Gunman kills self after deadly shooting in Australia

Dumb fucking argument...

Homicides by firearms, 2010-2012

Australia .......... 69
U.S. ........... 26,382

U.S. population approximately 13.5 times larger.

Actually, it is only 8,124 gun murders...the only ones that actually apply to this discussion.....

And isn't the number but the reason Australian criminals...who get guns just like American criminals do......why do American thugs pull the trigger and commit murder more.

As was shown...we have 357,000,000 guns in this country...less than 8,124 were used to commit murder...

if gun access was what caused gun murder then you would have to have well over half the guns in the country used for murder......

8,124 out of 357,000,000 is nothing.....and of the 8,124 gun murders, the majority of them are violent criminals murdering other criminals...

And they kill each other in tiny areas of our major cities which are controlled by democrats.

The rest of the gun owning country is safe by the same standard as Europe and Australia.....

Australian criminals simply don't commit murder...

But that is changing......
Comparing apples to apples ...

69 homicides by firearms in Australia (the equivalent of 932 based on the size of the U.S. in comparison) over the 3 year period of 2010-2012.

One has to be dumber than shit to imply Australians are not safe from being killed by a firearm because one person was killed by one.

And for comparison purposes, over that same period, there were 26,382 homicides by firearm in the U.S.

Well...dumber than shit....that isn't what I am saying......try paying closer point is that criminals in Australia have easy access to guns....the stories I post show that even 15 year old immigrants to Australia and even older immigrants, get guns easily.

The difference between the United States and Australia is that the criminals in Australia do not commit murder as often, even though they have easy access to guns...

And the only reason they haven't had more mass shootings since the confiscation is that the shooters in various shootings have not decided to murder more people.

There were very few mass shootings in Australia before the confiscation...and now there are the same number after the confiscation.....and gun crime was not a major problem in Australia before the gun confiscation...and it is now becoming one after the confiscation.

What are you twits going to say as the gun crime rates in these countries with gun control continue to go they have in Britain and now Australia....?

And let me put this to you since your other anti gun nut posters refuse to answer this...

In 2012 there were 11.1 million Americans carrying guns for self defense...our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate went down again.

in 2013 there were 12.8 million Americans carrying guns for self defense and our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate went down again....

in 2014 there wer 13 million people carrying guns for self defense and our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate went down again......

If access to guns means more violent crime and more gun murder...then why do our crime stats keep going down as more Americans carry guns for self defense and more Americans own guns....especially women and minorities?

And this is not about causation....that is another discussion...this is about the point of anti gun nuts who keep saying more guns will lead to more violence and more gun murder...when the truth, the facts and reality show otherwise.
Maybe you don't understand this, but it's what this thread is about. And it's simply not true because gun ownership in Australia has decreased since passing anti-gun laws in 1996. As have gun deaths; as have homicides by firearms.

And your claim that it's because they just choose to not murder is not based on anything tangible other than your own opinion. The reality is no one knows why the number of murders by firearms has dropped. There is no cause/causation to explain it.

And more.....

Gun trade goes underground
The fourfold rise in handgun-related charges in NSW in the past decade points to the existence of a big illegal market for concealable firearms that seems to have been underestimated in the past.

Detective Superintendent Plotecki said there was no specific profile of the types of people charged with pistol offences, but there was often a link to drug crime.

“We often find a link between firearms offences and mid-level drug crime,” he said.

While the problem of illegal pistol possession is growing fastest in NSW, Victoria police still laid more charges for this offence last year. In the 12 months to the end of June, there were 197 charges for illegal pistol possession in NSW compared to 349 for the equivalent offence in Victoria.
Dumb fucking argument...

Homicides by firearms, 2010-2012

Australia .......... 69
U.S. ........... 26,382

U.S. population approximately 13.5 times larger.

Actually, it is only 8,124 gun murders...the only ones that actually apply to this discussion.....

And isn't the number but the reason Australian criminals...who get guns just like American criminals do......why do American thugs pull the trigger and commit murder more.

As was shown...we have 357,000,000 guns in this country...less than 8,124 were used to commit murder...

if gun access was what caused gun murder then you would have to have well over half the guns in the country used for murder......

8,124 out of 357,000,000 is nothing.....and of the 8,124 gun murders, the majority of them are violent criminals murdering other criminals...

And they kill each other in tiny areas of our major cities which are controlled by democrats.

The rest of the gun owning country is safe by the same standard as Europe and Australia.....

Australian criminals simply don't commit murder...

But that is changing......
Comparing apples to apples ...

69 homicides by firearms in Australia (the equivalent of 932 based on the size of the U.S. in comparison) over the 3 year period of 2010-2012.

One has to be dumber than shit to imply Australians are not safe from being killed by a firearm because one person was killed by one.

And for comparison purposes, over that same period, there were 26,382 homicides by firearm in the U.S.

Well...dumber than shit....that isn't what I am saying......try paying closer point is that criminals in Australia have easy access to guns....the stories I post show that even 15 year old immigrants to Australia and even older immigrants, get guns easily.

The difference between the United States and Australia is that the criminals in Australia do not commit murder as often, even though they have easy access to guns...

And the only reason they haven't had more mass shootings since the confiscation is that the shooters in various shootings have not decided to murder more people.

There were very few mass shootings in Australia before the confiscation...and now there are the same number after the confiscation.....and gun crime was not a major problem in Australia before the gun confiscation...and it is now becoming one after the confiscation.

What are you twits going to say as the gun crime rates in these countries with gun control continue to go they have in Britain and now Australia....?

And let me put this to you since your other anti gun nut posters refuse to answer this...

In 2012 there were 11.1 million Americans carrying guns for self defense...our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate went down again.

in 2013 there were 12.8 million Americans carrying guns for self defense and our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate went down again....

in 2014 there wer 13 million people carrying guns for self defense and our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate went down again......

If access to guns means more violent crime and more gun murder...then why do our crime stats keep going down as more Americans carry guns for self defense and more Americans own guns....especially women and minorities?

And this is not about causation....that is another discussion...this is about the point of anti gun nuts who keep saying more guns will lead to more violence and more gun murder...when the truth, the facts and reality show otherwise.
Maybe you don't understand this, but it's what this thread is about. And it's simply not true because gun ownership in Australia has decreased since passing anti-gun laws in 1996. As have gun deaths; as have homicides by firearms.

And your claim that it's because they just choose to not murder is not based on anything tangible other than your own opinion. The reality is no one knows why the number of murders by firearms has dropped. There is no cause/causation to explain it.

And more on Australia's growing illegal gun problem...

Australia’s hidden gun problem: the worst suburbs for gun crime | The New Daily

Melbourne’s northern and western suburbs are hotspots for firearms offenders and Sydney’s west has its problems too, according to previously unpublished data.

The Melbourne municipality of Hume, which takes in the suburbs of Broadmeadows, Gladstone Park and Jacana, has more firearms offenders than any other location in Australia’s two biggest cities, according to new police statistics.

And police blame Middle Eastern gangs for the latest unwelcome accolade for the hardscrabble area.
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Dumb fucking argument...

Homicides by firearms, 2010-2012

Australia .......... 69
U.S. ........... 26,382

U.S. population approximately 13.5 times larger.

Actually, it is only 8,124 gun murders...the only ones that actually apply to this discussion.....

And isn't the number but the reason Australian criminals...who get guns just like American criminals do......why do American thugs pull the trigger and commit murder more.

As was shown...we have 357,000,000 guns in this country...less than 8,124 were used to commit murder...

if gun access was what caused gun murder then you would have to have well over half the guns in the country used for murder......

8,124 out of 357,000,000 is nothing.....and of the 8,124 gun murders, the majority of them are violent criminals murdering other criminals...

And they kill each other in tiny areas of our major cities which are controlled by democrats.

The rest of the gun owning country is safe by the same standard as Europe and Australia.....

Australian criminals simply don't commit murder...

But that is changing......
Comparing apples to apples ...

69 homicides by firearms in Australia (the equivalent of 932 based on the size of the U.S. in comparison) over the 3 year period of 2010-2012.

One has to be dumber than shit to imply Australians are not safe from being killed by a firearm because one person was killed by one.

And for comparison purposes, over that same period, there were 26,382 homicides by firearm in the U.S.

Well...dumber than shit....that isn't what I am saying......try paying closer point is that criminals in Australia have easy access to guns....the stories I post show that even 15 year old immigrants to Australia and even older immigrants, get guns easily.

The difference between the United States and Australia is that the criminals in Australia do not commit murder as often, even though they have easy access to guns...

And the only reason they haven't had more mass shootings since the confiscation is that the shooters in various shootings have not decided to murder more people.

There were very few mass shootings in Australia before the confiscation...and now there are the same number after the confiscation.....and gun crime was not a major problem in Australia before the gun confiscation...and it is now becoming one after the confiscation.

What are you twits going to say as the gun crime rates in these countries with gun control continue to go they have in Britain and now Australia....?

And let me put this to you since your other anti gun nut posters refuse to answer this...

In 2012 there were 11.1 million Americans carrying guns for self defense...our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate went down again.

in 2013 there were 12.8 million Americans carrying guns for self defense and our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate went down again....

in 2014 there wer 13 million people carrying guns for self defense and our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate went down again......

If access to guns means more violent crime and more gun murder...then why do our crime stats keep going down as more Americans carry guns for self defense and more Americans own guns....especially women and minorities?

And this is not about causation....that is another discussion...this is about the point of anti gun nuts who keep saying more guns will lead to more violence and more gun murder...when the truth, the facts and reality show otherwise.
Maybe you don't understand this, but it's what this thread is about. And it's simply not true because gun ownership in Australia has decreased since passing anti-gun laws in 1996. As have gun deaths; as have homicides by firearms.

And your claim that it's because they just choose to not murder is not based on anything tangible other than your own opinion. The reality is no one knows why the number of murders by firearms has dropped. There is no cause/causation to explain it. were saying...

There were 231 charges laid by Victoria Police against City of Hume residents in the 12 months to the end of June, up almost 200 per cent in a decade.

Yeah...see...the whole point to confiscating guns is to make that statistic go down...not up....
And of course we have Britain....where gun crime and violent crime are going up...after the confiscation....

London violent crime surges amid gang turf wars – study

Violent crimes, including shootings, stabbings and rape, are on the rise in London and the south-east of England amid fears gangs are more aggressively defending their turf.

Murders in England and Wales went up 14 percent in the year ending in September, with attempted murders going up 29 percent.

Knife crime and firearms offences rose by 9 and 4 percent respectively.

Overall, violent offences went up by 27 percent as London and the south-east witnessed a surge in killings with 75 people being murdered in June alone.

They confiscated gun in Britain band all the people got were these dumb t-shirts....oh, and more gun crime.....

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