GUNS must GO

There is just no question what-so-ever regarding the motive of the gun control crowd--it's nothing less than the subjugation of their fellow human beings.

I think your tinfoil hat is too small.

They just believe (wrongly) that letting citizens own guns causes crime.
It's good you recognize they are wrong, but the notion that letting citizens own guns causes crime is so patently, and self evidently wrong, it simply does not follow that they should actually hold to the notion--what they actually want is evident in the precise nature of the regulations that they propose, and that regulation has nothing to do with crime, and everything to do with disarming law abiding folks. There's only one purpose for that.

Just one.
But I've met people who think gun control is peachy and I used to be one of them (and now I think weapon bans should mostly begin at rpgs).

They're not convinced this way by stats and graphs they're convinced by bad logic that leaves out the situations of tyrannical government and also leads to unintended consequences.

One of the usual things is the utopian world of what would happen if guns weren't around. It may sound nice but realistically it's a fairy tale but when people tell them about the world they usually leave out that part.
Abortion has reduced the crime rate tremendously. Couple that with gun control and the USA will almost be civilized.

Yeah, cause the D.C. gun ban decreased crime dramatically.....:cuckoo: LMAO

By the way, we already have gun control. It's called a bull's-eye.
Innocent people are killed by red necks out to prove themselves as macho.

Wait....I thought you said guns kill people...??

I guess we should ban cars because lots (MORE) of innocent people are killed from dumbass street-racers and careless drivers who don't have any consideration for other people's lives. Once again --> :cuckoo:
People that are afraid of guns have issues I cant relate to. Guns are guns. I think you better assess where your real issues are.

Exactly, it's the same reasons why knives are knives, cars are cars, and etc...

It's useless to douse Yukon with NUMEROUS FACTS, because he ignores them and then accuses you of being the crazy one. Typical anti-gun priss. I bet he cries when he hears a gun-shot.
That's the first thing Hitler did was to disarm the German people and look what happened then. 10 million people died, 6 million of them Jews, somehow I don't think this is a good idea. Drugs are illegal and yet the person who wants them finds it easy to get them. What makes you think that criminals who want guns won't get them? You really want to disarm the law-abiding citizen and make them unable to defend their homes and families. You need to think again.
There is just no question what-so-ever regarding the motive of the gun control crowd--it's nothing less than the subjugation of their fellow human beings.

I think your tinfoil hat is too small.

They just believe (wrongly) that letting citizens own guns causes crime.

Sorry, but for those who seek ultimate power -gun control is an absolute must and among the very first priorities. Without question. One of the first things Marx said was a necessity was stripping citizens of the right to own guns. For the "useful idiots" Marx said would aid the communist cause in so many different ways -the rationalization that guns are what cause crime and that guns were a public safety issue etc. -would work just fine. Just look how many useful idiots on this thread think guns present a far more significant public safety issue than something like automobile accidents. Guns cause a fraction of the number of deaths car accidents do even though there are nearly ten times as many guns as cars in this country -but you would never know that from the useful idiots. Most of them don't even know that anyway. (But certainly suggests that gun owners take their responsibilities far more seriously than car owners do.)

Communists were not alone in recognizing the importance of stripping their own citizens of the right to own guns. They were just one of a few that actually committed to paper why they believed it was essential for their own ability to grab and hold power -that they do so.
There is just no question what-so-ever regarding the motive of the gun control crowd--it's nothing less than the subjugation of their fellow human beings.

I think your tinfoil hat is too small.

They just believe (wrongly) that letting citizens own guns causes crime.

Sorry, but for those who seek ultimate power -gun control is an absolute must and among the very first priorities. Without question. One of the first things Marx said was a necessity was stripping citizens of the right to own guns. For the "useful idiots" Marx said would aid the communist cause in so many different ways -the rationalization that guns are what cause crime and that guns were a public safety issue etc. -would work just fine. Just look how many useful idiots on this thread think guns present a far more significant public safety issue than something like automobile accidents. Guns cause a fraction of the number of deaths car accidents do even though there are nearly ten times as many guns as cars in this country -but you would never know that from the useful idiots. Most of them don't even know that anyway. (But certainly suggests that gun owners take their responsibilities far more seriously than car owners do.)

Communists were not alone in recognizing the importance of stripping their own citizens of the right to own guns. They were just one of a few that actually committed to paper why they believed it was essential for their own ability to grab and hold power -that they do so.

I know tyrants would strip citizens of arms but that's not why regular fools support gun control. They honestly believe that it will reduce crime a lot. I've talked to these fools on other forums. They're not evil just insanely mis-informed.
I know tyrants would strip citizens of arms but that's not why regular fools support gun control.
Sure it is.

They honestly believe that it will reduce crime a lot.
And they honestly believe that rights are crimes; you know: religion, free speech, due process, security in your person and possessions--inhibiting your capacity to defend your rights is the primary step required for them to reduce "crime."

I've talked to these fools on other forums.
So have I.

They're not evil just insanely mis-informed.
I often find them well informed--they are often well aware of the patently obvious fallacies in the defenses they present for their position; that is why I find them insanely evil.
It has been shown that in certain areas of the country, where it is a law to have a firearm in the home, the crime rate has gone down significantly. If a criminal with the intent on breaking into a home, knows almost assuredly, that there is no firearm inside, chances are he will break in. My brother was shot and killed years ago in Chicago, and I still would not advocate the banning of guns for responsible citizens. If my brother had a gun himself, he might have been able to ward off the attack.
Food for thought-If guns kill people, do pencils misspell words? Keep your hands off our firearms/liberty tools. :eusa_hand:
Well Loki I guess you and I are talking to different gun control supporters. I dread running into the ones you speak of.
Well Loki I guess you and I are talking to different gun control supporters. I dread running into the ones you speak of.
I'm willing to bet they're pretty much the same.

You should quiz them on: their position on children praying in a public school; their position on the notion of "hate crime"; their position on "hate speech"; their position on violence in cartoons; their position on an individual's choice of association; their position on fast food; their position on compulsory education at state institutions; their position on the relationship between "need" and "deserve"; their position on the relationship between "capability" and "obligation"; their position on "saving the planet"; their position on drinking liquor on Sunday; their position on smoking in public spaces; and their position on the supremacy of "the-common-good" over what's good for actual individual people.

I think you'll find that if you probe them deeply enough, if you refuse to be distracted by the patently obvious bullshit of their diversionary arguments, if you refuse to accept their superstitions as valid premises, if you dig into the meat of their actual premises, you'll discover that the ultimate deterrent to these folks imposing their sanctimonious will upon every aspect of your life (for your own good) is the prospect that you might be pushed just far enough to shoot them right in their authoritarian nanny statist faces.
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The recent slaughter in Alabama could and would have been avoided if there were strict laws making the owning of automatic weapons and handguns illegal punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison.

Or if someone who legally carried would have shot his ass and stopped the whole thing.

When are you going to understand that making weapons illegal is NOT going to stop people from getting them.


Your's is a failed arguement, the one put forward by the wack-jobs at the NRA. Ban GUNS now, save lives ! Barack will do it.

It is not a failed argument. Wake the fuck up! Pot and LSD are illegal, you tried them, so have I, But did that stop us from getting a hold of them?:eusa_drool:

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