GWB turns out was a pretty good President

Far as I can tell, no one's mentioned the passing of the Patriot Act while Bush 43 was in office.
The vast majority of the stinking thing is UNconstitutional.

And I don't have a source, but this wouldn't surprise me - I heard that the Patriot Act, over 300 pages, was sent to members of Congress via email PDF only 15 minutes before they were to vote on it.
If true.....Shame - Shame - Shame.

And don't get me started on those DAMNED lightbulbs ( I call "pigtail bulbs") that have to be specially disposed of because the F*cking things have Mercury in them.
How is that environment friendly !?.... you sad, green Twats .

Thanks a lot for that one, Bushie.....

Would that be something like Obamacare adding 300+ pages while the Dems were insisting the vote begins? Give me a fucking break.. BTW Obama has extended the Pat act how many times?
I am still waiting as to the reason(s) as to why W was so bad?

he added 500 billion to the baseline in 09, 10, 11, 12 and did nothing with it
His Obamacare? well if it is so good why is so many wanting out of it? still more to come but defiantly not deficit nut rial (see medicare robbing, or robbing from medicare?)
No private sector jobs, 0,Zilch
over 6 trillion added to the debt
No budget as the constitution mandates in all years to date

with W his medicare D as well as No child left behind being un-funded were mistakes, even though without 9-11 as well as the 2 wars balanced budgets were a reality

The only Bu partisan legeslation
The Patriot act un constitutional?
I thought congress voted that into law numerous times?
Liberals have been lied to so much even the obvious escapes them
I mean it when I say I feel sorry for them and our country
It's interesting how fast the fanatical elements of the right wing are trying to rehabilitate Bush's image.

History will not be so kind

I wouldn't bet on that, after we see the full effects of 8 years of Obama.....

But we shall see....

At least i hope we last long enough to see.........

Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

I am still waiting as to the reason(s) as to why W was so bad?

Good gawd. Thick as a brick.

You can't hear when you're not listening.


Mac there is no debate or discussion if you cannot support your claim
See I think BHO adding 4-500 billion to the base line budget in 09 and then not allowing any budgets to be passed in the last 4 years was about as bad as it gets
It is the very reason our debt has gone out of control as did his in ability to do anything that would help create private sector work
The first 2 years were spent on Obama-care, not expanding drill baby drill, etc.... to create wealth/jobs that would pay taxes

see how this works?
History will not be so kind

I wouldn't bet on that, after we see the full effects of 8 years of Obama.....

But we shall see....

At least i hope we last long enough to see.........

Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

Now you're dreaming....

But to keep the record straight the wars (both of them) were fought to perfection. Never before were any campaigns fought to such perfection....

It was the peace that Bush Screwed up..........

I am still waiting as to the reason(s) as to why W was so bad?

Good gawd. Thick as a brick.

You can't hear when you're not listening.


Mac there is no debate or discussion if you cannot support your claim
See I think BHO adding 4-500 billion to the base line budget in 09 and then not allowing any budgets to be passed in the last 4 years was about as bad as it gets
It is the very reason our debt has gone out of control as did his in ability to do anything that would help create private sector work
The first 2 years were spent on Obama-care, not expanding drill baby drill, etc.... to create wealth/jobs that would pay taxes

see how this works?

I guess I'm off "ignore", huh?

For the record, I think it's entirely possible that you believe this stuff, down to your very core. Sources:

Nate Silver: Between pundits and partisans, 'a lot of very delusional people' in politics -

Mega dittos.

History will not be so kind

I wouldn't bet on that, after we see the full effects of 8 years of Obama.....

But we shall see....

At least i hope we last long enough to see.........

Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

still have 4 years to go RW......anything could happen....all it takes is one bad decision....
History will not be so kind

I wouldn't bet on that, after we see the full effects of 8 years of Obama.....

But we shall see....

At least i hope we last long enough to see.........

Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

BHO is the worst president sense WW2
what did GWB do that was a blunder? Iraq is over and all 3 goals were accomplished
Afghanistan will end the same

And exactly what was that GWB did to cause the wealth bubble to collapse?

you want to start there?
I wouldn't bet on that, after we see the full effects of 8 years of Obama.....

But we shall see....

At least i hope we last long enough to see.........

Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

Now you're dreaming....

But to keep the record straight the wars (both of them) were fought to perfection. Never before were any campaigns fought to such perfection....

It was the peace that Bush Screwed up..........

Come on know better than that
War is more than an invasion and Bush completely misjudged what it would take to hold his territory
Gen Shinseki warned in no uncertain terms that more troops would be needed to stabilize Iraq

Bush's blunders

Failed to get bin Laden in Afghanistan
Failed to pursue into Pakistan
Diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq
Failed to build an international alliance
Attacked Iraq for no valid reason
Botched the occupation
Misread the political realities of Iraq
Cost 5000 American deaths

History will not be kind
Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

Now you're dreaming....

But to keep the record straight the wars (both of them) were fought to perfection. Never before were any campaigns fought to such perfection....

It was the peace that Bush Screwed up..........

Come on know better than that
War is more than an invasion and Bush completely misjudged what it would take to hold his territory
Gen Shinseki warned in no uncertain terms that more troops would be needed to stabilize Iraq

Bush's blunders

Failed to get bin Laden in Afghanistan
Failed to pursue into Pakistan
Diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq
Failed to build an international alliance
Attacked Iraq for no valid reason
Botched the occupation
Misread the political realities of Iraq
Cost 5000 American deaths

History will not be kind

The intel from enhanced interrogation got UBL
Iraq was a bi partisan event that came to a place of no return based on Hans Blixes report to the Un 1-27-2003
Over 30 countries assisted in the invasion of Iraq, More with Afghanistan
Botched? Saddam, gone
elections, check
weapons, gone
The reality of Iraq was that Saddam was a mad man who was ignoring UN sanctions
seems to me that no longer is the problem
No mis read there excet the intel on the level of WMDs that were actually found after 8 months of warning we were coming
Terrorist caused thousands and thousands of lives, not GWB nor any-one else in this great nation
over 3000 9-11-01

No terrorist
No Saddam
No wars

you want to try this again?
I wouldn't bet on that, after we see the full effects of 8 years of Obama.....

But we shall see....

At least i hope we last long enough to see.........

Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

still have 4 years to go RW......anything could happen....all it takes is one bad decision....

Very true...and republicans will do everything in their power to make those four years miserable

How will the Obama presidency be viewed?

Historians look at the hand you were dealt, how you coped with the challenges you faced an what was the lasting impact of your presidency

Nobody questions Obama was dealt a shit hand. An economy on the verge of depression and two wars

Obamas actions in the first 90 days stopped a depression and reversed a crashing economy. He saved the banks and he auto industry

Lasting impact.......Obamacare will provide healthcare to Americans for generations

Top ten presidency
Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

still have 4 years to go RW......anything could happen....all it takes is one bad decision....

Very true...and republicans will do everything in their power to make those four years miserable

How will the Obama presidency be viewed?

Historians look at the hand you were dealt, how you coped with the challenges you faced an what was the lasting impact of your presidency

Nobody questions Obama was dealt a shit hand. An economy on the verge of depression and two wars

Obamas actions in the first 90 days stopped a depression and reversed a crashing economy. He saved the banks and he auto industry

Lasting impact.......Obamacare will provide healthcare to Americans for generations

Top ten presidency

And 9-11 was nothing?
BHO was handed a mess, a mess that had been stopped with the 50% of Tarp that was actually used for what congress had authorized (except the auto bailout GWB did against the will of the people, congress)

He has added 500 billion to the base line and created none to very very few private sector jobs
The healthcare bill? He has provided nothing yet but rates going up and additional taxes on the middle class

CNN Fact Check: About those 4.5 million jobs ... -
And total nonfarm payrolls, including government workers, are down from 133.6 million workers at the beginning of 2009 to 133.2 million in July 2012. There's been a net loss of nearly 1 million public-sector jobs since Obama took office, despite a surge in temporary hiring for the 2010 census.

More Middle-Class Americans Hit by Obamacare Tax 20, 2012 – More Middle-Class Americans Hit by Obamacare Tax ... The total cost to uninsured Americans will be around $7 billion in 2016 and is projected ...
Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a new report that determined that even more Americans than previously estimated will be hit with Obamacare’s ever-controversial individual mandate tax, totaling 6 million by 2016.
these are called links
Last edited:
Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

still have 4 years to go RW......anything could happen....all it takes is one bad decision....

Very true...and republicans will do everything in their power to make those four years miserable

How will the Obama presidency be viewed?

Historians look at the hand you were dealt, how you coped with the challenges you faced an what was the lasting impact of your presidency

Nobody questions Obama was dealt a shit hand. An economy on the verge of depression and two wars

Obamas actions in the first 90 days stopped a depression and reversed a crashing economy. He saved the banks and he auto industry

Lasting impact.......Obamacare will provide healthcare to Americans for generations

Top ten presidency

LOL Lack of Leadership.........

Clinton worked across the aisle, Bush worked across the Isle, Obama.......not so much....Mr I won, and elections have consequences refuses to give in. He leads from the rear... It doesn't work...

And that goes for Reid and Boehner too. Washington has no leaders........
still have 4 years to go RW......anything could happen....all it takes is one bad decision....

Very true...and republicans will do everything in their power to make those four years miserable

How will the Obama presidency be viewed?

Historians look at the hand you were dealt, how you coped with the challenges you faced an what was the lasting impact of your presidency

Nobody questions Obama was dealt a shit hand. An economy on the verge of depression and two wars

Obamas actions in the first 90 days stopped a depression and reversed a crashing economy. He saved the banks and he auto industry

Lasting impact.......Obamacare will provide healthcare to Americans for generations

Top ten presidency

And 9-11 was nothing?
BHO was handed a mess, a mess that had been stopped with the 50% of Tarp that was actually used for what congress had authorized (except the auto bailout GWB did against the will of the people, congress)

He has added 500 billion to the base line and created none to very very few private sector jobs
The healthcare bill? He has provided nothing yet but rates going up and additional taxes on the middle class

CNN Fact Check: About those 4.5 million jobs ... -
And total nonfarm payrolls, including government workers, are down from 133.6 million workers at the beginning of 2009 to 133.2 million in July 2012. There's been a net loss of nearly 1 million public-sector jobs since Obama took office, despite a surge in temporary hiring for the 2010 census.

More Middle-Class Americans Hit by Obamacare Tax 20, 2012 – More Middle-Class Americans Hit by Obamacare Tax ... The total cost to uninsured Americans will be around $7 billion in 2016 and is projected ...
Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a new report that determined that even more Americans than previously estimated will be hit with Obamacare’s ever-controversial individual mandate tax, totaling 6 million by 2016.
More Middle-Class Americans Hit by Obamacare Tax
these are called links

How do we know a depression was stopped?

The economy under Bush had five quarters of negative GDP. The stock market fell 7000 points. The economy was in a panic. We were shedding 750,000 jobs a month. Bush initially ignored his failing economy, then denied it was failing. He made no positive actions until the 2008 election was lost

Obama made it clear he would stand behind the economy. As everyone else was bailing out of the economy....Obama put $750 billion into it
The auto companies came to Obama for a second time after the Bush cash infusion did nothing. Obama insisted on management restructuring, shedding of failing brands, union concession
Within weeks of Stimulus and TARP....the economy reversed.
Depression averted

Top ten presidency

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