Guns, Guns, Guns Everywhere.., But...,

Do you have a valid point to make comrade?
Yes I do, actually. Are you ready? Good! Here it is:

black and white.jpg

You can even quote it a hundred times and still maintain I said "black" with my words right in front of your face .... screaming at you "white!"

Do you have a valid point to make comrade? Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.
o--add car to the question also
Vehicles lead rifles in killing people. by a large margin
cars are used so much more than rifles you can't even calculate it
..don't tell me you are another one that did not pass 4th grade math???!!
irrelevant since you did not-- and don't want to --answer the question
I ANSWERD YOUR QUESTION STOP DODGING THE ANSWER closed--knives/POOLS/etc are NOT the same--not even close--that's why cops--YOU carry firearms for self defense
...knives/POOLS/cars/fire = obviously a very idiotic comparison
o--add car to the question also
Vehicles lead rifles in killing people. by a large margin
cars are used so much more than rifles you can't even calculate it
..don't tell me you are another one that did not pass 4th grade math???!!
irrelevant since you did not-- and don't want to --answer the question
I ANSWERD YOUR QUESTION STOP DODGING THE ANSWER closed--knives/POOLS/etc are NOT the same--not even close--that's why cops--YOU carry firearms for self defense
...knives/POOLS/cars/fire = obviously a very idiotic comparison
you keep digging deeper --hahahahhahahah
Showing off how well your neighbour can shoot at stationary targets won't impress me very much, Yankee.
If you can make it past the 300-yard spot they were placed I go to tactical fighting which is shooting on the run.
View attachment 278111
If I show you my SPETSNAZ war face you'll drop your gun (and your britches) and run like a dog.
Do you have a valid point to make comrade?
Yes I do, actually. Are you ready? Good! Here it is:

View attachment 278110

You can even quote it a hundred times and still maintain I said "black" with my words right in front of your face .... screaming at you "white!"

If you mention race it doesn't matter to me but I would ask why does a racist need to mention race when race is not part of the discussion?
Showing off how well your neighbour can shoot at stationary targets won't impress me very much, Yankee.
If you can make it past the 300-yard spot they were placed I go to tactical fighting which is shooting on the run.
View attachment 278111
If I show you my war face you'll drop your gun (and your britches) and run like a dog.
Whatever baby I'm sure when you Russians invade you'll leave faster than you came.
Vehicles lead rifles in killing people. by a large margin
cars are used so much more than rifles you can't even calculate it
..don't tell me you are another one that did not pass 4th grade math???!!
irrelevant since you did not-- and don't want to --answer the question
I ANSWERD YOUR QUESTION STOP DODGING THE ANSWER closed--knives/POOLS/etc are NOT the same--not even close--that's why cops--YOU carry firearms for self defense
...knives/POOLS/cars/fire = obviously a very idiotic comparison
you keep digging deeper --hahahahhahahah
I'm trying to help you out of the cave in you created on yourself
Whatever baby I'm sure when you Russians invade you'll leave faster than you came.
Americans you are pushovers, like the slugs. Russians kick the American ass just for making the practice. This video how my nephew teach American pussy a good lesson to have respect for the Russia.

Translation I must cower and dodge the subject when RIGHTS are inserted into the discussion.
1. please answer the question or be known as a coward
2. so--you are arguing AGAINST common sense and for something:
a. written over 200 years ago
b, by men who thought slavery was ok and women shouldn't vote
c. can be interpreted many ways--where YOU interpret it your OWN way
Unless English is a second language what I wrote was easy to understand
"Your need to feel safe does not trump my rights"
How many of those 2000 gun laws are not common sense?
Interesting that you think a document isn't worth having just because a section that has 27 words you don't like. What if the police had the authority to enter your home at any time they choose to? What if you were required by law to incriminate yourself? What if the Government had the authority to pick a Religion for you? What if we had no elections?

FYI I don't interpret the constitution my own way I read it as it is written.
''''Your need to feel say doesn't trump my rights''''.
SAY is not SAFE --hahahhahahahh
the laws are not tough enough/etc
you speak bullshit and nonsense--the cops just can't go into a home without authority/reasonable cause/etc

for the last time--are you going to answer the question or be a coward:
----why don't you use a knife/POOL/fire for self defense if they are the same as firearms--as the OP and all nuts say?
I blame it on my keyboard just like you love to blame guns for the acts of what someone does
The trap was set and you took it the bait. BUSTED are afraid to answer ----case closed
cars/knives/etc are NOTHING like firearms

You are right...they all kill more people than all rifles do.....good point...

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696


cars... 38,659

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2017 accidental gun death.....486







Drug over dose deaths (2017) 70,237
Whatever baby I'm sure when you Russians invade you'll leave faster than you came.
Americans you are pushovers, like the slugs. Russians kick the American ass just for making the practice. This video how my nephew teach American pussy a good lesson to have respect for the Russia.

Got buttercup Russians are such great fighters that they submitted to dictators

Got buttercup Russians are such great fighters that they submitted to dictators

We no must be good fighter to kick the Amerca ass. Is easy even for the Finnland to make America marine look like baby crying:

That's why you Russians lived in fear of dictators you're such great fighters lol Should I address you as Pussianie?

And here my cousin kicking more America pussy boy

yet, why do liberals hate them so much ?

guns are an inanimate object, a tool, no different than a hammer or saw, they too can cause great harm if not used properly.

so..., please, if there is just one liberal here on this forum who can read, write and speak intelligently, intellectually, logically, and sanely, PLEASE, tell us responsible gun owners who are defenders of our Constitutional rights whom you folks lovingly call, "nutters".., we are no more "nutters" than irrational liberals who fly off the handle and blame a gun for the stupidity of one or more persons.

one last thing libs, 98% of us gun owners do NOT own and most likely never will own an "ASSAULT RIFLE" do you know why ?

i will not tell you why now as i wish to read your replies first.., then i will explain why and what exactly an "Assault Rifle" is...., OK ??

see.., i did not insult or call anyone names, can you do the same ? thank you all for reading and replying to this post

This is as ignorant and as ridiculous today as it was in 2013 – and still fails as a strawman fallacy.

Conservatives who continue to propagate such sophistry today are just as ridiculous and ignorant – and just as wrong.

Got buttercup Russians are such great fighters that they submitted to dictators

We no must be good fighter to kick the Amerca ass. Is easy even for the Finnland to make America marine look like baby crying:

That's why you Russians lived in fear of dictators you're such great fighters lol Should I address you as Pussianie?

And here my cousin kicking more America pussy boy

Here are the most important and irrefutable statistics of all:
0 Guns = 0 Shootings.
0 Destitution amongst your population = 0 Shootings even if they have guns.
ok, so what you are saying is that without guns there are ZERO MURDERS????????????
Can you quote her/him as saying that? No.
Thank you, Candy Corn.
Can you read it? his post was quoted. By ignoring all the other murders he's saying no gun no more murders.
Thanks for playing.

Your lameness is sad
yet, why do liberals hate them so much ?

guns are an inanimate object, a tool, no different than a hammer or saw, they too can cause great harm if not used properly.

so..., please, if there is just one liberal here on this forum who can read, write and speak intelligently, intellectually, logically, and sanely, PLEASE, tell us responsible gun owners who are defenders of our Constitutional rights whom you folks lovingly call, "nutters".., we are no more "nutters" than irrational liberals who fly off the handle and blame a gun for the stupidity of one or more persons.

one last thing libs, 98% of us gun owners do NOT own and most likely never will own an "ASSAULT RIFLE" do you know why ?

i will not tell you why now as i wish to read your replies first.., then i will explain why and what exactly an "Assault Rifle" is...., OK ??

see.., i did not insult or call anyone names, can you do the same ? thank you all for reading and replying to this post

This is as ignorant and as ridiculous today as it was in 2013 – and still fails as a strawman fallacy.

Conservatives who continue to propagate such sophistry today are just as ridiculous and ignorant – and just as wrong.
Your post always shows your ignorant side you never fail at doing that.
yet, why do liberals hate them so much ?

guns are an inanimate object, a tool, no different than a hammer or saw, they too can cause great harm if not used properly.

so..., please, if there is just one liberal here on this forum who can read, write and speak intelligently, intellectually, logically, and sanely, PLEASE, tell us responsible gun owners who are defenders of our Constitutional rights whom you folks lovingly call, "nutters".., we are no more "nutters" than irrational liberals who fly off the handle and blame a gun for the stupidity of one or more persons.

one last thing libs, 98% of us gun owners do NOT own and most likely never will own an "ASSAULT RIFLE" do you know why ?

i will not tell you why now as i wish to read your replies first.., then i will explain why and what exactly an "Assault Rifle" is...., OK ??

see.., i did not insult or call anyone names, can you do the same ? thank you all for reading and replying to this post


So guns are tools, just like a hammer or saw? The purpose of a hammer is to drive nails to join pieces of wood. The purpose of a saw is to cut materials. The purpose of a gun is to kill. A gun is a tool where the proper use results in death. You can't say the same about the proper use of a hammer, saw, or screwdriver.
Guns are tools and yes they are only designed to kill for lawful purposes. A person cannot be legally deprived to use their weapons in a legal manner. When they have been used illegally a person loses their rights to those tools.

An individual can be designated a prohibited person absent the illegal use of a gun.

It is perfectly lawful and consistent with the Second Amendment to prohibit the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill.
Here are the most important and irrefutable statistics of all:
0 Guns = 0 Shootings.
0 Destitution amongst your population = 0 Shootings even if they have guns.
ok, so what you are saying is that without guns there are ZERO MURDERS????????????
Can you quote her/him as saying that? No.
Thank you, Candy Corn.
Can you read it? his post was quoted. By ignoring all the other murders he's saying no gun no more murders.
Thanks for playing.

Your lameness is sad
Your irrational fear prevails with your TDS influenced post. People kill with or without a gun it weakens your argument when you ignore other deaths

Got buttercup Russians are such great fighters that they submitted to dictators

We no must be good fighter to kick the Amerca ass. Is easy even for the Finnland to make America marine look like baby crying:

That's why you Russians lived in fear of dictators you're such great fighters lol Should I address you as Pussianie?

And here my cousin kicking more America pussy boy


Still another American Navy Seal getting his ass handed to him. Jesus Ameicans are such pussies! LOL!

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