Had enough of leaders of nations acting ho hum regarding terrorist attacks?


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Anyone besides me beginning to wonder if country leaders met at some point and decided it was time to thin their populations and therefore decided to allow terrorists in so they could do the job for them? You know as in eliminate much of the population that they themselves couldn't do for fear of being called a monstrous war criminal? No? Then ask yourself how conspiratorial is that thought really when considering for decades many have thought wars were oftentimes started for the purpose of thinning the population and therefore if true, how different would this method be? Does anything else explain the lethargic actions and inane statements given by leaders saying it's the sign of the times and everyone should just get used to it?

I mean if country leaders really cared about its citizens (TRUMP) they would stop the influx of migrants which is what he's been trying to do but has met with obstruction when his travel ban was shot down by lower court judges that were appointed by Obama. But if not that, then why not just issue temporary Visa status to migrants and place them in internment camps where they would be treated humanely but not given freedom to roam the country until such time they could relocate back to their country of origin? Another option would be to buy or rent land somewhere in the Middle East they could migrate to which shares the same basic religious beliefs.

So if you're like me asking yourself all these questions and wondering how it is that you, the average person, realizes this but the leader of your country doesn't, then you're certainly not alone.
Anyone besides me beginning to wonder if country leaders met at some point and decided it was time to thin their populations and therefore decided to allow terrorists in so they could do the job for them? You know as in eliminate much of the population that they themselves couldn't do for fear of being called a monstrous war criminal? No? Then ask yourself how conspiratorial is that thought really when considering for decades many have thought wars were oftentimes started for the purpose of thinning the population and therefore if true, how different would this method be? Does anything else explain the lethargic actions and inane statements given by leaders saying it's the sign of the times and everyone should just get used to it?

I mean if country leaders really cared about its citizens (TRUMP) they would stop the influx of migrants which is what he's been trying to do but has met with obstruction when his travel ban was shot down by lower court judges that were appointed by Obama. But if not that, then why not just issue temporary Visa status to migrants and place them in internment camps where they would be treated humanely but not given freedom to roam the country until such time they could relocate back to their country of origin? Another option would be to buy or rent land somewhere in the Middle East they could migrate to which shares the same basic religious beliefs.

So if you're like me asking yourself all these questions and wondering how it is that you, the average person, realizes this but the leader of your country doesn't, then you're certainly not alone.
Hello, I am French and it has been 30 years since France undergoes all kinds of dictatorships, Europe, foreigners and we are there always voted for the same morons who do nothing for the French people. You have Trump who says loudly the Americans are first and all this assholes of other leaders at the G7 looks at him with amazement! he only make for is people what a band of morons.
We are not ready in Europe to see no more attacks with zozos who direct us.
Anyone besides me beginning to wonder if country leaders met at some point and decided it was time to thin their populations and therefore decided to allow terrorists in so they could do the job for them? You know as in eliminate much of the population that they themselves couldn't do for fear of being called a monstrous war criminal? No? Then ask yourself how conspiratorial is that thought really when considering for decades many have thought wars were oftentimes started for the purpose of thinning the population and therefore if true, how different would this method be? Does anything else explain the lethargic actions and inane statements given by leaders saying it's the sign of the times and everyone should just get used to it?

I mean if country leaders really cared about its citizens (TRUMP) they would stop the influx of migrants which is what he's been trying to do but has met with obstruction when his travel ban was shot down by lower court judges that were appointed by Obama. But if not that, then why not just issue temporary Visa status to migrants and place them in internment camps where they would be treated humanely but not given freedom to roam the country until such time they could relocate back to their country of origin? Another option would be to buy or rent land somewhere in the Middle East they could migrate to which shares the same basic religious beliefs.

So if you're like me asking yourself all these questions and wondering how it is that you, the average person, realizes this but the leader of your country doesn't, then you're certainly not alone.
Hello, I am French and it has been 30 years since France undergoes all kinds of dictatorships, Europe, foreigners and we are there always voted for the same morons who do nothing for the French people. You have Trump who says loudly the Americans are first and all this assholes of other leaders at the G7 looks at him with amazement! he only make for is people what a band of morons.
We are not ready in Europe to see no more attacks with zozos who direct us.
Yeah something is going on with these leaders, they can't be that stupid and therefore they can't be trusted. I hope I'm wrong but....At any rate be watchful of terrorist types and report anything that looks suspicious. Take care :)

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