GUNS must GO

Showing that more black people are in prisons only demonstrates that more blacks are convicted of crime, NOT that more criminals are black. I hope you don't say somewhere in this post that you use logic and excel at mathmatics. ;)

Actually given the stark minority which black folks represent and the percentage which they represent in prison, says that more black folks which are convicted of crimes; which extends to 'more black folks are committing more crime than are white folks, as a percentage....' It's not even debatable Loki.
It is debatable, though I'm not particularly interested in engaging in that particular debate here, that is the point being made--in particular, I'm trying to illustrate for the retards that when engaged in that debate, the interpretations if the facts of the matter ARE NOT the facts of the matter.

For their benefit, and so you can catch up, I will reprise:
And finally, you obtuse retard, now that you have all that in response to your nothing; so that you can finally catch up with what I was actually about--I didn't play the white racist justice sytem card because I subscribe to the notion that it's valid, but rather to illuminate for dumbfuck Yukon (and now dumbfuck you) that there's a distinct difference between the facts of a matter, and the interpretation of those facts--one is objective and the other is subjective--and the subjective interpretation of facts are NOT the fucking facts of the matter.

So, just so you and Yukon can get it absolutely clear in your pointy idiot's heads: The population of black folks in prison is NO INDICATION that black skin causes people to commit crimes or that black people commit more crime, but rather that black people are convicted of crime more often. And do not fucking make the mistake that I'm sure you're about to--the undisputed fact that the police, the prosecutors, the judges, the juries and the defenders that are involved in convicting more blacks of crimes than whites are white, is NO INDICATION that white skin causes racism, or that white people are more racist than black people, but rather that where racism exists, any amount of racism in a community that is so predominantly white as ours is going to bias conviction rates towards black folks.
While the issue is not their skin pigment, the propensity for the black person to be engaged in criminal activity is a result of the ideas which those criminal black folks bring to their lives... meaning their IDEOLOGY tends towards their being more than willing to violate the rights of others... to satisfy their own would-be needs.

Hmmm... not what ideology questions the existance of the rights of the individual who HAS SOMETHING be infringed to satisfy the NEEDS of those who have not?

Take your time.. you're a bright boy... I know you can do it.
Well Cupcake, considering how gifts, grants and/or endowments can be legitimately withheld, abridged and/or recinded, it would be ANY idiology that insists that rights are some kind of gift, grant and/or endowment; such that the rights of the individual who HAS SOMETHING can be legitimately infringed to satisfy the NEEDS of those who have not.
If it weren't for Affirnative Action do you really think anyone would hire you?
Affirmative action had absolutely NOTHING to with why I have been hired for any job.

If you think they would then I suggest you lobby your Government Rep to have AA abolished.
FYI Retard, I have no problem with supporting the abolishment of institutionalized racism.

I don't need laws passed to get a job, . . .
You sure do; I know I wouldn't hire you unless forced to.

I get a job based on skill and I progress based on performance.
"Pity" does not mean "appreciation of skill and performance."

Do you Mr Loki ????
People seek my skill and expertise, and that is how I get and keep my job(s).

This is, of cousre, all beside your racist point that, for the purposes of this discussion, you would know me better if you knew what color my skin is--that you need to know the color of my skin; as if the color of my skin has ANY relationship to the validity of any point I make.
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Mr Loki,

If it weren't for Affirnative Action do you really think anyone would hire you? If you think they would then I suggest you lobby your Government Rep to have AA abolished.

I don't need laws passed to get a job, I get a job based on skill and I progress based on performance. Do you Mr Loki ????

I'd hire Loki over you any day of the week, but then I have a strict policy of requiring employees to have three-digit IQs.
Mr Loki,

If it weren't for Affirnative Action do you really think anyone would hire you? If you think they would then I suggest you lobby your Government Rep to have AA abolished.

I don't need laws passed to get a job, I get a job based on skill and I progress based on performance. Do you Mr Loki ????

I'd hire Loki over you any day of the week, but then I have a strict policy of requiring employees to have three-digit IQs.

You do understand that liberals can not, I repeat can not be rascist in any way. ;)
Mr Loki,

If it weren't for Affirnative Action do you really think anyone would hire you? If you think they would then I suggest you lobby your Government Rep to have AA abolished.

I don't need laws passed to get a job, I get a job based on skill and I progress based on performance. Do you Mr Loki ????

I'd hire Loki over you any day of the week, but then I have a strict policy of requiring employees to have three-digit IQs.

You do understand that liberals can not, I repeat can not be rascist in any way. ;)

Nope. I understand that liberals are incapable of understanding how completely ignorant and hypocritical and pompous they sound, though. On the other hand, they're incapable of understanding the definition of the word "is", so it's not really surprising. Higher concepts are clearly beyond them.
[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck & Wayne LaPierre ( NRA ) discuss gun control and the 2nd Amendment on March 18, 2009[/ame]
Women being concerned about restrictions of gun ownership for law-abiding citizens is only logical. Guns are the equalizer if somebody more physically powerful tries to victimize you, after all. The right to gun ownership empowers women in that sense.

Women being concerned about restrictions of gun ownership for law-abiding citizens is only logical. Guns are the equalizer if somebody more physically powerful tries to victimize you, after all. The right to gun ownership empowers women in that sense.


Hmm ... seems you don't care about women either. Good to know.

You don't need a weapon nor do you need to worry about men coming near you.

As stated earlier "you don't need a weapon".

Why are you so they frighten you?

Why are you so they frighten you?

What the fuck does that have to do with anything. Quit hiding behind the fact that you can't logically defend your argument. There is not one single good argument for banning guns, zip, zero, nada. But if you're going to make a feabile attempt at it maybe try making an argument grounded in some logic.
Women being concerned about restrictions of gun ownership for law-abiding citizens is only logical. Guns are the equalizer if somebody more physically powerful tries to victimize you, after all. The right to gun ownership empowers women in that sense.


Damnit you had to set me up didn't you

Every time some lunatic decides that the way of the gun is best, Americans try to figure out why. How could this happen in my neighborhood, my schools, and in my nice quiet "white" community? Only those uncivilized blacks in those urban areas should be killing each other. This doesn't happen to us "whities", does it? Yes it does happen to you, and it will continue to happen until you get some sensible gun legislation in your country.
Every time some lunatic decides that the way of the gun is best, Americans try to figure out why. How could this happen in my neighborhood, my schools, and in my nice quiet "white" community? Only those uncivilized blacks in those urban areas should be killing each other. This doesn't happen to us "whities", does it? Yes it does happen to you, and it will continue to happen until you get some sensible gun legislation in your country.

Then why are there school shootings in Europe where they have "sensible" gun regulation?

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