GWB turns out was a pretty good President

I seriously hope your not serious...

Ice Cold Blog

That sign would not have been put up without the WH's kowledge and permission.

Well just as you are so sloppy and lazy in NOT spelling KNOWLEDGE which is really and totally IRONIC... you again shown your ignorance!!!

NOW for the f...king TRUTH you totally ignorant (can't even spell "KNOWLEDGE" right.. you know that when you write on this page if you misspell a work like "kowlege"
IT UNDERLINES in red the misspelling but being the lazy butt you are didn't even pay attention!!!)

THE TRUTH about Mission Accomplished BANNER!!!
If you wanted to take the time and FIND OUT the truth rather then be the Bush BASHING ignorant person that can't even spell 14 words correctly you would see
BUSH had nothing to do with it!!!

And who was responsible for the inclusion of the banner?
Robert Draper writes in Dead Certain (hardly what I’d call a “pro-Bush” book), pg 194-5:

Scott Sforza flew out to the USS Lincoln five days before the speech. Sforza was the White House’s in-house producer.
In the course of his labors, Sforza became quite taken with the crew. When they mentioned to the White House aide that they would like to emblazon the stage with a banner reading MISSION ACCOMPLISHED so as to send up a victorious signal to their families and Navy buddies, Sforza loved the spirit of it and was effusive in his pitch to Fleischer, Bartlett, and the others. By conference call, they mused among themselves: Could the slogan backfire? But Fleischer reminded the others that the press had been haranguing Bush to declare an end to major combat operations for weeks now. The press shop gave Sforza the green light.

Sforza had the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner designed by a private vendor, with a slick red-white-and-blue background. It was unfurled and pinned alongside the carrier, directly behind where the president would give his nationally televised speech on the evening of May 1.

Who was responsible for the “Mission Accomplished” banner? | Flopping Aces

So f...king WHAT? Bush's WH house staff did it! Bush didn't so why are you bashing Bush?

I mean honestly YOU guys spent ALL the Bush administration AS EVAN THOMAS EDITOR of NewsWeek said...
Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' |

But then when it comes to Obama???

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.

YOU FEEL stupidly Obama is a God just as the EDITOR of NewsWeek feels..
SO is it ANY wonder the MSM Bashing Bush... kissing Obama's butt!!! YOU included...!
I seriously hope your not serious...

Ice Cold Blog

That sign would not have been put up without the WH's kowledge and permission.

Well just as you are so sloppy and lazy in NOT spelling KNOWLEDGE which is really and totally IRONIC... you again shown your ignorance!!!

NOW for the f...king TRUTH you totally ignorant (can't even spell "KNOWLEDGE" right.. you know that when you write on this page if you misspell a work like "kowlege"
IT UNDERLINES in red the misspelling but being the lazy butt you are didn't even pay attention!!!)

THE TRUTH about Mission Accomplished BANNER!!!
If you wanted to take the time and FIND OUT the truth rather then be the Bush BASHING ignorant person that can't even spell 14 words correctly you would see
BUSH had nothing to do with it!!!

And who was responsible for the inclusion of the banner?
Robert Draper writes in Dead Certain (hardly what I’d call a “pro-Bush” book), pg 194-5:

Scott Sforza flew out to the USS Lincoln five days before the speech. Sforza was the White House’s in-house producer.
In the course of his labors, Sforza became quite taken with the crew. When they mentioned to the White House aide that they would like to emblazon the stage with a banner reading MISSION ACCOMPLISHED so as to send up a victorious signal to their families and Navy buddies, Sforza loved the spirit of it and was effusive in his pitch to Fleischer, Bartlett, and the others. By conference call, they mused among themselves: Could the slogan backfire? But Fleischer reminded the others that the press had been haranguing Bush to declare an end to major combat operations for weeks now. The press shop gave Sforza the green light.

Sforza had the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner designed by a private vendor, with a slick red-white-and-blue background. It was unfurled and pinned alongside the carrier, directly behind where the president would give his nationally televised speech on the evening of May 1.

Who was responsible for the “Mission Accomplished” banner? | Flopping Aces

So f...king WHAT? Bush's WH house staff did it! Bush didn't so why are you bashing Bush?

I mean honestly YOU guys spent ALL the Bush administration AS EVAN THOMAS EDITOR of NewsWeek said...
Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' |

But then when it comes to Obama???

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.

YOU FEEL stupidly Obama is a God just as the EDITOR of NewsWeek feels..
SO is it ANY wonder the MSM Bashing Bush... kissing Obama's butt!!! YOU included...!

So, the White House made the banner, put it up and positioned Bush right in front of a Mission Accomplished banner while he gave a speech declaring major combat operations to be over

Not once in his speech did Bush acknowledge that the carrier had accomplished it's mission

Dumbest thing Bush ever did
They should be forgiven their ignorance. Mantras have a way of locking into the simple-minded.

I see.

Well, I invite you to point out anything I said that was incorrect:

Thousands of US soldiers dead, many thousands more mutilated and/or emotionally damaged, families ruined, children who won't see Mom or Dad again, or who wonder why Mom or Dad just "isn't the same any more", parents who lost a child.

Oh yeah, plus four trillion borrowed dollars.


And please try to keep it simple for us simple-minded folks.

Every liberal here still has not shown why GWB was a bad president

GWB did multiple bi partisan legislation events. As a constitutional conservative GM, Chrysler and underestimating the level that Al Qaeda was in Iraq along with other terrorist from many countries where his biggest mistakes
Not funding Medicare "D" as well as no child left behind were also mistakes

The federal budget was so close to being balanced in 2007 and without 9-11 probably would have been multiple years how ever

It is amazing that the liberal wails that BHO was handed a mess when in fact he was handed a 700 billion dollar cash injection from tarp and added another 8-900 billion with the omnibus and his failed stimulus
GWB was handed 3000+ murdered Americans by terrorist, Enron and the 1000s of Enron's that had no media coverage as well as Nasdaq bubble bursting

It shall be noted that GWB went to congress to have the last 50% of tarp released at BHO request. Talk about bi partisan

He also negotiated the end of the IRAQ conflict before leaving office

I cannot imagine BHO doing anything to help an incoming conservative president. he has to date had only one bi partisan event of record i can think of was the recent vote of confidence in GWB tax rates for 99% of those earning income less than 400K as a individual

GWB had nothing to do with that banner
but in reality it was true to the sense the Iraqis had give up. Read the book by Marcus Lattrel or Chris Kyle as to the different numbers of terror groups trying to kill Americans. It was a true war on terror
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The one and only reason we're getting all this absolutely shameless spinning is the fact that Bush has an (R) after his name.

Partisan ideologues = zero credibility.


I welcome at anytime your disputing any facts i have offered
Saying it should come with some sort of proof

The one and only reason we're getting all this absolutely shameless spinning is the fact that Bush has an (R) after his name.

Partisan ideologues = zero credibility.


I welcome at anytime your disputing any facts i have offered
Saying it should come with some sort of proof

I don't know if this is worth the effort, because I sincerely don't know whether you're going to understand this. But what the hell, I have a minute.

What you have written may well be right (or not, that's not my point). It's what you (and other partisan ideologues) ignore and avoid that is so intellectually dishonest.

The wars are just peachy because they got rid of Saddam or killed some Taliban. But you somehow fail to notice the horrific costs to our soldiers, their families, their kids. You somehow fail to notice the four trillion dollars we have borrowed for those horrific adventures.

I truly wonder if you notice the difference. You never mention the costs, the downsides, so I truly wonder if you (1) literally block them out of your mind (2) choose to avoid them because it will weaken your argument, or (3) some combination therein.

Regardless of the answer to that, leaving out key points to any story is intellectually dishonest, and therefore not credible.

As per an earlier post, 238 noted historians and presidential experts rated Bush as America's fifth worst president.
As per an earlier post, 238 noted historians and presidential experts rated Bush as America's fifth worst president.
Any "noted" historian would never render any such opinion as a historian, As such they would know, unlike you, that Bush's presidency is not in the realm of their expertise.
GWB turns out was a pretty good President

No, he was one of the worst presidents ever.
Thanks for the insight and poignant argument.
The regular, intelligent people reading this thread do not need all of the evidence regurgitated once more.

Only the morons, who won't accept it anyway.
Aha! you've topped yourself yet again!:D

Really, I'm neither bully nor troll and have no intention in getting into mindless banter.

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