GUNS must GO

Let me add that this country wasn't founded because people were thinking about public health and safety. It was founded because they were thinking about Liberty. Sometimes, public health and safety and Liberty don't mix. The idea that all of our decisions should be based on maximizing public health and safety is totally contrary to the point of this country.

Criminals will get guns no matter what "gun-control" you have. If we ban all guns, the crime rate will increase or stay the same. The fact is, criminals already don't follow our laws, whether it's gun laws, theft, etc... So what makes you think that they will follow the laws required in gun bans? They'll continue to steal and smuggle firearms to do their work. And unless you can track down every gun that has ever been sold (which you can't) then it won't work. All you will do, is disarm law-abiding citizens while the criminals will carry on as they do now.

Alabama already has firearm regulations.

They would have to perform house to house search and seizures..... and I am willing to bet that wouldnt go down to swell.

I agree, and I think it's retarded to even consider that banning guns is constitutional.

In all fairness, Yukon the Racist Drooler DID start this thread with the concept of repealing the 2nd Amendment, as opposed to merely passing gun bans. Repealing the 2nd would require a new amendment, which would be frigging stupid but technically Constitutional.
My wife and I were watching Wayne (NRA PRES) on Glenn Beck show She asked me if we have plenty of AMMO as she shoots and Deer Hunts with me and our sons and daughter. I said I'm waiting for a gun show to pick up some more. Only have about 500 rounds for her 30/30. about 1000 rounds for her 8mm. 200 rounds for her 35
2000 rounds for her 22. I have about 1000 rounds for my 7mm remington Mag. and together we have about 3000 12 ga. for skeet.
She is from brooklyn New York so come on over and try to take them from her (better you than me)
Oh I forgot I'm a Vietnam Vet try and take mine and it will be the last day both you and I spend on this earth.:evil::evil::evil::evil:
The prisons are overflowing with Negro people. Why is that?
Here's an explanation for you:
The police forces in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.
The prosecuting attorneys in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks
The judges in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.
The juries in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.
The defending attorneys in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.

If these white folks believe as you do that naturally darker skin pigmentation carries with it a natural predisposition to commit crime, then it is not at all surprising that white cops target black folks over white folks; that white prosecutors are more agressive prosecuting black folks than white folks; that white judges are less lenient in sentencing black folks than they are with white folks; that white juries are more likely to convict black folks than white folks; and white defending attorneys are less agreesive in their defense of balck folks than they are in their defense of white folks--it's not at all surprising that lots of black folks end up in jail.

It's also not surpising that most of the folks who are exonerated by DNA evidence are minorities--despite the conspiracies of racist white cops, prosecutors, judges, juries and defense lawyers, dark skin color is not a crime.
Sorry Loki, but most of what you claim is bullshit. Almost half our police force is black here, most prefer the nighttime patrols but they're sweeties and watch to make sure I am safe when I go for walks late sometimes.

Attorneys don't care about the color of their clients skin, any good one will be more worried about getting a raise by winning more cases.

Ever watch Judge Joe Brown? Great show, I love him, he also makes no excuses because of being black nor allows others to, perhaps there's a reason.

Juries are filtered to prevent such prejudice ... and it works.

The primary reason more black people are in prison is because it just happens that more black people are in prison. The reasons why vary just as the reasons why the poorest whites can't get out or keep out. It's the cost of crime, you break the law you go to jail, unless you are OJ.
Sorry Loki, but most of what you claim is bullshit.


(BTW: Really . . . where you are? A fucking "reality" TV show? My claims are bullshit?)
Much like the bullshit notions posted by Yukon that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . murder." and that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . robbery."

Have you caught up with the program yet?
Sorry Loki, but most of what you claim is bullshit.


(BTW: Really . . . where you are? A fucking "reality" TV show? My claims are bullshit?)
Much like the bullshit notions posted by Yukon that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . murder." and that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . robbery."

Have you caught up with the program yet?

I passed you a long time ago.

Funny that you seem to be completely unable to prove my point wrong in any way, and yet you expect anyone to take what you say as more valid.
Sorry Loki, but most of what you claim is bullshit.


(BTW: Really . . . where you are? A fucking "reality" TV show? My claims are bullshit?)
Much like the bullshit notions posted by Yukon that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . murder." and that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . robbery."

Have you caught up with the program yet?

I passed you a long time ago.

Funny that you seem to be completely unable to prove my point wrong in any way, and yet you expect anyone to take what you say as more valid.

K K we usually have similar views. But the old dudes opinion although extreme he does have some accurate points...Believe it or not I generally voice my opinion not on Studies,Ideals, Media Points
or opinions of the so called intelectuals..but on life experiences.
I served jury duty on a buy or bust drug case about 10 years ago,the white cops and white DA and white jury was trying to fry a Black guy and myself and Black women saw thru the DA's bullshit and held out for two days and got the guy off. And the reasons the jury gave up and sided with myself and the black women was unbelievable
As follows-- I have to pay a babysitter,I'm gonna loose time at my job,I'm going on vacation and have alot to do first. What bullshit.
It was easy for them to say guilty and get on with there lives than to dissect the case and find the truth. When I asked the DA why she tried such a weak case she said well some times we win them
Jesus what a asshole. And we want to give our government more power Listen to me Old Black dude you do not want the government to have more power just because your black and the President is Black don't think the government is not going to still fry the wrong people.
Much like the bullshit notions posted by Yukon that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . murder." and that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . robbery."

Have you caught up with the program yet?

I passed you a long time ago.

Funny that you seem to be completely unable to prove my point wrong in any way, and yet you expect anyone to take what you say as more valid.

K K we usually have similar views. But the old dudes opinion although extreme he does have some accurate points...Believe it or not I generally voice my opinion not on Studies,Ideals, Media Points
or opinions of the so called intelectuals..but on life experiences.

I served jury duty on a buy or bust drug case about 10 years ago,the white cops and white DA and white jury was trying to fry a Black guy and myself and Black women saw thru the DA's bullshit and held out for two days and got the guy off. And the reasons the jury gave up and sided with myself and the black women was unbelievable
As follows-- I have to pay a babysitter,I'm gonna loose time at my job,I'm going on vacation and have alot to do first. What bullshit.
It was easy for them to say guilty and get on with there lives than to dissect the case and find the truth. When I asked the DA why she tried such a weak case she said well some times we win them
Jesus what a asshole. And we want to give our government more power Listen to me Old Black dude you do not want the government to have more power just because your black and the President is Black don't think the government is not going to still fry the wrong people.

Aah ... but there is what's wrong, in spite of what people want to think we ALL base our opinions more on real life experiences. So now I will share mine, well, the relevant parts.

I grew up in an area where there were only a few black people, to us they were never any different, and they were always treated exactly the same. They also didn't treat us any different or act the way they are often portrayed in rap videos and such. We just thought those stereotypes were just someone trying to make a buck. Eventually I wound up in Indiana, Indianapolis to be precise, and there I saw first hand real prejudice ... toward white people. Really bad prejudice to, blatant and open, and none of them ever got in trouble for it. Then I had made my way to Montana ... an odd place, at first it seemed much like Western Washington, jut bitter cold winters, but soon I saw the prejudice toward blacks. Oddly it was much more subversive and not nearly as bad. The reason it was so much more mild than the black against white racism I witnessed in Indiana was because of hate laws. So my experiences have shown two important facts, hate crime laws cause more problems than they fix, and that everyone is prejudice in some way. The only reason prejudice is hurting people is because both sides demonstrate it toward each other at the same time, then you have what we see in prisons happening, because both people are too busy blaming the other that neither side gets to work toward the truth. Following stereotypes alone is not a problem, it's allowing those stereotypes to dictate how you treat and react to other people that causes the worst mistakes we have.

A small recollection of something I witnessed to demonstrate this effect. A black kid was pulled over, one of those rapper kids with too much time on their hands. The cop wanted to do a routine search for drugs (just happens that most dealers in this area are rapper kid types). The kid didn't have any drugs but instead of just saying okay and gloating when the cop didn't find any he ranted and struggled, forcing the officer to do his job and restrain him. Which of course would annoy anyone who just wanted to make it a quick stop and check. So the cop assumed he was a drug dealer, hell I would have to at that point. Brought in the dogs and everything, did a complete search, found nothing. So then he goes back to the black kid about to let him go with just a warning to next time be a little nicer. The kid starts screaming at the cop again, calling him racist and saying he'll sue, the cop finally snaps and yells "shut the fuck up" back at the kid. This is where the kid only proves he needed to be arrested, he head barrels into the cop. Wound up going to jail for several charges at that point. Then a bunch of black protesters showed up ranting about how the cop was being racist ...

Then one of our more famous cases: A white man was beat to death at a celebration in the middle of Pioneer Square because the cops were too scared of being accused of racism for pulling off the 5 to 8 black kids beating the white one.
I passed you a long time ago.

Funny that you seem to be completely unable to prove my point wrong in any way, and yet you expect anyone to take what you say as more valid.

K K we usually have similar views. But the old dudes opinion although extreme he does have some accurate points...Believe it or not I generally voice my opinion not on Studies,Ideals, Media Points
or opinions of the so called intelectuals..but on life experiences.

I served jury duty on a buy or bust drug case about 10 years ago,the white cops and white DA and white jury was trying to fry a Black guy and myself and Black women saw thru the DA's bullshit and held out for two days and got the guy off. And the reasons the jury gave up and sided with myself and the black women was unbelievable
As follows-- I have to pay a babysitter,I'm gonna loose time at my job,I'm going on vacation and have alot to do first. What bullshit.
It was easy for them to say guilty and get on with there lives than to dissect the case and find the truth. When I asked the DA why she tried such a weak case she said well some times we win them
Jesus what a asshole. And we want to give our government more power Listen to me Old Black dude you do not want the government to have more power just because your black and the President is Black don't think the government is not going to still fry the wrong people.

Aah ... but there is what's wrong, in spite of what people want to think we ALL base our opinions more on real life experiences. So now I will share mine, well, the relevant parts.

I grew up in an area where there were only a few black people, to us they were never any different, and they were always treated exactly the same. They also didn't treat us any different or act the way they are often portrayed in rap videos and such. We just thought those stereotypes were just someone trying to make a buck. Eventually I wound up in Indiana, Indianapolis to be precise, and there I saw first hand real prejudice ... toward white people. Really bad prejudice to, blatant and open, and none of them ever got in trouble for it. Then I had made my way to Montana ... an odd place, at first it seemed much like Western Washington, jut bitter cold winters, but soon I saw the prejudice toward blacks. Oddly it was much more subversive and not nearly as bad. The reason it was so much more mild than the black against white racism I witnessed in Indiana was because of hate laws. So my experiences have shown two important facts, hate crime laws cause more problems than they fix, and that everyone is prejudice in some way. The only reason prejudice is hurting people is because both sides demonstrate it toward each other at the same time, then you have what we see in prisons happening, because both people are too busy blaming the other that neither side gets to work toward the truth. Following stereotypes alone is not a problem, it's allowing those stereotypes to dictate how you treat and react to other people that causes the worst mistakes we have.

A small recollection of something I witnessed to demonstrate this effect. A black kid was pulled over, one of those rapper kids with too much time on their hands. The cop wanted to do a routine search for drugs (just happens that most dealers in this area are rapper kid types). The kid didn't have any drugs but instead of just saying okay and gloating when the cop didn't find any he ranted and struggled, forcing the officer to do his job and restrain him. Which of course would annoy anyone who just wanted to make it a quick stop and check. So the cop assumed he was a drug dealer, hell I would have to at that point. Brought in the dogs and everything, did a complete search, found nothing. So then he goes back to the black kid about to let him go with just a warning to next time be a little nicer. The kid starts screaming at the cop again, calling him racist and saying he'll sue, the cop finally snaps and yells "shut the fuck up" back at the kid. This is where the kid only proves he needed to be arrested, he head barrels into the cop. Wound up going to jail for several charges at that point. Then a bunch of black protesters showed up ranting about how the cop was being racist ...

Then one of our more famous cases: A white man was beat to death at a celebration in the middle of Pioneer Square because the cops were too scared of being accused of racism for pulling off the 5 to 8 black kids beating the white one.

Yes I understand and have witnessed similar things..
The main problem as I see it is many Blacks (not all) wish to reverse
history with a get even attitude and not just lets forget color and be equal it is a revenge factor and there fore leads whites to also
get revenge is self perpetuating and will never end.
Sorry Loki, but most of what you claim is bullshit.


(BTW: Really . . . where you are? A fucking "reality" TV show? My claims are bullshit?)
Much like the bullshit notions posted by Yukon that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . murder." and that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . robbery."

Have you caught up with the program yet?

I passed you a long time ago.
You are so far behind, you just think you're ahead.

Funny that you seem to be completely unable to prove my point wrong in any way, and yet you expect anyone to take what you say as more valid.
All right dumbass, GAME ON!

First, you didn't make a fucking point.

Secondly, wherever the fuck you live is entirely irrelevent, as I am absoloutely sure that nation-wide the census of police officers is NOT 50% black and 50 % white, and is in fact, predominantly white.

Thirdly, prosecutors absoultely DO care about the color of their client's skin a) if they are racists, and b) if they think that skin color will have some effect on their success rate. And prosecuting attorneys get raises based on their political value of their convictions rather than rate of convictions. This is the primary reason these guys are not so enthusiastic about the findings of Project Innocence.

Fourthly, Judge Joe Brown; is that a real court room? Are you suggesting that because Judge Brown is a black man, the judges in this country are NOT predominantly white? Are you suggesting that because Judge Brown makes no excuses because of being black nor allows others to, that other judges, other white judges, simply cannot be racially biased and cannot make excuses because of being white or allows others to? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

Fifthly, the jury selection process is notoriously ineffective at eliminating racists from the jury box. If it's so effective, explain how so many white juries had the death penalty verdicts they passed on black men overturned by DNA evidence later--these cases were apparently so air-fucking-tight that 12 white people unanimously were willing to put a black man to death, and at the end of the day, the only thing particularly air-tight about the defendant was that he was black.

And finally, you obtuse retard, now that you have all that in response to your nothing; so that you can finally catch up with what I was actually about--I didn't play the white racist justice sytem card because I subscribe to the notion that it's valid, but rather to illuminate for dumbfuck Yukon (and now dumbfuck you) that there's a distinct difference between the facts of a matter, and the interpretation of those facts--one is objective and the other is subjective--and the subjective interpretation of facts are NOT the fucking facts of the matter.

So, just so you and Yukon can get it absolutely clear in your pointy idiot's heads: The population of black folks in prison is NO INDICATION that black skin causes people to commit crimes or that black people commit more crime, but rather that black people are convicted of crime more often. And do not fucking make the mistake that I'm sure you're about to--the undisputed fact that the police, the prosecutors, the judges, the juries and the defenders that are involved in convicting more blacks of crimes than whites are white, is NO INDICATION that white skin causes racism, or that white people are more racist than black people, but rather that where racism exists, any amount of racism in a community that is so predominantly white as ours is going to bias conviction rates towards black folks.
Loki: Hmm ... so if blacks ARE still a minority then you expect all blacks to become police officers just so it's even? Or are you instead admitting that black people are no longer a minority and therefore no longer need that status for protection, thus instead the white people now need minority status and therefore we should be the ones to get the protection instead?

Here's something about being a minority, it means there are not as many of that type as others, thus of course in most places there will be more of the majority than the minority, it's simple mathematics. So showing that more people of one type are in the police force nation wide only demonstrates the basic mathematical principle of percentages and odds, it does not demonstrate any form of prejudice. Showing that more black people are in prisons only demonstrates that more criminals are black, not that the legal system is being prejudice. The only possible way to prove it would be to actually show it, thus show a lot of innocent black people in prisons wrongly accused. Thing is that so far the evidence has shown that to not be true. Of those wrongfully convicted less than half are black (which again follows basic mathematics) and of those criminals still untried about 30% are black, but still only a third are white, which still follows the rule of odds accounting for all other races in the country. So, either you are only looking at a tiny portion of the data and excluding all other possible sources, or you are being dishonest to make someone else look bad (which has far worse implications). Which is it? To get an accurate picture you must first travel a lot (I did that myself) then use logic (I only use logic) and finally grasp mathematics (which I excel at).
Much like the bullshit notions posted by Yukon that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . murder." and that "Coloured people have a different, more accepting attitude, toward . . . robbery."

Have you caught up with the program yet?

I passed you a long time ago.
You are so far behind, you just think you're ahead.

Funny that you seem to be completely unable to prove my point wrong in any way, and yet you expect anyone to take what you say as more valid.
All right dumbass, GAME ON!

First, you didn't make a fucking point.

Secondly, wherever the fuck you live is entirely irrelevent, as I am absoloutely sure that nation-wide the census of police officers is NOT 50% black and 50 % white, and is in fact, predominantly white.

Thirdly, prosecutors absoultely DO care about the color of their client's skin a) if they are racists, and b) if they think that skin color will have some effect on their success rate. And prosecuting attorneys get raises based on their political value of their convictions rather than rate of convictions. This is the primary reason these guys are not so enthusiastic about the findings of Project Innocence.

Fourthly, Judge Joe Brown; is that a real court room? Are you suggesting that because Judge Brown is a black man, the judges in this country are NOT predominantly white? Are you suggesting that because Judge Brown makes no excuses because of being black nor allows others to, that other judges, other white judges, simply cannot be racially biased and cannot make excuses because of being white or allows others to? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

Fifthly, the jury selection process is notoriously ineffective at eliminating racists from the jury box. If it's so effective, explain how so many white juries had the death penalty verdicts they passed on black men overturned by DNA evidence later--these cases were apparently so air-fucking-tight that 12 white people unanimously were willing to put a black man to death, and at the end of the day, the only thing particularly air-tight about the defendant was that he was black.

And finally, you obtuse retard, now that you have all that in response to your nothing; so that you can finally catch up with what I was actually about--I didn't play the white racist justice sytem card because I subscribe to the notion that it's valid, but rather to illuminate for dumbfuck Yukon (and now dumbfuck you) that there's a distinct difference between the facts of a matter, and the interpretation of those facts--one is objective and the other is subjective--and the subjective interpretation of facts are NOT the fucking facts of the matter.

So, just so you and Yukon can get it absolutely clear in your pointy idiot's heads: The population of black folks in prison is NO INDICATION that black skin causes people to commit crimes or that black people commit more crime, but rather that black people are convicted of crime more often. And do not fucking make the mistake that I'm sure you're about to--the undisputed fact that the police, the prosecutors, the judges, the juries and the defenders that are involved in convicting more blacks of crimes than whites are white, is NO INDICATION that white skin causes racism, or that white people are more racist than black people, but rather that where racism exists, any amount of racism in a community that is so predominantly white as ours is going to bias conviction rates towards black folks.

My friend there is a get even mentality in the USA , NOW in the PAST
and will continue in the future for as long as people have to get even nomatter what the situation and this will never change. Ya can't level the playing field for anyreason and the goverment tries to do it all the time...Being force Being forced Being forced to do anything
just creates revolt
I'll PM you my address....and you can come try to take this from me if you want.


Russian SKS?
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The police forces in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.
The prosecuting attorneys in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks
The judges in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.
The juries in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.
The defending attorneys in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.

If these white folks believe as you do that naturally darker skin pigmentation carries with it a natural predisposition to commit crime, then it is not at all surprising that white cops .

Mr Loki,

You "people" are still whinning and crying racism. You are so pathetic, so sad, so sickening. You'll never be anything else. All of the bad things that happen to the Negro - the jails, the executions, the lack of eduaction, bad jobs, etc, etc - it's all the fault of good ole "Whitey" isn't it Mr Loki?

Grow up..................
Loki: Hmm ... so if blacks ARE still a minority then you expect all blacks to become police officers just so it's even? Or are you instead admitting that black people are no longer a minority and therefore no longer need that status for protection, thus instead the white people now need minority status and therefore we should be the ones to get the protection instead?

Here's something about being a minority, it means there are not as many of that type as others, thus of course in most places there will be more of the majority than the minority, it's simple mathematics.
Way to go Sherlock! Got any more amazing discoveries?

So showing that more people of one type are in the police force nation wide only demonstrates the basic mathematical principle of percentages and odds, it does not demonstrate any form of prejudice.
HOLY FUCK! You're just understaning that right now? You've come a long fucking way from "Asserting 'the police force is predominantly white' is bullshit, because where I'm from it's mostly 50/50." Way to go!

Showing that more black people are in prisons only demonstrates that more criminals are black, . . .
Showing that more black people are in prisons only demonstrates that more blacks are convicted of crime, NOT that more criminals are black. I hope you don't say somewhere in this post that you use logic and excel at mathmatics. ;)

. . . not that the legal system is being prejudice.
If criminal behavior is not caused by race, yet blacks are convicted of crimes by a predominantly white justice sytem more often than chance can account for, then I'd say it certainly suggests some kind of racial bias.

The only possible way to prove it would be to actually show it, thus show a lot of innocent black people in prisons wrongly accused.
Over 70% of death-row convictions overturned by DNA evidence are convictions of minority members. Seems like alot of wrongfully accused right there. Considering that ~75% of the nation is white, and ~12% of the nation is black. Or is 70% not "alot" mathematically?

Thing is that so far the evidence has shown that to not be true.
Really? What kind of evidence do you need? MTV's "The Real World?"

Of those wrongfully convicted less than half are black (which again follows basic mathematics) . . .
Do you say this because the accused can be innocent OR guilty, black OR white, wrongfully convicted OR rightfully convicted . . . this suggests it should all be about 50/50 to you?

How about this: If having black skin has NOTHING to do with being a criminal, and having white skin has NOTHING to do with not being a criminal; and skin color has NOTHING to do with conviction rates or sentencing either, then how do you explain how the incarceration rate for black folks is over 6 times the incarceration rate for white folks, and the death penalty is applied to black folks at 4 times the rate it's applied to white folks, when white folks outnumber blacks (as you have pointed out you're aware) by over 6 to 1? How do you account for that, you mathematical fucking genius?

. . . and of those criminals still untried about 30% are black, but still only a third are white, which still follows the rule of odds accounting for all other races in the country.
Where did you get this magical statistic regarding criminals not convicted? "Oh there's criminals out there, and 30% are black and 30% are white. All 50/50 like I've been saying."

So, either you are only looking at a tiny portion of the data and excluding all other possible sources, or you are being dishonest to make someone else look bad (which has far worse implications).
Well, I'm certainly not looking at the made-up sources to make someone else look bad . . .

Which is it?
I don't accept your bullshit false dichotomy.

To get an accurate picture you must first travel a lot (I did that myself) then use logic (I only use logic) . . .
Oh really? Like this gem?
"Loki: Hmm ... so if blacks ARE still a minority then you expect all blacks to become police officers just so it's even? Or are you instead admitting that black people are no longer a minority and therefore no longer need that status for protection, thus instead the white people now need minority status and therefore we should be the ones to get the protection instead?"

. . . and finally grasp mathematics (which I excel at).
Yeah, like 6:1 = 1:1. ur math skillz rox0r.
The police forces in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.
The prosecuting attorneys in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks
The judges in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.
The juries in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.
The defending attorneys in the US are comprised of predominantly white folks.

If these white folks believe as you do that naturally darker skin pigmentation carries with it a natural predisposition to commit crime, then it is not at all surprising that white cops .

Mr Loki,

You "people" are still whinning and crying racism.
Oh? You know this? My people don't know what "whinning" is--your people know so much.

You are so pathetic, so sad, so sickening.
Not so pathetic, sad, or sickening as a racist.

You'll never be anything else.
Which means we won't be racist retards, which is just fine with us.

All of the bad things that happen to the Negro - the jails, the executions, the lack of eduaction, bad jobs, etc, etc - it's all the fault of good ole "Whitey" isn't it Mr Loki?
I'm not sure that negros are interested in your "eduaction", but no, I'm not saying any of this.

Grow up..................
Logical ... if there are enough black people to make up a larger portion of these jobs then there is no way they could be a minority ... logic. If they are no longer a minority then why haven't they taken the time to get jobs?
Showing that more black people are in prisons only demonstrates that more blacks are convicted of crime, NOT that more criminals are black. I hope you don't say somewhere in this post that you use logic and excel at mathmatics. ;)

Actually given the stark minority which black folks represent and the percentage which they represent in prison, says that more black folks which are convicted of crimes; which extends to 'more black folks are committing more crime than are white folks, as a percentage....' It's not even debatable Loki.

While the issue is not their skin pigment, the propensity for the black person to be engaged in criminal activity is a result of the ideas which those criminal black folks bring to their lives... meaning their IDEOLOGY tends towards their being more than willing to violate the rights of others... to satisfy their own would-be needs.

Hmmm... not what ideology questions the existance of the rights of the individual who HAS SOMETHING be infringed to satisfy the NEEDS of those who have not?

Take your time.. you're a bright boy... I know you can do it.
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Mr Loki,

If it weren't for Affirnative Action do you really think anyone would hire you? If you think they would then I suggest you lobby your Government Rep to have AA abolished.

I don't need laws passed to get a job, I get a job based on skill and I progress based on performance. Do you Mr Loki ????

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