Gun shop shooting.

I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that.
What do you think this proves?

Means I don't have to own guns to live freely, comfortably and not scared like you. You have to armed yourself to the teeth because you are so scared a maggot will come and get you.
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that.
What do you think this proves?
Means I don't have to own guns to live freely, comfortably and not scared like you. You have to armed yourself to the teeth because you are so scared a maggot will come and get you.
Why should people not be scared of being a victim violent crime?
re: Kleck

You know you got shit studies when you have to go back to the original author of the study to refute criticism.

What did you think Kleck was gonna do dude? Say oh yea, I was little off on my numbers.

Especially when YOU are not using the original numbers Kleck came up with.

What was that number? Oh I know, around 2.5 million.
You backed it down to 1.5 million.
If the Kleck study is your bible, why do you not use the original number?

Cause it was wrong. Which puts doubt on the entire survey.

Post some of the critical surveys and let people compare methodolgy and results and compare them in their own mind.

Problem you got dude is that people know many people who own guns. And none of then have ever had to use them to stop crime.

At a million five a year, in 10 years you got 15 million different people stoppin crime.

Which means everyone should know SOMEONE who used their gun in the manner Kleck says we do.

the study was bullshit with a gunner agenda.

I dont contest that some crime is stopped by gun owners. thats why I have guns. Which I have never had to use to stop crime in over 50 years.

the 1.5 million per year is bullshit though.
re: Kleck

You know you got shit studies when you have to go back to the original author of the study to refute criticism.

What did you think Kleck was gonna do dude? Say oh yea, I was little off on my numbers.

Especially when YOU are not using the original numbers Kleck came up with.

What was that number? Oh I know, around 2.5 million.
You backed it down to 1.5 million.
If the Kleck study is your bible, why do you not use the original number?

Cause it was wrong. Which puts doubt on the entire survey.

Post some of the critical surveys and let people compare methodolgy and results and compare them in their own mind.

Problem you got dude is that people know many people who own guns. And none of then have ever had to use them to stop crime.

At a million five a year, in 10 years you got 15 million different people stoppin crime.

Which means everyone should know SOMEONE who used their gun in the manner Kleck says we do.

the study was bullshit with a gunner agenda.

I dont contest that some crime is stopped by gun owners. thats why I have guns. Which I have never had to use to stop crime in over 50 years.

the 1.5 million per year is bullshit though.
What is preventing a lot of violent crimes is the fear among potential violent criminals that the intended victim 'might' be carrying.
I can prove it. Stick a 'NRA' sign on 200 front lawns. Then stick 200 'This is a gun Free Home' sign on front lawns in an area somewhere else but nearby.
Or get 200 people to wear NRA T-shirts and 200 people to wear 'This is a gun free zone' T-shirt. Have them walk around downtown Chicago for a few days.
Watch what happens.
I have proven the point!
The guys in Chicago who use guns to murder over 25 dollars are not allowed to own guns or carry them…..but they do it anyway because they need them to murder other people…… is the people who don't use guns to commit crimes that have a hard time getting guns and carrying them….

That is the child like logic of anti gunners...

And I told you repeatedly.... I am a law abiding citizen and I can go to a gun shop store or at gun show and I can buy gun as many as I want. No problem...... So why keep repeating people will have hard time arming themselves?

Can you go to a gun store inside Chicago city limits?

Can you get a concealed carry permit in New York?

New Jersey?


And how much do you have to pay, and how long do you have to wait… exercise a Right….? You know, the democrats used Poll Taxes and literacy tests to keep blacks from voting, another fundamental Right…….any test, tax or fee on owning or carrying a gun is a violation of that Right.

According to you guns saves lives.... So if I have to go through this then it should not be a problem. What is the big deal?
The streets are flooded with guns because of gun nutters that supports guns. Now your goal is to drowned the public with more guns....... available like soda machine like every malls so you make more money. I know exactly how you are going to answer.... Sell it every liquor store. Do you even care about anything at all?
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that.
Who cares what you're comfortable with? The nuts are the people committing murder, not the major of gun owners. You're more likely to be taken out by a drunk driver and will have little defense. I will have some defense if attacked by a thug with a gun.

Am I talking to you?
You're posting on a public forum, not private emails. Somebody check his pulse.
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that.
What do you think this proves?

Means I don't have to own guns to live freely, comfortably and not scared like you. You have to armed yourself to the teeth because you are so scared a maggot will come and get you.
That's a childish viewpoint. You're scared of guns, we get it. But transferring your fear onto others only helps you cope, it doesn't actually mean anything to somebody else.
The guys in Chicago who use guns to murder over 25 dollars are not allowed to own guns or carry them…..but they do it anyway because they need them to murder other people…… is the people who don't use guns to commit crimes that have a hard time getting guns and carrying them….

That is the child like logic of anti gunners...

And I told you repeatedly.... I am a law abiding citizen and I can go to a gun shop store or at gun show and I can buy gun as many as I want. No problem...... So why keep repeating people will have hard time arming themselves?

Can you go to a gun store inside Chicago city limits?

Can you get a concealed carry permit in New York?

New Jersey?


And how much do you have to pay, and how long do you have to wait… exercise a Right….? You know, the democrats used Poll Taxes and literacy tests to keep blacks from voting, another fundamental Right…….any test, tax or fee on owning or carrying a gun is a violation of that Right.

According to you guns saves lives.... So if I have to go through this then it should not be a problem. What is the big deal?
The streets are flooded with guns because of gun nutters that supports guns. Now your goal is to drowned the public with more guns....... available like soda machine like every malls so you make more money. I know exactly how you are going to answer.... Sell it every liquor store. Do you even care about anything at all?
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that. is a problem because self defense and gun ownership are a Right, not something that can be denied by an anti gun law enforcement official......the woman stabbed to death on her driveway in New Jersey was waiting to get her concealed carry permit and was unable to get it immediately because they were screwing around with her.....dittos the woman at the gun store I go to....I was leaving the range when my instructor said they had a woman in the store whose boyfriend said he was going to kill her....they were trying to help her get through the training requirements and paperwork..........

The democrats tried to deny Blacks their Right to vote using Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests....this is no different. When you put blocks on the exercise of a Right you are committing a crime...and it needs to stop.

This woman that you portrayed it happened that she get mugged while waiting for permit. Darn.......... What a coincidence.
Guy... You can give me all the explanation you want but your only goal is to drowned the public with more guns.......... And you are against any kind of restrictions that way it's easier for you to sell guns. That's your bottom line.

Wow…you are dumb. My point to all my posting is that people have a right to defend themselves and that guns are the best way to achieve that. I don't care if someone does not want to carry a gun or own one….I care that they have the ability to make that choice and that nuts like you can't prevent them from protecting themselves and their families. The proposals to stop gun crime made by those of us on the pro self defense side actually work….everything you guys want simply makes it harder for normal people to get guns….and does absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns……..

You guys are the ones focusing on the wrong point…….normal gun owners…we are focusing on the actual criminals……you want gun free zones knowing full well they haven't stopped one mass shooting…and have increased the number of dead at each shooting….

You guys fight gun safety education in public schools, knowing that that is the best way to prevent accidents with guns with children……

Everything you guys want leads to more death, and more tragedy…then you blame us….twit.
The guys in Chicago who use guns to murder over 25 dollars are not allowed to own guns or carry them…..but they do it anyway because they need them to murder other people…… is the people who don't use guns to commit crimes that have a hard time getting guns and carrying them….

That is the child like logic of anti gunners...

And I told you repeatedly.... I am a law abiding citizen and I can go to a gun shop store or at gun show and I can buy gun as many as I want. No problem...... So why keep repeating people will have hard time arming themselves?

Can you go to a gun store inside Chicago city limits?

Can you get a concealed carry permit in New York?

New Jersey?


And how much do you have to pay, and how long do you have to wait… exercise a Right….? You know, the democrats used Poll Taxes and literacy tests to keep blacks from voting, another fundamental Right…….any test, tax or fee on owning or carrying a gun is a violation of that Right.

According to you guns saves lives.... So if I have to go through this then it should not be a problem. What is the big deal?
The streets are flooded with guns because of gun nutters that supports guns. Now your goal is to drowned the public with more guns....... available like soda machine like every malls so you make more money. I know exactly how you are going to answer.... Sell it every liquor store. Do you even care about anything at all?
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that. is a problem because self defense and gun ownership are a Right, not something that can be denied by an anti gun law enforcement official......the woman stabbed to death on her driveway in New Jersey was waiting to get her concealed carry permit and was unable to get it immediately because they were screwing around with her.....dittos the woman at the gun store I go to....I was leaving the range when my instructor said they had a woman in the store whose boyfriend said he was going to kill her....they were trying to help her get through the training requirements and paperwork..........

The democrats tried to deny Blacks their Right to vote using Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests....this is no different. When you put blocks on the exercise of a Right you are committing a crime...and it needs to stop.

This woman that you portrayed it happened that she get mugged while waiting for permit. Darn.......... What a coincidence.
Guy... You can give me all the explanation you want but your only goal is to drowned the public with more guns.......... And you are against any kind of restrictions that way it's easier for you to sell guns. That's your bottom line.

Not mugged twit…..murdered by her stronger, more aggressive male partner, who didn't have to wait months to get the permit for the blade he used to murder her……she was waiting months for that permit……her Right to own a gun for self defense…….and she was murdered because of people like you.
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that.
What do you think this proves?

Means I don't have to own guns to live freely, comfortably and not scared like you. You have to armed yourself to the teeth because you are so scared a maggot will come and get you.
That's a childish viewpoint. You're scared of guns, we get it. But transferring your fear onto others only helps you cope, it doesn't actually mean anything to somebody else.

I'll let you know when you are qualified to talk to me....
re: Kleck

You know you got shit studies when you have to go back to the original author of the study to refute criticism.

What did you think Kleck was gonna do dude? Say oh yea, I was little off on my numbers.

Especially when YOU are not using the original numbers Kleck came up with.

What was that number? Oh I know, around 2.5 million.
You backed it down to 1.5 million.
If the Kleck study is your bible, why do you not use the original number?

Cause it was wrong. Which puts doubt on the entire survey.

Post some of the critical surveys and let people compare methodolgy and results and compare them in their own mind.

Problem you got dude is that people know many people who own guns. And none of then have ever had to use them to stop crime.

At a million five a year, in 10 years you got 15 million different people stoppin crime.

Which means everyone should know SOMEONE who used their gun in the manner Kleck says we do.

the study was bullshit with a gunner agenda.

I dont contest that some crime is stopped by gun owners. thats why I have guns. Which I have never had to use to stop crime in over 50 years.

the 1.5 million per year is bullshit though.

Okay…I get it….you are a dumb person…..Kleck has been through this, and there have people not involved in the research who have looked at his work…..and said his is an accurate use of the research methods……and again…you are a dumb person…I have posted 40 years of studies….Kleck's is just one that puts it that high, clinton and obama…gun grabbers extreme, have put out numbers just as high………try to do some research, here, I'll help….

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000.




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..


If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
And I told you repeatedly.... I am a law abiding citizen and I can go to a gun shop store or at gun show and I can buy gun as many as I want. No problem...... So why keep repeating people will have hard time arming themselves?

Can you go to a gun store inside Chicago city limits?

Can you get a concealed carry permit in New York?

New Jersey?


And how much do you have to pay, and how long do you have to wait… exercise a Right….? You know, the democrats used Poll Taxes and literacy tests to keep blacks from voting, another fundamental Right…….any test, tax or fee on owning or carrying a gun is a violation of that Right.

According to you guns saves lives.... So if I have to go through this then it should not be a problem. What is the big deal?
The streets are flooded with guns because of gun nutters that supports guns. Now your goal is to drowned the public with more guns....... available like soda machine like every malls so you make more money. I know exactly how you are going to answer.... Sell it every liquor store. Do you even care about anything at all?
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that. is a problem because self defense and gun ownership are a Right, not something that can be denied by an anti gun law enforcement official......the woman stabbed to death on her driveway in New Jersey was waiting to get her concealed carry permit and was unable to get it immediately because they were screwing around with her.....dittos the woman at the gun store I go to....I was leaving the range when my instructor said they had a woman in the store whose boyfriend said he was going to kill her....they were trying to help her get through the training requirements and paperwork..........

The democrats tried to deny Blacks their Right to vote using Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests....this is no different. When you put blocks on the exercise of a Right you are committing a crime...and it needs to stop.

This woman that you portrayed it happened that she get mugged while waiting for permit. Darn.......... What a coincidence.
Guy... You can give me all the explanation you want but your only goal is to drowned the public with more guns.......... And you are against any kind of restrictions that way it's easier for you to sell guns. That's your bottom line.

Wow…you are dumb. My point to all my posting is that people have a right to defend themselves and that guns are the best way to achieve that. I don't care if someone does not want to carry a gun or own one….I care that they have the ability to make that choice and that nuts like you can't prevent them from protecting themselves and their families. The proposals to stop gun crime made by those of us on the pro self defense side actually work….everything you guys want simply makes it harder for normal people to get guns….and does absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns……..

You guys are the ones focusing on the wrong point…….normal gun owners…we are focusing on the actual criminals……you want gun free zones knowing full well they haven't stopped one mass shooting…and have increased the number of dead at each shooting….

You guys fight gun safety education in public schools, knowing that that is the best way to prevent accidents with guns with children……

Everything you guys want leads to more death, and more tragedy…then you blame us….twit.

Look MORON.... I am not advocating people stop defending themselves or their rights to own a gun..... However your point of drowning the public with more guns because YOU want to make more money. You want all people to buy guns like cigarettes. That is fucking irresponsible and idiotic on you part TWIT.
You talk too much I stop reading your worthless comments after 4 sentences.
re: Kleck

You know you got shit studies when you have to go back to the original author of the study to refute criticism.

What did you think Kleck was gonna do dude? Say oh yea, I was little off on my numbers.

Especially when YOU are not using the original numbers Kleck came up with.

What was that number? Oh I know, around 2.5 million.
You backed it down to 1.5 million.
If the Kleck study is your bible, why do you not use the original number?

Cause it was wrong. Which puts doubt on the entire survey.

Post some of the critical surveys and let people compare methodolgy and results and compare them in their own mind.

Problem you got dude is that people know many people who own guns. And none of then have ever had to use them to stop crime.

At a million five a year, in 10 years you got 15 million different people stoppin crime.

Which means everyone should know SOMEONE who used their gun in the manner Kleck says we do.

the study was bullshit with a gunner agenda.

I dont contest that some crime is stopped by gun owners. thats why I have guns. Which I have never had to use to stop crime in over 50 years.

the 1.5 million per year is bullshit though.

And again…you are dumb….the 1.5 million number isn't even Kleck's….twit. Try to pay attention…the 1.5 million number comes from a study, done to refute Kleck's work, where they created their own study and used their own methods…..and came up with 1.5 million… please…..before you post…read what has been posted, do some actual research and try to understand what you are reading……..
Can you go to a gun store inside Chicago city limits?

Can you get a concealed carry permit in New York?

New Jersey?


And how much do you have to pay, and how long do you have to wait… exercise a Right….? You know, the democrats used Poll Taxes and literacy tests to keep blacks from voting, another fundamental Right…….any test, tax or fee on owning or carrying a gun is a violation of that Right.

According to you guns saves lives.... So if I have to go through this then it should not be a problem. What is the big deal?
The streets are flooded with guns because of gun nutters that supports guns. Now your goal is to drowned the public with more guns....... available like soda machine like every malls so you make more money. I know exactly how you are going to answer.... Sell it every liquor store. Do you even care about anything at all?
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that. is a problem because self defense and gun ownership are a Right, not something that can be denied by an anti gun law enforcement official......the woman stabbed to death on her driveway in New Jersey was waiting to get her concealed carry permit and was unable to get it immediately because they were screwing around with her.....dittos the woman at the gun store I go to....I was leaving the range when my instructor said they had a woman in the store whose boyfriend said he was going to kill her....they were trying to help her get through the training requirements and paperwork..........

The democrats tried to deny Blacks their Right to vote using Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests....this is no different. When you put blocks on the exercise of a Right you are committing a crime...and it needs to stop.

This woman that you portrayed it happened that she get mugged while waiting for permit. Darn.......... What a coincidence.
Guy... You can give me all the explanation you want but your only goal is to drowned the public with more guns.......... And you are against any kind of restrictions that way it's easier for you to sell guns. That's your bottom line.

Wow…you are dumb. My point to all my posting is that people have a right to defend themselves and that guns are the best way to achieve that. I don't care if someone does not want to carry a gun or own one….I care that they have the ability to make that choice and that nuts like you can't prevent them from protecting themselves and their families. The proposals to stop gun crime made by those of us on the pro self defense side actually work….everything you guys want simply makes it harder for normal people to get guns….and does absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns……..

You guys are the ones focusing on the wrong point…….normal gun owners…we are focusing on the actual criminals……you want gun free zones knowing full well they haven't stopped one mass shooting…and have increased the number of dead at each shooting….

You guys fight gun safety education in public schools, knowing that that is the best way to prevent accidents with guns with children……

Everything you guys want leads to more death, and more tragedy…then you blame us….twit.

Look MORON.... I am not advocating people stop defending themselves or their rights to own a gun..... However your point of drowning the public with more guns because YOU want to make more money. You want all people to buy guns like cigarettes. That is fucking irresponsible and idiotic on you part TWIT.
You talk too much I stop reading your worthless comments after 4 sentences.

What is is with you lefty twits…….when you can't win the argument you accuse the other side of being racists…or just out to make money…….that is old and used up…try something new……..
And I told you repeatedly.... I am a law abiding citizen and I can go to a gun shop store or at gun show and I can buy gun as many as I want. No problem...... So why keep repeating people will have hard time arming themselves?

Can you go to a gun store inside Chicago city limits?

Can you get a concealed carry permit in New York?

New Jersey?


And how much do you have to pay, and how long do you have to wait… exercise a Right….? You know, the democrats used Poll Taxes and literacy tests to keep blacks from voting, another fundamental Right…….any test, tax or fee on owning or carrying a gun is a violation of that Right.

According to you guns saves lives.... So if I have to go through this then it should not be a problem. What is the big deal?
The streets are flooded with guns because of gun nutters that supports guns. Now your goal is to drowned the public with more guns....... available like soda machine like every malls so you make more money. I know exactly how you are going to answer.... Sell it every liquor store. Do you even care about anything at all?
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that. is a problem because self defense and gun ownership are a Right, not something that can be denied by an anti gun law enforcement official......the woman stabbed to death on her driveway in New Jersey was waiting to get her concealed carry permit and was unable to get it immediately because they were screwing around with her.....dittos the woman at the gun store I go to....I was leaving the range when my instructor said they had a woman in the store whose boyfriend said he was going to kill her....they were trying to help her get through the training requirements and paperwork..........

The democrats tried to deny Blacks their Right to vote using Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests....this is no different. When you put blocks on the exercise of a Right you are committing a crime...and it needs to stop.

This woman that you portrayed it happened that she get mugged while waiting for permit. Darn.......... What a coincidence.
Guy... You can give me all the explanation you want but your only goal is to drowned the public with more guns.......... And you are against any kind of restrictions that way it's easier for you to sell guns. That's your bottom line.

Not mugged twit…..murdered by her stronger, more aggressive male partner, who didn't have to wait months to get the permit for the blade he used to murder her……she was waiting months for that permit……her Right to own a gun for self defense…….and she was murdered because of people like you.

You use this kind of propaganda to scare people. So you can sell more guns.... Period.
What is is with you lefty twits…….when you can't win the argument you accuse the other side of being racists…or just out to make money…….that is old and used up…try something new……..
It's all they got left; lies compounded by more lies.
According to you guns saves lives.... So if I have to go through this then it should not be a problem. What is the big deal?
The streets are flooded with guns because of gun nutters that supports guns. Now your goal is to drowned the public with more guns....... available like soda machine like every malls so you make more money. I know exactly how you are going to answer.... Sell it every liquor store. Do you even care about anything at all?
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that. is a problem because self defense and gun ownership are a Right, not something that can be denied by an anti gun law enforcement official......the woman stabbed to death on her driveway in New Jersey was waiting to get her concealed carry permit and was unable to get it immediately because they were screwing around with her.....dittos the woman at the gun store I go to....I was leaving the range when my instructor said they had a woman in the store whose boyfriend said he was going to kill her....they were trying to help her get through the training requirements and paperwork..........

The democrats tried to deny Blacks their Right to vote using Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests....this is no different. When you put blocks on the exercise of a Right you are committing a crime...and it needs to stop.

This woman that you portrayed it happened that she get mugged while waiting for permit. Darn.......... What a coincidence.
Guy... You can give me all the explanation you want but your only goal is to drowned the public with more guns.......... And you are against any kind of restrictions that way it's easier for you to sell guns. That's your bottom line.

Wow…you are dumb. My point to all my posting is that people have a right to defend themselves and that guns are the best way to achieve that. I don't care if someone does not want to carry a gun or own one….I care that they have the ability to make that choice and that nuts like you can't prevent them from protecting themselves and their families. The proposals to stop gun crime made by those of us on the pro self defense side actually work….everything you guys want simply makes it harder for normal people to get guns….and does absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns……..

You guys are the ones focusing on the wrong point…….normal gun owners…we are focusing on the actual criminals……you want gun free zones knowing full well they haven't stopped one mass shooting…and have increased the number of dead at each shooting….

You guys fight gun safety education in public schools, knowing that that is the best way to prevent accidents with guns with children……

Everything you guys want leads to more death, and more tragedy…then you blame us….twit.

Look MORON.... I am not advocating people stop defending themselves or their rights to own a gun..... However your point of drowning the public with more guns because YOU want to make more money. You want all people to buy guns like cigarettes. That is fucking irresponsible and idiotic on you part TWIT.
You talk too much I stop reading your worthless comments after 4 sentences.

What is is with you lefty twits…….when you can't win the argument you accuse the other side of being racists…or just out to make money…….that is old and used up…try something new……..

Well dude try something new... I have been talking to you since I joined this board 10 months ago........ And you have been using the same old agenda.... Sell more guns so you can make more money. Give me something new and I will give you something new.
What is is with you lefty twits…….when you can't win the argument you accuse the other side of being racists…or just out to make money…….that is old and used up…try something new……..
It's all they got left; lies compounded by more lies.
Who are you again ventriloquist? Write something that you can earn credibility.
Can you go to a gun store inside Chicago city limits?

Can you get a concealed carry permit in New York?

New Jersey?


And how much do you have to pay, and how long do you have to wait… exercise a Right….? You know, the democrats used Poll Taxes and literacy tests to keep blacks from voting, another fundamental Right…….any test, tax or fee on owning or carrying a gun is a violation of that Right.

According to you guns saves lives.... So if I have to go through this then it should not be a problem. What is the big deal?
The streets are flooded with guns because of gun nutters that supports guns. Now your goal is to drowned the public with more guns....... available like soda machine like every malls so you make more money. I know exactly how you are going to answer.... Sell it every liquor store. Do you even care about anything at all?
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that. is a problem because self defense and gun ownership are a Right, not something that can be denied by an anti gun law enforcement official......the woman stabbed to death on her driveway in New Jersey was waiting to get her concealed carry permit and was unable to get it immediately because they were screwing around with her.....dittos the woman at the gun store I go to....I was leaving the range when my instructor said they had a woman in the store whose boyfriend said he was going to kill her....they were trying to help her get through the training requirements and paperwork..........

The democrats tried to deny Blacks their Right to vote using Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests....this is no different. When you put blocks on the exercise of a Right you are committing a crime...and it needs to stop.

This woman that you portrayed it happened that she get mugged while waiting for permit. Darn.......... What a coincidence.
Guy... You can give me all the explanation you want but your only goal is to drowned the public with more guns.......... And you are against any kind of restrictions that way it's easier for you to sell guns. That's your bottom line.

Not mugged twit…..murdered by her stronger, more aggressive male partner, who didn't have to wait months to get the permit for the blade he used to murder her……she was waiting months for that permit……her Right to own a gun for self defense…….and she was murdered because of people like you.

You use this kind of propaganda to scare people. So you can sell more guns.... Period.

Yes…in your child like brain the truth, facts and realty are propaganda….while your actual propaganda is the truth….got it.
According to you guns saves lives.... So if I have to go through this then it should not be a problem. What is the big deal?
The streets are flooded with guns because of gun nutters that supports guns. Now your goal is to drowned the public with more guns....... available like soda machine like every malls so you make more money. I know exactly how you are going to answer.... Sell it every liquor store. Do you even care about anything at all?
I don't close or lock my gates and I feel safe. Keys to my boat is always on the dash board.....I don't have a gun under my bed or my pillow and I'm comfortable with that. is a problem because self defense and gun ownership are a Right, not something that can be denied by an anti gun law enforcement official......the woman stabbed to death on her driveway in New Jersey was waiting to get her concealed carry permit and was unable to get it immediately because they were screwing around with her.....dittos the woman at the gun store I go to....I was leaving the range when my instructor said they had a woman in the store whose boyfriend said he was going to kill her....they were trying to help her get through the training requirements and paperwork..........

The democrats tried to deny Blacks their Right to vote using Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests....this is no different. When you put blocks on the exercise of a Right you are committing a crime...and it needs to stop.

This woman that you portrayed it happened that she get mugged while waiting for permit. Darn.......... What a coincidence.
Guy... You can give me all the explanation you want but your only goal is to drowned the public with more guns.......... And you are against any kind of restrictions that way it's easier for you to sell guns. That's your bottom line.

Not mugged twit…..murdered by her stronger, more aggressive male partner, who didn't have to wait months to get the permit for the blade he used to murder her……she was waiting months for that permit……her Right to own a gun for self defense…….and she was murdered because of people like you.

You use this kind of propaganda to scare people. So you can sell more guns.... Period.

Yes…in your child like brain the truth, facts and realty are propaganda….while your actual propaganda is the truth….got it.

I will pray for you Guy.

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