GUNS must GO

Banning guns won't work? What is that based on? Please. I live near Columbine HS. It's kind of a hollow and empty question. We won't ever know will we?
Banning guns won't work? What is that based on? Please. I live near Columbine HS. It's kind of a hollow and empty question. We won't ever know will we?

Without going into detail: because then only criminals and cops would have them ... period. Bad idea, there are many more reasons but that's the biggest one. It would be like a city with gang problems nation wide.
DC is populated by non-caucasian people who tend to be more criminally inclined. Guns had to be banned in DC for that reason. However, banning guns in every jurisdiction would virtually eliminate homicide. The crime rate dropped dramatically in DC for two reasons:

1. Banning guns - fewer guns available to non-caucasian people.
2. Legalized abortion - fewer criminals being born
Before we knock banning guns, lets do it and see what happens. Given the current alternative, what do we have to lose? Oh, I am 100% American. Not a Canuck. I like Canadians, though, they mean well. God love em', anyway. They care that much to create this thread after all, then it shows they care, I wish us yanks would show that same concern.
Before we knock banning guns, lets do it and see what happens. Given the current alternative, what do we have to lose? Oh, I am 100% American. Not a Canuck. I like Canadians, though, they mean well. God love em', anyway. They care that much to create this thread after all, then it shows they care, I wish us yanks would show that same concern.

That kind of social experiment is a huge mistake, even if we couldn't see that the risks of such an experiment would make it inhumane to perform.
Before we knock banning guns, lets do it and see what happens. Given the current alternative, what do we have to lose? Oh, I am 100% American. Not a Canuck. I like Canadians, though, they mean well. God love em', anyway. They care that much to create this thread after all, then it shows they care, I wish us yanks would show that same concern.

We should never ban anything just to see what happens. Peoples rights and freedoms should not be taken away that easily.

Other nations have banned guns. D.C. has banned guns and they had a spike in crime.
You can kill a deer for food. Yes, there's a thought. Yep, all those supermarkets, all this abundance of food, we gotta trek out into into the wilderness and shoot Bambi instead. That's a powerful argument for guns. I have bullet lodged in my garage, another in my roof. Now, I doubt the numb nuts that put them there even have the slightest idea what the fudge the constitution is, let alone the second amendment. But, they got firearms, though. I like guns. I don't like people that much, especially all you intelligent ones that rationalize being irrational, plus we get all that nifty gun porn. You guys are intelligent, I must say. And particularly adept at self delusion. But as far as the second amendment goes, it's a antique and we don't need firearms anymore, this isn't the frontier and the redcoats are LONG gone.

I never hunt, I grocery shop. But really, how healthy is the food in the store. This additve that additive. This hormone that hormone. It seems to me that those who actually go out and hunt have a lot more respect for the food they get than those of us that jump into our car and pick up the meat that has been butchered and dressed for us. To some extent the gun vs no gun issue is a rural urban issue. Going to the store can be a mindless activity.
The 2nd amendment is there to protect us from an oppresive government...pure and simple.

Its not for hunting...or target practice...or gun-porn threads or any of that shit. Its there to insure our right to kill as many tyranical bastards as possible if the time comes...and the need arises.

If a few people die here and there , it doesnt change the uber-importance of this right.
DC is populated by non-caucasian people who tend to be more criminally inclined. Guns had to be banned in DC for that reason. However, banning guns in every jurisdiction would virtually eliminate homicide. The crime rate dropped dramatically in DC for two reasons:

1. Banning guns - fewer guns available to non-caucasian people.
2. Legalized abortion - fewer criminals being born

Okay, seriously. Put down the crack pipe and back away from it.

The crime rate didn't drop in DC after guns were banned. It skyrocketed until DC became the Murder Capital of the US. And legalized abortion does NOTHING to lower crime rates. It can legitimately be argued that it has actually increased the crime rate.
Okay, seriously. Put down the crack pipe and back away from it.

The crime rate didn't drop in DC after guns were banned. It skyrocketed until DC became the Murder Capital of the US.

Are you interested in selective incorporation of raw data, or are you interested in sound empirical evidence that isolates the gun effect?

And legalized abortion does NOTHING to lower crime rates. It can legitimately be argued that it has actually increased the crime rate.

There is significant evidence of legalized abortion reducing social "ills" that rightists typically argue lead to increased crime rates. For instance, we could analyze Ananat et al.'s Abortion and Selection. Consider the abstract:

Abortion legalization in the early 1970s led to dramatic changes in fertility. Some research has suggested that it altered cohort outcomes, but this literature has been limited and controversial. In this paper, we provide a framework for understanding selection mechanisms and use that framework to both address inconsistent past methodological approaches and provide evidence on the long-run impact on cohort characteristics. Our results indicate that lower-cost abortion brought about by legalization altered young adult outcomes through selection. In particular, it increased likelihood of college graduation, lower rates of welfare use, and lower odds of being a single parent.

So it seems that rightists would be forced to concede that decreased likelihood of college graduation, higher rates of welfare use, and higher odds of being a single parent have no especially significant link to crime if they wish to allege that abortion legalization idid not lower crime rates.
DC is populated by non-caucasian people who tend to be more criminally inclined. Guns had to be banned in DC for that reason. However, banning guns in every jurisdiction would virtually eliminate homicide. The crime rate dropped dramatically in DC for two reasons:

1. Banning guns - fewer guns available to non-caucasian people.
2. Legalized abortion - fewer criminals being born

don't you people all need guns to get your bear meat and seal blubber for the winter ??
DC is populated by non-caucasian people who tend to be more criminally inclined. Guns had to be banned in DC for that reason. However, banning guns in every jurisdiction would virtually eliminate homicide. The crime rate dropped dramatically in DC for two reasons:

1. Banning guns - fewer guns available to non-caucasian people.
2. Legalized abortion - fewer criminals being born

don't you people all need guns to get your bear meat and seal blubber for the winter ??

I don't think Yukon is an Eskimo. And I would imagine he has plenty of blubber of his own.
Banning guns won't work? What is that based on? Please. I live near Columbine HS. It's kind of a hollow and empty question. We won't ever know will we?

Why don't you look at the crime rates in cities/countries where gun bans are/were in effect.

The D.C. gun ban didn't work. They had the highest crime rate in the nation.

DC proves gun bans don't work (

Gary Mauser SFU Professor

Countries that have gun bans have more crime. This is also proven in other countries such as England and Japan. Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world.

Banning guns will not decrease crime, it has been proven over and over again by a trial basis.
You can kill a deer for food. Yes, there's a thought. Yep, all those supermarkets, all this abundance of food, we gotta trek out into into the wilderness and shoot Bambi instead. That's a powerful argument for guns. I have bullet lodged in my garage, another in my roof. Now, I doubt the numb nuts that put them there even have the slightest idea what the fudge the constitution is, let alone the second amendment. But, they got firearms, though. I like guns. I don't like people that much, especially all you intelligent ones that rationalize being irrational, plus we get all that nifty gun porn. You guys are intelligent, I must say. And particularly adept at self delusion. But as far as the second amendment goes, it's a antique and we don't need firearms anymore, this isn't the frontier and the redcoats are LONG gone.

I never hunt, I grocery shop. But really, how healthy is the food in the store. This additve that additive. This hormone that hormone. It seems to me that those who actually go out and hunt have a lot more respect for the food they get than those of us that jump into our car and pick up the meat that has been butchered and dressed for us. To some extent the gun vs no gun issue is a rural urban issue. Going to the store can be a mindless activity.

I almost brought this point up, but didn't want to sound like a back-woods hick. lol. I do most of my shopping in town ,and get most of our food at the grocery store. I, however, refuse to buy fish from the store, because 1. I enjoy fishing, and 2. Why pay for it when I can catch it for free. I also can feed my family for several sittings (throughout the year) by killing a couple of deer per year, and usually a few wild hogs). I'm not a gung-ho "natural-food" guy, but can see the benefits when food prices soar.

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