GUNS must GO

Yukon ... you have been proven the fool in this thread more times than I care to count ... even if you ignore all the non-factual remarks.
There is lots of data. Here's an example:

Handguns and Homicide​

On the average, if someone gets shot and killed, four out of five times it will be with a handgun. In 1997, for example, handguns were used in 79.4 percent of all firearm homicides.10

From 1990 to 1997, handguns were used in a majority (55.6 percent) of all homicides; that is, they were used in murder more than all other weapons combined.11

From 1990 to 1997, there were 293,781 firearm deaths—homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings.12

From 1990 to 1997 in the United States there were more than—

160,000 homicides

110,000 firearm homicides

89,000 handgun homicides13

Handgun homicides hit record highs in the early 1990s, peaking in 1993. That year there were 13,258 such killings—out of a total of 16,120 firearm homicides.14
As part of an overall drop in crime, in 1997 handgun homicides fell to 8,503.15

VPC - Handgun Ban Fact Sheet

The VPC? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaha ::cough, cough:: Why not just cite Wikipedia while you're at it?

The VPC obviously has an agenda. I'm not sure you could say the same about wikipedia. The validity of a wikipedia article depends on what sources it cites and most problematic ones are flagged.

I was not saying that Wikipedia had an agenda. I was comparing the relative reliability of each as sources. I wouldn't trust either of them as far as I could throw their webmasters, albeit for different reasons.
Its impossible to forbid the use of gun altogether. Guns are necessary for defensive purposes of a country like in case of war. Use of guns should be moderated, monitored and regulated. Not all of us can own guns.
Legal Matters





Not all of us can have guns?

You think its ok to do this to someones rights??
Its impossible to forbid the use of gun altogether. Guns are necessary for defensive purposes of a country like in case of war. Use of guns should be moderated, monitored and regulated. Not all of us can own guns.
Legal Matters





Not all of us can have guns?

You think its ok to do this to someones rights??

Some people have a problem with ex-con killers being allowed to carry a gun. My philosophy on that is if he's that dangerous why is he out of prison? Did mandatory minimums for marijuana dealers "force" them to let the homicidal baby rapist go early?
Its impossible to forbid the use of gun altogether. Guns are necessary for defensive purposes of a country like in case of war. Use of guns should be moderated, monitored and regulated. Not all of us can own guns.
Legal Matters

The only problem being that if you give someone the ability to moderate, monitor, and regulate gun ownership, they will eventually end up doing so based on their own agenda, to eliminate opposition to what they want, and thereby become the very person/group against whom we needed the guns in the first place.
Its impossible to forbid the use of gun altogether. Guns are necessary for defensive purposes of a country like in case of war. Use of guns should be moderated, monitored and regulated. Not all of us can own guns.
Legal Matters





Not all of us can have guns?

You think its ok to do this to someones rights??

Some people have a problem with ex-con killers being allowed to carry a gun. My philosophy on that is if he's that dangerous why is he out of prison? Did mandatory minimums for marijuana dealers "force" them to let the homicidal baby rapist go early?

I have to agree there. If that homicidal baby rapist is taking up too much space, I favor execution over release. That way, they won't be taking up too much space on the outside, either.
Its impossible to forbid the use of gun altogether. Guns are necessary for defensive purposes of a country like in case of war. Use of guns should be moderated, monitored and regulated. Not all of us can own guns.
Legal Matters





Not all of us can have guns?

You think its ok to do this to someones rights??

Some people have a problem with ex-con killers being allowed to carry a gun. My philosophy on that is if he's that dangerous why is he out of prison? Did mandatory minimums for marijuana dealers "force" them to let the homicidal baby rapist go early?

I have a huge problem with murderous ex-cons carrying guns...

But that is the fault of our shitty judicial system.

My feelings are.....if the guy is out....he is to be granted all the freedoms of anyone else.....especially self-protection.

And if there is a doubt that he may want to do bad again.....then why the hell was he released??
:confused: silly Canadian we would have never come to be the awesome people we are without our gun-loving mentality. besides our super cool president has no intention of banning the guns we actually kill each other with, just the ones that look really scary!!!
Its impossible to forbid the use of gun altogether. Guns are necessary for defensive purposes of a country like in case of war. Use of guns should be moderated, monitored and regulated. Not all of us can own guns.
Legal Matters





Not all of us can have guns?

You think its ok to do this to someones rights??

Some people have a problem with ex-con killers being allowed to carry a gun. My philosophy on that is if he's that dangerous why is he out of prison? Did mandatory minimums for marijuana dealers "force" them to let the homicidal baby rapist go early?

Ex-con killers shouldn't have guns, and if they do, they have them illegally. And I agree, they shouldn't be out of prison. If someone is so dangerous that they're not legally allowed to have a gun, they don't need to be on the street.
Ex-con killers shouldn't have guns, and if they do, they have them illegally. And I agree, they shouldn't be out of prison. If someone is so dangerous that they're not legally allowed to have a gun, they don't need to be on the street.

Yeah....last time I checked....I didnt have to register my pocket knife or have a background check to buy it. Yet stabbings are Favorite amongst criminals.....
Its impossible to forbid the use of gun altogether.
It's actually illegal.

Guns are necessary for defensive purposes of a country like in case of war.
. . . or home invasion, or being assaulted.

Use of guns should be moderated, monitored and regulated.
The use of guns already is sufficently moderated, monitored and regulated; it's the keeping and bearing of them that has been infringed upon illegally.

Not all of us can own guns.
There are plenty of regulations making it illegal for the demonstrably criminally violent and incompetent to own guns.
"There are none as blind as those who refuse to see" - YUKON.
Hi Yukon:

It's time that Americans woke up, smelled the coffee and too their collective heads out of the sad. Be smart, be modern, wake up and REPEAL the 2ND AMENDMENT

That has to be the most ridiculous suggestion that anyone has ever made in the history of online discussion forums! If you do not want to own a gun, then do not buy one. The powers of We The People from Amendment #2 guarantee our rights under Amendment #1! :0)

The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths (murders, suicides and accidents) among the world's 36 richest nations!!

So what? Guns do not kill people. People do! Next you will want to ban all cooking knifes over two inches! :0)

* 2,827 children and teens died as a result of gun violence in 2003 (more than the number of American fighting men killed in hostile action in Iraq from 2003 to April 2006)

Taking away the guns of ‘lawful’ gun owners will leave all the bad guys with guns anyway! The American Citizen is the final line of defense against foreign invaders and Government oppression! Just how are you going to defend yourself when the crap hits the fan?

Americans value their constitution and the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment deals with the right to bear arms. Here is the price that ordinary Americans are paying for the privilege

* 8 children a day die in murders, suicides and accidents involving guns

Nonsense. 3000 people die in auto accidents EVERY DAY (I cannot post links = Google = “Crash! Boom! 3,000 people die in car accidents daily”), so your solution is to ban all automobiles!

* since John F. Kennedy was assinated more Americans have died from gunshot wounds at home than died in all the wars of the 20th century

So what? Try to count the number of lives saved and the number of crimes that never happened, because some law-abiding U.S. citizen had access to his ‘legal’ firearm. Your hypothesis falls flat on its face, because the bad guys will always have guns no matter how many law-abiding citizens you convince to give away their Second Amendment Rights.

* Osama bin Laden would need at least nine twin towers like attacks each year to equal what Americans do to themselves every year with guns.

Osama what? :0) Because you are unaware (Lordy), 9/11 was definitely an INSIDE JOB (my blog = ttp:// = add the ‘h’), so Senor Bush and Karl Rove and Donald Rumsfeld would need to murder even more innocent Americans to mount up the kinds of numbers you are talking about . . .

* Murder rates in LA, NY and Chigago were approaching the hightest in the world (30 per 100,000) until moves were made in late 20th century to restrict access to guns to teenagers and the NRA wants these moves reversed.

Our Congress allows millions and millions and millions of Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals to run around loose EVERYWHERE, so they are obviously not concerned at all about keeping any ‘legal’ U.S. Citizen safe at all. The people coming here in the middle of the night to steal U.S. identities and JOBS care nothing about obeying the Rule of Law ‘and’ we still need our guns to maintain some level of security IN OUR HOMES. Only an idiot would give away his guns amid the growing CHAOS flooding across the border in droves . . .

If Osama bin Laden had had more sense, instead of launching a terrorist attack, he would simply have provided financial backing to the NRA!

Osama bin NONSENSE! Osama had nothing to do with the 9/11 Inside Job where the real bad guys sat inside the White House and Justice Department and FBI and CIA and Congress for the past eight years! That is how we gained the Department of Homeland Insecurity ‘and’ millions and millions and millions of Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals running around from sea to shining sea at the very same time. You really want our guns? Great! Just break down the door and take them, but the local coroner will be cleaning your behind in the morning. :0)


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You loose all credibility as soon as you try to convince me that 9/11 was an "inside job". That assertion is insane and only a crazy person would believe it. Yes my son, guns should go because lunatics like yourself have access to them and that is scarey. In fact scarier then knowing Bin Laden is still alive.
Hi Yukon:


You loose all credibility as soon as you try to convince me that 9/11 was an "inside job". That assertion is insane and only a crazy person would believe it. Yes my son, guns should go because lunatics like yourself have access to them and that is scarey. In fact scarier then knowing Bin Laden is still alive.

Please do not confuse me with someone trying to convince Yukon of anything, because I did read your “guns must go” nonsense in the Opening Post of this thread. Perhaps we can engage in a healthy 911Truth Debate one of these fine days when I am allowed to post links. Fun, fun, fun . . . :0)


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"There are none as blind as those who refuse to see" - YUKON.

"The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution."
Thomas Jefferson

"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms."
Thomas Jefferson

"Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not."
Thomas Jefferson

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
-- Benjamin Franklin

Founding Fathers Quotes

"Yukon is an idiot."--BrianH

Your quotes come from a differnet time. They mean nothing in todays world. That's one of the problems we face - people living in the past thinking that what worked then works now. Pathetic.............
people who support gun control and people who support drug control really need to get a room together since both are advocating the failed premise that the government can control human behavior. Greed, sins of the flesh and heart simply can't be easily regulated without destroying a free society. You want a society without those things then get ready to live in a theocracy or some form of dictatorship/authoritarian society such as Iran or China.
America is a gun culture. The gun related crime is a result of too many restrictions regarding gun use, not the opposite.

I think the gun control freaks and those who want drugs LEGALIZED should get a room together.

My guess is that if any of the drug running criminals found out where that room was, they'd bust in the door and shoot 'em up. Their primary focus would be the drug morons, but they'd know the gun control morons wouldn't be armed, so it wouldn't matter.
I can't believe this thread has gone on 18 pages. By the end of page 2 the idea of repealing the 2nd Amendment had been so thoroughly trounced, I didn't bother to post. :thup:

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