GUNS must GO

I want guns out of the hands of criminals. You ? Who is the schmuck here? Guns are immaterial. It's about something else.Apparently, some of you don't , cant or won't ever get it. I don't pity you. It's easier to cast aspersions than to use a gun .Apparently, some of you don't , cant or won't ever get it.

Everyone wants guns out of the hands of criminals, except the criminals. The difference is, I don't think that laws controlling legal gun ownership will accomplish that, since I know they don't own them legally, anyway. So that would make YOU the schmuck.

I get it. You need industrial-strength therapy to deal with the fact that your daddy was an insane asshole, your mother was an ineffectual wimp, and you'd rather blame an inanimate object than deal with your childhood trauma.

I don't have time to play Dr. Freud here. You're dismissed until you deal with your issues.
Oh, by the way. As a woman, the thing that armed thug might want to steal from me may be something I'm not willing to "give him and then call the cops", all right? So you'll excuse me if I choose to fight back instead of being a victim.

As a woman, I can understand your concern. But if you don't know what you are doing, that gun may be taken from you. Have you ever been in a position of pointing a gun at someone?

I do a lot of personal safety trainings. If someone comes after you we often tell people to make a lot of noise. We also tell people if they are going to use personal safety devices train with them. Many women carry pepper spray. When they have been accosted they tried to use the pepper spray and it has been taken from them or the wind has blown the spray back into their face.

The nice thing about a gun is that the bullet doesn't blow back in your face. And you are far more likely to come out of the situation successfully than you are to have your gun taken from you. Guns are used millions of times every year in this country to foil crimes, usually without even firing them. By contrast, it is quite rare for a potential victim who is armed to be disarmed and have his own weapon used against him.

I'll stick with the odds, thanks. And I prefer to go with defending myself, rather than relying on someone else to rescue me via "making lots of noise".

According to the Center for Disease Control 28, 685 people died due to firearm violence in 2004, throughout the USA. Of those deaths 229 were justifiable homicides by armed civilians (fire arms and other weapons) according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2004. (page 24 of the PDF). If you only count firearms that number is 170. Of that number 139 of the guns were handguns, 14 rifles, 7 shotguns, 10 unspecified firearms.

You are more likely to suffer violence from someone you know. And as a woman you are statistically more likely to be killed by your husband or boyfriend then by a stranger. YOu are also more likely to be raped by an acquaintance then by a stranger.

Young Men between the ages of 15 to 25 are most likely to be victims of crime. They are also most likely to be the perpetrators of crime.
As a woman, I can understand your concern. But if you don't know what you are doing, that gun may be taken from you. Have you ever been in a position of pointing a gun at someone?

I do a lot of personal safety trainings. If someone comes after you we often tell people to make a lot of noise. We also tell people if they are going to use personal safety devices train with them. Many women carry pepper spray. When they have been accosted they tried to use the pepper spray and it has been taken from them or the wind has blown the spray back into their face.

The nice thing about a gun is that the bullet doesn't blow back in your face. And you are far more likely to come out of the situation successfully than you are to have your gun taken from you. Guns are used millions of times every year in this country to foil crimes, usually without even firing them. By contrast, it is quite rare for a potential victim who is armed to be disarmed and have his own weapon used against him.

I'll stick with the odds, thanks. And I prefer to go with defending myself, rather than relying on someone else to rescue me via "making lots of noise".

According to the Center for Disease Control 28, 685 people died due to firearm violence in 2004, throughout the USA. Of those deaths 229 were justifiable homicides by armed civilians (fire arms and other weapons) according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2004. (page 24 of the PDF). If you only count firearms that number is 170. Of that number 139 of the guns were handguns, 14 rifles, 7 shotguns, 10 unspecified firearms.

You are more likely to suffer violence from someone you know. And as a woman you are statistically more likely to be killed by your husband or boyfriend then by a stranger. YOu are also more likely to be raped by an acquaintance then by a stranger.

Young Men between the ages of 15 to 25 are most likely to be victims of crime. They are also most likely to be the perpetrators of crime.

Looking at your numbers...I would say that having a firearms has paid off for the civilians. I sure am glad that we have the 2nd Amendment to protect our rights. The criminals will always have the guns.
FYI...The second Amendment was set up for civilians to defend themselves from no other than our own government. Our founding Fathers were far smarter than anyone in government today. They had the insight to foresee what the capablities of what our government could do in the future.
Your founding fathers were old men living in a different time. The same type of people used to remove blood from a person who had high-blood pressure. I guess that was correct too?
Your founding fathers were old men living in a different time. The same type of people used to remove blood from a person who had high-blood pressure. I guess that was correct too?

That's why modern technology cannot create Greek fire??? Cause those Greeks were old stupid people living in a different time? Don't discredit wisdom and inginuity because it was in a different time.

The founding fathers new more about government and how it should be run than anyone "running" our government today. They'd seen, first-hand, what a government with too much power could do. History proves that a decrease(banning) of firearms does not equal a decrease in crime.
As a woman, I can understand your concern. But if you don't know what you are doing, that gun may be taken from you. Have you ever been in a position of pointing a gun at someone?

I do a lot of personal safety trainings. If someone comes after you we often tell people to make a lot of noise. We also tell people if they are going to use personal safety devices train with them. Many women carry pepper spray. When they have been accosted they tried to use the pepper spray and it has been taken from them or the wind has blown the spray back into their face.

The nice thing about a gun is that the bullet doesn't blow back in your face. And you are far more likely to come out of the situation successfully than you are to have your gun taken from you. Guns are used millions of times every year in this country to foil crimes, usually without even firing them. By contrast, it is quite rare for a potential victim who is armed to be disarmed and have his own weapon used against him.

I'll stick with the odds, thanks. And I prefer to go with defending myself, rather than relying on someone else to rescue me via "making lots of noise".

According to the Center for Disease Control 28, 685 people died due to firearm violence in 2004, throughout the USA. Of those deaths 229 were justifiable homicides by armed civilians (fire arms and other weapons) according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2004. (page 24 of the PDF). If you only count firearms that number is 170. Of that number 139 of the guns were handguns, 14 rifles, 7 shotguns, 10 unspecified firearms.

You are more likely to suffer violence from someone you know. And as a woman you are statistically more likely to be killed by your husband or boyfriend then by a stranger. YOu are also more likely to be raped by an acquaintance then by a stranger.

Young Men between the ages of 15 to 25 are most likely to be victims of crime. They are also most likely to be the perpetrators of crime.

You know why young men are more likely to be victims of violent crime? Because they're more likely to be violent themselves. They're more likely to be gang members, drug dealers, criminals of every stripe.

Be that as it may, you might want to learn to read statistics a little better. While it is true that statistics such as the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports say that people are more likely to suffer violence from "someone they know", what does that actually mean? "Murderers who know their victims" is a huge category, encompassing categories like rival gang members who, obviously, are acquainted with each other. And in larger urban areas, where most murders occur, the majority of murders ARE gang-related. Funny, that.

So you'll excuse me if, statistics aside, I'm more concerned about protecting myself from people who aren't my husband. :rolleyes: And should HE happen to take it into his head to try to hurt me, well, then I'll shoot him, too. (I also notice that you neglected to cite any source for these statistics, or to cite how many women are raped every year in general in your rush to assure us that women don't need to carry guns to protect themselves from rapists.)

By the way, did you know that the Dept. of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey shows that people who resist assault using a gun are injured 3.6% of the time, as opposed to 5.4% of those who run away, 12.6% of those who screamed or made noise, 13.6% of those who threatened the attacker without a gun, and 55/2% of those who offered no resistance? Thanks for recommending the path that's most likely to get me hurt. I appreciate that.
Your founding fathers were old men living in a different time. The same type of people used to remove blood from a person who had high-blood pressure. I guess that was correct too?

You're a halfwit living in a different country. Guess who I'm more likely to listen to?
It can be argued that your 'founding fathers' were in fact traitors to their country - Great Britain.
The nice thing about a gun is that the bullet doesn't blow back in your face. And you are far more likely to come out of the situation successfully than you are to have your gun taken from you. Guns are used millions of times every year in this country to foil crimes, usually without even firing them. By contrast, it is quite rare for a potential victim who is armed to be disarmed and have his own weapon used against him.

I'll stick with the odds, thanks. And I prefer to go with defending myself, rather than relying on someone else to rescue me via "making lots of noise".

According to the Center for Disease Control 28, 685 people died due to firearm violence in 2004, throughout the USA. Of those deaths 229 were justifiable homicides by armed civilians (fire arms and other weapons) according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2004. (page 24 of the PDF). If you only count firearms that number is 170. Of that number 139 of the guns were handguns, 14 rifles, 7 shotguns, 10 unspecified firearms.

You are more likely to suffer violence from someone you know. And as a woman you are statistically more likely to be killed by your husband or boyfriend then by a stranger. YOu are also more likely to be raped by an acquaintance then by a stranger.

Young Men between the ages of 15 to 25 are most likely to be victims of crime. They are also most likely to be the perpetrators of crime.

Looking at your numbers...I would say that having a firearms has paid off for the civilians. I sure am glad that we have the 2nd Amendment to protect our rights. The criminals will always have the guns.
FYI...The second Amendment was set up for civilians to defend themselves from no other than our own government. Our founding Fathers were far smarter than anyone in government today. They had the insight to foresee what the capablities of what our government could do in the future.

I would not come to that conclusion about those numbers. Out of all of the shootings that occured in 2004, only 170 of them were justifiable homocides (The 229 reflects all justifiable homicides by any means). I don't think that number supports the notion that guns will keep you safe.

I did not include the number of accidental shootings or suicides. Which can be found with a little work. There are many people who have guns who do not know what to do with them or how to handle them, or how to secure them. Those people should either learn what to do with those guns or get rid of them. People bent on committing suicide will do it one way or the other. They need professional mental health assistance to deal with their depression.

As a crime prevention specialist, I do not buy the argument that guns make good crime prevention. It is better to look towards things like Crime Prevention therough Environmental Design and Risk and protective factors that lead to crime. Getting old is also a good way of preventing crime. As people get older they are less likely to commit a crime.

However, I do not buy the notion that we should ban guns, either. It's in the Constitution. Parts of the Constitution should not be ignored. I do not think that there is support for repealing the 2nd amendment.

I grew up in a home with guns in it. My father is a charter member of the NRA. My brother is a lifetime member of the NRA. I don't understand their fascination with guns. But it doesn't frighten me either.
According to the Center for Disease Control 28, 685 people died due to firearm violence in 2004, throughout the USA. Of those deaths 229 were justifiable homicides by armed civilians (fire arms and other weapons) according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2004. (page 24 of the PDF). If you only count firearms that number is 170. Of that number 139 of the guns were handguns, 14 rifles, 7 shotguns, 10 unspecified firearms.

You are more likely to suffer violence from someone you know. And as a woman you are statistically more likely to be killed by your husband or boyfriend then by a stranger. YOu are also more likely to be raped by an acquaintance then by a stranger.

Young Men between the ages of 15 to 25 are most likely to be victims of crime. They are also most likely to be the perpetrators of crime.

Looking at your numbers...I would say that having a firearms has paid off for the civilians. I sure am glad that we have the 2nd Amendment to protect our rights. The criminals will always have the guns.
FYI...The second Amendment was set up for civilians to defend themselves from no other than our own government. Our founding Fathers were far smarter than anyone in government today. They had the insight to foresee what the capablities of what our government could do in the future.

I would not come to that conclusion about those numbers. Out of all of the shootings that occured in 2004, only 170 of them were justifiable homocides (The 229 reflects all justifiable homicides by any means). I don't think that number supports the notion that guns will keep you safe.

I did not include the number of accidental shootings or suicides. Which can be found with a little work. There are many people who have guns who do not know what to do with them or how to handle them, or how to secure them. Those people should either learn what to do with those guns or get rid of them. People bent on committing suicide will do it one way or the other. They need professional mental health assistance to deal with their depression.

As a crime prevention specialist, I do not buy the argument that guns make good crime prevention. It is better to look towards things like Crime Prevention therough Environmental Design and Risk and protective factors that lead to crime. Getting old is also a good way of preventing crime. As people get older they are less likely to commit a crime.

However, I do not buy the notion that we should ban guns, either. It's in the Constitution. Parts of the Constitution should not be ignored. I do not think that there is support for repealing the 2nd amendment.

I grew up in a home with guns in it. My father is a charter member of the NRA. My brother is a lifetime member of the NRA. I don't understand their fascination with guns. But it doesn't frighten me either.

I really could care less what your conclusion is with those numbers, Pagen. I really don't care what you think of my conclusion is either. There were 170 civilians saved by the gun.
I just wonder how many crimes were diverted because of the possiblity have a civilian having a gun??? Hard to put a number on it. But, the NRA magazine used to show numbers that reflected that specific topic.
Guns are designed to KILL. Why would anyone want to own a gun and NOT use it for its designed purpose?
It can be argued that your 'founding fathers' were in fact traitors to their country - Great Britain.

Why yes and they made it clear to George exactly why they were rebelling against him, it was government overstepping its bounds, and wouldn't you know it they were also trying to take guns away from them.
Guns are designed to KILL. Why would anyone want to own a gun and NOT use it for its designed purpose?

As an insurance in case of criminals, also shooting galleries where you shoot at it inanimate objects.
It can be argued that your 'founding fathers' were in fact traitors to their country - Great Britain.

Why yes and they made it clear to George exactly why they were rebelling against him, it was government overstepping its bounds, and wouldn't you know it they were also trying to take guns away from them.

you forgot religous persecution....

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