GUNS must GO


How did you get from defending the 2nd Amendment to attacking the Roman Catholic Church?

Not attacking, knowing history. Perhaps when you become interested in facts instead of propaganda you may be able to learn it. The catholic tyrants are known for disarming the "peasants" in history to keep them from overthrowing their appointed leaders in the governments they control ... so it's no wonder they have you fooled (since they fooled you into believing them at all) into thinking that guns are bad.

Kitten, is this where the "Separation of Church and State" first came into being, before it was morphed to what we have today?

How did you get from defending the 2nd Amendment to attacking the Roman Catholic Church?

Not attacking, knowing history. Perhaps when you become interested in facts instead of propaganda you may be able to learn it. The catholic tyrants are known for disarming the "peasants" in history to keep them from overthrowing their appointed leaders in the governments they control ... so it's no wonder they have you fooled (since they fooled you into believing them at all) into thinking that guns are bad.

Kitten, is this where the "Separation of Church and State" first came into being, before it was morphed to what we have today?

It was the reasoning behind it ... one of many.
Perhaps one of you enlightened NRA backers could explain to me why it is necessary to carry a concealed handgun? Is it the colored people you fear, the caucasian drug smuggler, perhaps it's the latino car thief, or is it the state trooper who pulls you over for speaking, or the Muslim woman exercising her right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil....what is it? have ignored many questions asked of you so far.....why should anyone answer you?.....

Ask a mature, reasoned question and I will share my wisdom with you. On the other hand if questions presented to me are childish and illogical I wont answer.

there have been at least 10 or so reasoned questions that you have ignored Yuke.....and you did not answer them for one simple reason....YOU are a disgrace to Canada......even Bob and Doug McKenzie laugh at you....
Perhaps one of you enlightened NRA backers could explain to me why it is necessary to carry a concealed handgun? Is it the colored people you fear, the caucasian drug smuggler, perhaps it's the latino car thief, or is it the state trooper who pulls you over for speaking, or the Muslim woman exercising her right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil....what is it?

Well, since you've most blatantly ignored several of my posts that have derailed your entire argument, I'll try to get your attention by answering these retarded questions you've laid down before us in your previous post.

First, the reason the gun is concealed, is to not alarm anyone. If someone sees a gun, they freak out....(*you would know about this*). So, following the logic of "What momma don't know, don't hurt her," concealing your handgun prevents mental breakdowns by people such as yourself, not to mention, it also hides the gun in case someone sees you on the street and wants to take it from you.

Now, as far as the people who we're afraid of on the street. To answer honestly, it would be the guy that shows up at your car door trying to carjack you, the guy coming up to you in the parking lot with a knife trying to mug and/or kill you, and my favorite, those gangbanging thugs who want to try both of those things. I know a man who was almost robbed and beaten outside of a shopping mall...except, he had gun. He noticed to two gang members looking at him and whispering. He was close enough to hear them debating on which one was going to hit him first. Casually, he put his hands in his pockets, pulling his jacket back slightly with his forearms, revealing his concealed sidearm. The two abandoned their plans and started walking across the parking lot. My friend pulled out his phone and called the police. The two young men were arrested and come to find out, they were going to rob him, beat him, and leave him for dead for their initiation. THOSE people are the people I'm afraid of. Certainly not a fanny-pack wearing Canadian who'd rather slap his way out of gun fight.

How did you get from defending the 2nd Amendment to attacking the Roman Catholic Church?

The second Amendment doesn't have to be defended, it's a RIGHT (and in fact the 2nd RIGHT) garaunteed in our constitution. Why do you feel it's subject to change while the other 9 are not? People have certainly died from direct results of other Amendments in the Bill of Rights.

The amendment only has to be explain to moronic bunny-huggers.
Perhaps one of you enlightened NRA backers could explain to me why it is necessary to carry a concealed handgun? Is it the colored people you fear, the caucasian drug smuggler, perhaps it's the latino car thief, or is it the state trooper who pulls you over for speaking, or the Muslim woman exercising her right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil....what is it?

Well, since you've most blatantly ignored several of my posts that have derailed your entire argument, I'll try to get your attention by answering these retarded questions you've laid down before us in your previous post.

First, the reason the gun is concealed, is to not alarm anyone. If someone sees a gun, they freak out....(*you would know about this*). So, following the logic of "What momma don't know, don't hurt her," concealing your handgun prevents mental breakdowns by people such as yourself, not to mention, it also hides the gun in case someone sees you on the street and wants to take it from you.

Now, as far as the people who we're afraid of on the street. To answer honestly, it would be the guy that shows up at your car door trying to carjack you, the guy coming up to you in the parking lot with a knife trying to mug and/or kill you, and my favorite, those gangbanging thugs who want to try both of those things. I know a man who was almost robbed and beaten outside of a shopping mall...except, he had gun. He noticed to two gang members looking at him and whispering. He was close enough to hear them debating on which one was going to hit him first. Casually, he put his hands in his pockets, pulling his jacket back slightly with his forearms, revealing his concealed sidearm. The two abandoned their plans and started walking across the parking lot. My friend pulled out his phone and called the police. The two young men were arrested and come to find out, they were going to rob him, beat him, and leave him for dead for their initiation. THOSE people are the people I'm afraid of. Certainly not a fanny-pack wearing Canadian who'd rather slap his way out of gun fight.

"Fanny pack wearing Canadian", that's a good one. I have a mental image of Yukon with that on. :lol:
Perhaps one of you enlightened NRA backers could explain to me why it is necessary to carry a concealed handgun? Is it the colored people you fear, the caucasian drug smuggler, perhaps it's the latino car thief, or is it the state trooper who pulls you over for speaking, or the Muslim woman exercising her right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil....what is it?

Well, since you've most blatantly ignored several of my posts that have derailed your entire argument, I'll try to get your attention by answering these retarded questions you've laid down before us in your previous post.

First, the reason the gun is concealed, is to not alarm anyone. If someone sees a gun, they freak out....(*you would know about this*). So, following the logic of "What momma don't know, don't hurt her," concealing your handgun prevents mental breakdowns by people such as yourself, not to mention, it also hides the gun in case someone sees you on the street and wants to take it from you.

Now, as far as the people who we're afraid of on the street. To answer honestly, it would be the guy that shows up at your car door trying to carjack you, the guy coming up to you in the parking lot with a knife trying to mug and/or kill you, and my favorite, those gangbanging thugs who want to try both of those things. I know a man who was almost robbed and beaten outside of a shopping mall...except, he had gun. He noticed to two gang members looking at him and whispering. He was close enough to hear them debating on which one was going to hit him first. Casually, he put his hands in his pockets, pulling his jacket back slightly with his forearms, revealing his concealed sidearm. The two abandoned their plans and started walking across the parking lot. My friend pulled out his phone and called the police. The two young men were arrested and come to find out, they were going to rob him, beat him, and leave him for dead for their initiation. THOSE people are the people I'm afraid of. Certainly not a fanny-pack wearing Canadian who'd rather slap his way out of gun fight.

"Fanny pack wearing Canadian", that's a good one. I have a mental image of Yukon with that on. :lol:

LOL...sorry. it's the only thing I could think of. I was straying away from being vulgar...:razz:

Kitten, sorry I made you hungry.
Perhaps one of you enlightened NRA backers could explain to me why it is necessary to carry a concealed handgun? Is it the colored people you fear, the caucasian drug smuggler, perhaps it's the latino car thief, or is it the state trooper who pulls you over for speaking, or the Muslim woman exercising her right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil....what is it? have ignored many questions asked of you so far.....why should anyone answer you?.....

Ask a mature, reasoned question and I will share my wisdom with you. On the other hand if questions presented to me are childish and illogical I wont answer.

Then go back and read my post about a bad guy coming into your home and tell me what you would do.
Perhaps one of you enlightened NRA backers could explain to me why it is necessary to carry a concealed handgun? Is it the colored people you fear, the caucasian drug smuggler, perhaps it's the latino car thief, or is it the state trooper who pulls you over for speaking, or the Muslim woman exercising her right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil....what is it?

Perhaps you could ask a real question instead of creating a strawman.
Or is that too much of me to ask?
Perhaps one of you enlightened NRA backers could explain to me why it is necessary to carry a concealed handgun? Is it the colored people you fear, the caucasian drug smuggler, perhaps it's the latino car thief, or is it the state trooper who pulls you over for speaking, or the Muslim woman exercising her right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil....what is it?

here is the bottom line the government is corrupt enough as it is and the only thing that really stops them from a overt elite dictatorship is we all have guns..lots and lots of guns
and the powers that be are aware that if that right is overtly infringed upon or denied that they would only unify a committed and diverse group of individuals with a common belief that the right to bare arms and the constitution is to be defended with your life if go exercise the rights and responsibility you have and buy yourself a ...nice gun .....
To those of you who continually attack the thought of repealing the 2nd Amendment. What if it were your child that was gunned down by somebody exercising his or her "right to bear arms"?

To those of you who continually attack the thought of legal gun ownership, what if it were YOUR child that was killed by an intruder while you watched helplessly because you didn't have a gun? What if it was your daughter who was raped and strangled with her own pantyhose in an alley because she didn't have a gun? Happens a lot more often than legal gun owners shooting children, moron.

There is nothing wrong with gun ownership, but when anyone suggests sensible regulations like banning assault rifles or local background checks, gun nuts start squealing like a stuck pig.

Define "assault rifle." Define "gun nuts." I can kill you with ANYTHING, to include my fingers. Going to force me to wear mittens?

YOU are a "gun nut." You are FAR more obsessed with firearms than anyone I know. At least most gun owners are at least educated and have some common sense; whereas, you don't. Anyone that believes the tool is the criminal and not the hand that wields it needs to go back to elementary school.
Perhaps one of you enlightened NRA backers could explain to me why it is necessary to carry a concealed handgun? Is it the colored people you fear, the caucasian drug smuggler, perhaps it's the latino car thief, or is it the state trooper who pulls you over for speaking, or the Muslim woman exercising her right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil....what is it?

No it's retards like YOU, troll. Muslim women are exercising their right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil? Idiot. GMAFB.

You shouldn't be allowed out in public.

If you aren't planning to attempt committing a crime against me, you'll never know whether I an or am not carrying a concealed a weapon. On the other hand, if you ARE, you'll find out REAL quick.
Perhaps one of you enlightened NRA backers could explain to me why it is necessary to carry a concealed handgun? Is it the colored people you fear, the caucasian drug smuggler, perhaps it's the latino car thief, or is it the state trooper who pulls you over for speaking, or the Muslim woman exercising her right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil....what is it? have ignored many questions asked of you so far.....why should anyone answer you?.....

Ask a mature, reasoned question and I will share my wisdom with you. On the other hand if questions presented to me are childish and illogical I wont answer.

Lame deflection.

How did you get from defending the 2nd Amendment to attacking the Roman Catholic Church?

Simple math: When you set out to attack what people believe in with stupid, nonsensical arguments, plan on being counterattacked for what YOU believe in.

Not real hard. Even for someone of your ilk. have ignored many questions asked of you so far.....why should anyone answer you?.....

Ask a mature, reasoned question and I will share my wisdom with you. On the other hand if questions presented to me are childish and illogical I wont answer.

Then go back and read my post about a bad guy coming into your home and tell me what you would do.

Empty the mag.
Ask a mature, reasoned question and I will share my wisdom with you. On the other hand if questions presented to me are childish and illogical I wont answer.

Then go back and read my post about a bad guy coming into your home and tell me what you would do.

Empty the mag.

+1. I'm confident that 15 rounds of HP center chest will eliminate the threat.

And who knows...I might even save the last two or three for head shots.
If someone broke into my home or attacked a member of my family of course I would take the appropriate action necessary to defend them. But that isn't why the homicide rate in the USA is so high. People can carry concealed handguns and they use them when they are angered because most of them are, I believe, are mentally unstable to begin with. It's what I call the Rambo syndrome - weakling wimps trying to be tough.

What happened to the good old "fist fight" to settle disputes?
If someone broke into my home or attacked a member of my family of course I would take the appropriate action necessary to defend them. But that isn't why the homicide rate in the USA is so high. People can carry concealed handguns and they use them when they are angered because most of them are, I believe, are mentally unstable to begin with. It's what I call the Rambo syndrome - weakling wimps trying to be tough.

What happened to the good old "fist fight" to settle disputes?

How do you have a fistfight with the "mentally unstable" badguys who have guns?

This is what you don't understand. You want to punish the responsible people who learn how to use a handgun and train to fine tune that knowledge because of the "mentally unstable" people who believe they are Rambo.

I took proper classes, received my concealed carry permit, and continue to train (in a safe environment) and fine tune my ability with my handgun so if I am ever forced to use it, I am able to eliminate the threat in a way that doesn't cause injury to anyone else.

There are people who have a driver's license who have no business on the road. They are careless in their driving and don't care about anyone around them. Just as there are people who are carless about how they treat weapons.

Imagine the rate of deaths from auto accidents rising to an unbelievable level. All the licensing and training and reviewing of licenses to make sure the right people are driving has done no good - accidents levels are outrageous. The government, in their infinite wisdom, now says the only way to prevent any more deaths is to ban the use of automobiles.

Would this be acceptable to you?

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