GWB turns out was a pretty good President

Perhaps we should get those kids' opinions on every matter of national importance. Actually, we could have kids conduct the tours of the Bush library and explain ALL of his decisions to everyone who stops by.

John Q. Citizen: Kids, why did President Bush invade Iraq?

Kids: Because.

John Q. Citizen: Because why?

Kids: Just because!

President GWB AND congress with the will of the people invaded Iraq to enforce UN resolutions as follows
On 1-27-2003 Hans Blix told the world that Saddam had 1000s of munitions un accounted for and was still not cooperating
Read it, this IS THE event that GWB decided to go on what congress had given him the authority to do, 10-2002 with 29 dems in the senate voting yea


Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, Dr. Hans Blix

Update 27 January 2003

Saddam was guilty of ignoring

resolution 687 (1991), adopted unanimously as a part of the cease-fire after the Gulf War, had five major elements. The three first related to disarmament. They called for :
declarations by Iraq of its programmes of weapons of mass destruction and long range missiles;
verification of the declarations through UNSCOM and the IAEA;
supervision by these organizations of the destruction or the elimination of proscribed programmes and items.
After the completion of the disarmament :

Read it, there is more

Who could possibly believe the new-found love of conservatives for the UN? One minute they're protesting to get the US out of the UN. The next thing you know, they want to go to war to enforce UN resolutions.

Stay tuned for the next episode Ripley's Believe It...or Not!

It's not love of the UN. Liberals believe that all US legitimacy lies at the feet of the UN. Referencing UN findings is only to remind Liberals that even the one entity they salute and seek guidance had proof that Saddam was a threat. In a Post 9-11 era, Bush simply carried out what Many a Democrat called for between 1996 and 2002. FACT
President GWB AND congress with the will of the people invaded Iraq to enforce UN resolutions as follows
On 1-27-2003 Hans Blix told the world that Saddam had 1000s of munitions un accounted for and was still not cooperating
Read it, this IS THE event that GWB decided to go on what congress had given him the authority to do, 10-2002 with 29 dems in the senate voting yea


Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, Dr. Hans Blix

Update 27 January 2003

Saddam was guilty of ignoring

resolution 687 (1991), adopted unanimously as a part of the cease-fire after the Gulf War, had five major elements. The three first related to disarmament. They called for :
declarations by Iraq of its programmes of weapons of mass destruction and long range missiles;
verification of the declarations through UNSCOM and the IAEA;
supervision by these organizations of the destruction or the elimination of proscribed programmes and items.
After the completion of the disarmament :

Read it, there is more

Who could possibly believe the new-found love of conservatives for the UN? One minute they're protesting to get the US out of the UN. The next thing you know, they want to go to war to enforce UN resolutions.

Stay tuned for the next episode Ripley's Believe It...or Not!

It's not love of the UN. Liberals believe that all US legitimacy lies at the feet of the UN. Referencing UN findings is only to remind Liberals that even the one entity they salute and seek guidance had proof that Saddam was a threat. In a Post 9-11 era, Bush simply carried out what Many a Democrat called for between 1996 and 2002. FACT

It was that simple
the largest "blunder" if there was one was this event
The Libs should read those findings and what Blix stated and asked them selves why they have been lied to so bad

I cannot stress the importance of Al Qaeda setting up camp in 2002 with training events there prior to that
There are 2 very good books about fighting Al Qaeda In Iraq
Marcus latrell the author of lone survivor is one
The other was written by another seal who had the most confirmed kills ever by any sniper ever, I cannot recall the name of the book @ this time
President GWB AND congress with the will of the people invaded Iraq to enforce UN resolutions as follows
On 1-27-2003 Hans Blix told the world that Saddam had 1000s of munitions un accounted for and was still not cooperating
Read it, this IS THE event that GWB decided to go on what congress had given him the authority to do, 10-2002 with 29 dems in the senate voting yea


Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, Dr. Hans Blix

Update 27 January 2003

Saddam was guilty of ignoring

resolution 687 (1991), adopted unanimously as a part of the cease-fire after the Gulf War, had five major elements. The three first related to disarmament. They called for :
declarations by Iraq of its programmes of weapons of mass destruction and long range missiles;
verification of the declarations through UNSCOM and the IAEA;
supervision by these organizations of the destruction or the elimination of proscribed programmes and items.
After the completion of the disarmament :

Read it, there is more

Who could possibly believe the new-found love of conservatives for the UN? One minute they're protesting to get the US out of the UN. The next thing you know, they want to go to war to enforce UN resolutions.

Stay tuned for the next episode Ripley's Believe It...or Not!

It's not love of the UN. Liberals believe that all US legitimacy lies at the feet of the UN. Referencing UN findings is only to remind Liberals that even the one entity they salute and seek guidance had proof that Saddam was a threat. In a Post 9-11 era, Bush simply carried out what Many a Democrat called for between 1996 and 2002. FACT

Oh, I don't dispute that Saddam was POTENTIALLY a Kuwait, to Saudi Arabia, to Iran, and even to Israel. But Saddam was NO threat to the USA.

By the way, I don't recall Democrats ever calling for an invasion of Iraq.
You could buy a history book a hundred years from now and hear historians say the same thing.

It would have to be an audio book - you obviously can't read.

I assumed Ollie would need someone to read it to him.

Not hardly. I at least know when someone is wrong......And when they are only perceived so..... But since you don't know me you wouldn't know that.....
Who could possibly believe the new-found love of conservatives for the UN? One minute they're protesting to get the US out of the UN. The next thing you know, they want to go to war to enforce UN resolutions.

Stay tuned for the next episode Ripley's Believe It...or Not!

It's not love of the UN. Liberals believe that all US legitimacy lies at the feet of the UN. Referencing UN findings is only to remind Liberals that even the one entity they salute and seek guidance had proof that Saddam was a threat. In a Post 9-11 era, Bush simply carried out what Many a Democrat called for between 1996 and 2002. FACT

Oh, I don't dispute that Saddam was POTENTIALLY a Kuwait, to Saudi Arabia, to Iran, and even to Israel. But Saddam was NO threat to the USA.

By the way, I don't recall Democrats ever calling for an invasion of Iraq.

In a major victory for the White House, the Senate early Friday voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions.
(29 dems)

Hours earlier, the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133.

The president praised the congressional action, declaring "America speaks with one voice."

"The Congress has spoken clearly to the international community and the United Nations Security Council," Bush said in a statement. "Saddam Hussein and his outlaw regime pose a grave threat to the region, the world and the United States. Inaction is not an option, disarmament is a must."

While the outcome of the vote was never in doubt, its passage followed several days of spirited debate in which a small but vocal group of lawmakers charged the resolution was too broad and premature.

The resolution requires Bush to declare to Congress either before or within 48 hours after beginning military action that diplomatic efforts to enforce the U.N. resolutions have failed.

Bush also must certify that action against Iraq would not hinder efforts to pursue the al Qaeda terrorist network that attacked New York and Washington last year. And it requires the administration to report to Congress on the progress of any war with Iraq every 60 days.

Now it was this simple
When Blix came out 1-2003 and stated that Iraq, read the link above, there is so much i do not know where to start (what Saddam was NOT doing and how many resolutions he was ignoring including selling oil on the black market for weapons)
WMDs were only part of the issue, as was Al Qaeda setting up camp there prior to our invasion
Mustang you have been lied to about so much, It is not your fault

Senate approves Iraq war resolution - CNN
Perhaps we should get those kids' opinions on every matter of national importance. Actually, we could have kids conduct the tours of the Bush library and explain ALL of his decisions to everyone who stops by.

John Q. Citizen: Kids, why did President Bush invade Iraq?

Kids: Because.

John Q. Citizen: Because why?

Kids: Just because!

President GWB AND congress with the will of the people invaded Iraq to enforce UN resolutions as follows
On 1-27-2003 Hans Blix told the world that Saddam had 1000s of munitions un accounted for and was still not cooperating
Read it, this IS THE event that GWB decided to go on what congress had given him the authority to do, 10-2002 with 29 dems in the senate voting yea


Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, Dr. Hans Blix

Update 27 January 2003

Saddam was guilty of ignoring

resolution 687 (1991), adopted unanimously as a part of the cease-fire after the Gulf War, had five major elements. The three first related to disarmament. They called for :
declarations by Iraq of its programmes of weapons of mass destruction and long range missiles;
verification of the declarations through UNSCOM and the IAEA;
supervision by these organizations of the destruction or the elimination of proscribed programmes and items.
After the completion of the disarmament :

Read it, there is more

Who could possibly believe the new-found love of conservatives for the UN? One minute they're protesting to get the US out of the UN. The next thing you know, they want to go to war to enforce UN resolutions.

Stay tuned for the next episode Ripley's Believe It...or Not!

Ass backwards...............
Actually, the stink of Bush will last much longer than four years

Need i say more?

Without question the strategic and economic blunders of the Bush administration will be felt for a generation. Four years does not do it justice

Exactly...somehow righties seem to think that the minute somebody leaves office, then it's the other guy's fault. I said in July 2008 that if a Dem won the WH he or she would get blamed for Bush's huge mess. Started the day Obama was inaugurated...
Actually, the stink of Bush will last much longer than four years

Need i say more?

Without question the strategic and economic blunders of the Bush administration will be felt for a generation. Four years does not do it justice

Name one
if you say Iraq then your ignoring the reasons and the who as to why we invaded
There is proof here-in as to the why and the who
Simply put congress gave the okay for the same reasons Blix gave 1-27-03
Not the CIA
Not the FBI
The UN

now what else was there?
In thirty years or so, Republicans will be claiming Bush was a liberal Democrat and Obama was a conservative Republican, and 36% of American will believe it.
Need i say more?

Without question the strategic and economic blunders of the Bush administration will be felt for a generation. Four years does not do it justice

Name one
if you say Iraq then your ignoring the reasons and the who as to why we invaded
There is proof here-in as to the why and the who
Simply put congress gave the okay for the same reasons Blix gave 1-27-03
Not the CIA
Not the FBI
The UN

now what else was there?

Just one?

Leaving the country open to terrorist attack
Abandoning the war on terror to invade Iraq
misrepresenting (lying) about the reasons and threat
Engaging in torture
Botching the wars in Iraq And Afghanistan
Causing the deaths of over 5000 Americans in an ill-conceived invasion
causing the deaths of one million Iraqis
Inept response to Katrina
Standing idly by as the economy collapsed
Slashing taxes to pay for wars

see is an example right here......this Stroonge lives and breathes Bush....

Frankly, I think most Americans are just trying to forget the guy...kinda like trying to forget the meal which led to a nasty case of food poisoning that made you sick as a dog for a whole day. And to that end, I'm grateful that Bush does his part in this delicate kabuki dance of self-imposed amnesia by mostly keeping himself out of the public eye.
and i agree with you.....and he does seem to avoid the limelight.....but then everyday i see a thread about the fucker......

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