Gun Show Loophole

Rittenhouse, while IMO he had no business being there was shown in a court of law to be self defense. Not applicable.
Yes, very much applicable. That's why he was concvicted of a crime. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Fuck that. New charge: illegal purchase of a gun for a minor. 20 years.
I'm interested in the 'Strict Liability' argument. With a required insurance policy covering it.

Meaning, if you are the owner of record of a firearm then a portion of any harm caused by that gun falls on the owner of record.
"Who owns the gun?".....need be among the first questions asked in a gun-violence incident. And that 'owner' automatically has a share of the liability.

Yes, that means if your 17yr old takes the gun from your bedside nightstand and shoots his football rival.....YOU are liable to a degree determined by statute or jury. Same goes, if some vandal steals it from under your pick-up seat while you stop for a brewski.

It also means every friggin' gun in America has an owner-of-record. And that OOR is on the hook for the harm that gun may cause.

In that proposal, we would expect gun ownership to be elevated to a much higher level of responsibility than it currently is. Meaning, folks will go to greater lengths to secure their weapons, and it means that private enterprise insurance companies will apply their for-profit standards on who they insure and who they won't...and at what cost.

Owning a gun has responsibilities.....and those responsibilities come with societal costs. And personal liability.
Every place in your post that uses the word "gun"--replace "gun" with "pressure cooker" Does that make sense to you. Anything can and has been lethal when used by a determined murderer. Why should a responsible gun owner be subject to any other law than a responsible pressure cooker owner would be, recalling the Boston Marathon bombing.
I'm not convinced of that at all.
A lot of people care about America's epidemic of gun-violence and the fear it engenders among our young students and their parents.
Prior to the 60's that was not at all the case

The effect may be more insidious, corrosive, and far reaching than what the gun manufacturers, the NRA, and the uber-gun owners want to believe.
That better describes liberalism and its hollywood/media/education henchmen
Every place in your post that uses the word "gun"--replace "gun" with "pressure cooker" Does that make sense to you. Anything can and has been lethal when used by a determined murderer. Why should a responsible gun owner be subject to any other law than a responsible pressure cooker owner would be, recalling the Boston Marathon bombing.
Gee, I wonder why we aren't seeing a bunch of mass pressure cooker killings?

GUTLESS COWARD. I bet when strangers knock on your door or walk your way, you cower in fear. Run my bitch because you haven't the nerve to stand behind your own assertions. I get that.

You aren't even able to comprehend what I've asserted.
Those that are deterred are already deterred. He knew he wasn't likely going to be alive at the end of the day to face any worldly punishment.
If we spent some of the 40 billion we sent to Ukraine in hardening our own schools, 'he' would be deterred. These assholes are cowards. That's why they choose defenseless children.
If we spent some of the 40 billion we sent to Ukraine in hardening our own schools, 'he' would be deterred. These assholes are cowards. That's why they choose defenseless children.

Would it have been better if he shot them on the playground or as they got on or off a bus? How about at the mall?
Would it have been better if he shot them on the playground or as they got on or off a bus? How about at the mall?
Yeah, lets not protect children inside the school because of your imagination. That's pretty sick.

Universal background checks won’t stop private intrastate gun transactions between residents of the same state from buying and selling guns.

No one is trying to ‘stop’ anyone from buying or selling guns.

Then I have no idea what you are claiming I was wrong about.
Avoid the point if you wish. I expect no less.
YOU are the one avoiding the point by moving the goalposts. BTW you know how this guy was stopped? Good people with GUNS. If there was armed security in that school this tragedy could have been prevented but, you don't give a shit, you just want to argue your bullshit.
YOU are the one avoiding the point by moving the goalposts. BTW you know how this guy was stopped? Good people with GUNS. If there was armed security in that school this tragedy could have been prevented but, you don't give a shit, you just want to argue your bullshit.

There was armed security at the Parkland shooting. He ran. Armed security dies along with everyone else if the person decides to go the Timothy McVeigh route. Their intent is to kill. If they believe one avenue will not result in many dead they will simply turn to another.

Arm yourself for all I care. The idea shouldn't be 8 dead as opposed to 14 dead. It should be no dead.
There was armed security at the Parkland shooting. He ran. Armed security dies along with everyone else if the person decides to go the Timothy McVeigh route. Their intent to kill. If they believe one avenue will not result in many dead they will simply turn to another.

Arm yourself for all I care. The idea shouldn't be 8 dead as opposed to 14 dead. It should be no dead.
After Parkland, policies were put in place that law enforcement should always go in. I agree, there should be 'no dead.' We need to establish one-point entry into our schools and have armed security.
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