GUNS must GO

Stoning people to death is NO worse than injecting poison into their arm........US justice = MUSLIM justice
And there is NO data to support your assertion. We have a lawless, rebellious society. We aren't freakin' sheeple like you. Crimes would just be committed by other means.

There is lots of data. Here's an example:

Handguns and Homicide​

On the average, if someone gets shot and killed, four out of five times it will be with a handgun. In 1997, for example, handguns were used in 79.4 percent of all firearm homicides.10

From 1990 to 1997, handguns were used in a majority (55.6 percent) of all homicides; that is, they were used in murder more than all other weapons combined.11

From 1990 to 1997, there were 293,781 firearm deaths—homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings.12

From 1990 to 1997 in the United States there were more than—

160,000 homicides

110,000 firearm homicides

89,000 handgun homicides13

Handgun homicides hit record highs in the early 1990s, peaking in 1993. That year there were 13,258 such killings—out of a total of 16,120 firearm homicides.14
As part of an overall drop in crime, in 1997 handgun homicides fell to 8,503.15

VPC - Handgun Ban Fact Sheet

Sorry. Epic fail. That data does not support your illogical assumption.
bottom line for me Yuke....if the US would start actually throwing away the key for people using guns on other people,like use a gun to commit a CRIME...NOT SELF DEFENCE...A CRIME....,EVEN if no one is hurt,you get 25 years,no chance of parole,you serve every friggin minute of it.....if some is hurt or killed of course the sentence goes up....i think there would be less crime with guns.....

Yeah, Bush signed that into law with a Democrat Congress when he was Governor here. You use a gun, you're gone.

Oh wait ... it couldn't have been Bush ... it was good ...
bottom line for me Yuke....if the US would start actually throwing away the key for people using guns on other people,like use a gun to commit a CRIME...NOT SELF DEFENCE...A CRIME....,EVEN if no one is hurt,you get 25 years,no chance of parole,you serve every friggin minute of it.....if some is hurt or killed of course the sentence goes up....i think there would be less crime with guns.....

That's right, stiff punishments cause less crimes. Not that I agree with muslim law, but my brother-in-law spent 8 months in Bahrain on deployment, and he said there's really no crime there...because the punishment for committing them are so severe. If the punishment was getting stoned to death, there'd be less crime here I'm sure.

Well think about it. If you steal something here, you get a smack on the wrist. Or a bailout from the government.:eusa_whistle:

You steal something there they cut the hand that stole off.
Stoning people to death is NO worse than injecting poison into their arm........US justice = MUSLIM justice

Which would you choose?


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Why are all the Liberal girls sooooo afraid of guns??? Are you equally afraid of Cars , Pools full of water , Knives , Prescription Drugs , Surgeons , etc know...stuff that kills people??

Fear of guns is directly correalated to an under-developed brain....IMO. Liberals want your guns , your freedom to speech , your money , everything.

Want to take my guns.......???? Molōn labe!
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Twain is famous for stating that statistics are a type of lie. In reality, statistics must be interpreted and sometimes the meaning of them is more obvious than other times:

On the average, if someone gets shot and killed, four out of five times it will be with a handgun. In 1997, for example, handguns were used in 79.4 percent of all firearm homicides.

That does not mean that an absence of guns would have prevented these homicides. Perhaps more importantly, you're not going to get rid of guns without a police state. And if you tried, it would be those who respect the law who comply. Those are not the same people who commit homicides. This is why your statistics are useless.
Twain is famous for stating that statistics are a type of lie. In reality, statistics must be interpreted and sometimes the meaning of them is more obvious than other times:

On the average, if someone gets shot and killed, four out of five times it will be with a handgun. In 1997, for example, handguns were used in 79.4 percent of all firearm homicides.

That does not mean that an absence of guns would have prevented these homicides. Perhaps more importantly, you're not going to get rid of guns without a police state. And if you tried, it would be those who respect the law who comply. Those are not the same people who commit homicides. This is why your statistics are useless.

More importantly.....who cares what killed these people?? How many of these poor souls were victims of Gang-on-Gang violence?? Why are criminals allowed early release from prisons just to strike again?? How many crimes are prevented with "Guns"??

I'd like to see some stats for those questions.
It's time that Americans woke up, smelled the coffee and too their collective heads out of the sad. Be smart, be modern, wake up and REPEAL the 2ND AMENDMENT

The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths (murders, suicides and accidents) among the world's 36 richest nations!!

* 2,827 children and teens died as a result of gun violence in 2003 (more than the number of American fighting men killed in hostile action in Iraq from 2003 to April 2006)

Americans value their constitution and the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment deals with the right to bear arms. Here is the price that ordinary Americans are paying for the privilege

* 8 children a day die in murders, suicides and accidents involving guns

* since John F. Kennedy was assinated more Americans have died from gunshot wounds at home than died in all the wars of the 20th century

* Osama bin Laden would need at least nine twin towers like attacks each year to equal what Americans do to themselves every year with guns.

* Murder rates in LA, NY and Chigago were approaching the hightest in the world (30 per 100,000) until moves were made in late 20th century to restrict access to guns to teenagers and the NRA wants these moves reversed.

If Osama bin Laden had had more sense, instead of launching a terrorist attack, he would simply have provided financial backing to the NRA!

You have a Canadian flag for an avatar, so why do care what we do with our Constitution?
bottom line for me Yuke....if the US would start actually throwing away the key for people using guns on other people,like use a gun to commit a CRIME...NOT SELF DEFENCE...A CRIME....,EVEN if no one is hurt,you get 25 years,no chance of parole,you serve every friggin minute of it.....if some is hurt or killed of course the sentence goes up....i think there would be less crime with guns.....

Yeah, Bush signed that into law with a Democrat Congress when he was Governor here. You use a gun, you're gone.

Oh wait ... it couldn't have been Bush ... it was good ...

Gunny seriously,is like that in Texas?.....cause were i am at if you have 2 oz of pot you will probably serve longer time then someone who just held up a 7-11.....the nice people out here feel that the poor bastard was probably corn holed by his dad when he was a we have to understand him,and what he went through,and WHY he committed that crime.....and why we have to support him in his time of need....:(.....i got to go get a kleenex .....
bottom line for me Yuke....if the US would start actually throwing away the key for people using guns on other people,like use a gun to commit a CRIME...NOT SELF DEFENCE...A CRIME....,EVEN if no one is hurt,you get 25 years,no chance of parole,you serve every friggin minute of it.....if some is hurt or killed of course the sentence goes up....i think there would be less crime with guns.....

Yeah, Bush signed that into law with a Democrat Congress when he was Governor here. You use a gun, you're gone.

Oh wait ... it couldn't have been Bush ... it was good ...

Gunny seriously,is like that in Texas?.....cause were i am at if you have 2 oz of pot you will probably serve longer time then someone who just held up a 7-11.....the nice people out here feel that the poor bastard was probably corn holed by his dad when he was a we have to understand him,and what he went through,and WHY he committed that crime.....and why we have to support him in his time of need....:(.....i got to go get a kleenex .....
Here ya go.


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Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.
Everytime one of you idiots tries to tell us about all these millions of people killed by guns, you can't name even one of them--neither the gun doing the killing OR the person killed.

You retards focus all your attention on "gun deaths" while you ignore every "other kind of" death as if all "other kinds of" deaths are preferrable.

Then you demand the enactment of laws that motivate criminals to steal guns rather than buy them, while simultaneuosly disarming and/or impeding only those folks who obey laws, use and own guns in a peacuful manner, and would defend themselves from the criminally violent with their guns.

And none of you have one rational response. Just continued hang-wringing, and ad-nauseam repetition of "millions of 'gun-deaths'"
bottom line for me Yuke....if the US would start actually throwing away the key for people using guns on other people,like use a gun to commit a CRIME...NOT SELF DEFENCE...A CRIME....,EVEN if no one is hurt,you get 25 years,no chance of parole,you serve every friggin minute of it.....if some is hurt or killed of course the sentence goes up....i think there would be less crime with guns.....

Yeah, Bush signed that into law with a Democrat Congress when he was Governor here. You use a gun, you're gone.

Oh wait ... it couldn't have been Bush ... it was good ...

Gunny seriously,is like that in Texas?.....cause were i am at if you have 2 oz of pot you will probably serve longer time then someone who just held up a 7-11.....the nice people out here feel that the poor bastard was probably corn holed by his dad when he was a we have to understand him,and what he went through,and WHY he committed that crime.....and why we have to support him in his time of need....:(.....i got to go get a kleenex .....

I know how it is there. Spent about half my career stationed in SoCal.

I would have to look up the exact particulars, but yes, if you use a firearm in the commission of crime, the penalty is multiplied automatically. And come on, this Texas ... we put jaywalkers to death ....:badgrin:
Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.
Everytime one of you idiots tries to tell us about all these millions of people killed by guns, you can't name even one of them--neither the gun doing the killing OR the person killed.

You retards focus all your attention on "gun deaths" while you ignore every "other kind of" death as if all "other kinds of" deaths are preferrable.

Then you demand the enactment of laws that motivate criminals to steal guns rather than buy them, while simultaneuosly disarming and/or impeding only those folks who obey laws, use and own guns in a peacuful manner, and would defend themselves from the criminally violent with their guns.

And none of you have one rational response. Just continued hang-wringing, and ad-nauseam repetition of "millions of 'gun-deaths'"

They prefer the other kinds of deaths...because if those freedoms that they find important ( cars , pools , doctors , useage of cutlery , un-protected sex , smoking , drinking ) were banned.....they would feel oppressed. Since they feel guns , and self-protection is an unnecessary thing , then it is unnecessary for everyone. And because they are mentally challenged , hypocritical elitist pricks....there opinion is all that matters....and your freedoms are trumped by there childish fears of firearms.

Seriously.....did all you libby's watch too many Rambo movies as kids?? Too many action flicks??

Do you retards think you will stop violence by banning guns?? How bout knives?? How bout baseball bats??

Why do you brain-dead bleeding heart lefties want to protect criminals so much??

Its bad enough that you want to let them out of jail early for violent crimes , but then when you do , you dont want me to give them two shots to center-mass and one to the head when they try to harm me or my family.

Why should your childish , prepubescent minded fears be more important than one's self protection??
Stoning people to death is NO worse than injecting poison into their arm........US justice = MUSLIM justice

Which would you choose?



Neither. I have an arsenal of firearms and bladed weapons. I'm taking some folk down with me ...:evil:

I was hoping someone would choose neither. And I figured Gunny would be the one. lol:razz: I agree by the way....:clap2:

Yukon, your argment is so far gone, that you started with "Guns Must Go" and started criticizing hunters and recreational shooters as well as gun-owners who own guns for protection. Now that you have nowhere else to go, you're arguing about concealed handguns. So you narrowed your position from banning ALL guns, to targeting handguns and people who have been trained to use them....Just face the facts that you're wrong, and that inanimate objects do not kill people, unless stimulated by an outside stimulus. Even accidents where kids get their hands on guns and shoot themselves are the fault of the gun-owner.

According to the U.S. Constitution, the right to bear arms cannot be infringed. So any attempt to prevent gun ownership is an infringement and unconstitutional in my book, and should be to anyone else who interprets it.
Which would you choose?



Neither. I have an arsenal of firearms and bladed weapons. I'm taking some folk down with me ...:evil:

I was hoping someone would choose neither. And I figured Gunny would be the one. lol:razz: I agree by the way....:clap2:

Yukon, your argment is so far gone, that you started with "Guns Must Go" and started criticizing hunters and recreational shooters as well as gun-owners who own guns for protection. Now that you have nowhere else to go, you're arguing about concealed handguns. So you narrowed your position from banning ALL guns, to targeting handguns and people who have been trained to use them....Just face the facts that you're wrong, and that inanimate objects do not kill people, unless stimulated by an outside stimulus. Even accidents where kids get their hands on guns and shoot themselves are the fault of the gun-owner.

According to the U.S. Constitution, the right to bear arms cannot be infringed. So any attempt to prevent gun ownership is an infringement and unconstitutional in my book, and should be to anyone else who interprets it.

There is a group of politicians out there who understand this. And will do the right thing and leave things along.

However, there are those who are trying to manipulate the system to keep people unarmed.


They want to stamp each single round of ammunition with a serial number so that every round can be traced through a massive data base.

It serves no other purpose than to make the price of ammo skyrocket and be cost-prohibitive for gun owners.

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