guns and Fergusen


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
when the police are too busy trying to control mass protests and riots that apparently leaves regular, law abiding citizens at the mercy of criminals who don't like to let a crisis go to waste...we have an excellent example of one of the main reasons to own and carry guns during looting..Government unable to protect its citizens...

Looters Strike Again in Ferguson, Threaten Journalists, Light Fire

Police did not intervene to stop the looters, instead holding their position in front of the main group of protesters. Regular citizens, however, began to stand in front of stores with broken doors and windows to prevent further looting. The individuals stealing from these businesses reportedly attacked or threatened journalists and bystanders who were videotaping them.

So...the police are too busy dealing with the main group of protestors to stop looters who take advantage of the police being otherwise occupied...I wonder what other types of brutal crime is going I stopped because the police can't deal with it...

If your livelihood was invested in one of these stores...feeding your children, keeping a home...would you just want to stand around with broken doors and windows as your only tools to stop looters from destroying your livelihood?

that is what the anti gunners is better that you loose everything you own than to use a gun to stop looters...right?

What if the looters decide to attack you when you try to stop an anti gunner, it is better that you are beaten than you use a gun to defend yourself...right?
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when the police are too busy trying to control mass protests and riots that apparently leaves regular, law abiding citizens at the mercy of criminals who don't like to let a crisis go to waste...we have an excellent example of one of the main reasons to own and carry guns during looting..Government unable to protect its citizens...

Looters Strike Again in Ferguson, Threaten Journalists, Light Fire

Police did not intervene to stop the looters, instead holding their position in front of the main group of protesters. Regular citizens, however, began to stand in front of stores with broken doors and windows to prevent further looting. The individuals stealing from these businesses reportedly attacked or threatened journalists and bystanders who were videotaping them.
So...the police are too busy dealing with the main group of protestors to stop looters who take advantage of the police being otherwise occupied...I wonder what other types of brutal crime is going I stopped because the police can't deal with it...

If your livelihood was invested in one of these stores...feeding your children, keeping a home...would you just want to stand around with broken doors and windows as your only tools to stop looters from destroying your livelihood?

that is what the anti gunners is better that you loose everything you own than to use a gun to stop looters...right?

What if the looters decide to attack you when you try to stop an anti gunner, it is better that you are beaten than you use a gun to defend yourself...right?

A great motto to live by: Hope for the best but plan for the worst. Having the ability to protect yourself is just as important as having enough water to drink. Pure common sense!!
A good column on what is happening in Ferguson...

Ferguson: When Stupid and Evil Reign, It's Good to Own a Gun

Society has broken down in Ferguson, Missouri. It's not the Zombie Apocalypse but a toxic stew has left law-abiding American citizens helpless. Thank God and the American Constitution some of those citizens own guns.
The gentlemen pictured above reportedly guarded their business establishment during last night's rioting. This morning they still have a business. Others weren't so lucky.
I don't know what happened when Michael Brown, an unarmed 18 year-old was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer. We have to wait for the facts to judge. Decent people wait for facts.
The indecent do not.
And the indecent are Ferguson's looters, rioters, and the mainstream media that enable them.
I don't think there's any question that the Ferguson police are in over their heads. But there's also no question that the media are gleefully pouring gasoline on the fire because the political upside that comes with race-baiting can oftentimes be huge. The 2014 midterms are only 80 days away. Nothing like a little racial toxicity to get out the Democrat vote.
One day the media and Democrats argue that only police should own guns.
The next day the media and Democrats argue that the police shoot unarmed citizens.
It's all a hustle.
They want you helpless.

I was listening to the news last night...they played an interview with a store owner who didn't have guns to protect his store...he told the reporter he called 911 for help 4 times. The local operator ended up telling him to call the county police...and still, no one came to help him...
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Fergeson also disproves two silly anti gun beliefs....

1). Regular citizens are dangerous when they have guns...

2) Only the government should have guns...

Ferguson's Imaginary Gun Problem

Yes, if all protestors had loaded firearms in their hands, the situation would almost certainly have degenerated into a more violent mess. But the fact is protestors could have armed themselves. Mostly, they didn’t. Though there is no way to precisely calculate the number of Missourians that own guns – one Daily Beast report uses NICS background checks numbers to come up with 14,712 per 100,000 residents, which doesn’t include inherited weapons, shotguns, etc. – there are doubtlessly plenty of firearms to be found in St Louis county. Getting your hands on a weapon in Missouri doesn’t seem to be a particularly challenging endeavor.

In this situation, it was the state that behaved as if it had been deployed for war, not the majority of protestors. Most civilians don’t use guns recklessly in these situations (or any, for that matter) for reasons of self-preservation and more vitally – and this may surprise some people – because most people have absolutely no desire to shoot at the police. Even protesting civilians. Even angry protesting civilians.

So a more appropriate observation might be: Isn’t it amazing that in a country with over 250 million guns in circulation, violent political protests are almost nonexistent?

So...the protesting citizens have yet to start willy billy shooting at police...they aren't even shooting at the looters destroying businesses...they are however peacefully guarding their businesses...(gasp) with assault rifles...

You know...I have,a,feeling that those businesses who don't have guns really wish they had them now...of course...since,the police,have given up protecting these businesses....they have been destroyed by looters...except for those stores,protected by...Assault rifles...

One of the big reasons to own guns...the government unable to protect you...look at my is right there...

As to the second silly idea...if only the government, police and military, had guns...then all the stores in Ferguson would have been looted because the police were not responding to civilian calls for help...

I heard an interview with a store owner...he called 911 four times...the local police told him to call county, county told him they were too busy...and no police came to save his business...

So anti-gunners...sell your silliness somewhere else...
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