Guns Are Saving Lives

Without good people with guns, a mass gunman would never be stopped.

Stop with that bullshit. You act like someone with a gun would play hero and that hardly ever happens.

this guy was stopped by a good guy with a gun

And if you were to, say, introduce a thousand new random bacteria into an organism, there would be some "bad" bacteria stopped by "good" bacteria. And vice versa.

Of course, you could just not introduce any bacteria...

Naaah, what am I saying. That's no fun. Peace doesn't make good video.
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Really? A mass shooting a few days ago, another mass shooting today at a basketball court in Chicago.

What the hell is wrong with you people?
Without good people with guns, a mass gunman would never be stopped.

Stop with that bullshit. You act like someone with a gun would play hero and that hardly ever happens.

Because law abiding citizens obey the law.

If they go into a gun free zone, they don't take their firearms.

Suzanna Hupp and her parents were having lunch at the Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen in 1991 when the Luby's massacre commenced.

The gunman shot 50 people and killed 23, including both of Hupp's parents. Hupp later expressed regret about deciding to remove her gun from her purse and lock it in her car lest she risk possibly running afoul of the state's concealed weapons laws; during the shootings, she reached for her weapon but then remembered that it was "a hundred feet away in my car."[4] Her father, Al Gratia, tried to rush the gunman and was shot in the chest.

Hupp escaped through a broken window and believed that her mother, Ursula Gratia, was behind her. Actually however, her mother went to her mortally-wounded husband's aid and was then shot in the head.

As a survivor of the Luby's massacre, Hupp testified across the country in support of concealed-handgun laws. She said that if there had been a second chance to prevent the slaughter, she would have violated the Texas law and carried the handgun inside her purse into the restaurant.[5]

She testified across the country in support of concealed handgun laws, and was elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 1996.[6] The concealed-weapons bill was signed by then-Governor George W. Bush.[7]


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