GUNS must GO


I would like to know if you are coloured ?
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I didnt ask you so please mind your own business.

I didnt ask you so please mind your own business.

You know us lawyers, always sticking our nose in where it isn't welcome.

And on a technical note, you must not know how this site works, if you want to ask a private question, you PM someone. Otherwise, if you post it to a thread everyone can answer.

I would like to know if you are coloured or are you a wigger?

What business is it of yours?

I'm interested in your answer to Tech's question; I'm more interested in the point of of your question--I'm pretty certain it's not to highlight the racist foundations of the gun contol movement in the U.S.

I would like to know if you are coloured or are you a wigger?

What business is it of yours?

I'm interested in your answer to Tech's question; I'm more interested in the point of of your question--I'm pretty certain it's not to highlight the racist foundations of the gun contol movement in the U.S.

I think it has to do with your avatar. In all honesty I'm curious if that's you or not.

I didnt ask you so please mind your own business.

You know us lawyers, always sticking our nose in where it isn't welcome.

And on a technical note, you must not know how this site works, if you want to ask a private question, you PM someone. Otherwise, if you post it to a thread everyone can answer.

Aye! Motion seconded and carried. :clap2:
It's time that Americans woke up, smelled the coffee and too their collective heads out of the sad. Be smart, be modern, wake up and REPEAL the 2ND AMENDMENT


"The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." -- James Madison


Our Founding Fathers gave the people of this nation powers to rid themselves of a tyrant government. One of the powers to over throw a tyrant government is the Second Amendment, ``A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.''

The Founding Fathers gave the people the right to keep and bear arms so the people could form their own militias should the people ever need to rid themselves of a tyrant government. The price for freedom is paid in blood. It is better to live a short life as a free person than to grow old under a tyrant. The armed, law-abiding citizen has never been a threat to law enforcement. A tyrant government is a more serious threat than any criminal. Armed, law-abiding citizens enhance a nation's security, the communities' peace and tranquility.

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Mr. Loki,

I like to know with whom I exchange messages with. Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward drugs, murder, robbery, etc. They seem to be more understanind of the reasons behind crime. That's the reason why I asked if you are coloured (Negro).

Mr. Loki,

I like to know with whom I exchange messages with.
My skin color is not who I am.

Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward drugs, murder, robbery, etc.
I'd like you to set aside the patent racism, and present the rational basis for each of these assertions.

They seem to be more understanind of the reasons behind crime.
If black folks understand the reasons behind crime, and based upon that greater understanding are more accepting of those crimes, shouldn't white folks then align their attitudes towards these crimes with understanding, rather than ignorance?

That's the reason why I asked if you are coloured (Negro).
I'd rather not be an accomplice to fueling your racist notions.
Mr. Loki,

I'm not a racist and your claim is offensive.
Mr. Loki,

I'm not a racist and your claim is offensive.
Rather than offensive, my claim is valid. Allow me to present your own words as evidence of your racism:
Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward drugs, murder, robbery, etc.

Particularly your notions that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . murder." and that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . robbery."

Patently racist--and offensive.
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My comment was factual. Black people statistically commit more crime then white people. This most certainly demonstrates they have a more accepting attitude toward crime. I only state facts Mr Loki. You can dispuite my facts if you can but please don't tag me, a man who speak's God's truth, a racist because it is offensive and shows a complete lack of knowledge on your part.
My comment was factual. Black people statistically commit more crime then white people.
More precisely, black folks are convicted of crime more often that white people.

This most certainly demonstrates they have a more accepting attitude toward crime.
Or it demonstrates that white folks take crimes commited by black folks more seriously than crimes committed by white folks; that perhaps white people are less accepting of free black people.

I only state facts Mr Loki.
You presented a particular interpretation of facts Yukon.

You can dispuite my facts if you can . . .
I don't disupute your actual facts, just your racist interpretation of them that leads you to the racist conclusion that black folks are more accpting of murder and robbery than white folks.

. . . but please don't tag me, a man who speak's God's truth, a racist because it is offensive and shows a complete lack of knowledge on your part.
I am not tagging you as a racist because it's offensive, or out of any ignorance on my part. Dispute these facts if you can:
  1. "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . murder." is a racist statement.
  2. "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . robbery." is a racist statement.
  3. You made those statements.
This is, of cousre, all beside your racist point that, for the purposes of this discussion, you would know me better if you knew what color my skin is, that you need to know the color of my skin--as if the color of my skin has ANY relationship to the validity of any point I make.
Here is what the second amendment says about bearing arms:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

That "well regulated militia" is the US Armed Forces. No one is arguing that the US Armed Forces should bear arms. I really don't think anyone would want armed militias in their neighborhoods.

People say that it was a tragedy that an 8-yr old boy in AZ shot and killed his father. In reality, it could have been much worse. The boy could have killed innocent people outside his home, instead of the dumba$$ who taught an 8-yr old to shoot, and then left his guns unsecured!
Here is what the second amendment says about bearing arms:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

That "well regulated militia" is the US Armed Forces.

The "well regulated militia" is every able bodied male between the ages of 17 and 45 bearing arms in defense of themselves and the country.

No one is arguing that the US Armed Forces should bear arms.
Mostly because the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with arming the US Armed Forces.

I really don't think anyone would want armed militias in their neighborhoods.
The Framers of the Constitution did; I do.

People say that it was a tragedy that an 8-yr old boy in AZ shot and killed his father.
It was.

The tragedy is that he didn't use a news paper for a murder weapon--that way, instead of blaming the gun, morons would blame the newspaper and then they could attack the 1st Amendment rather than the 2nd.

Not that that would actually be less tragic, but rather it would demonstrate some intellectual integrity amonst the morons, and that would be a welcome change of pace.

In reality, it could have been much worse.
It could have been better too.

The boy could have killed innocent people outside his home, instead of the dumba$$ who taught an 8-yr old to shoot, and then left his guns unsecured!
The boy, carrying dumbass genetics, could have eliminated himself from the gene pool too--2 less dumbasses on my planet; that would be better.
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