guy beats woman at bar, ufc fighter fucks hiim up, should he get arrested?

This is what I saw:

Guy knocks girl down. (Might have been accidential; couldn't see that part.) Girl gets up. Guy #2 approaches from a different direction, and assaults guy #1.

Sorry, blu. The chick was out of danger. Guy #2 seems to have committed assault, at least to me.
i've known one girl who got knocked out by a guy.

and she deserved it.

i'm not saying, i'm just saying...
Unless she was waiving a gun in his face, she didn't deserve it cad. There are legal, ethical ways for men to repel aggression by women, if that was the problem.
my three friends were drinking at a bar in a rival town. a girl from that other town made up a story that one of my friends was hitting on her. about 15 guys proceeded to jump my friends and kick the shit out of them. one of the guys got away, and knocked the bitch out. i'd say she deserved it.

on a side note. about a week later, one of my friends (who got his ass beat) actually delivered the bitch a pizza at her home.

she had a black eye.
No, she did not deserve it. I think you know better than this, and simply want to be aggravating. He should have sued her, mebbe...but you can only put your hands on someone else in defense of yourself, in defense of another or in defense of property...and then only using as much force as is necessary.

Men who beat women till they pass out and leave black eyes are dangerous, cad. Might wanna reconsider who you do your drinking with.
if you tell a lie knowing it will incite violence against another person, you deserve whatever you get.

having a vagina doesn't save you from reaping what you sow
This is what I saw:

Guy knocks girl down. (Might have been accidential; couldn't see that part.) Girl gets up. Guy #2 approaches from a different direction, and assaults guy #1.

Sorry, blu. The chick was out of danger. Guy #2 seems to have committed assault, at least to me.

How do I accidentally run up and hit you in the back of the head with an elbow strike?
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Let's assume it was deliberate. Doesn't change anything. Once the chick was out of danger, guy #2 had no call to put his hands on guy #1.
if you tell a lie knowing it will incite violence against another person, you deserve whatever you get.

having a vagina doesn't save you from reaping what you sow

This is not how it works, cad. First of all, nobody's punishment is "whatever he gets". You may want to google "one punch homicide" because hitting someone so hard they black out is rather dangerous. Apart from that, the punishment for lying is not any form of assault...and the fact that the victim is much smaller and weaker than her assailant (if she is) can ratchet up the aggressor's criminal liability.

Might be fun to pretend you live by some alternative Guy Code, cad, but if you don't wise up you could ruin your life...or someone else's. This is reckless, criminal behavior and it change severely alter the course of your life.
lets see the black dude ...attacks the woman from behind.....knocking her to the ground....i would say the ufc fighter was right in what he did...the woman didnt seem to be in danger in the first place till the guy knocks her how can you judge how much danger she was in?
He punched the girl from behind, and got what he deserved.
I know the UFC guy, Roger is a world class fighter. He was half the thugs size and took him out in about 10 seconds. That's usually what happens when a thug steps up to a martial artist.
However totally awesome it is that the guy got the shit knocked out of him after punching that woman, what the UFC fighter did was assult and that is criminal. And its not justice. There is a clear lack of a substantive or a procedural mechanism.
on the video you can clearly see the guy coming behind the woman and hit her...knocking her to the ground...hardly an accident
Personally., I'd like to know what happened before she stumbled (was pushed?) into frame at the start of that clip...
Unless you are a Muslim and the woman is your wife, you have no right to hit a woman, BUT this was assault on the fighter's part, and the fact that he's a trained fighter makes it worse in the eyes of the law.

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