal democrat or a nut case protected by democrats or the offspring doped up by the establishment left wing education system.

What about Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph? They were a couple of right wing nutters.
I don't think Obama has to worry about anything unless he ticks off the extreme left. After all, every assassination in modern us history has been an extreme leftist
I don't think Obama has to worry about anything unless he ticks off the extreme left. After all, every assassination in modern us history has been an extreme leftist
They were all gun nuts
the type that the NRA defends

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