GUNS must GO

Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.
Everytime one of you idiots tries to tell us about all these millions of people killed by guns, you can't name even one of them--neither the gun doing the killing OR the person killed.

You retards focus all your attention on "gun deaths" while you ignore every "other kind of" death as if all "other kinds of" deaths are preferrable.

Then you demand the enactment of laws that motivate criminals to steal guns rather than buy them, while simultaneuosly disarming and/or impeding only those folks who obey laws, use and own guns in a peacuful manner, and would defend themselves from the criminally violent with their guns.

And none of you have one rational response. Just continued hang-wringing, and ad-nauseam repetition of "millions of 'gun-deaths'"

They prefer the other kinds of deaths...because if those freedoms that they find important ( cars , pools , doctors , useage of cutlery , un-protected sex , smoking , drinking ) were banned.....they would feel oppressed. Since they feel guns , and self-protection is an unnecessary thing , then it is unnecessary for everyone. And because they are mentally challenged , hypocritical elitist pricks....there opinion is all that matters....and your freedoms are trumped by there childish fears of firearms.

Seriously.....did all you libby's watch too many Rambo movies as kids?? Too many action flicks??

Do you retards think you will stop violence by banning guns?? How bout knives?? How bout baseball bats??

Why do you brain-dead bleeding heart lefties want to protect criminals so much??

Its bad enough that you want to let them out of jail early for violent crimes , but then when you do , you dont want me to give them two shots to center-mass and one to the head when they try to harm me or my family.

Why should your childish , prepubescent minded fears be more important than one's self protection??

What happened was, when they saw a gun, thier parents said, "Don't look or touch that!!! Those kill people and I never want you to own one!" So the kid grows up fearing guns. It's also the same reason you have these city kids shooting themselves on accidents. Daddy never lets them see the gun because guns kill people, so when Daddy's not home, curious George finds the gun and see what happens when you pull the trigger.

THe first time I ever asked my dad to see the guns in the gun-cabinet, he grabbed the key (privately) and openned it up. He took out his 12-gauge goose-gun. (an old 30-inch Mossberg) He told me what it was and how it worked. After explaining the basic safety rules (like always point it at the ground or in the air--and never at anyone else) he even let me hold it. When we were done, he told me that if I ever wanted to look at the guns, just come and ask and he would get them out for me to look at, and to NEVER get them by myself. So I never had to sneak behind my dad's back to look at the guns.
This is the time in my life when my dad explained all of the gun safety rules.
-Leave you're friends house if they get out their dad's guns to show you.
-Never get out the guns by myself
-Never point a gun at anyone
-Treat EVERY gun as if it is loaded and ready to fire.
-Don't point a gun at anything unless you intend on shooting it.
-And, DON'T be afraid of the gun, because YOU control it. It does not control you.
*These were some of the basic rules my dad taught me when I was about 5-7 years old. Of course, I didn't get my first gun until I was in Junior High, but I'd used them my whole life, and continue to use them.
Neither. I have an arsenal of firearms and bladed weapons. I'm taking some folk down with me ...:evil:

I was hoping someone would choose neither. And I figured Gunny would be the one. lol:razz: I agree by the way....:clap2:

Yukon, your argment is so far gone, that you started with "Guns Must Go" and started criticizing hunters and recreational shooters as well as gun-owners who own guns for protection. Now that you have nowhere else to go, you're arguing about concealed handguns. So you narrowed your position from banning ALL guns, to targeting handguns and people who have been trained to use them....Just face the facts that you're wrong, and that inanimate objects do not kill people, unless stimulated by an outside stimulus. Even accidents where kids get their hands on guns and shoot themselves are the fault of the gun-owner.

According to the U.S. Constitution, the right to bear arms cannot be infringed. So any attempt to prevent gun ownership is an infringement and unconstitutional in my book, and should be to anyone else who interprets it.

There is a group of politicians out there who understand this. And will do the right thing and leave things along.

However, there are those who are trying to manipulate the system to keep people unarmed.


They want to stamp each single round of ammunition with a serial number so that every round can be traced through a massive data base.

It serves no other purpose than to make the price of ammo skyrocket and be cost-prohibitive for gun owners.

I've heard this and it sucks. A good friend of mine is in law-enforcement, and this is some of the things they've heard that are possible. He said the Constitution doesn't give us the right own ammunition. But I asked him, "Would a gun without ammunition be considered an 'arm' by conventional means?" It was good question, but probably is not a good enough question to stop taxing ammo and stamping serial numbers on them. I guess now is the time to start stocking up...:razz:
The two most important things that gunowners understand:

!. Treat EVERY gun as if it is loaded and ready to fire.

2. Don't point a gun at anything unless you intend on shooting it.
I was hoping someone would choose neither. And I figured Gunny would be the one. lol:razz: I agree by the way....:clap2:

Yukon, your argment is so far gone, that you started with "Guns Must Go" and started criticizing hunters and recreational shooters as well as gun-owners who own guns for protection. Now that you have nowhere else to go, you're arguing about concealed handguns. So you narrowed your position from banning ALL guns, to targeting handguns and people who have been trained to use them....Just face the facts that you're wrong, and that inanimate objects do not kill people, unless stimulated by an outside stimulus. Even accidents where kids get their hands on guns and shoot themselves are the fault of the gun-owner.

According to the U.S. Constitution, the right to bear arms cannot be infringed. So any attempt to prevent gun ownership is an infringement and unconstitutional in my book, and should be to anyone else who interprets it.

There is a group of politicians out there who understand this. And will do the right thing and leave things along.

However, there are those who are trying to manipulate the system to keep people unarmed.


They want to stamp each single round of ammunition with a serial number so that every round can be traced through a massive data base.

It serves no other purpose than to make the price of ammo skyrocket and be cost-prohibitive for gun owners.

I've heard this and it sucks. A good friend of mine is in law-enforcement, and this is some of the things they've heard that are possible. He said the Constitution doesn't give us the right own ammunition. But I asked him, "Would a gun without ammunition be considered an 'arm' by conventional means?" It was good question, but probably is not a good enough question to stop taxing ammo and stamping serial numbers on them. I guess now is the time to start stocking up...:razz:

Yeah.....I was at the store yesterday...and things are looking quite lean in the ammo department.

Luckily Ive got about 1000 rounds of 223/5.56 , 400 9mm , 200 40 cal , 400 7.62x39 , bunches of 12 guage , and a partridge in a pear tree:cool:
You and me both. Slim pickings on line too.

3k of 9mm.

3k of .40
You and me both. Slim pickings on line too.

3k of 9mm.

3k of .40

Thats a fair collection you got there....

You need a 5.56 launching platform though....

Here's mine....its my baby. It makes soccer moms cry and libbys pee-pee their pants.


Very sweet.

That would certainly get someone's attention.

Kind of hard to CC though.
Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.

I don't know if this will be "logical" to you but let's talk about what the United States is. The people who fought the revolution to establish the United States didn't do it for public health and safety. They did it for Liberty.
Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.

I don't know if this will be "logical" to you but let's talk about what the United States is. The people who fought the revolution to establish the United States didn't do it for public health and safety. They did it for Liberty.

And they used bad evil guns to do it.:lol:
Guns are cool ... but I like my chem bombs better, more my style, and knives, but they're for play more than anything really. Hell, if I wanted to plan a murder it wouldn't take more than the cleaning supplies in their own house ... less evidence to. As for self defense ... well ... funny thing about being cute, never needed to defend myself.
Perhaps one of you enlightened NRA backers could explain to me why it is necessary to carry a concealed handgun? Is it the colored people you fear, the caucasian drug smuggler, perhaps it's the latino car thief, or is it the state trooper who pulls you over for speaking, or the Muslim woman exercising her right to freedom of religion by wearing a veil....what is it?

Perhaps you could explain to me why it's necessary to advertise to the criminals who the armed people are, so that they can merely target those without. Studies show that concealed-carry laws benefit not only the safety of those who actually have guns, but also those who don't, precisely because criminals who cannot be sure which potential victims might fight back and which won't are more likely to be reluctant to attack anyone at all. And while I don't personally care if my carrying a concealed weapon saves your sorry ass or not, you could at least be a little grateful.
If someone broke into my home or attacked a member of my family of course I would take the appropriate action necessary to defend them. But that isn't why the homicide rate in the USA is so high. People can carry concealed handguns and they use them when they are angered because most of them are, I believe, are mentally unstable to begin with. It's what I call the Rambo syndrome - weakling wimps trying to be tough.

What happened to the good old "fist fight" to settle disputes?

"The appropriate action to defend them." Since you are so vehemently opposed to gun ownership, one can only assume this phrase means "screaming like a woman", since I don't see what else is left to you.

What happened to the "good old fist fight" to settle disputes? I tell you what, Scooter. When some guy with a knife tries to mug you, you just go ahead and suggest that he put down his weapon and "settle the dispute" with fisticuffs? Let me know how that works out for you.
And there is NO data to support your assertion. We have a lawless, rebellious society. We aren't freakin' sheeple like you. Crimes would just be committed by other means.

There is lots of data. Here's an example:

Handguns and Homicide​

On the average, if someone gets shot and killed, four out of five times it will be with a handgun. In 1997, for example, handguns were used in 79.4 percent of all firearm homicides.10

From 1990 to 1997, handguns were used in a majority (55.6 percent) of all homicides; that is, they were used in murder more than all other weapons combined.11

From 1990 to 1997, there were 293,781 firearm deaths—homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings.12

From 1990 to 1997 in the United States there were more than—

160,000 homicides

110,000 firearm homicides

89,000 handgun homicides13

Handgun homicides hit record highs in the early 1990s, peaking in 1993. That year there were 13,258 such killings—out of a total of 16,120 firearm homicides.14
As part of an overall drop in crime, in 1997 handgun homicides fell to 8,503.15

VPC - Handgun Ban Fact Sheet

The VPC? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaha ::cough, cough:: Why not just cite Wikipedia while you're at it?
And there is NO data to support your assertion. We have a lawless, rebellious society. We aren't freakin' sheeple like you. Crimes would just be committed by other means.

There is lots of data. Here's an example:

Handguns and Homicide​

On the average, if someone gets shot and killed, four out of five times it will be with a handgun. In 1997, for example, handguns were used in 79.4 percent of all firearm homicides.10

From 1990 to 1997, handguns were used in a majority (55.6 percent) of all homicides; that is, they were used in murder more than all other weapons combined.11

From 1990 to 1997, there were 293,781 firearm deaths—homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings.12

From 1990 to 1997 in the United States there were more than—

160,000 homicides

110,000 firearm homicides

89,000 handgun homicides13

Handgun homicides hit record highs in the early 1990s, peaking in 1993. That year there were 13,258 such killings—out of a total of 16,120 firearm homicides.14
As part of an overall drop in crime, in 1997 handgun homicides fell to 8,503.15

VPC - Handgun Ban Fact Sheet

The VPC? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaha ::cough, cough:: Why not just cite Wikipedia while you're at it?

The VPC obviously has an agenda. I'm not sure you could say the same about wikipedia. The validity of a wikipedia article depends on what sources it cites and most problematic ones are flagged.
And there is NO data to support your assertion. We have a lawless, rebellious society. We aren't freakin' sheeple like you. Crimes would just be committed by other means.

There is lots of data. Here's an example:

Handguns and Homicide​

On the average, if someone gets shot and killed, four out of five times it will be with a handgun. In 1997, for example, handguns were used in 79.4 percent of all firearm homicides.10

From 1990 to 1997, handguns were used in a majority (55.6 percent) of all homicides; that is, they were used in murder more than all other weapons combined.11

From 1990 to 1997, there were 293,781 firearm deaths—homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings.12

From 1990 to 1997 in the United States there were more than—

160,000 homicides

110,000 firearm homicides

89,000 handgun homicides13

Handgun homicides hit record highs in the early 1990s, peaking in 1993. That year there were 13,258 such killings—out of a total of 16,120 firearm homicides.14
As part of an overall drop in crime, in 1997 handgun homicides fell to 8,503.15

VPC - Handgun Ban Fact Sheet
Not one statisitc that demonstrates that ". . . if handguns are removed it would also lower the crime rate to within the reach of other civilized nations."

I note that you don't pull the statics that address illustrate the coorellation between gun control laws and violent crime rates; the statisics that illustrate that where gun control laws make gun ownership for regular folks more restrictive, viloent crime rates increase, and where gun laws are such that gun ownership for regular folks is made less restrictive, violent crime rates decrease. Interesting little bit of intellectual dishonesty there.

Everytime one of you idiots tries to tell us about all these millions of people killed by guns, you can't name even one of them--neither the gun doing the killing OR the person killed.

You retards focus all your attention on "gun deaths" while you ignore every "other kind of" death as if all "other kinds of" deaths are preferrable.

Then you demand the enactment of laws that motivate criminals to steal guns rather than buy them, while simultaneuosly disarming and/or impeding only those folks who obey laws, use and own guns in a peacuful manner, and would defend themselves from the criminally violent with their guns.

And none of you have one rational response. Just continued hang-wringing, and ad-nauseam repetition of "millions of 'gun-deaths.'"
Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.

I don't know if this will be "logical" to you but let's talk about what the United States is. The people who fought the revolution to establish the United States didn't do it for public health and safety. They did it for Liberty.

Also a few gallant Minute Men probably accidently shot themselves in the foot, but they didn't get their muskets taken away because they had firearm accident. Accidents happen.

I have a gut feeling that people driving cars probably kill and maim a lot more folks that legal gun owners do.......Please correct me if I'm wrong?

Do you folks know how many people die from 110 volts of residentai electricity every year. I'm a retired electrician and I've had more electrical zappings at home messing with fixing things than at work and messing with much higher voltages and amperages.

Shall we ban any man or woman from trying to be a home handy person with appliances,,,,,,,to protect them from themselves?

Lets face it folks........and be rational about this. People all over the U.S. are killing themselves in big numbers that far exceed gun related deaths. Yet, firearms have this evil mystique, that is so unfair. Most gun owners enjoy collecting firearms as hobbyists, also get fun shooting them at gun ranges, also hunting with firearms.

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