GUNS must GO


Your quotes come from a differnet time. They mean nothing in todays world. That's one of the problems we face - people living in the past thinking that what worked then works now. Pathetic.............

Good morning Mr. Yukon,

I'm a bit behind since I just registered to the site today (3-15).

What's really pathetic is that someone like you actually thinks that law abiding gun owners represent a threat to the likes of you. How paranoid do you have to be? Those 'Founding Fathers' were very smart to put that 2nd Amendment in there and thank God it will not be repealed anytime soon.
If you enter that neighbourhood at night look for teeth shining in the dark.

Are you on drugs??? you use heavy drugs??[/QUOTE]

I was a regualr user of marijuanna and still like the odd "puff". I never did "heavy" drugs, I tried LSD once in 1969 and the experience was not nice.
If you enter that neighbourhood at night look for teeth shining in the dark.

Are you on drugs??? you use heavy drugs??

I was a regualr user of marijuanna and still like the odd "puff". I never did "heavy" drugs, I tried LSD once in 1969 and the experience was not nice.[/QUOTE]

Liar Liar Pants on Fire....Your posts suggest otherwise
The recent slaughter in Alabama could and would have been avoided if there were strict laws making the owning of automatic weapons and handguns illegal punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison.
The recent slaughter in Alabama could and would have been avoided if there were strict laws making the owning of automatic weapons and handguns illegal punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison.

Or if someone who legally carried would have shot his ass and stopped the whole thing.

When are you going to understand that making weapons illegal is NOT going to stop people from getting them.

Your's is a failed arguement, the one put forward by the wack-jobs at the NRA. Ban GUNS now, save lives ! Barack will do it.
Banning firearms won't stop criminals from using them. Consequently, it won't stop me, either. Legal or not, I will exercise my right to bear arms and I will protect myself and others should the need arise.
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Your's is a failed arguement, the one put forward by the wack-jobs at the NRA. Ban GUNS now, save lives ! Barack will do it.

You really think it's impossible for people to obtain illegal items?

I guess Al Capone made all his money selling pizza, speakeasies were nicknames for libraries and that guy selling weed, they're just garden weeds.

And I guess all the times I've seen people light off illegal fireworks was a mirage or something.

Your's is a failed arguement, the one put forward by the wack-jobs at the NRA. Ban GUNS now, save lives ! Barack will do it.

Yes, because banning guns is somehow going to make them not exist at all, thereby keeping anyone from ever getting hold of them.

That's the real problem. Lame-ass liberal imbeciles have to try to ban guns because they can't go back in time and prevent them from being invented.
The recent slaughter in Alabama could and would have been avoided if there were strict laws making the owning of automatic weapons and handguns illegal punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison.

could you guarantee that that would never have happened?....even with a gun ban?
Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.

If you take away guns, people will just find another weapon. Like knives and use them to do things like cut people's heads off on Voyageur Buses.

Wrong again. Nothing is as effective as a gun.

However, the last eight years are proof that we need the Second Amendment. We also need some national soul searching as to why our gun violence rate is so high. There are other nations in which most homes have guns in them, and they do not have anywhere near the violence rate that we do.
Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.

If you take away guns, people will just find another weapon. Like knives and use them to do things like cut people's heads off on Voyageur Buses.

Wrong again. Nothing is as effective as a gun.

However, the last eight years are proof that we need the Second Amendment. We also need some national soul searching as to why our gun violence rate is so high. There are other nations in which most homes have guns in them, and they do not have anywhere near the violence rate that we do.

Link? Never heard of such a thing as other nations with as many guns(rights) as we have..., per capita?.... most nations have them banned, but that does not really cut down on crime.

Immigrants are knife thugs says Judge Carney - Stormfront
A little food for thought.

Criminals=Criminals=do not care what laws are=will break the law regardless.

But hey, lets make everyone susceptible to getting pistol whipped!
Eradicating gun use would be impossible. Gun use could never be banned with the present threat of terrorist attacks and high crime rates. Gun use should instead be regulated and provided with the severest penalty ever to those who perpetrate crimes with the use of guns.

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