GUNS must GO

The recent slaughter in Alabama could and would have been avoided if there were strict laws making the owning of automatic weapons and handguns illegal punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison.

Actually ... the two best ways it would have been avoided ...

1. If there were more legally owned guns he would have been to scared to try it, or someone would have ended it sooner.

2. The police there suck and did a very bad job.
Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.

If you take away guns, people will just find another weapon. Like knives and use them to do things like cut people's heads off on Voyageur Buses.

Wrong again. Nothing is as effective as a gun.

However, the last eight years are proof that we need the Second Amendment. We also need some national soul searching as to why our gun violence rate is so high. There are other nations in which most homes have guns in them, and they do not have anywhere near the violence rate that we do.

No, it is you who is wrong. A gun is the worst way to kill if you want to get away with it, ask the serial killers and they'll tell you over a hundred ways that are more effective. Guns should be an equalizer, however with more in the criminals hands and fewer in the citizens hands because of stricter regulations the criminals now have more power ... and this is evident in almost all cities with extremely strict gun control laws. Accidental deaths caused by guns ... have you ever seen these people interviewed ... they really shouldn't have been allowed to reproduce anyway.
Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.

If you take away guns, people will just find another weapon. Like knives and use them to do things like cut people's heads off on Voyageur Buses.

Wrong again. Nothing is as effective as a gun.
Guns are certianly effective . . . effective for self defense. This effectivness in self defense is the precise reason that gun control laws target potential victims of violence (the thrust being disarming potential victims) rather than aggressors.

However, the last eight years are proof that we need the Second Amendment. We also need some national soul searching as to why our gun violence rate is so high.
No we don't. The "gun violence" rate is high because there are alot of guns around, and they are effective. No soul searching required.

We need some real soul searching as to why do so many of us insist upon gun regulations purposely designed to inhibit gun ownership amongst regular folks while MOTIVATING violent criminals to commit (potentially violent) crimes? Why do these people think such regulation will somehow lead to less violence?

The real soul searching that is required is why so many of us consider "gun violence" and "gun deaths" to be separate and distinct from all other kinds of violence we inflict upon each other, so much so, that so many of us would trade in thousands of incidents of "gun violence" for millions of incidents of "some other kind of" violence.

There are other nations in which most homes have guns in them, and they do not have anywhere near the violence rate that we do.
There are quite a few more nations where the regular citizenry is barred from possessing the most effective tools for self defence, and they UNANIMOUSLY are subject to the will of those who control the guns.

There is just no question what-so-ever regarding the motive of the gun control crowd--it's nothing less than the subjugation of their fellow human beings.
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The item most prisoners are killed with in prison are...sharpened dining utinsels. Shall we outlaw those too?

The thing that kills most people on highways is...automobiles.

The thing that kills most people in old folks homes is...old age.

The hatred of guns was and is perpetuated by rich mens wives with nothing better to do than blame guns for societies ills. Now liberal single women carry that torch. How ironic is that?
If you take away guns, people will just find another weapon. Like knives and use them to do things like cut people's heads off on Voyageur Buses.

Wrong again. Nothing is as effective as a gun.
Guns are certianly effective . . . effective for self defense. This effectivness in self defense is the precise reason that gun control laws target potential victims of violence (the thrust being disarming potential victims) rather than aggressors.

However, the last eight years are proof that we need the Second Amendment. We also need some national soul searching as to why our gun violence rate is so high.
No we don't. The "gun violence" rate is high because there are alot of guns around, and they are effective. No soul searching required.

We need some real soul searching as to why do so many of us insist upon gun regulations purposely designed to inhibit gun ownership amongst regular folks while MOTIVATING violent criminals to commit (potentially violent) crimes? Why do these people think such regulation will somehow lead to less violence?

The real soul searching that is required is why so many of us consider "gun violence" and "gun deaths" to be separate and distinct from all other kinds of violence we inflict upon each other, so much so, that so many of us would trade in thousands of incidents of "gun violence" for millions of incidents of "some other kind of" violence.

There are other nations in which most homes have guns in them, and they do not have anywhere near the violence rate that we do.
There are quite a few more nations where the regular citizenry is barred from possessing the most effective tools for self defence, and they UNANIMOUSLY are subject to the will of those who control the guns.

There is just no question what-so-ever regarding the motive of the gun control crowd--it's nothing less than the subjugation of their fellow human beings.

You are "right on"! :clap2:

You remove the guns from the citizenry, and you have complete power and the voice of the people is moot.

Hitler did a gun grab, and what did the Jews, gypsies, bible Christians, and non-Arians etc. have to stand against the Third Reich?
Lastly, the percent of crime and violent crimes against others is directly proportionate to the percent of overpopulation and EMPLOYMENT ratios in that community.

Reducing the population will affect the crime rate, and reducing births will affect the crime rate, but even more, if your lousy criminals would get a job, they wouldnt need to go around robbing people. But since there are no jobs, they say, your heathens move into the diametrically opposed category of work: robbing and killing people.
Lastly, the percent of crime and violent crimes against others is directly proportionate to the percent of overpopulation and EMPLOYMENT ratios in that community.

Reducing the population will affect the crime rate, and reducing births will affect the crime rate, but even more, if your lousy criminals would get a job, they wouldnt need to go around robbing people. But since there are no jobs, they say, your heathens move into the diametrically opposed category of work: robbing and killing people.

Why only people who live in the "country"?
There is just no question what-so-ever regarding the motive of the gun control crowd--it's nothing less than the subjugation of their fellow human beings.

I think your tinfoil hat is too small.

They just believe (wrongly) that letting citizens own guns causes crime.

You're not from Gonzales, TX are you????

Naw, I just thought that the message was relevant. :tongue:

I like it...just thought I'd ask. Not to far from where I live. :tongue:
Abortion has reduced the crime rate tremendously. Couple that with gun control and the USA will almost be civilized.
Yukon: tell me this, why do you think its the guns fault that people kill or injure with it?

Secondly: do you HONESTLY believe that if guns are outlawed, that criminals wont have guns?

Third: Why do you care if criminals you dont know, get killed or shot by other criminals you dont know. you know them? Why are you concerned for their safety?

Afterthought: I never met a gun I didn't like. I have, however, met a lot of people I didn't like.
Innocent people are killed by red necks out to prove themselves as macho.
I think I finally have figured you out. You post like you do to purposely try and paint liberals as pompus asses who really don't have a clue. Well, your wrong, I know some really clueless libs who aren't pompus asses!
Innocent people are killed by red necks out to prove themselves as macho.

Dude ... really?


You actually believe that? Of course with all the other crap you believe it shouldn't be THAT surprising. But dude ... really ... lay off the crack ... or are you pissed because here in Washington we shut down you largest supplier recently with a lot of armed people?
I have noticed time and time again, that people that scream "outlaw guns" will NEVER respond to your questions, they will only offer smoke screen after smoke screen.

Trying to get someone to debate the topic legitimately is next to impossible, they just continuously resort to emotional outbursts with no foundation in logic whatsoever.
I have noticed time and time again, that people that scream "outlaw guns" will NEVER respond to your questions, they will only offer smoke screen after smoke screen.

Trying to get someone to debate the topic legitimately is next to impossible, they just continuously resort to emotional outbursts with no foundation in logic whatsoever.

Normally I would disagree with this, but it has been true of this thread, to a fault really.
Abortion has reduced the crime rate tremendously. Couple that with gun control and the USA will almost be civilized.

Yet another ignorant and unsubstantiated idea that you swallowed wholeheartedly because it agreed with your half-assed worldview and because you're too damned dumb to think for yourself.

Not that you are remotely deserving of any effort at intelligent rebuttal, but it doesn't take a genius to understand that legalized abortion actually INCREASES the number of out-of-wedlock births by changing societal attitudes toward extramarital sex, thus increasing the number of out-of-wedlock pregnancies, including among women who would not consider having an abortion.

Thus, rather than decreasing the number of unwanted children being born - one of the principle arguments in favor of the idea that abortion reduces crime - it has actually led to an increase in those births. And because legalized abortion increases the possibility that the reluctant fathers will say, "Well, she should have had an abortion", and wash their hands of the whole situation, it also increases the likelihood that these unplanned children will be raised in poor, single-parent households headed by women, a factor that has long been linked to crime.
hey look the guy is from fucking Canada....what do you expect?.....intellect?...geezus the most intelligent people ever to come out of Canada is Doug and Bob McKenzie.....and they are considered genius by Canadian South Park sometimes the Episodes about Terrance and Phillip will tell you all you need to know about Canadians.....its fairly realistic.....

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