GWB turns out was a pretty good President

We as a country will benefit from Obamacare well beyond that

We can't afford Obamacare................

We have reached the point where we can't afford to not have national healthcare

Have a question for you...
If Obama had recognized that lawyers and fear of lawsuits cause $750 billion a year in defensive medicine i.e. duplicate tests,etc. THAT seriously 90% of physicians interviewed said they do.. i.e. they run duplicate tests out of fear of lawsuits. They refer to specialists out of fear.
And where does this $750 billion a year in duplicate tests and specialists CLAIMS go? To Medicare/private insurance to be paid!

So if Obama recognized that FACT and instead of taxing 10% on tanning salons which he did in ACA, but rather recognized the FACT there are ONLY 8 million uninsured not 50 million because
10 million of supposed 50 million ARE NOT citizens, 14 million ARE ALREADY COVERED.. and 18 million pay their costs out of pocket because they don't need health insurance!

If Obama instead taxed the $100 billion lawyers make at 10% and everytime an uninsured goes into the hospital for aid, the hospital registers the person and SENDS the claim to the govt.!
The govt uses the $10 billion to pay the claims!

A) There then is NO NEED to destroy health care as we know it for 98% of us when this solves it for the 2.5% uninsured.
B) Hospitals won't then "pad and Pass" sometimes marking up Medicare claims 6,000%!
C) The 10% tax declines as the $750 billion defensive medicine costs declines!

Problem solved!
If Obama and congress had not received $300 million in 2008 from LAWYERS that would have been the solution!!!
We can't afford Obamacare................

We have reached the point where we can't afford to not have national healthcare

Have a question for you...
If Obama had recognized that lawyers and fear of lawsuits cause $750 billion a year in defensive medicine i.e. duplicate tests,etc. THAT seriously 90% of physicians interviewed said they do.. i.e. they run duplicate tests out of fear of lawsuits. They refer to specialists out of fear.
And where does this $750 billion a year in duplicate tests and specialists CLAIMS go? To Medicare/private insurance to be paid!

So if Obama recognized that FACT and instead of taxing 10% on tanning salons which he did in ACA, but rather recognized the FACT there are ONLY 8 million uninsured not 50 million because
10 million of supposed 50 million ARE NOT citizens, 14 million ARE ALREADY COVERED.. and 18 million pay their costs out of pocket because they don't need health insurance!

If Obama instead taxed the $100 billion lawyers make at 10% and everytime an uninsured goes into the hospital for aid, the hospital registers the person and SENDS the claim to the govt.!
The govt uses the $10 billion to pay the claims!

A) There then is NO NEED to destroy health care as we know it for 98% of us when this solves it for the 2.5% uninsured.
B) Hospitals won't then "pad and Pass" sometimes marking up Medicare claims 6,000%!
C) The 10% tax declines as the $750 billion defensive medicine costs declines!

Problem solved!
If Obama and congress had not received $300 million in 2008 from LAWYERS that would have been the solution!!!
Much of what you've said is true and deserves to be acknowledged. However, I disagree with your recommendation that we revert to a status quo which has left a substantial number of (legal) citizens dying from illnesses they can't afford treatment for and more who are financially ruined by the cost of treating catastrophic illness.

Again, I agree with some of your recommendations to which I will add a few of my own, such as authorizing walk-in clinics to treat the kind of minor ailments that clog hospital emergency rooms and dominate physicians' time, ailments which can be competently diagnosed and treated by nurse practicioners and former military medics.
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We can't afford Obamacare................
Not if we retain the same wastefully bureaucratic system presently in place.

However, I have several times in this forum told the tale of an infected finger that I brought to a hospital emergency room on a Friday afternoon, too late to visit my GP. To shorten a long story, it took about five hours and cost (GHI) nearly $650 to solve the same problem I'd had several times before and was solved quite handily in each instance with penicillin tablets.

For some reason I tend to get finger infections from pulled hangnails or minor cuts. On the two occasions it happened when I was in the Marines I walked into sick bay, was examined by a Navy medic who gave me a little box of penicillin tablets -- which solved the problem within a few hours. Both times I spent no more than twenty minutes there. But the hospital ER drama involved pages of forms, hours of waiting, and a perfunctory, totally unnecessary, minor "surgery" by a tired intern. My co-pay was $15 but GHI paid over $600. All I needed was some penicillin tablets.

We can assume this fiasco is repeated several millions of times each year and it can be eliminated by establishing walk-in clinics staffed by para-medics with one supervising physican located at a central unit. I would happily have taken my minor problem to such a clinic rather than go through the bureaucratic drama I've described. This alone would knock a major chunk out of the existing cost of health care in the U.S.

What do you think? Were you put though a major drama with every little medical problem you had while in the Army?
Wow...profound response

Of course we know Cheney was in charge......was there ever any doubt?

Cheney: Go back to reading your book Georgie, I will call you when I need you

What isn't profound but what is factual is that you're a stooge who goes around thanking people because you can't articulate what they were able to, usually on your behalf..and you're a douche.


So we as a nation accept the opinion of a bunch of seven year olds to decide how a president should react when we are attacked

Bush froze and did not act like Commander in Chief when we were under attack

You're next post just contradicted this one proving what I said about you being a clueless idiot who can't stay on topic. Post # 192 and 193

Look up the meaning of the word "afterwards".

So where do I say GWB should listen to children you shit head?

Just what I said is true.... everyone has to post "for" you because you're a moron. You just nod your head and hit the "thanks" icon.

But show where I said what you claimed I did.

rightwinger's new name..."Mr. Thanks"...he has to thank everyone who can say for him what he can't say for himself.
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We as a country will benefit from Obamacare well beyond that

We can't afford Obamacare................

We have reached the point where we can't afford to not have national healthcare

Deep! :cool: Don't ever explain how we can pay for it. Just wait long enough and someone else will and then you can hit the thanks button and pretend you said it.:badgrin: Talk about living asswipes.

I've given you ample opportunities over the months to actually answer when you and I go at it and still you divert, lie, twist and ignore what I.... and others say to you...and you still go off on unrelated tangents.

So get it out of your system and call me a coward but this time you're not coming off because you're an idiot. You've become more of a nuisance than a challenge...and a waste of time.

Now be sure to reply when I can't see what you say. That way you won't have to worry about me expecting you to back up the idiocy that you pass off as replies. I used to think del was the board's biggest LOSER but congrats...the award is yours and yours alone.:clap2:

Ignore List
bobcollum JoeB131 LoneLaugher rightwinger
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AIG pays us back. The forst 50% of tarp saved the economy
His leadership post 9-11 prevented a more serious economic collapse than we had
Saddam, gone
UBL, gone (thanks to water boarding in 2006 as well as Navy seals/CIA)
His tax rate will be in place for 99% of us
Sarbanes Oxley, huge success
His medicare plan was under funded, but also a huge success
was within 163 billion of a balanced budget, 2007
Numerous bi partisan legislation events such as No Child left behind, removing Saddam, Etc...
Budgets through 2008 (BHO signed the 09 budget 3/2009, called the Omnibus bill

Now how is BHO doing?
no jobs
huge debt
Obama care in which some of his own now want out of some

It is not even close people

Bush trashed the economy.

Let's look at jobs created during a Presidential term! Look at all these Presidents and see when it went down!

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bush's first term had 0.00% jobs growth and yes, Obama's record is worse, but who caused it? Bush fought two wars on hock and still couldn't create jobs. I've posted the results of the stock markets during his Presidency. Only Hoover beats him and Hoover wasn't a bad guy. He had an idiot for Secretary of the Treasury named Mellon, but look what Hoover did during the Mississippi flood. That takes heart! They didn't know how to run an economy back then, but we know how to do it now, but the Republicans like to do it in reverse. If you think the majority of Americans don't see this, you are sadly mistaken.

You screwed up the economy and you worked hard to keep it screwed up. Bush had six years of Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, but Obama gets needing 60 votes in the Senate to pass anything. The Republicans filibustered bills they totally voted for, just to shut the government down. That political party needs to join the Whigs and just be a part of American history.

Now, before I sound too radical, I was a Republican. I like money and have always liked the opportunity to make it, but I don't steal it from other people. I never was that greedy, needy or call it what you want. Honor means something to me.
What isn't profound but what is factual is that you're a stooge who goes around thanking people because you can't articulate what they were able to, usually on your behalf..and you're a douche.


So we as a nation accept the opinion of a bunch of seven year olds to decide how a president should react when we are attacked

Bush froze and did not act like Commander in Chief when we were under attack

You're next post just contradicted this one proving what I said about you being a clueless idiot who can't stay on topic. Post # 192 and 193

Look up the meaning of the word "afterwards".

So where do I say GWB should listen to children you shit head?

Just what I said is true.... everyone has to post "for" you because you're a moron. You just nod your head and hit the "thanks" icon.

But show where I said what you claimed I did.

rightwinger's new name..."Mr. Thanks"...he has to thank everyone who can say for him what he can't say for himself.

Question to you

Who the fuck cares what a bunch of seven year olds thought? Our nation was under attack. Time to act as a president
We can't afford Obamacare................

We have reached the point where we can't afford to not have national healthcare

Deep! :cool: Don't ever explain how we can pay for it. Just wait long enough and someone else will and then you can hit the thanks button and pretend you said it.:badgrin: Talk about living asswipes.

I've given you ample opportunities over the months to actually answer when you and I go at it and still you divert, lie, twist and ignore what I.... and others say to you...and you still go off on unrelated tangents.

So get it out of your system and call me a coward but this time you're not coming off because you're an idiot. You've become more of a nuisance than a challenge...and a waste of time.

Now be sure to reply when I can't see what you say. That way you won't have to worry about me expecting you to back up the idiocy that you pass off as replies. I used to think del was the board's biggest LOSER but congrats...the award is yours and yours alone.:clap2:

Ignore List
bobcollum JoeB131 LoneLaugher rightwinger

I'm on your ignore list?

Does that mean you will stop stalking me?
So we as a nation accept the opinion of a bunch of seven year olds to decide how a president should react when we are attacked

Bush froze and did not act like Commander in Chief when we were under attack

You're next post just contradicted this one proving what I said about you being a clueless idiot who can't stay on topic. Post # 192 and 193

Look up the meaning of the word "afterwards".

So where do I say GWB should listen to children you shit head?

Just what I said is true.... everyone has to post "for" you because you're a moron. You just nod your head and hit the "thanks" icon.

But show where I said what you claimed I did.

rightwinger's new name..."Mr. Thanks"...he has to thank everyone who can say for him what he can't say for himself.

Question to you

Who the fuck cares what a bunch of seven year olds thought? Our nation was under attack. Time to act as a president

OK, let's figure this out! When you attack a country that you claim has weapons of mass destruction, you're suppose to find them. I guess that was just too complicated for you.

That was the biggest con job I've ever seen and what did it accomplish? We took Afghanistan with little effort and then played the fool in Iraq, wasting trillions of dollars and for what? Was the reason crude oil? There is enough crude oil in those tar sands of Canada to equal the entire reserves of this world. There is enough in Venezuela to do the same. The problem the world has is it isn't smart to burn the shit. It is very possible to remove the material from tar sands using solvent extraction. The world has enough crude oil, it's just we don't really want it.
Man this irritated all the usual subjects....the progressives and the paulbots (notice how they always get upset about the same things?) and I love it. I am sure Bush was not a great President cause he didnt use his Veto power to keep the democrats in check after 2006....People seem to ignore that it all fell apart after they took control. No Bushes major fault was that he thought democrats loved the country as the rest of us do......You cant trust socialists.

Was Bush small government? Nope. Yet did he spend as much in 8 years as Obama did in 2? Nope

Did he try to fix education instead of just let the union have thier way? Yep. Didnt work out the way he thought cause again he thought progressives cared about kids and they dont.

You see Bushes major fault was thinking progressives are like americans and they are not.

As for the wars....Maybe when you little kids grow up you will realize what happened in 2001....You will also realize that Bush kept us safer then Obama has.

Except for when he didn't


Did you see this coming? did he put the walls between federal agencies that forbid them from sharing info? No that would be Clinton....But unlike Obama Bush cleaned up Clinton's mess.
Man this irritated all the usual subjects....the progressives and the paulbots (notice how they always get upset about the same things?) and I love it. I am sure Bush was not a great President cause he didnt use his Veto power to keep the democrats in check after 2006....People seem to ignore that it all fell apart after they took control. No Bushes major fault was that he thought democrats loved the country as the rest of us do......You cant trust socialists.

Was Bush small government? Nope. Yet did he spend as much in 8 years as Obama did in 2? Nope

Did he try to fix education instead of just let the union have thier way? Yep. Didnt work out the way he thought cause again he thought progressives cared about kids and they dont.

You see Bushes major fault was thinking progressives are like americans and they are not.

As for the wars....Maybe when you little kids grow up you will realize what happened in 2001....You will also realize that Bush kept us safer then Obama has.

Except for when he didn't


Did you see this coming? did he put the walls between federal agencies that forbid them from sharing info? No that would be Clinton....But unlike Obama Bush cleaned up Clinton's mess.

We can always wring our hands and say there was nothing Bush could have done

What we cannot do is claim that Bush kept us safe......because he didn't

You will also realize that Bush kept us safer then Obama has
see is an example right here......this Stroonge lives and breathes Bush....

Frankly, I think most Americans are just trying to forget the guy...kinda like trying to forget the meal which led to a nasty case of food poisoning that made you sick as a dog for a whole day. And to that end, I'm grateful that Bush does his part in this delicate kabuki dance of self-imposed amnesia by mostly keeping himself out of the public eye.
and i agree with you.....and he does seem to avoid the limelight.....but then everyday i see a thread about the fucker......

Almost all republican presidents avoid the limelight after serving their terms....They are not normally attention whores those on the left are. You would think this is a good theng but it is proving not to be....
Except for when he didn't


Did you see this coming? did he put the walls between federal agencies that forbid them from sharing info? No that would be Clinton....But unlike Obama Bush cleaned up Clinton's mess.

We can always wring our hands and say there was nothing Bush could have done

What we cannot do is claim that Bush kept us safe......because he didn't

You will also realize that Bush kept us safer then Obama has
He has....Just ask the families of the people dead from fast and furious and Benghazi.
Had Gore been President on 9-11-01 I have little doubt that we would have UN troops patrolling our cities to keep us safe........

Do you think Gore would have continued to sit in that classroom like an indecisive rabbit while America was under attack?

Did you expect him to jump up and flee the classroom scaring all the kids??????

If an adult says....Something has come up, I have to go

How is that scaring kids?

If you wanted to scare kids all you had to do was turn on the TV and let them watch people jumping out of skyscapers
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Did you see this coming? did he put the walls between federal agencies that forbid them from sharing info? No that would be Clinton....But unlike Obama Bush cleaned up Clinton's mess.

We can always wring our hands and say there was nothing Bush could have done

What we cannot do is claim that Bush kept us safe......because he didn't

You will also realize that Bush kept us safer then Obama has
He has....Just ask the families of the people dead from fast and furious and Benghazi.

Or you could talk to the families of the 3000 killed on 9-11
or the families of 5000 American dead in Iraq
or the tens of thousands who were injured or crippled from Bush's ill-advised war

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