GUNS must GO

People that advocate repealing the 2nd amendment need to go. More people get killed on America's
Highways, than are killed by Guns.Guns don't kill , People Kill!!.

I don't worry about people who want to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Amending the Constitution and repealing amendments to the Constitution are a part of the Constitution. I do not think repealing the 2nd Amendment would have enough support to fly anyway. I worry about the people who want to just ignore the 2nd Amendment. If you ignore the 2nd Amendment you can ignore any of the others. Not a good thionmg. But a word ofwarning to those of you focused on the 2nd Amendment. If you ignore the 1st and the 4th Amendments it makes it easier to ignore the 2nd Amendment.
People that advocate repealing the 2nd amendment need to go. More people get killed on America's
Highways, than are killed by Guns.Guns don't kill , People Kill!!.

I don't worry about people who want to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Amending the Constitution and repealing amendments to the Constitution are a part of the Constitution. I do not think repealing the 2nd Amendment would have enough support to fly anyway. I worry about the people who want to just ignore the 2nd Amendment. If you ignore the 2nd Amendment you can ignore any of the others. Not a good thionmg. But a word ofwarning to those of you focused on the 2nd Amendment. If you ignore the 1st and the 4th Amendments it makes it easier to ignore the 2nd Amendment.

If you get rid of the Second Amendment by any means, you can totally ignore all of the others.
People that advocate repealing the 2nd amendment need to go. More people get killed on America's
Highways, than are killed by Guns.Guns don't kill , People Kill!!.

I don't worry about people who want to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Amending the Constitution and repealing amendments to the Constitution are a part of the Constitution. I do not think repealing the 2nd Amendment would have enough support to fly anyway. I worry about the people who want to just ignore the 2nd Amendment. If you ignore the 2nd Amendment you can ignore any of the others. Not a good thionmg. But a word ofwarning to those of you focused on the 2nd Amendment. If you ignore the 1st and the 4th Amendments it makes it easier to ignore the 2nd Amendment.

If you get rid of the Second Amendment by any means, you can totally ignore all of the others.

NOt necessarily. THere are countries that do fine (according to their standards) the tightly control guns. My concern is that we have a process by which we attend to legal matters. We should follow that process. That process has been outlined for us in the Constituion, the Constitution even has a process by which Americans can amend it. It's not perfect but it's still pretty good system.
It's funny people equate guns with "rights". Then they blather on about how bad it is to take guns away, as if we accept that. Well, until you get some inbred dingleberry tweeker point one in your general direction, when you forget your snub nosed 88 mm anti-tank pistol in the glove compartment of the gas guzzling SUV, then all this sophistic crap doesn't do you much good, does it? Here's a thought, maybe we don't need firearms in a civilized society. Maybe? Think? Is this another self perpetuating argument?
I don't worry about people who want to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Amending the Constitution and repealing amendments to the Constitution are a part of the Constitution. I do not think repealing the 2nd Amendment would have enough support to fly anyway. I worry about the people who want to just ignore the 2nd Amendment. If you ignore the 2nd Amendment you can ignore any of the others. Not a good thionmg. But a word ofwarning to those of you focused on the 2nd Amendment. If you ignore the 1st and the 4th Amendments it makes it easier to ignore the 2nd Amendment.

If you get rid of the Second Amendment by any means, you can totally ignore all of the others.

NOt necessarily. THere are countries that do fine (according to their standards) the tightly control guns. My concern is that we have a process by which we attend to legal matters. We should follow that process. That process has been outlined for us in the Constituion, the Constitution even has a process by which Americans can amend it. It's not perfect but it's still pretty good system.

I didn't say WOULD ignore. I said CAN. Although I think your addition of "according to their standards" is very telling. You'll notice that none of us are flocking to live in those countries.
It's funny people equate guns with "rights". Then they blather on about how bad it is to take guns away, as if we accept that. Well, until you get some inbred dingleberry tweeker point one in your general direction, when you forget your snub nosed 88 mm anti-tank pistol in the glove compartment of the gas guzzling SUV, then all this sophistic crap doesn't do you much good, does it? Here's a thought, maybe we don't need firearms in a civilized society. Maybe? Think? Is this another self perpetuating argument?

What makes you think humanity is all that civilized? Or ever will be?
If you get rid of the Second Amendment by any means, you can totally ignore all of the others.

NOt necessarily. THere are countries that do fine (according to their standards) the tightly control guns. My concern is that we have a process by which we attend to legal matters. We should follow that process. That process has been outlined for us in the Constituion, the Constitution even has a process by which Americans can amend it. It's not perfect but it's still pretty good system.

I didn't say WOULD ignore. I said CAN. Although I think your addition of "according to their standards" is very telling. You'll notice that none of us are flocking to live in those countries.

Standards are subjective. And many of those people aren't flocking to our country either. THe people who flock to our country are often doing so because of violence and oppression in their own countries.
NOt necessarily. THere are countries that do fine (according to their standards) the tightly control guns. My concern is that we have a process by which we attend to legal matters. We should follow that process. That process has been outlined for us in the Constituion, the Constitution even has a process by which Americans can amend it. It's not perfect but it's still pretty good system.

I didn't say WOULD ignore. I said CAN. Although I think your addition of "according to their standards" is very telling. You'll notice that none of us are flocking to live in those countries.

Standards are subjective. And many of those people aren't flocking to our country either. THe people who flock to our country are often doing so because of violence and oppression in their own countries.

Many of those people ARE flocking to our country, and not just because of violence and oppression (hey, how do you think THAT happens?). Some of them are just flocking here because of unparalleled freedom and opportunity.

I think my point about the 2nd Amendment being the guarantor of all of the others is that it doesn't really matter if the government will respect the other rights without the threat of an armed populace to defend them. What matters is that I don't want to have to count on the government to be benevolent, moral, and just in order to have my civil rights.
Civilized folks support gun ownership? To combat other uncivilized people? Now, there is an argument. It is a self supporting and a vicious cycle. Because, all those bad guys get firearms just as easily, so this whole argument just becomes vicious cycle. Let's break that cycle. Firearms are not a necessity in a world of people that respect each other. Beside, name the last time ANY of you actually used a gun to defend yourself. And factor in how often a criminal uses a firearm to further their aims. We all know that the 2ND amendment was never meant to empower criminals, but that is what is happening, not honest citizens. Sorry, call em' as I see them.
Civilized folks support gun ownership? To combat other uncivilized people? Now, there is an argument. It is a self supporting and a vicious cycle. Because, all those bad guys get firearms just as easily, so this whole argument just becomes vicious cycle. Let's break that cycle. Firearms are not a necessity in a world of people that respect each other. Beside, name the last time ANY of you actually used a gun to defend yourself. And factor in how often a criminal uses a firearm to further their aims. We all know that the 2ND amendment was never meant to empower criminals, but that is what is happening, not honest citizens. Sorry, call em' as I see them.

Yes, dear, civilized people support gun ownership to combat uncivilized people. What else can you do with them? Ever try to negotiate with an armed mugger or rapist? And by the way, how do you think civilization came about? By people holding hands and singing "Kum Ba Yah"? Hell, no. You get true peace through strength. The only peace you get without it is the peace of utter surrender and enslavement.
Have you,Cecile? What do you know about it? Please. Yes, I have, I don't have a problem with guns, just assholes. Too many of them get guns, and you just aren't getting your head around that concept. Now, try harder. I mean that , try harder.
Have you,Cecile? What do you know about it? Please. Yes, I have, I don't have a problem with guns, just assholes. Too many of them get guns, and you just aren't getting your head around that concept. Now, try harder. I mean that , try harder.

You're an idiot if you think I'm going to believe you successfully negotiated with an armed thug who wanted your money or worse. The only "negotiation" you get there is, "Please, sir, take whatever you want", and we all know it, so don't try to bullshit.

And legal gun ownership isn't responsible for criminals getting guns, you dimwit. You think they're running down to the local guns and ammo shop and filling out the license forms before knocking over that convenience store or shooting that old lady for her purse? Wrap YOUR head around THIS concept: criminals don't observe the law. That's why we call them "criminals".

Now try harder. I mean that. Try fucking harder.
Have you,Cecile? What do you know about it? Please. Yes, I have, I don't have a problem with guns, just assholes. Too many of them get guns, and you just aren't getting your head around that concept. Now, try harder. I mean that , try harder.

You're an idiot if you think I'm going to believe you successfully negotiated with an armed thug who wanted your money or worse. The only "negotiation" you get there is, "Please, sir, take whatever you want", and we all know it, so don't try to bullshit.

And legal gun ownership isn't responsible for criminals getting guns, you dimwit. You think they're running down to the local guns and ammo shop and filling out the license forms before knocking over that convenience store or shooting that old lady for her purse? Wrap YOUR head around THIS concept: criminals don't observe the law. That's why we call them "criminals".

Now try harder. I mean that. Try fucking harder.

And even if you say, "take whatever you want," they will probably kill you anyway.

Responsible people who arm themselves for protection aren't the ones to worry about. It's the idiots, or as SW2 so eloquently said, the assholes who we need to protect ourselves from.

If they are armed, and we aren't, all is lost.
Civilized folks support gun ownership? To combat other uncivilized people? Now, there is an argument. It is a self supporting and a vicious cycle. Because, all those bad guys get firearms just as easily, so this whole argument just becomes vicious cycle. Let's break that cycle. Firearms are not a necessity in a world of people that respect each other. Beside, name the last time ANY of you actually used a gun to defend yourself. And factor in how often a criminal uses a firearm to further their aims. We all know that the 2ND amendment was never meant to empower criminals, but that is what is happening, not honest citizens. Sorry, call em' as I see them.

July, 1964.
You are such a sweet talker Cecille. You guys are really ....amazing. Truly. You read what ever you want into my posts, don't you? Ever consider that.. (shock) I am perhaps just like you? So, if you would, please answer my question instead of insulting. HAVE YOU ever used a firearm to defend yourself? Skip the crap, please. Answer the bloody question if you have an ounce of integrity. Yes, or no, no bullshit.
You are such a sweet talker Cecille. You guys are really ....amazing. Truly. You read what ever you want into my posts, don't you? Ever consider that.. (shock) I am perhaps just like you? So, if you would, please answer my question instead of insulting. HAVE YOU ever used a firearm to defend yourself? Skip the crap, please. Answer the bloody question if you have an ounce of integrity. Yes, or no, no bullshit.

I'm just curious. What difference does it make if she has or hasn't?

There are many people who have? Old Rocks for one.

I know people who have. I personally haven't and hope I never have to. But I have a permit and carry in case I have to.

I don't see what different it makes as it pertains to the discussion.
You are such a sweet talker Cecille. You guys are really ....amazing. Truly. You read what ever you want into my posts, don't you? Ever consider that.. (shock) I am perhaps just like you? So, if you would, please answer my question instead of insulting. HAVE YOU ever used a firearm to defend yourself? Skip the crap, please. Answer the bloody question if you have an ounce of integrity. Yes, or no, no bullshit.

Not that it's any of your business, but yes. I have also been the victim of a crime when I didn't have a gun to defend myself, and was very lucky to survive.
You are such a sweet talker Cecille. You guys are really ....amazing. Truly. You read what ever you want into my posts, don't you? Ever consider that.. (shock) I am perhaps just like you? So, if you would, please answer my question instead of insulting. HAVE YOU ever used a firearm to defend yourself? Skip the crap, please. Answer the bloody question if you have an ounce of integrity. Yes, or no, no bullshit.

I'm just curious. What difference does it make if she has or hasn't?

There are many people who have? Old Rocks for one.

I know people who have. I personally haven't and hope I never have to. But I have a permit and carry in case I have to.

I don't see what different it makes as it pertains to the discussion.

I did not have to pull the trigger, but had the safety off, and was aimed. Had I not had the shotgun, I do not believe I would be alive today. I am a gun owner, but this thing of putting guns on pedestals is getting to me. We should have some strong laws to keep guns out of the hands of lunatics. That we have ineffective laws and enforcement is obvious, given the five slaughters that we have seen in less than a month.

As stated, I am a gun owner, but those that oppose any kind of controls on who owns guns are creating a situation where the majority of the American People may well decide that my right to responsible gun ownership is more of a danger to them than gun control laws.
Cecilie, we are lucky too have you here, then. You are right, it's none of my buisness. Well, Ditto, I am here because of fate, god's will or random chance. A gun figures into this, in my case, anyway.
Cecilie, we are lucky too have you here, then. You are right, it's none of my buisness. Well, Ditto, I am here because of fate, god's will or random chance. A gun figures into this, in my case, anyway.

I consider being here because of a gun I used to be MY will, not God's or fate's. Neither of THEM bought the gun or used it.

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