Guns and Assault Rifles are not the Problem, mentally ill people with Guns and assault rifles are the problem.

Nope, not true at ALL.

More Conspiracy Bullshit.
Whose trying to topple a society?
No, they want the guns, they want to know who has the guns, how many, etc. Then, they'll come and take them away. Criminals, of course, won't be subject to this confiscation because they don't give a shit about the law and know that the one with the gun has the power. George Soros has spent probably billions giving money through his spiderweb of nice sounding named foundations for radical causes and candidates in America today. You'd have to have your head firmly up your ass not to know this.
So when they threaten, and BEFORE they are taken before a judge, there is time to take the guns, but you won't allow know...infringement bullshit.

that violates the constitution,, get that changed and we can talk,,

asked and answered,,

just because you dont like the answer doesnt mean shit to me,,

not what I said,,

So that's a NO then.
And if they kill your family, after the threat and before seeing the Judge, you are ok with that, correct.

Yes or No.
Just a Yes or No.

not what I said,,

maybe if you hold your breath and stomp your feet I will say it again,,
So you said,
"Not what I said" to both the Yes answer, post #102, and the No answer, post #104, but also claim that you answered the question already, post #96.

You failed, bigly.
Lose a few family it. Loose......LOLOOLL

I know, you are ok with the killer killing your family because due process is more Constitutional than the Rights and the lives of your family.
now youre getting it,, millions of people and future generations are far more important than just me and my family,,,

you shouldnt be such a selfish prick,,
I can not understand how the news media fails to see the real problem in America today. There are millions of Gun and assault rifles owners that live in America today. And they are not mass killers. The real problem is mentally ill people ..... Wake up America, and see what is really going on ...... Your thoughts.?
My thoughts? You are wrong: plain and simple.

The US is a country full of frustrated citizens. This is because they have been saturated with propaganda and restricted by censorship. That manifests itself in a population of ridicule and flaunting of material possessions which in its turn makes confrontation a daily affair for nearly everyone ….. every day of the week.

Confrontation = more frustration and anger. Calling shooters “mentally ill people” is a lie, a hoax perpetrated by the weapons industry and supported by trickle-down Military-Industrial Complex. Road rage – drive-by – shopping malls – schools - churches – confrontation is rampant everywhere in the US and when someone has “had enough” he’s got a gun within reach. Are all of those people "mentally ill"? Hell no! An insult or a punch in the face has been replaced by a gunshot. Why? Because guns are everywhere.

It is often said, “Guns don’t kill, it’s the person pulling the trigger who kills.” That’s true. Of course, it’s true. But you have to face the fact that there are guns in other countries without mass shootings. Why? Because guns in the hands of Americans is the most volatile combination on earth for the reasons I’ve just explained. :th_waiting:
Got it.......

So the crazy down the street gets to keep his guns, when fiends, neighbors, and family go to the police and warn them that he could snap at any moment, and he has mentioned harming/killing others.

We have Red Flags, but you insist that taking away the crazy guys guns is an infringement on his rights..........BTW.....fuck all the rights of people that just want to stay alive.
In that case, the neighbors file a complaint, the DA goes to court WITH the gun owner’s lawyer and the insane neighbor is put on a 72 hour psych hold while he is interviewed by a qualified psychiatrist. If he’s determined to be a danger to himself or others, he is committed for treatment. During this process he is in custody and has no ability to harm anyone. There is no need to confiscate his guns.

The way it works, is once the authorities get their hands on a person’s guns, it’s almost impossible to get them back. The owner has to spend thousands of bucks on legal fees and months or years in court proceedings that may or may not be successful in regaining his property. Red flag laws are easily abused by spiteful ex-spouses, angry neighbors, irate ex-employees or abusive law enforcement personnel.
Well, imo the accused still gets his “due process” under state law and a special judge exists and is paid by the state or county to provide it.

By the way, if you wave around a knife (or a gun) and threaten your neighbors or your wife, your girlfriend or your children, a cop can arrest you on the spot, without a warrant from a judge. He will of course disarm you as well. All this (like the FL Red Flag Law) is not a violation of your “Constitutional Rights” in any manner whatever. Legislatively passed laws and criminal codes permit such actions, and they are moreover just matters … of “Common Sense.”
And put you on a 72 hour mental health hood to be evaluated. During which you have no ability to harm anyone.
And put you on a 72 hour mental health hood to be evaluated. During which you have no ability to harm anyone.
police state

  1. a totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens' activities.
synonyms of totalitarian
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I can not understand how the news media fails to see the real problem in America today. There are millions of Gun and assault rifles owners that live in America today. And they are not mass killers. The real problem is mentally ill people with guns and or assault rifles. It seems that the news media networks have this agenda to demonize assault rifles and guns in America. These two items are not active until a person picks them up. Wake up America, and see what is really going on.!? There should be a psychological test to screen purchasers of all weapons before they can be sold, to weed out the nut cases. Your thoughts.?

Mentally ill people are not the real problem. In 2022 there were 12 mass public shootings total……..74 were murdered by these mentally I’ll killers.

Deer kill 200 people a year

Ladders kill 300 people a year

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people a year.

In before 2015, we averaged about 10,000 gun murders a year, because of democrat party policies.

2022, as a direct result of democrat party policies that attacked police, freed violent criminals, and allowed drug cartels free access to our border, that number went over 19,000.

The problem is the democrat party………..they are allowing violent criminals to run free in our country and they have no desire to stop them……

We need to stop the democrats, the real problem.
100% of mass shootings have one thing in common.

The governments of Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children. Over 1 million children………..and did this in just 6 years.

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 246 year history?

Around 2,460,000

The vast majority of our gun murder victims are not innocents, as they are in Europe, they are criminals murdered by other criminals.

So, genius, do the math and tell us how many hundreds of years it will take the U.S. to catch up to the 15 million murdered by you Europeans….
You guys want to solve the mental health issues, so you say.
But support nothing to stop the mentally ill from having weapons, all because of............

Not willing to use Red Flag Laws, because, you know, infringement.

No…we already have all the laws we need to address the dangerously mentally ill….Red Flag laws are just another back door way to take guns from people you don’t like…….
Do other developed nations not have mentally ill people? How come their rates of firearms homicide and mass killings are so much lower than that of the US?

Does the US drive its citizens crazy?

In the 1920s the governments of Europe did exactly what you guys wanted...they first registered guns, then through the 1930s they banned and confiscated them....

By 1939 they had begun the process of murdering 15 million innocent men, women an children....over 1 million children...not criminals, not war dead, they were not collateral from the war. These were people rounded up by the socialists, marched into forests and camps, and murdered.

Switzerland did not give up their guns.....they did not have millions of their people murdered.

The United States did not give up their guns. Tell us how many millions of people were murdered by our government from 1939-1945....... the math for the following problem

Europe murdered 15 million people in 6 years.

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 246 year history....... around 2,460,000.

How many hundreds of years will it take the U.S. to catch up to the murder number of the European governments?

Please show your work......
Got it.......

So the crazy down the street gets to keep his guns, when fiends, neighbors, and family go to the police and warn them that he could snap at any moment, and he has mentioned harming/killing others.

We have Red Flags, but you insist that taking away the crazy guys guns is an infringement on his rights..........BTW.....fuck all the rights of people that just want to stay alive.

We have laws that can commit those people, right now. Red Flag laws are nothing more than gun grabbing.

How about if you want to take someones guns, you provide them with a lawyer, take them to court, and have them committed to a mental health facility?

We had 12 mass public shootings in 2022......out of over 350 million people.......

They are not the major problem in this country.

The major problem is the democrat party and it's policies of attacking the police, freeing violent gun criminals regardless of their actual criminal violence, and removing our border which allows Mexican criminals to flood our country.....

Yet you are silent on that actual problem.........

Why is that?

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