GUNS must GO

Professor Called Police After Student Presentation | CCSU Recorder

mind as well restrict freedom of speech while we're at it. :cuckoo:

I can see why something like this would concern someone with anti-gun views, but this is a bit extreme. IMHO, I believe the professor called the cops because she disagreed with this young man's beliefs, and probably thought that his report on concealed weapons meant that he was carrying on campus.
Professor Called Police After Student Presentation | CCSU Recorder

mind as well restrict freedom of speech while we're at it. :cuckoo:

I can see why something like this would concern someone with anti-gun views, but this is a bit extreme. IMHO, I believe the professor called the cops because she disagreed with this young man's beliefs, and probably thought that his report on concealed weapons meant that he was carrying on campus.

Why do you think people like Yukon want to disarm citizens?

Hell, may as well get rid of them all, just completely dissolve the constitution ... which is what would happen if they got rid of guns ... eventually.
Professor Called Police After Student Presentation | CCSU Recorder

mind as well restrict freedom of speech while we're at it. :cuckoo:

I can see why something like this would concern someone with anti-gun views, but this is a bit extreme. IMHO, I believe the professor called the cops because she disagreed with this young man's beliefs, and probably thought that his report on concealed weapons meant that he was carrying on campus.

Why do you think people like Yukon want to disarm citizens?

Hell, may as well get rid of them all, just completely dissolve the constitution ... which is what would happen if they got rid of guns ... eventually.

People like Yukon believe that the world is a little garden full of flowers. He/she believes that we no longer live in a world where anyone would need a gun, that governments no longer possess the will to control the people, or that an invasion isn't possible, or that a tyrant could get into office. Crappy people get into good governments all over the world, and our government is no different.

Germany was a Democracy when Hitler took power.

That's exactly what would happen. As far as the constitution goes, it's already getting dissolved little by little. I think it's only a matter of time before the figurative crap hits the fan. We'll either be in another revolution in a few years, or we'll give up all of our freedoms and submit to the government. I'm all about GOOD/little government.

Your quotes come from a differnet time. They mean nothing in todays world. That's one of the problems we face - people living in the past thinking that what worked then works now. Pathetic.............

Ah, yes. The ever-popular leftist arrogance that assumes that human nature has fundamentally changed, and/or that they are so much more brilliant and understanding of human nature than everyone who has ever come before. All that was ever required for all these endlessly failed notions to succeed is for THEM, in their infinite wisdom and superior character, to be put in charge.

There's nothing new under the sun. (That would be a quote from the Bible, but you probably know more than God, too.) Human nature hasn't changed, and will never change, including the part of it that makes some people so hubristic as to think that history is bunk and they don't have anything to learn from it.
"...they're not "my quotes". They're quotes from leaders of men who I'd gladly take to heart..."

The men you quote are dead, they died a few hundred years ago (some were in fact traitors to the British Crown). What they said hundreds of years ago has no relevance whatsoever in today's world. Stop quoting silly things from the past. Wake up because it's 2009 my son.

So if someone states a truth and then dies, that truth becomes false simply because the one who uttered it is dead?

WHY has it no relevance in today's world? Because human beings have fundamentally changed? Because the bedrock principles and freedoms espoused in the Constitution are no longer needed or wanted by human beings, and therefore no longer apply? All righty, then. I'll expect to see you starting a thread immediately on why the First Amendment needs to be repealed, because all that crap about the importance of freedom of speech and freedom of religion was uttered by dead men hundreds of years ago and has no relevance in today's world.

Otherwise, you will oblige everyone by pulling your head from your rectum and stop prattling about "2009" as though the date is, in and of itself, a refutation of anything.
Brian, although I'm sympathetic to your 10th amendment argument, the current law of the law as pronounced by the USSC is that the tenth amendment is a "truism" and not enforceable.

The last time the 10th Amendment had teeth was Hammer v. Dagenhart. This case was overruled by USSC in United States v. Darby Lumber Company. And that is only one evil thing that case did. The sooner Darby gets overruled the better off we would all be.

Just so you know.

And we care more about what a bunch of lawyers in black dresses says than what the Constitution says because why? I thought this thread was about what's ACTUALLY in the Constitution, as opposed to what a bunch of agenda-driven losers try to read into it.
"...they're not "my quotes". They're quotes from leaders of men who I'd gladly take to heart..."

The men you quote are dead, they died a few hundred years ago (some were in fact traitors to the British Crown). What they said hundreds of years ago has no relevance whatsoever in today's world. Stop quoting silly things from the past. Wake up because it's 2009 my son.

A few hundred eh????
How are we soooooo advanced now??? Please explain....

I seriously dont understand why YOU....a citizen of an entirely different country even care. Cuzz I certainly dont care about your shitty excuse for a country. Why do you care??? What is your investment in our nation ?? Why do you seek to weaken the people of this fine nation through lies and deception??

The quotes of those men....were "Revolutionary". How are we such an advanced culture now in respect to then??? Give a good example please.....

Fucking Retarded Moose Humper....

You wanna know whats cool about those guys from waaaayyyyy back then????

They would have taken you out in a field and SHOT your sorry ass for attempting to destroy the Constitution that protects the freedoms of these People of the United States of America.
"...they're not "my quotes". They're quotes from leaders of men who I'd gladly take to heart..."

The men you quote are dead, they died a few hundred years ago (some were in fact traitors to the British Crown). What they said hundreds of years ago has no relevance whatsoever in today's world. Stop quoting silly things from the past. Wake up because it's 2009 my son.

So if someone states a truth and then dies, that truth becomes false simply because the one who uttered it is dead?

WHY has it no relevance in today's world? Because human beings have fundamentally changed? Because the bedrock principles and freedoms espoused in the Constitution are no longer needed or wanted by human beings, and therefore no longer apply? All righty, then. I'll expect to see you starting a thread immediately on why the First Amendment needs to be repealed, because all that crap about the importance of freedom of speech and freedom of religion was uttered by dead men hundreds of years ago and has no relevance in today's world.

Otherwise, you will oblige everyone by pulling your head from your rectum and stop prattling about "2009" as though the date is, in and of itself, a refutation of anything.

So how has gun control affected Ireland? They are a small nation and while they may have cut down on GUN crime, their crime involving knives and other weapons shockingly went up. I'm new and cannot post links, but why else would they have to have knife control?
These stupid laws only accomplish the appearance that politicians are doing something about crime, while not doing anything about the criminals.

Taking away the constitutional freedoms of law abiding citizens only makes it easier for crimes to be committed against them.
So how has gun control affected Ireland? They are a small nation and while they may have cut down on GUN crime, their crime involving knives and other weapons shockingly went up. I'm new and cannot post links, but why else would they have to have knife control?
These stupid laws only accomplish the appearance that politicians are doing something about crime, while not doing anything about the criminals.

Taking away the constitutional freedoms of law abiding citizens only makes it easier for crimes to be committed against them.

It's time that Americans woke up, smelled the coffee and too their collective heads out of the sad. Be smart, be modern, wake up and REPEAL the 2ND AMENDMENT

The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths (murders, suicides and accidents) among the world's 36 richest nations!!

* 2,827 children and teens died as a result of gun violence in 2003 (more than the number of American fighting men killed in hostile action in Iraq from 2003 to April 2006)

Americans value their constitution and the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment deals with the right to bear arms. Here is the price that ordinary Americans are paying for the privilege

* 8 children a day die in murders, suicides and accidents involving guns

* since John F. Kennedy was assinated more Americans have died from gunshot wounds at home than died in all the wars of the 20th century

* Osama bin Laden would need at least nine twin towers like attacks each year to equal what Americans do to themselves every year with guns.

* Murder rates in LA, NY and Chigago were approaching the hightest in the world (30 per 100,000) until moves were made in late 20th century to restrict access to guns to teenagers and the NRA wants these moves reversed.

If Osama bin Laden had had more sense, instead of launching a terrorist attack, he would simply have provided financial backing to the NRA!

From the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy:

“International evidence and comparisons have long been offered as proof of the mantra more guns = more death/fewer guns = less death. Unfortunately such discussions have all too often been afflicted by misconceptions, factual error and focus on comparisons that are unrepresentative. It may be useful to begin with a few examples. One is the compound assertion that: (a) guns are uniquely available in the U.S. compared to other modern developed nations, which is why (b) the U.S. has by far the highest murder rate. Though this has been endlessly repeated, in fact, b) is false and a) substantially so.”

The World Health Organization argues that by reducing gun ownership, it reduces murder and suicide BY GUNS. Well DUH. But it does NOT reduce homicide and suicide rates whatsoever! Since stricter gun control doesn't reduce homicide and suicide rates, then what is the real agenda of people like you who insist banning ownership of guns by law abiding citizens is a must?

There are an estimated 350,000,000 guns in the US -more guns than there are people. A few thoughts on this.

1. Just exactly HOW do you suggest that government goes about forcibly stripping gun owners of their guns when they refuse to forfeit this right? Because they certainly would. Do you envision midnight raids and kicking in doors of otherwise law abiding citizens or what? How...fascist of you. And exactly the kind of government abuse our founders most feared.

2. Amending the Constitution requires the consent of 3/4 of all states. That means the majority of people in at least 38 states must vote in favor of voluntarily FORFEITING their constitutional rights -with the understanding they will never get it back. Since 40 states just passed legislation making it even EASIER to own guns, which was the will of the people of those states and the Supreme Court upheld the right of Americans to own guns and given the fact there are hundreds of millions of guns in this country -just how likely do you think Americans will voluntarily forfeit this right during your lifetime?

3. There were about 10,500 homicides carried out with a gun in the United States in 2004 -the most recent year I could find. (The exact number is always more difficult to find when it doesn't fit in with the liberal agenda. Only when the homicide rate with guns rises can you readily find that data.) That means 349,989,500 guns were not used in a homicide.

Do you normally believe in punishing the overwhelming vast majority because a tiny minority chose to commit a crime? It is a FACT that stricter gun control does not reduce the overall homicide or suicide rates. So why are liberals obsessed with making people as helpless as possible -both against criminals who never follow the law anyway, but also against a government that would turn on its own people? Which happens even in this day and age. Which is why OUR founders included this as a God given right that no man had a right to take away.

Lets compare those figures with the fact there are only around 32,000,000 cars in this country. But around 45,000 people are killed in car accidents every single year. And hey, I'm pretty sure my math skills are adequate enough to realize that is about 1/10th the number of guns but they kill nearly 5 times as many people. And neither has a damn thing to do with Iraq casualties and it is nothing but a pathetic attempt to manipulate people by pretending one is somehow relevant to the other. I've seen conservatives accurately point out that an American runs a higher risk of being murdered in Los Angeles than a US soldier is likely to be killed anywhere in Iraq. True -but also a meaningless comparison.

Car drivers in the US are FAR more likely to ACCIDENTALLY kill you with their car than a US gun owner is likely to shoot you -accidentally or not. But owning and driving a car isn't a right. It is a state-granted privilege. Owning a gun is a right -and its the one that gets a liberal's panties in a real twist. If you liberals were REALLY motivated by a desire to save lives here -then you would be even more insistent that private citizens should not be allowed to drive a car at all. After all, a good nanny government would realize that is what it would take to save the most lives. NOT by removing ten times as many guns that are responsible for 1/5 the number of deaths -but that removal still won't lower the overall homicide and suicide rates. That will remain about the same -just dead by some other means instead.

But you liberals don't do that because you personally have a use for driving a car in spite of the far more dismal death rate with cars. Its owning guns you have no use for -and therefore insist that because YOU have no use for that right, no else has any use for it either and shouldn't be allowed to exercise that right at all. Whether you personally value all your rights or not, whether you personally choose to exercise any of your rights - can never determine the value of that right for another person or determine whether they should be "allowed" to exercise that right. Not ever. That isn't how it works, sorry.

I have a great idea -how about you socialist-dabbling, nanny-government idolizing, leftwing whackos from other countries take care of the many, MANY problems in your own country first before being so arrogant enough to try and tell us how to do it better in our own country. Because last I checked, Canada is sure no Utopia.
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It's time that Americans woke up, smelled the coffee and too their collective heads out of the sad. Be smart, be modern, wake up and REPEAL the 2ND AMENDMENT

The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths (murders, suicides and accidents) among the world's 36 richest nations!!

* 2,827 children and teens died as a result of gun violence in 2003 (more than the number of American fighting men killed in hostile action in Iraq from 2003 to April 2006)

Americans value their constitution and the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment deals with the right to bear arms. Here is the price that ordinary Americans are paying for the privilege

* 8 children a day die in murders, suicides and accidents involving guns

* since John F. Kennedy was assinated more Americans have died from gunshot wounds at home than died in all the wars of the 20th century

* Osama bin Laden would need at least nine twin towers like attacks each year to equal what Americans do to themselves every year with guns.

* Murder rates in LA, NY and Chigago were approaching the hightest in the world (30 per 100,000) until moves were made in late 20th century to restrict access to guns to teenagers and the NRA wants these moves reversed.

If Osama bin Laden had had more sense, instead of launching a terrorist attack, he would simply have provided financial backing to the NRA!

From the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy:

“International evidence and comparisons have long been offered as proof of the mantra more guns = more death/fewer guns = less death. Unfortunately such discussions have all too often been afflicted by misconceptions, factual error and focus on comparisons that are unrepresentative. It may be useful to begin with a few examples. One is the compound assertion that: (a) guns are uniquely available in the U.S. compared to other modern developed nations, which is why (b) the U.S. has by far the highest murder rate. Though this has been endlessly repeated, in fact, b) is false and a) substantially so.”

The World Health Organization argues that by reducing gun ownership, it reduces murder and suicide BY GUNS. Well DUH. But it does NOT reduce homicide and suicide rates whatsoever! Since stricter gun control doesn't reduce homicide and suicide rates, then what is the real agenda of people like you who insist banning ownership of guns by law abiding citizens is a must?

There are an estimated 350,000,000 guns in the US -more guns than there are people. A few thoughts on this.

1. Just exactly HOW do you suggest that government goes about forcibly stripping gun owners of their guns when they refuse to forfeit this right? Because they certainly would. Do you envision midnight raids and kicking in doors of otherwise law abiding citizens or what? How...fascist of you. And exactly the kind of government abuse our founders most feared.

2. Amending the Constitution requires the consent of 3/4 of all states. That means the majority of people in at least 38 states must vote in favor of voluntarily FORFEITING their constitutional rights -with the understanding they will never get it back. Since 40 states just passed legislation making it even EASIER to own guns, which was the will of the people of those states and the Supreme Court upheld the right of Americans to own guns and given the fact there are hundreds of millions of guns in this country -just how likely do you think Americans will voluntarily forfeit this right during your lifetime?

3. There were about 10,500 homicides carried out with a gun in the United States in 2004 -the most recent year I could find. (The exact number is always more difficult to find when it doesn't fit in with the liberal agenda. Only when the homicide rate with guns rises can you readily find that data.) That means 349,989,500 guns were not used in a homicide.

Do you normally believe in punishing the overwhelming vast majority because a tiny minority chose to commit a crime? It is a FACT that stricter gun control does not reduce the overall homicide or suicide rates. So why are liberals obsessed with making people as helpless as possible -both against criminals who never follow the law anyway, but also against a government that would turn on its own people? Which happens even in this day and age. Which is why OUR founders included this as a God given right that no man had a right to take away.

Lets compare those figures with the fact there are only around 32,000,000 cars in this country. But around 45,000 people are killed in car accidents every single year. And hey, I'm pretty sure my math skills are adequate enough to realize that is about 1/10th the number of guns but they kill nearly 5 times as many people. And neither has a damn thing to do with Iraq casualties and it is nothing but a pathetic attempt to manipulate people by pretending one is somehow relevant to the other. I've seen conservatives accurately point out that an American runs a higher risk of being murdered in Los Angeles than a US soldier is likely to be killed anywhere in Iraq. True -but also a meaningless comparison.

Car drivers in the US are FAR more likely to ACCIDENTALLY kill you with their car than a US gun owner is likely to shoot you -accidentally or not. But owning and driving a car isn't a right. It is a state-granted privilege. Owning a gun is a right -and its the one that gets a liberal's panties in a real twist. If you liberals were REALLY motivated by a desire to save lives here -then you would be even more insistent that private citizens should not be allowed to drive a car at all. After all, a good nanny government would realize that is what it would take to save the most lives. NOT by removing ten times as many guns that are responsible for 1/5 the number of deaths -but that removal still won't lower the overall homicide and suicide rates. That will remain about the same -just dead by some other means instead.

But you liberals don't do that because you personally have a use for driving a car in spite of the far more dismal death rate with cars. Its owning guns you have no use for -and therefore insist that because YOU have no use for that right, no else has any use for it either and shouldn't be allowed to exercise that right at all. Whether you personally value all your rights or not, whether you personally choose to exercise any of your rights - can never determine the value of that right for another person or determine whether they should be "allowed" to exercise that right. Not ever. That isn't how it works, sorry.

I have a great idea -how about you socialist-dabbling, nanny-government idolizing, leftwing whackos from other countries take care of the many, MANY problems in your own country first before being so arrogant enough to try and tell us how to do it better in our own country. Because last I checked, Canada is sure no Utopia.

Excellent rebuttal!:clap2:

P.S. Yukon: Many gun owners were previously " criminally mugged" liberals. ;)
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Excellent rebuttal!:clap2:

P.S. Yukon: Many gun owners were previously " criminally mugged" liberals. ;)

Even if true ... what the hell does this have to do with right and wrong. It is wrong to take away rights, period. No matter who it is that does or does not want to utilize those rights.
"...Germany was a Democracy when Hitler took power..."

The USA was a democracy when Bush Junior took over, and he did illegally take over. Bush Junior lied his way into a war that has killed thousnads of American boys and you people just bent over and took it straight up the rectum.
"...Germany was a Democracy when Hitler took power..."

The USA was a democracy when Bush Junior took over, and he did illegally take over. Bush Junior lied his way into a war that has killed thousnads of American boys and you people just bent over and took it straight up the rectum.

Rectum?? lol. Be a man and say ASS.

As far as Bush getting into office, you're right, he did receive less votes, however, illegality had nothing to do with it. It was a USSC decision that put him into office. I don't particularly agree with it any more than I agree with other retarded USSC decisions, but hindsight is 20-20, especially when your making "rectum" references.

You have nowhere to go on the gun issue. Which has been why you haven't posted a damn thing about guns in the last several posts.

Keep straw-manning.

It's time that Americans woke up, smelled the coffee and too their collective heads out of the sad. Be smart, be modern, wake up and REPEAL the 2ND AMENDMENT

The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths (murders, suicides and accidents) among the world's 36 richest nations!!

* 2,827 children and teens died as a result of gun violence in 2003 (more than the number of American fighting men killed in hostile action in Iraq from 2003 to April 2006)

Americans value their constitution and the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment deals with the right to bear arms. Here is the price that ordinary Americans are paying for the privilege

* 8 children a day die in murders, suicides and accidents involving guns

* since John F. Kennedy was assinated more Americans have died from gunshot wounds at home than died in all the wars of the 20th century

* Osama bin Laden would need at least nine twin towers like attacks each year to equal what Americans do to themselves every year with guns.

* Murder rates in LA, NY and Chigago were approaching the hightest in the world (30 per 100,000) until moves were made in late 20th century to restrict access to guns to teenagers and the NRA wants these moves reversed.

If Osama bin Laden had had more sense, instead of launching a terrorist attack, he would simply have provided financial backing to the NRA!
I ask Yukon what the hell does he/she know about it and get all offended as yank, then I remember the bullet in my garage door or my roof. But then I live with illegal aliens with cars, houses and guns and then I remember, this isn't Paradise or Canada. It's a piece of shit no-where and I inhabit...well Ya know, you don't have a clue what it's about, boyo. I don't hate guns, I don't worship them, either. I wish I lived in Canada, Then I might feel so free to pass judgment and presume illusions of grandeur. You don't have a clue what this is about. that is good, boyo. I wish I was in your shoes.
"...Germany was a Democracy when Hitler took power..."

The USA was a democracy when Bush Junior took over, and he did illegally take over. Bush Junior lied his way into a war that has killed thousnads of American boys and you people just bent over and took it straight up the rectum.

The US has never been a total democracy, nor have we ever wanted it to be. I think we will all thank you to keep your uninformed, non-American pronouncements off of OUR national history and heritage.
"...they're not "my quotes". They're quotes from leaders of men who I'd gladly take to heart..."

The men you quote are dead, they died a few hundred years ago (some were in fact traitors to the British Crown). What they said hundreds of years ago has no relevance whatsoever in today's world. Stop quoting silly things from the past. Wake up because it's 2009 my son.

So if someone states a truth and then dies, that truth becomes false simply because the one who uttered it is dead?

Yes, don't you know that the grim reaper only comes for you once you are no longer relevant to the world?
"...Germany was a Democracy when Hitler took power..."

The USA was a democracy when Bush Junior took over, and he did illegally take over. Bush Junior lied his way into a war that has killed thousnads of American boys and you people just bent over and took it straight up the rectum.

The US has never been a total democracy, nor have we ever wanted it to be. I think we will all thank you to keep your uninformed, non-American pronouncements off of OUR national history and heritage.

Yukon is unaware of a form of Democracy called a "Republic".

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