GWB turns out was a pretty good President

It's interesting how fast the fanatical elements of the right wing are trying to rehabilitate Bush's image.

My would be easier to believe that 2000 year old resurrection horse shit.

wait i thought you were Lazarus?.....

And I thought you were the rich man:

Luke 16:24
"The rich man shouted, 'Father Abraham, have some pity! Send Lazarus over here to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. I am in anguish in these flames.'
AIG pays us back. The forst 50% of tarp saved the economy
His leadership post 9-11 prevented a more serious economic collapse than we had
Saddam, gone
UBL, gone (thanks to water boarding in 2006 as well as Navy seals/CIA)
His tax rate will be in place for 99% of us
Sarbanes Oxley, huge success
His medicare plan was under funded, but also a huge success
was within 163 billion of a balanced budget, 2007
Numerous bi partisan legislation events such as No Child left behind, removing Saddam, Etc...
Budgets through 2008 (BHO signed the 09 budget 3/2009, called the Omnibus bill

Now how is BHO doing?
no jobs
huge debt
Obama care in which some of his own now want out of some

It is not even close people
this is hilarious. Please explain to.every family.of those over 3 thousand people who.died fighting that fucking war, how great he fucking was. Fuck you.
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Far as I can tell, no one's mentioned the passing of the Patriot Act while Bush 43 was in office.
The vast majority of the stinking thing is UNconstitutional.

And I don't have a source, but this wouldn't surprise me - I heard that the Patriot Act, over 300 pages, was sent to members of Congress via email PDF only 15 minutes before they were to vote on it.
If true.....Shame - Shame - Shame.

And don't get me started on those DAMNED lightbulbs ( I call "pigtail bulbs") that have to be specially disposed of because the F*cking things have Mercury in them.
How is that environment friendly !?.... you sad, green Twats .

Thanks a lot for that one, Bushie.....

Would that be something like Obamacare adding 300+ pages while the Dems were insisting the vote begins? Give me a fucking break.. BTW Obama has extended the Pat act how many times?
On this we agree. Something very insidious about that.
Junebug Bush's actual results are the worst in US history. His maternal ancestor, Franklin Pierce, was previously believed by many to be the worst president in US history, but it seems likely the halfwit inheritor of 2000 and 2004 will replace Frank at the bottom of the barrel of American presidents.

Thousands dead after a Saudi attack on US soil on Junebug's watch, two marginally related wars started, and both wars paid for on credit are all the facts any honest observer needs to know about Junebug to view the results of the Bush League presidency in their proper light.

Unfortunately there is a lot more.

And not a single poster above has posted anything factual that can be listed on the credit side of Junebug's financial management ledger.
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GWB turns out was a pretty good President

[ame=]Classic Bush - What Mistakes? - YouTube[/ame]

Junebug Bush's actual results are the worst in US history. His maternal ancestor, Franklin Pierce, was previously believed by many to be the worst president in US history, but it seems likely the halfwit inheritor of 2000 and 2004 will replace Frank at the bottom of the barrel of American presidents.

Thousands dead after a Saudi attack on US soil on Junebug's watch, two marginally related wars started, and both wars paid for on credit are all the facts any honest observer needs to know about Junebug to view the results of the Bush League presidency in their proper light.

Unfortunately there is a lot more.

And not a single poster above has posted anything factual that can be listed on the credit side of Junebug's financial management ledger.
Lest we lose sight of the thread, it was to be about Obama's accomplishments. Now, it is understandable why this topic immediately defaults to Bush - after all, after four years not being Bush is Obama's only accomplishment. Hell, he even won a Nobel Peace Prize for it.
Beg pardon, Meatloaf.

The thread header appears to reference the filthy inheriting scum, Junebug Bush; interesting that would presage limiting discussion of the halfwit degenerate failure - who did more harm to the continental US than any external enemy ever did.

Be clear my faith in/ support for Obama are about the same as they were/ remain for the part of papa Bush that didn't run down mama Bush's leg.
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Because getting us involved in 2 meaningless wars, allowing an economic collapse, giving tax breaks, and doing a shitty job is a good thing, right?
Because fostering economic and social malaise and doing a shitty job is a good thing, right?

Hope and Change? Post-racial America? We forgot about that pretty damned quick, and now we're content with mediocrity because he hasn't messed up as fast as his predecessor?
When we reach the point of defending a sitting president's record with "it could be worse", then we certainly have reached a critical downward spiral. So, "Forward" into the abyss and let's take solace in the fact that it could be worse.

Today, Obama is a marginal president who is not Bush. In four years his primary accolade might well be that we're still better off than Greece.
Junebug Bush's actual results are the worst in US history. His maternal ancestor, Franklin Pierce, was previously believed by many to be the worst president in US history, but it seems likely the halfwit inheritor of 2000 and 2004 will replace Frank at the bottom of the barrel of American presidents.

Thousands dead after a Saudi attack on US soil on Junebug's watch, two marginally related wars started, and both wars paid for on credit are all the facts any honest observer needs to know about Junebug to view the results of the Bush League presidency in their proper light.

Unfortunately there is a lot more.

And not a single poster above has posted anything factual that can be listed on the credit side of Junebug's financial management ledger.
Lest we lose sight of the thread, it was to be about Obama's accomplishments. Now, it is understandable why this topic immediately defaults to Bush - after all, after four years not being Bush is Obama's only accomplishment. Hell, he even won a Nobel Peace Prize for it. Republican standards he deserves an award for not bombing can bet your sweet ass Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would have already done it....BOM BOM BOM....BOM BOM IRAN Republican standards he deserves an award for not bombing can bet your sweet ass Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would have already done it....BOM BOM BOM....BOM BOM IRAN
I suspect we agree that Obama's accomplishments are things that he hasn't done. In other words, we would have fared as well with a houseplant leading the country. However, I acknowledge there is a difference. It is far better to gush that we've elected a black man president. Fawning over a houseplant would indeed seem ridiculous even to Obama supporters.
Because getting us involved in 2 meaningless wars, allowing an economic collapse, giving tax breaks, and doing a shitty job is a good thing, right?
Only for the Idiot Son....

"His business career was marked by mediocrity or failure which nonetheless resulted in him getting lots of money from his father's political allie$. And his political career has been handed to him on a platter by his famous name, and by his dad's cronie$."

bushjr.jpg Republican standards he deserves an award for not bombing can bet your sweet ass Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would have already done it....BOM BOM BOM....BOM BOM IRAN

I suspect we agree that Obama's accomplishments are things that he hasn't done. In other words, we would have fared as well with a houseplant leading the country.

We tried that......

[ame=]President Bush Shakin his Groove Thang - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Must See Hilarious George Bush Bloopers! - VERY FUNNY - YouTube[/ame]​ Republican standards he deserves an award for not bombing can bet your sweet ass Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would have already done it....BOM BOM BOM....BOM BOM IRAN
I suspect we agree that Obama's accomplishments are things that he hasn't done. In other words, we would have fared as well with a houseplant leading the country. However, I acknowledge there is a difference. It is far better to gush that we've elected a black man president. Fawning over a houseplant would indeed seem ridiculous even to Obama supporters.

FIZU Hoss I wouldn't be admitting that in the middle of one of the worst recessions in the nation's history the first black president since 1776 kicked the pee waddlin' dog shit out of the best your party could produce from a field of eight in a primary campaign. Just my observation.

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Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

Now you're dreaming....

But to keep the record straight the wars (both of them) were fought to perfection. Never before were any campaigns fought to such perfection....

It was the peace that Bush Screwed up..........

Come on know better than that
War is more than an invasion and Bush completely misjudged what it would take to hold his territory
Gen Shinseki warned in no uncertain terms that more troops would be needed to stabilize Iraq

Bush's blunders

Failed to get bin Laden in Afghanistan
Failed to pursue into Pakistan
Diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq
Failed to build an international alliance
Attacked Iraq for no valid reason
Botched the occupation
Misread the political realities of Iraq
Cost 5000 American deaths

History will not be kind

Gen Shinseki warned in no uncertain terms that more troops would be needed to stabilize Iraq

Colin Powell said the same thing to Bush.....Rumsfuckup reminded him that he was not the Sec of Defense.... and so they did it his way.....and you know how that turned out......
Well...I'm afraid you will be disappointed

In spite of rightwing attempts to spin the historical record, George W Bush is doomed. His blunders in fighting the war on terror and inaction as the economy collapsed around him has sealed his fate

Obama will be a top ten president

still have 4 years to go RW......anything could happen....all it takes is one bad decision....

Very true...and republicans will do everything in their power to make those four years miserable

How will the Obama presidency be viewed?

Historians look at the hand you were dealt, how you coped with the challenges you faced an what was the lasting impact of your presidency

Nobody questions Obama was dealt a shit hand. An economy on the verge of depression and two wars

Obamas actions in the first 90 days stopped a depression and reversed a crashing economy. He saved the banks and he auto industry

Lasting impact.......Obamacare will provide healthcare to Americans for generations

Top ten presidency

it sounds like to me your not going to let Obama take the blame for anything he will be the Republicans fault no matter what..... like i bad decision and he could be on that bottom rung with Bush.....
still have 4 years to go RW......anything could happen....all it takes is one bad decision....

Very true...and republicans will do everything in their power to make those four years miserable

How will the Obama presidency be viewed?

Historians look at the hand you were dealt, how you coped with the challenges you faced an what was the lasting impact of your presidency

Nobody questions Obama was dealt a shit hand. An economy on the verge of depression and two wars

Obamas actions in the first 90 days stopped a depression and reversed a crashing economy. He saved the banks and he auto industry

Lasting impact.......Obamacare will provide healthcare to Americans for generations

Top ten presidency

LOL Lack of Leadership.........

Clinton worked across the aisle, Bush worked across the Isle, Obama.......not so much....Mr I won, and elections have consequences refuses to give in. He leads from the rear... It doesn't work...

And that goes for Reid and Boehner too. Washington has no leaders........

i agree there......and there are none on the horizon.....

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