GWB turns out was a pretty good President

My would be easier to believe that 2000 year old resurrection horse shit.

wait i thought you were Lazarus?.....

And I thought you were the rich man:

Luke 16:24
"The rich man shouted, 'Father Abraham, have some pity! Send Lazarus over here to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. I am in anguish in these flames.'

for a guy who thinks the Bible is a joke you sure quote it often enough......that tells me your a phony.....are you going to mass tomorrow?.....
wait i thought you were lazarus?.....

and i thought you were the rich man:

Luke 16:24
"the rich man shouted, 'father abraham, have some pity! send lazarus over here to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. I am in anguish in these flames.'

for a guy who thinks the bible is a joke you sure quote it often enough......that tells me your a phony.....are you going to mass tomorrow?.....


If you don't want the contents of the holly bibble shoved up your ass don't start anything with me. I read the bible before I left home and while I was in my 20's could recite most of the new testament chapter and verse. Christians bad mouth the Muslims and many of them have the entire quran memorized while they are in their teens, chapter by chapter and verse by verse......every word.
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and i thought you were the rich man:

Luke 16:24
"the rich man shouted, 'father abraham, have some pity! send lazarus over here to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. I am in anguish in these flames.'

for a guy who thinks the bible is a joke you sure quote it often enough......that tells me your a phony.....are you going to mass tomorrow?.....


If you don't want the contents of the holly bibble shoved up your ass don't start anything with me. I read the bible before I left home and while I was in my 20's could recite most of the new testament chapter and verse. Christians bad mouth the Muslims and many of them have the entire quran memorized while they are in their teens, chapter by chapter and verse by verse......every word.
Therein lies the problem. Some of the weirdest and most problematic people I have ever met were brought up by disturbed religious fanatics. In the days of yore it was that and those from "boy's schools". Forcing religion into people is a sort of "political" correctness of yesteryear.
and i thought you were the rich man:

Luke 16:24
"the rich man shouted, 'father abraham, have some pity! send lazarus over here to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. I am in anguish in these flames.'

for a guy who thinks the bible is a joke you sure quote it often enough......that tells me your a phony.....are you going to mass tomorrow?.....


If you don't want the contents of the holly bibble shoved up your ass don't start anything with me. I read the bible before I left home and while I was in my 20's could recite most of the new testament chapter and verse. Christians bad mouth the Muslims and many of them have the entire quran memorized while they are in their teens, chapter by chapter and verse by verse......every word.
so are you going to mass tomorrow?...
still have 4 years to go RW......anything could happen....all it takes is one bad decision....

Very true...and republicans will do everything in their power to make those four years miserable

How will the Obama presidency be viewed?

Historians look at the hand you were dealt, how you coped with the challenges you faced an what was the lasting impact of your presidency

Nobody questions Obama was dealt a shit hand. An economy on the verge of depression and two wars

Obamas actions in the first 90 days stopped a depression and reversed a crashing economy. He saved the banks and he auto industry

Lasting impact.......Obamacare will provide healthcare to Americans for generations

Top ten presidency

it sounds like to me your not going to let Obama take the blame for anything he will be the Republicans fault no matter what..... like i bad decision and he could be on that bottom rung with Bush.....

Wait until the majority learns just what Obamacare is going to do.... He'll be using a ladder to get to the bottom.... But that's just my opinion........
for a guy who thinks the bible is a joke you sure quote it often enough......that tells me your a phony.....are you going to mass tomorrow?.....


If you don't want the contents of the holly bibble shoved up your ass don't start anything with me. I read the bible before I left home and while I was in my 20's could recite most of the new testament chapter and verse. Christians bad mouth the Muslims and many of them have the entire quran memorized while they are in their teens, chapter by chapter and verse by verse......every word.
so are you going to mass tomorrow?...

I've gottcher mass a schwangin
Very true...and republicans will do everything in their power to make those four years miserable

How will the Obama presidency be viewed?

Historians look at the hand you were dealt, how you coped with the challenges you faced an what was the lasting impact of your presidency

Nobody questions Obama was dealt a shit hand. An economy on the verge of depression and two wars

Obamas actions in the first 90 days stopped a depression and reversed a crashing economy. He saved the banks and he auto industry

Lasting impact.......Obamacare will provide healthcare to Americans for generations

Top ten presidency

And 9-11 was nothing?
BHO was handed a mess, a mess that had been stopped with the 50% of Tarp that was actually used for what congress had authorized (except the auto bailout GWB did against the will of the people, congress)

He has added 500 billion to the base line and created none to very very few private sector jobs
The healthcare bill? He has provided nothing yet but rates going up and additional taxes on the middle class

CNN Fact Check: About those 4.5 million jobs ... -
And total nonfarm payrolls, including government workers, are down from 133.6 million workers at the beginning of 2009 to 133.2 million in July 2012. There's been a net loss of nearly 1 million public-sector jobs since Obama took office, despite a surge in temporary hiring for the 2010 census.

More Middle-Class Americans Hit by Obamacare Tax 20, 2012 – More Middle-Class Americans Hit by Obamacare Tax ... The total cost to uninsured Americans will be around $7 billion in 2016 and is projected ...
Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a new report that determined that even more Americans than previously estimated will be hit with Obamacare’s ever-controversial individual mandate tax, totaling 6 million by 2016.
More Middle-Class Americans Hit by Obamacare Tax
these are called links

How do we know a depression was stopped?

The economy under Bush had five quarters of negative GDP. The stock market fell 7000 points. The economy was in a panic. We were shedding 750,000 jobs a month. Bush initially ignored his failing economy, then denied it was failing. He made no positive actions until the 2008 election was lost

Obama made it clear he would stand behind the economy. As everyone else was bailing out of the economy....Obama put $750 billion into it
The auto companies came to Obama for a second time after the Bush cash infusion did nothing. Obama insisted on management restructuring, shedding of failing brands, union concession
Within weeks of Stimulus and TARP....the economy reversed.
Depression averted

Top ten presidency

No cash infusion, no GM period
It was another BHO lie to get him elected
but in December 2008 the Bush administration provided a "bridge loan" to General Motors with the requirement of a revised business plan.[23] It said it needed $4.6 billion in loans within weeks, from the $18 billion it had already requested, and an additional $12 billion in financial support in order to stave off bankruptcy
General Motors Chapter 11 reorganization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
AGAINST the will of the people, GWB biggest mistake as president
What did GWB do to cause the wealth bubble to burst?
And who was it that implemented the forst 50% of tarp?
The positive GDP came off of the crash, that 2% growth meant nothing
the stimulus was 1 trillion and those LINKS I provided showed us how much it really did

The crash the govt did not create, the private sector did
This is why the govt can not fix it
they spent 5 trillion dollars more than we had to obtain 0 job growth as well as the GDP at an anemic 1-2% based off of the crash of 08

You want to blame GWB? then the liberals in congress own it as well
It is that simple
GWB as well as Hank P had the courage to stop the bleeding, that is the only reason the economy as well as the country did not implode

The free market brought the stock market back, nothing else after the first 50% of tarp
Sadly...the Bush Presidency has already been stamped by history

Worst President in modern times.
Everything Bush touched turned to shit. Gave up the 9-11 attacks. Wasted worldwide support. Engaged in torture. Suspended human rights. Abandoned the war on terror for a blundered attack on Iraq. Botched the Iraq War. Botched Katrina. Stood by as the economy tanked

All time worst
Sadly...the Bush Presidency has already been stamped by history

Worst President in modern times.
Everything Bush touched turned to shit. Gave up the 9-11 attacks. Wasted worldwide support. Engaged in torture. Suspended human rights. Abandoned the war on terror for a blundered attack on Iraq. Botched the Iraq War. Botched Katrina. Stood by as the economy tanked

All time worst

And like Reagan....he managed to cut tax rates for his rich buds while watching the national debt double and doing nothing about it.
Sadly...the Bush Presidency has already been stamped by history

Worst President in modern times.
Everything Bush touched turned to shit. Gave up the 9-11 attacks. Wasted worldwide support. Engaged in torture. Suspended human rights. Abandoned the war on terror for a blundered attack on Iraq. Botched the Iraq War. Botched Katrina. Stood by as the economy tanked

All time worst

And like Reagan....he managed to cut tax rates for his rich buds while watching the national debt double and doing nothing about it.
And unlike President Obama.... President Bush managed to keep Americans employed. President Obama has increased only the percentage of people who have benefitless part-time employment. It's a dis-grace.
Sadly...the Bush Presidency has already been stamped by history

Worst President in modern times.*
**Everything Bush touched turned to shit. Gave up the 9-11 attacks. ***Wasted worldwide support. Engaged in torture. ****Suspended human rights. *****Abandoned the war on terror for a blundered attack on Iraq. Botched the Iraq War. Botched Katrina. Stood by as the economy tanked

All time worst
Your little fibbies deserve to go through the freedombecki unspin machine, Mr. rightwinger on the left:

* Modern-day President who stepped up to the plate to turn around Clinton Spin-room divisionism.
**Everything Bush did got ignored by the lamestream media. They obfuscated his decimation of brownfields by giving businesses incentives to clean them up, then they totally ignored the honors bestowed on him by a prominent birding group for cleaning up the mess and allowing ducks replenishment sans the killing brownfields, among many changes he made in cleaning up the most problematic of air pollution issues that kill people and cause cancer
***Bush organized a 40-nation coalition before going after Afghanistan. when he added Iraq, it had become a 60+ nation coalition. This was ignored by the leftist press, and the only way it was truly known was from the website of Centcom's military pages, which have been now taken down under Obama so nobody will know exactly how well President Bush's administration was able to build worldwide support. Your lies don't wash with this news denizen, sonny. Bush got troops to keep the peace and monitor the lies coming from Al-Jazeera and other lying websites who resisted making killer regimes pay and proffering news stories purchased by the highest oil bidders to the tune of average newsmen sporting Rolls-Royces for saying nice things about Saddam's regime (and others) for the fringe benefits it garnered those corrupt types. Ever heard of Peter Arnett
the Saddam drooler? Retired rich beyond his wildest dreams, and disgraced when his journalistic treachery was revealed by a real journalist following his money trail and finding under-the-table wealth taken from Saddam, who resolved his political issues with rape, torture, and murder that put our BTK serial killer to shame, and payments and gifts to "respected journalists" for saying nice things about him as his cover-up for war crimes against humanity using his bully pulpit of dictator of Iraq, and the most murderous terrorist-supporter on the planet.
****Suspended human rights of terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans? Damn straight. Those Americans incinerated in the Twin Towers on impact couldn't fight back in court for their lives. The cockelroaches who caused it surreptitiously absolutely deserved their fate of incarceration by our military for their role in harming our citizens and our military peacekeepers who kept them from spreading more terror worldwide by removing the worst ones out of free movement to plan more war crimes against American citizens and troops.
*****Huh? President Obama removed American troops from Iraq before the dust had settled, leaving Iraq for retaking by the next ruler most like Saddam. And he'll be leveling his oil wealth against America, no matter who is president here. Obama wasted the money we invested in peace through strength. You are a very confused man, sir.
******Sorry, President Bush is not the party responsible for the worst hurricane in Louisana's history that killed 1,000 people, and the decision not to bus people out using school buses was made by the Democrat Governor, over whom Bush had no influence. She took her failure and blamed Bush for everything. Not to miss an opportunity to damn President Bush, the press took her failure to use resources and obfuscated it and proliferated her lie because it pleasured them to beat up conservatives. This was a crisis, there's no doubt about it, but Katrina received good and swift money as a priority of Homeland Security once the depth of the losses was known. President Bush was the friend of the beleaguered, but his political opposition decided to use the tragedy as their opportunity to work against a man who was always for the people, always for small businesses to prosper, always working for ways to give the working man jobs.

Shame on you for proliferating obfuscations rather than the truth of the matter, o extreme leftist using rightwinger as your moniker to confuse occasional readers here.

Bush was a stellar President who cared that Americans had jobs first, clean air, clean earth, and clean water. He did his best and got businesses to pay for the cleanups rather than spend another trillion. He got a lot more done using goodwill than Obama did by outspending him two to one.
Sadly...the Bush Presidency has already been stamped by history

Worst President in modern times.
Everything Bush touched turned to shit. Gave up the 9-11 attacks. Wasted worldwide support. Engaged in torture. Suspended human rights. Abandoned the war on terror for a blundered attack on Iraq. Botched the Iraq War. Botched Katrina. Stood by as the economy tanked

All time worst

And like Reagan....he managed to cut tax rates for his rich buds while watching the national debt double and doing nothing about it.
And unlike President Obama.... President Bush managed to keep Americans employed. President Obama has increased only the percentage of people who have benefitless part-time employment. It's a dis-grace.

LMAO!! Why do you think they call this the great recession? Bush, Bernanke and Paulson handed the largest banks in the world $870 billion and when Bush left office jobs were bleeding off at 750,000 a month. About Obama's unemployment...I'd be ashamed to get my ass kicked by someone who presided over four years of that if I were you Republicans:

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The only way the Bush administration can spun as "good" is if you completely ignore what it left behind: Two horrific, wasteful, unpaid-for wars and the worst financial catastrophe since the Great Depression.

No, I don't blame Bush for the Meltdown. But I have absolutely no doubt that if a Democrat President left the same mess in his wake, the Right would be screaming from the mountaintops.

Calling Bush a "pretty good President" is abject delusion at best, bald-face lying at worst. Absurd. The best thing that could be said about it is that we survived it.

Let it go.


The only way the Bush administration can spun as "good" is if you completely ignore what it left behind: Two horrific, wasteful, unpaid-for wars and the worst financial catastrophe since the Great Depression.

No, I don't blame Bush for the Meltdown. But I have absolutely no doubt that if a Democrat President left the same mess in his wake, the Right would be screaming from the mountaintops.

Calling Bush a "pretty good President" is abject delusion at best, bald-face lying at worst. Absurd. The best thing that could be said about it is that we survived it.

Let it go.


I voted for Eisenhower....the first vote I ever cast in my life. Guess what? I got laid off from a good job in 1961 in the middle of the recession he left behind. It's a fact.....every Republican run since Hoover has left a higher unemployment rate than what it assumed. I don't believe that's coincidence:






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Sadly...the Bush Presidency has already been stamped by history

Worst President in modern times.*
**Everything Bush touched turned to shit. Gave up the 9-11 attacks. ***Wasted worldwide support. Engaged in torture. ****Suspended human rights. *****Abandoned the war on terror for a blundered attack on Iraq. Botched the Iraq War. Botched Katrina. Stood by as the economy tanked

All time worst
Your little fibbies deserve to go through the freedombecki unspin machine, Mr. rightwinger on the left:

* Modern-day President who stepped up to the plate to turn around Clinton Spin-room divisionism.
**Everything Bush did got ignored by the lamestream media. They obfuscated his decimation of brownfields by giving businesses incentives to clean them up, then they totally ignored the honors bestowed on him by a prominent birding group for cleaning up the mess and allowing ducks replenishment sans the killing brownfields, among many changes he made in cleaning up the most problematic of air pollution issues that kill people and cause cancer
***Bush organized a 40-nation coalition before going after Afghanistan. when he added Iraq, it had become a 60+ nation coalition. This was ignored by the leftist press, and the only way it was truly known was from the website of Centcom's military pages, which have been now taken down under Obama so nobody will know exactly how well President Bush's administration was able to build worldwide support. Your lies don't wash with this news denizen, sonny. Bush got troops to keep the peace and monitor the lies coming from Al-Jazeera and other lying websites who resisted making killer regimes pay and proffering news stories purchased by the highest oil bidders to the tune of average newsmen sporting Rolls-Royces for saying nice things about Saddam's regime (and others) for the fringe benefits it garnered those corrupt types. Ever heard of Peter Arnett
the Saddam drooler? Retired rich beyond his wildest dreams, and disgraced when his journalistic treachery was revealed by a real journalist following his money trail and finding under-the-table wealth taken from Saddam, who resolved his political issues with rape, torture, and murder that put our BTK serial killer to shame, and payments and gifts to "respected journalists" for saying nice things about him as his cover-up for war crimes against humanity using his bully pulpit of dictator of Iraq, and the most murderous terrorist-supporter on the planet.
****Suspended human rights of terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans? Damn straight. Those Americans incinerated in the Twin Towers on impact couldn't fight back in court for their lives. The cockelroaches who caused it surreptitiously absolutely deserved their fate of incarceration by our military for their role in harming our citizens and our military peacekeepers who kept them from spreading more terror worldwide by removing the worst ones out of free movement to plan more war crimes against American citizens and troops.
*****Huh? President Obama removed American troops from Iraq before the dust had settled, leaving Iraq for retaking by the next ruler most like Saddam. And he'll be leveling his oil wealth against America, no matter who is president here. Obama wasted the money we invested in peace through strength. You are a very confused man, sir.
******Sorry, President Bush is not the party responsible for the worst hurricane in Louisana's history that killed 1,000 people, and the decision not to bus people out using school buses was made by the Democrat Governor, over whom Bush had no influence. She took her failure and blamed Bush for everything. Not to miss an opportunity to damn President Bush, the press took her failure to use resources and obfuscated it and proliferated her lie because it pleasured them to beat up conservatives. This was a crisis, there's no doubt about it, but Katrina received good and swift money as a priority of Homeland Security once the depth of the losses was known. President Bush was the friend of the beleaguered, but his political opposition decided to use the tragedy as their opportunity to work against a man who was always for the people, always for small businesses to prosper, always working for ways to give the working man jobs.

Shame on you for proliferating obfuscations rather than the truth of the matter, o extreme leftist using rightwinger as your moniker to confuse occasional readers here.

Bush was a stellar President who cared that Americans had jobs first, clean air, clean earth, and clean water. He did his best and got businesses to pay for the cleanups rather than spend another trillion. He got a lot more done using goodwill than Obama did by outspending him two to one.

Sorry becki.......

But the only way I can respond is. :lol:

The only way the Bush administration can spun as "good" is if you completely ignore what it left behind: Two horrific, wasteful, unpaid-for wars and the worst financial catastrophe since the Great Depression.

No, I don't blame Bush for the Meltdown. But I have absolutely no doubt that if a Democrat President left the same mess in his wake, the Right would be screaming from the mountaintops.

Calling Bush a "pretty good President" is abject delusion at best, bald-face lying at worst. Absurd. The best thing that could be said about it is that we survived it.

Let it go.

By far the worst of Bush's legacy is the Obama administration. The best of his legacies are a free(r) Iraq and Afghanistan and a mortally wounded Al Queda.
Who can forget that carrier landing, the sign, the good feelings about America and her prowess? Who can forget the cost?
Who can forget that carrier landing, the sign, the good feelings about America and her prowess? Who can forget the cost?


Thousands of US soldiers dead, many thousands more mutilated and/or emotionally damaged, families ruined, children who won't see Mom or Dad again, or who wonder why Mom or Dad just "isn't the same any more", parents who lost a child.

Oh yeah, plus four trillion borrowed dollars.

Yeah, that's a great legacy.


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