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"Haaretz: IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism." [Pro Arab racism twisted Haaretzism vs fake racism - pallyweid buzzards]


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
What's amazing is that at liberal Wikipedia ubreliable Haaretz is no.1 in sources on Israel..

Haaretz: IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism.
A Haaretz article sparked outrage online after it claimed that 'IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism.' Online users criticized: 'How do we get to such a twisted situation?'
Israel National News. Jun 20, 2024.


Haaretz journalist: "IDF soldiers do not rape Arab women - because of racism."
Haaretz newspaper reporter Naama Riva caused an uproar online after claiming that the reason why IDF soldiers do not rape Arab women is "because of racism" โ€ข Many netizens were outraged: "The only nation in the world that is accused of racism because it "doesn't" rape".

Shimon Halleli โ€ข 14 Sivan 5784.
โ€ข 20.06.24
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Notice how Two Israeli off duty policemen who were lost on a Highway and who took a wrong turn and wound up in a West Bank Town and fled to a Police Station there for safety were given to a bloodthirsty Mob by the Policemen and executed and thrown off the roof of the Police Station
Notice how Two Israeli off duty policemen who were lost on a Highway and who took a wrong turn and wound up in a West Bank Town and fled to a Police Station there for safety were given to a bloodthirsty Mob by the Policemen and executed and thrown off the roof of the Police Station
Oh boy how can we forget. They were in civilian clothes but the savages changed their wardrobe into UDF uniforms.

It was not two or three guys. But it was in public square by thousand cheering.

Animalistic indeed. As a British journalist described them:


And garbage Haaretz? Nahum Barnea made then the 'lynch test' - which Haaretz did NOT pass. Because at Haaretzism there are no limits to stupidity.

Shame on Haarerz.

..NEEDLESS to say, this casts an ugly shadow on a daily newspaper purporting to represent the highest levels of journalistic integrity. It is now widely accepted that many policies promoted by Haaretz are effectively supportive of Israel's adversaries. In fact, Nahum Barnea, the distinguished Yediot Aharonot columnist, went so far as to describe senior Haaretz journalists Gideon Levy, Amira Haas and Akiva Eldar as failing to pass the "lynch test" - i.e., even failing to condemn Palestinians when they murdered two Israelis in a lynch mob in Ramallah at the onset of the second intifada.
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The "Haaretz" reporter claims: "IDF soldiers do not rape Arab women because of racism."
The architect of Haaretz newspaper, Naama Riba, caused a huge uproar on the Internet after she claimed that "IDF soldiers do not rape Arab women just because of racism"
Ice staff | 06.0.24 12:19
Later, Naama Riba revealed that she received very harsh messages in private from people who really didn't like her ugly tweet, and that's putting it mildly. In one of the responses, she cursed severely since he claimed that his son was mortally wounded in Gaza. In response to this, Riva wrote: "What fun here!".
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What's amazing is that at liberal Wikipedia ubreliable Haaretz is no.1 in sources on Israel..

Haaretz: IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism.
A Haaretz article sparked outrage online after it claimed that 'IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism.' Online users criticized: 'How do we get to such a twisted situation?'
Israel National News. Jun 20, 2024.


Haaretz journalist: "IDF soldiers do not rape Arab women - because of racism."
Haaretz newspaper reporter Naama Riva caused an uproar online after claiming that the reason why IDF soldiers do not rape Arab women is "because of racism" โ€ข Many netizens were outraged: "The only nation in the world that is accused of racism because it "doesn't" rape".

Shimon Halleli โ€ข 14 Sivan 5784.
โ€ข 20.06.24
As long as the israelophobia club at Wikipedia is active, headed by Zero0000 and his ilk, not much will change.
From commenters on the twisted Haaretz stating IDF doesn't rape Arab women because of racism."

(Translated from now14):

There is a competition on the left who can say the most delusional statement. They have an iron dome of the media.


There should be a demonstration in Kaplan [i.e. the center for leftists protesters] for the underprivileged Muslims, with huge signs that will read "We demand pluralistic equality, kidnapping, abuse and rape without discrimination"!!!


Naama Riba says that whoever is not a racist is a rapist. What does that say about her? In her opinion, is she herself a racist or a rapist?


That is to say, according to her, Arab women should be raped in order to demonstrate a lack of racism... speedy recovery for the lady.


An anti-Semitic and retarded newspaper, the Haaretz newspaper should be closed.


Where are all the "righteous" feminist women, based on her words all "occupied" women should be raped?!
Just a sickening thought!
But when there is a gender performance only for ultra-Orthodox women/men, [then they have their own demonstrations. A nation of ErevRav has grown up here!


Only a mentally ill person can think of what you wrote.
Haaretz passed Al Jazeera


How unsurprising an hallucinating newspaper is, what a wonder for such reporters.


Came to curse and came out blessing!
The dumb journalist who doesn't understand how the only army in the world doesn't commit crimes of rape during wartime.
The excuse: racism.


This is not called freedom of speech and a free press, these are lies that are spread to the whole world and its sister and are directed towards us, that's why we need to catch the girl and judge her for spreading lies during a war...


Haaretz newspaper, close this newspaper. It was [originally] established [on the idea] of Eretz Israel for the Jewish people in Zion, the newspaper has become clearly pro-Palestinian and we the people of Zion pay to strengthen it...


So according to the disturbed reporter of the poisonous paper / Haaretz newspaper, male rapists are not racist. And rape is not an act of violence and humiliation but of compassion and partnership with the other. Disturbed in the name of an agenda that is all hatred of Israel.


How dumb can this woman be? Are they recruiting at Haaretz all the less intelligent for the newspaper?


Pay attention to what she says. Those who are not racist should be raped, it is not possible otherwise, this is the world this delusional person lives in.


Anarchist mental retardation.


In the past, for the sake of ratings, there were newspapers reporting on illusory events from another world, Yedioth Ahronoth built itself on this garbage for the masses and managed to become the leading newspaper after Maariv led for years.
The Haaretz newspaper that used to be the newspaper for thinking people has become the newspaper for people with delusional opinions.


Dear soldiers, the left wants you to stop being racist and start raping Gazans.
I don't understand where the Chief of Staff is that he gives free rein to this racism...


If Naama is stupid, let her be shown the door, if not these statements will go on and on, the newspaper is responsible for its reporters. Let them file a petition against her and against "Haaretz", how can you say such a sentence that our fighters are killed for her as well. It does not seem to her that she will take a Hamas flag and cross the border to Gaza. She is guaranteed a cheerful welcome and she will really see who is raped.


Why don't you do yourself a favor and fly to Gaza.. They are surely not racists. They will pamper you as only you think.


Those who see the reality of soldiers in the war who do not rape and their conclusion is that the soldiers are racist and therefore not interested in raping the women, indicates that his/her opinion on rape during war is a logical and natural thing and if it doesn't happen there must be a negative reason to prevent it.
That is, if she were a soldier in Gaza, she would be raped because she is "not racist".


Haaretz newspaper contains racist characters, and it is time for it to be closed permanently.


A. I protest the harm to the IDF soldiers, including the left-wing voters among them.
B. Does this mean that all IDF soldiers are right-wingers? Because leftists can't be racist... or is the reporter writing without thinking much???? After all, there are IDF soldiers with different opinions. And there are no cases of rape by any soldier... and this only points to the high morals of IDF soldiers.


It's really not freedom of speech what she said, there is incitement and demonization of an army of a democratic country that is surrounded by countries that only want to destroy us.

If we don't put this terrorist in jail and if we don't close this newspaper that supports terrorism, we are a suicidal country.

We also don't stab [spear] Arabs because of racism????


Psychological projection:
Just from the title oozes malice and complete lies, you understand that the reporter is a pitiful racist.


According to Naama Riba's mind, mathematically, if Jews don't rape Arab women because they are racist = the Hams rape Jewish women because they love them?

May God watch / keep.


A false and racist statement, she should be fired immediately, just a shame.


It seems that she so badly wants IDF soldiers to rape Arab women so that the world will actually boycott and turn against us even more. She seems to be enemy number one among us with such a delusional statement. No wonder she is in the newspaper "Haaretz", the most anti-Israeli newspaper that can be.


If there is one thing that is true about "Haaretz" it is that journalism - it is not...


Haaretz = Der Sturmer!


According to this, the the Nukhba terrorists are Israel-loving Zionists...


We are not on the same frequency at all.
She interprets the value of sanctity as racism because that's how she was raised...


Tomorrow they will write that we do not burn Arab babies in the oven so as not to make the oven go crazy.
Journalists with twisted brains. Haaretz is a shame newspaper for the intelligentsia. You have to sue for libel because later they are cited in The Hague.
Our people are not cruel compared to our despicable enemies who are cruel, those who haven't realized this after October 7th are stupid!


That I understood Feminist Naama wants IDF soldiers to rape women ????

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