GUNS must GO

Mr Loki,

There really is no point in debating this topic with you and that is sad.
Yukon is a racist gun

I have a firm belief that most gun grabbers dont want a gun in their home due to the overwhelming chance that they (as a moron) will shoot themselves or someone else out of pure not having a gun , they are attempting to extend their moronic rule for a much longer than acceptable time frame.
Mr. Loki,

I like to know with whom I exchange messages with. Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward drugs, murder, robbery, etc. They seem to be more understanind of the reasons behind crime. That's the reason why I asked if you are coloured (Negro).


In other words, you're a racist, bigoted pig who makes assumptions about who and what a person is based on skin color, rather than simply reading his posts and basing your judgements on who his words and thoughts reveal him to be. What kind of person assumes that knowing the amount of pigment in someone's skin equates to "knowing who he is"?

I'm not even going to touch this assumption that all black people are more tolerant of crime and criminals, but Loki should probably bitchslap your racist ass into next week on general principles.
My comment was factual. Black people statistically commit more crime then white people. This most certainly demonstrates they have a more accepting attitude toward crime. I only state facts Mr Loki. You can dispuite my facts if you can but please don't tag me, a man who speak's God's truth, a racist because it is offensive and shows a complete lack of knowledge on your part.

And of course we all know that all black people are alike. They have the same skin color, so it's okay to lump them all together.

By that standard, are all Canadians racist dumbfucks like you?
Here is what the second amendment says about bearing arms:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

That "well regulated militia" is the US Armed Forces. No one is arguing that the US Armed Forces should bear arms. I really don't think anyone would want armed militias in their neighborhoods.

People say that it was a tragedy that an 8-yr old boy in AZ shot and killed his father. In reality, it could have been much worse. The boy could have killed innocent people outside his home, instead of the dumba$$ who taught an 8-yr old to shoot, and then left his guns unsecured!

Sorry, but even the Supreme Court, which usually has its head up its collective ass, doesn't agree with your illiterate interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

The militia mentioned, and the definition of "militia" itself, is the citizenry itself, not the miitary. Also, the 2nd Amendment merely mentions the militia as one reason. It doesn't in any way restrict gun ownership to a specific group of people.

Why must you resort to name-calling? You should refute my statements with logical data if you can find it. The prisons are overflowing with Negro people. Why is that?

Why must you resort to name-calling? You should refute my statements with logical data if you can find it. The prisons are overflowing with Negro people. Why is that?

Why dont you try and refute all the evidence stacked against you in this thread in reference to its original title "Guns must go".....with logical data of course??

OK babe. If there were strict gun controls that wack-job in Alabama would not have had the weapons necessary to slaughter innocent people.

OK babe. If there were strict gun controls that wack-job in Alabama would not have had the weapons necessary to slaughter innocent people.

Babe?? Just cuzz my avatar is hot , doesnt mean I am a babe....nor does it make me a female...period.

There already is gun control...sadly. The type of gun control you speak of is the complete eradication of all guns in North and South America....cuzz thats the only way to eliminate the chance of a gun getting into the hands of a criminal.

Perhaps an all out ban on all guns is what you want...yes??

If willingly wish to be a subject of your government...yes??

You wish to sell your freedom..??

Why must you resort to name-calling? You should refute my statements with logical data if you can find it. The prisons are overflowing with Negro people. Why is that?

Well, let me put it this way, screwboy: why must you resort to DESERVING it?

Refute your statements? One does not refute ignorant, Neanderthal racist morons. One tells them that they are ignorant, Neanderthal racist morons, because to do otherwise is to imply that there is anythihng even vaguely intelligent or rational about their views and lend them legitimacy. Besides, anyone whose opinion I would actually care about - hint: racists are not among that number - already knows that racism is fucking stupid and doesn't need me to explain why. Ignorant, Neanderthal racist morons, on the other hand, aren't bright enough to understand the refutation even if I were to lower myself to dignifying them with such, so it would be a waste of time.

When you're enough of a person to earn be treated with something other than sneering contempt, perhaps you'll see it. While you act like ignorant, backwoods trash, you'll be spit upon as such. Deal with it.
Yukon ,

I'll PM you my address....and you can come try to take this from me if you want.


or....perhaps you might want to take these??


or how bout this??


or this??


what about this??


Maybe all thats a bad idea cuzz I do lots of this....


OK babe. If there were strict gun controls that wack-job in Alabama would not have had the weapons necessary to slaughter innocent people.


Criminals will get guns no matter what "gun-control" you have. If we ban all guns, the crime rate will increase or stay the same. The fact is, criminals already don't follow our laws, whether it's gun laws, theft, etc... So what makes you think that they will follow the laws required in gun bans? They'll continue to steal and smuggle firearms to do their work. And unless you can track down every gun that has ever been sold (which you can't) then it won't work. All you will do, is disarm law-abiding citizens while the criminals will carry on as they do now.

Alabama already has firearm regulations.

OK babe. If there were strict gun controls that wack-job in Alabama would not have had the weapons necessary to slaughter innocent people.


Criminals will get guns no matter what "gun-control" you have. If we ban all guns, the crime rate will increase or stay the same. The fact is, criminals already don't follow our laws, whether it's gun laws, theft, etc... So what makes you think that they will follow the laws required in gun bans? They'll continue to steal and smuggle firearms to do their work. And unless you can track down every gun that has ever been sold (which you can't) then it won't work. All you will do, is disarm law-abiding citizens while the criminals will carry on as they do now.

Alabama already has firearm regulations.

They would have to perform house to house search and seizures..... and I am willing to bet that wouldnt go down to swell.
Here is what the second amendment says about bearing arms:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

That "well regulated militia" is the US Armed Forces. No one is arguing that the US Armed Forces should bear arms. I really don't think anyone would want armed militias in their neighborhoods.

People say that it was a tragedy that an 8-yr old boy in AZ shot and killed his father. In reality, it could have been much worse. The boy could have killed innocent people outside his home, instead of the dumba$$ who taught an 8-yr old to shoot, and then left his guns unsecured! Ma'am. Here's the definition of a militia.
mi·li·tia (m-lsh)
1. An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers.
2. A military force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.
3. The whole body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service.

militia - definition of militia by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

So you're 2nd Amendment arguemnt falls flat on it's face. The 2nd amendment says that our rights to bear arms cannot be "infringed". That means any attempt to prevent ownership is considered unconstitutional.

As far as the rest goes, you're right. The father was a dumbass for leaving a gun where his 8 year old could get to it. It's not the gun's fault that the 8 year old shot his dad, the kid could have easily grabbed a kitchen knife to do his work. I believe there was a story this morning in the news where a girl from Conn. or Mass. grabbed two kitchen knives and went after her parents because they took her cell phone away from her. Should we ban knives because these parents taught their daughter that the knives were for cutting things?

There are laws that require a gun-owner to keep firearms away from children. If this father had not died, he's have been charged for negligence. Regardless of what anti-gun people say, the subject is not black and white. The problem, is that anti-gun people blame guns for stupid crap that people do. A gun is an inanimate object, you can put a bullet in the chamber and set it on the table, and nothing will happen unless a human does something with it. The same thing goes for an automobile, you can put keys in the ignition, start it up, leave it there, and the automobile will run itself out of gas unless it's operated by a human. And considering vehicle deaths exceeds gun deaths, why is everyone worried about guns? The problem, is that people teach their kids that guns are for killing people. My dad never taught me that a gun was for killing someone, and he always got after my ass if I was ever careless with a firearm. I had my first BB gun taken away from me for pointing it at a cat in the back yard.

OK babe. If there were strict gun controls that wack-job in Alabama would not have had the weapons necessary to slaughter innocent people.


Criminals will get guns no matter what "gun-control" you have. If we ban all guns, the crime rate will increase or stay the same. The fact is, criminals already don't follow our laws, whether it's gun laws, theft, etc... So what makes you think that they will follow the laws required in gun bans? They'll continue to steal and smuggle firearms to do their work. And unless you can track down every gun that has ever been sold (which you can't) then it won't work. All you will do, is disarm law-abiding citizens while the criminals will carry on as they do now.

Alabama already has firearm regulations.

They would have to perform house to house search and seizures..... and I am willing to bet that wouldnt go down to swell.

I agree, and I think it's retarded to even consider that banning guns is constitutional.

Criminals will get guns no matter what "gun-control" you have. If we ban all guns, the crime rate will increase or stay the same. The fact is, criminals already don't follow our laws, whether it's gun laws, theft, etc... So what makes you think that they will follow the laws required in gun bans? They'll continue to steal and smuggle firearms to do their work. And unless you can track down every gun that has ever been sold (which you can't) then it won't work. All you will do, is disarm law-abiding citizens while the criminals will carry on as they do now.

Alabama already has firearm regulations.

They would have to perform house to house search and seizures..... and I am willing to bet that wouldnt go down to swell.

I agree, and I think it's retarded to even consider that banning guns is constitutional.

They dont care if its un-constitutional....they are treasonous pukes.
Actually, I think the purpose of the Second Amendment has already been largely lost. I think the purpose of the Second Amendment was to prevent the National Goverment from having a monopoly on military weaponry. The second Amendment doesn't refer to "guns." It refers to "arms," and "arms" is a lot broader term than "guns" is.

I'll add that there is no way that the Second Amendment says that the right to keep and bear arms is limited to members of militia. The reference to "militia" is a reason, not a limit.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

That is associated with the idea that the States are sovereign. The Bill of Rights was intended to limit the power of the Federal government. The Second Amendment was specifically intended to prohibit the Federal government from infringing upon the rights of the people of the States to bear arms, not just guns. The idea was that the people would have the power to resist the federal government if necessary. That has been totally lost.

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