GUNS must GO

Recently, a young man (21 or 22) stabbed his sister to death with a kitchen knife, then beheaded his 5 year old sister withe same knife. A police officer kicked down the door as he was finishing the job. He didn't "traditionally" behead her, but slit her throat with such verocity and might, that it beaded her. He was shot while attempting to attack his third sister.

a kitchen knife.... these sick and disgusting people will commiut their crimes with or without guns. I don't have the link, but it was on CNN this morning. I'm sure it's on the internet site as well.
Five officers in a Boston suburb are on paid leave and receiving counseling for stress and trauma after responding to a disturbance call only to walk in on a man decapitating his 5-year-old sister, Bianca, with a kitchen knife, The Boston Globe reports.

The killer, 23-year-old Kerby Revelus, who had already stabbed another sister, 17-year-old Samantha, to death, then ran to another room and attacked a third sister, 9-year-old Saraphina.

Milton police officers shot and killed Revelus, then grabbed Saraphina and rushed her to the hospital, where she is recovering today from multiple stab wounds, the paper reports.

Neighbors told police that Revelus, who was unemployed after serving jail time, had been "talking crazy" in recent days. One neighbor told The Globe he had been speaking with Revelus only about 10 minutes before the attack on Saturday.

Police shaken by killings, beheading - On Deadline -

I know. Kitchen knives need to be banned.
In many US states guns are allowed anywhere...the 2DN rules !
In many US states guns are allowed anywhere...the 2DN rules !

Have you ever even BEEN to the US, or will they not let you across the border?

Any establishment has the right to refuse to allow its patrons to bring guns onto the property, Second Amendment or no, because the Constitution ALSO grants them property rights. So every state has places that won't allow guns. And that's aside from the fact that every state has laws prohibiting the possession of firearms in certain places.

As per my much earlier post, WE must really need knife control.... Ok, maybe just Ireland........ for now. Then we need to make sure only certified contractors have a license to buy a hammer, and only baseball players have access to bats. Then we need to monitor who buys fencing and housing material, cause those could be used as weapons and kill ppl too.
Really, the govt needs to micro-manage all of our actions cause we are too ignorant to take care of ourselves. Shit, we MAY get hurt!

Knife crime is now out of control, warns judge - National News, Frontpage -

Too many people have died from car accidents. we should ban cars and go back to horses.

Because passing laws that ban things are bullet proof. Pun most certainly intended.
It would be a welcome step if people were to move beyond selective incorporation of raw data to support their claims. In my opinion, gun prevalence itself is not a sufficient factor in crime levels to warrant gun bans or prohibitions. But we can analyze the effects of increased gun ownership on lethality as with Duggan's More Guns, More Crime, for instance, which focuses on the homicide rate.

This paper examines the relationship between gun ownership and crime. Previous research has suffered from a lack of reliable data on gun ownership. I exploit a unique data set to reliably estimate annual rates of gun ownership at both the state and the county levels during the past two decades. My findings demonstrate that changes in gun ownership are significantly positively related to changes in the homicide rate, with this relationship driven almost entirely by an impact of gun ownership on murders in which a gun is used. The effect of gun ownership on all other crime categories is much less marked. Recent reductions in the fraction of households owning a gun can explain one‐third of the differential decline in gun homicides relative to nongun homicides since 1993.

This is due to the existence of a secondary market in the U.S. which circumvents licensing procedure.
People that advocate repealing the 2nd amendment need to go. More people get killed on America's
Highways, than are killed by Guns.Guns don't kill , People Kill!!.
So property rights gives one the right to ban someone for having a gun...correct? Does it also give one the right to ban someone becuase they are black.....I don't think so. So much for "property rights".
So property rights gives one the right to ban someone for having a gun...correct? Does it also give one the right to ban someone becuase they are black.....I don't think so. So much for "property rights".

Hitler and the Nazis also banned all the Guns as soon as they gained Power.And then they
proceeded to slaughter 6 Million unarmed Jews. I don't trust people advocating Gun bans or any form of Gun control. It leaves the masses unprotected from Government Tyranny.
So property rights gives one the right to ban someone for having a gun...correct? Does it also give one the right to ban someone becuase they are black.....I don't think so. So much for "property rights".

Hitler and the Nazis also banned all the Guns as soon as they gained Power.And then they
proceeded to slaughter 6 Million unarmed Jews. I don't trust people advocating Gun bans or any form of Gun control. It leaves the masses unprotected from Government Tyranny.

so property rights gives one the right to ban someone for having a gun...correct? Does it also give one the right to ban someone becuase they are black.....i don't think so. So much for "property rights".

hitler and the nazis also banned all the guns as soon as they gained power.and then they
proceeded to slaughter 6 million unarmed jews. I don't trust people advocating gun bans or any form of gun control. It leaves the masses unprotected from government tyranny.

wow !!
so property rights gives one the right to ban someone for having a gun...correct? Does it also give one the right to ban someone becuase they are black.....i don't think so. So much for "property rights".

hitler and the nazis also banned all the guns as soon as they gained power.and then they
proceeded to slaughter 6 million unarmed jews. I don't trust people advocating gun bans or any form of gun control. It leaves the masses unprotected from government tyranny.

wow !!

are you turned on by those thoughts, pervert?
so property rights gives one the right to ban someone for having a gun...correct? Does it also give one the right to ban someone becuase they are black.....i don't think so. So much for "property rights".

hitler and the nazis also banned all the guns as soon as they gained power.and then they
proceeded to slaughter 6 million unarmed jews. I don't trust people advocating gun bans or any form of gun control. It leaves the masses unprotected from government tyranny.

wow !!

Not "WoW" , Mr. Gun Ban freak, something for you to think about, not unless you are some
weirdo , Neo Nazi white supremacist, trying to disarm the masses so your White supreamacist brothers can take over.?!?
hitler and the nazis also banned all the guns as soon as they gained power.and then they
proceeded to slaughter 6 million unarmed jews. I don't trust people advocating gun bans or any form of gun control. It leaves the masses unprotected from government tyranny.

wow !!

Not "WoW" , Mr. Gun Ban freak, something for you to think about, not unless you are some
weirdo , Neo Nazi white supremacist, trying to disarm the masses so your White supreamacist brothers can take over.?!?

Should have known it was going to turn into a race thread with you posting. There are other nations who have banned their citizens from owning guns...and these people aren't even close to being "white."
We should use diplomacy and negotiation to insure that all people, good and bad, mean and gentle, voluntarily turn over their guns to the State. That is the Obummer approach to targets of our "overseas contingency reason it won't work here at home.

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