Gun Rights Are Favored Over Gun Control


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
For the first time in more than 20 years, Americans say it's more important to protect the right to own guns than it is to control gun ownership. While 46 percent prioritize gun control, 52 percent of Americans are more concerned about the right to own guns, the first time a majority has held that position since Pew started asking the question in 1993.

Gun Rights Are Favored Over Gun Control For First Time In 20 Years Poll Finds

One in three people in the U.S. know someone who has been shot. On average, 32 Americans are murdered with guns every day. Let's protect this right, ok.
Not good for the constitution hating, anti second amendment, gunphobic whack jobs. The support for gun rights has hit an all time high in the last two decades, with growing support among black Americans. So this should put any politician that thinks pushing for more gun controls laws is a good thing on notice, if you want to keep your job, forget about it.

Support for gun rights at highest point in two decades - Washington Times
That's stupid, because no one wants to protect the right to murder anyone. It's already illegal, remember?
That's stupid, because no one wants to protect the right to murder anyone. It's already illegal, remember?
That is an absolutely ASININE statement. Let me guess... you're a progtard...
In light of today's civil unrest and our President's flame-fanning I can certainly empathize with a middle-class, taxpaying public that watches the headline news. A person would be idiotic NOT to buy a gun in today's civil uncertainty.
As women and minorities realize the importance of their 2nd amendment right, this number will increase....even new, illegal, legal immigrants might realize that coming from Mexico...where the people are disarmed while the government and cartels murder them...having privately owned guns will be a good thing....

This is good news for freedom....
I don't want to own a gun, I just don't want a potential assailant to be sure that I don't have one.
As women and minorities realize the importance of their 2nd amendment right, this number will increase....even new, illegal, legal immigrants might realize that coming from Mexico...where the people are disarmed while the government and cartels murder them...having privately owned guns will be a good thing....

This is good news for freedom....
True, but I believe that logical, sane people know... "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun," and since that's a constitutional right in America, and with the major level of recent violent rioting, looting and burning crap that's going on, people want to protect their second amendment rights.
For the first time in more than 20 years, Americans say it's more important to protect the right to own guns than it is to control gun ownership.
Why is that?
-Rational people realize that guns in the hands of the law abiding is not an issue.
-Rational people realize that it is impossible to pass a law that will prevent criminals from breaking the law.
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I don't want to own a gun, I just don't want a potential assailant to be sure that I don't have one.

Thats a foolish notion....
I'm certainly glad I didnt think that way back when the wife and I had just married.
Stopped a home invasion in it's tracks.
I don't want to own a gun, I just don't want a potential assailant to be sure that I don't have one.

I think you ought to put a "Gun Free Zone" sign on your front door. That way ... a criminal with a gun will simply walk past your home and go to the one where guns are welcome. :ack-1:
I don't want to own a gun, I just don't want a potential assailant to be sure that I don't have one.
Thats a foolish notion....
I'm certainly glad I didnt think that way back when the wife and I had just married.
Stopped a home invasion in it's tracks.
How dare you!

Yeah.....I was racked with guilt afterwords.
I mean after I stopped laughing so hard I was crying. Those fools were falling all over themselves trying to jump back in their supposedly broken down car. It appeared to be running fine as they were hauling ass down my street must have been one of those intermittent problems.
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Pcgreen, I think you are a pro gun person.....

there are only 8-9000 gun murders a year in a country of 310 million people with over 310 million guns in private hands.....of those 310 million guns, 1.6 million are used, on average, each year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives....

Pcgreen...which number is bigger and better...8-9,000 gun murders.....or 1.6 violent criminal attacks stopped and lives saved.....each year....?
I don't want to own a gun, I just don't want a potential assailant to be sure that I don't have one.

Thats a foolish notion....
I'm certainly glad I didnt think that way back when the wife and I had just married.
Stopped a home invasion in it's tracks.

Good for you. I have a choice whether I want to have a gun in the house or not. Personally, I don't want one, but I'm glad that my neighbor can. I wish that anti-gun activists had the courage of their convictions and would post signs in their yards proclaiming their houses proudly gun-free.
I don't want to own a gun, I just don't want a potential assailant to be sure that I don't have one.

I think you ought to put a "Gun Free Zone" sign on your front door. That way ... a criminal with a gun will simply walk past your home and go to the one where guns are welcome. :ack-1:

That would be stupid. Note that my desire to not own a gun is unique to myself alone. If my neighbor wants one, let him have one. What's hard to understand about that?
Pcgreen, I think you are a pro gun person.....

there are only 8-9000 gun murders a year in a country of 310 million people with over 310 million guns in private hands.....of those 310 million guns, 1.6 million are used, on average, each year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives....

Pcgreen...which number is bigger and better...8-9,000 gun murders.....or 1.6 violent criminal attacks stopped and lives saved.....each year....?

Numbers don't matter. The only thing that matters is how you feel about guns. If you think they're icky, the law needs to forbid anyone from owning one.
I don't want to own a gun, I just don't want a potential assailant to be sure that I don't have one.

Thats a foolish notion....
I'm certainly glad I didnt think that way back when the wife and I had just married.
Stopped a home invasion in it's tracks.

Good for you. I have a choice whether I want to have a gun in the house or not. Personally, I don't want one, but I'm glad that my neighbor can. I wish that anti-gun activists had the courage of their convictions and would post signs in their yards proclaiming their houses proudly gun-free.

I'm just saying you're making the wrong choice...and it could possibly bite you in the ass at a later date.
That's what the anti gunners always miss....I don't really care if you want a gun or don't want a gun....the choice is yours....but don't screw around with my rights....
That the percentages are that close is nothing to be proud only proves that nearly half of our population are clueless sheeple who deserve the totalitarian government they want.

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