Guy Who Started Two Wars Calls For Civility

Most of these are the same people who were in here spinning for the wars.

Then, on Escalator Day, they became doves.

Group pathology.
You really give trump voters no credit for anything

and that is an insult to your intelligence not theirs

yes, many conservatives were wrong about the need to invade Iraq

it was a huge strategic blunder

and by 2016 most had realized their mistake

the Trump base understood that BEFORE the Donald ran for president
The funny thing is the same people who supported those wars supported Trump. That's hilarious.
No, the funny thing is you're absolutely wrong but you don't know it. I hated Bush, his wars and his free trade and open borders bullshit but I love Trump.
Yeah, it's the American way.

Started off with the "Cowboys 'n' Injuns."

The Cowboys were the good guys, invading on someone's land, committing genocide etc.

While the Injuns, fighting for their way of life, fighting for their homeland were the bad guys.

Still the same. The US invades countries to get cheaper oil, they're the good guys. After a massive media pounding, whoever they invade is the bad guy.
You takes two to fight a war.
One thing I discovered is that when you try to help people in the Middle-East the only ones that don't end up shooting at you are the Israelis and the Kuwaitis. The rest of them try to murder you because they hate infidels. They think their religion tells them to hate us.

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