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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2011
Federal Reserve reveals true intent with latest round of market manipulation and bubble inflation.

Federal Reserve launches Operation Twist - Sep. 21, 2011
The intent is to thereby push down interest rates on everything from mortgages to business loans, giving consumers and companies an additional incentive to borrow and spend money.

Borrow and spend money. Nevermind that that is how they make money, or that that mentality is why we are where we are.

These people should be hung from the tree's on the white house lawn.
what is it we should have done to the people who LIED us into war and allowed the banks to fuck every last one of us for a profit?
If you cant see the tide coming in then how do you ever think that you will be able to prepare for it?

No candidates other then Ron Paul see the tide coming in from the Federal Reserves constant encouragment of financial bubbles, dilution of the value of the dollar, and the lack of fiscal discipline.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnRCz2Dcd_A&feature=player_detailpage]Ron Paul warns Americans of coming economic collapse and possible martial law - YouTube[/ame]
what is it we should have done to the people who LIED us into war and allowed the banks to fuck every last one of us for a profit?

They should be tried for treason where a jury of the people will decide guilt or innocence, and if found guilty then they should be lined up agianst a wall and they should be shot.
Does no one else watch the economists discuss these things on the history channel? Granted, the one show is named Prophets of Doom, or something of the kind, but they are amazingly sharp and straight-forward in their revealing of matters at hand. They covered the money factors last week and most probably do every show every week in some form or fashion.
what is it we should have done to the people who LIED us into war and allowed the banks to fuck every last one of us for a profit?

I have asked you several times to provide a more recent poll, showing Obama is more trusted on the deficit.
Can you... or can you not?

It's a fairly simple question TM.. even one with your limited mental faculties should be able to answer it.

TruthMatters said:
keep it up and you will get banned

:lol::fu: :lol::fu: :lol::fu: :lol::fu:
what is it we should have done to the people who LIED us into war and allowed the banks to fuck every last one of us for a profit?

what should we do with the people who lied on their mortgage applications about their incomes and job histories...you know...the ones who lied when they signed the application right below the disclaimer that said

"I hereby swear that the infomration offered on this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge"

Afterall, they were the ones who gave those banks reason to bundle and trade the loans.
But no trial for the others you mention in the OP?

Well according to the laws of the land everyone is granted the right to due process, and trial by jury, so what do you think? Problem is not the process, the problem is zero accountability and a total failure of government to govern.

Get fucking real, nitpicking gets everyone nowhere.
what you are calling some great crime is merely policy you dont like.

The last admin LIED us into a war getting our bravest killed and wounded for a LIE.

They crashed the world economy with lack of oversite and deregulation.

They did it on purpose to put forth the historically failed republican ideas.

Now some really blind and or stupid people think we can FIX everything with yet more of these historically failed ideas.

Go figure
what is it we should have done to the people who LIED us into war and allowed the banks to fuck every last one of us for a profit?

what should we do with the people who lied on their mortgage applications about their incomes and job histories...you know...the ones who lied when they signed the application right below the disclaimer that said

"I hereby swear that the infomration offered on this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge"

Afterall, they were the ones who gave those banks reason to bundle and trade the loans.

They should lose their homes, and more importantly the banks that found this acceptable, and neglected to verify facts, should go bankrupt. Investors who thought that they could be greedy and make money from all the debt that cannot be paid should accept the consequences.

As a taxpayer I am sick and tired of proping up everyone elses bad decisions. Not my fault so many people are so stupid to have made such bad decisions with their money, or such bad decisions with their futures. Why should the taxpayers have to shoulder the burden of other peoples dumbassity?

In short, why are we tossing good money after bad?? Or more accuratly, why are we printing money to toss after bad?
what you are calling some great crime is merely policy you dont like.

The last admin LIED us into a war getting our bravest killed and wounded for a LIE.

They crashed the world economy with lack of oversite and deregulation.

They did it on purpose to put forth the historically failed republican ideas.

Now some really blind and or stupid people think we can FIX everything with yet more of these historically failed ideas.

Go figure
I have asked you several times to provide a more recent poll, showing Obama is more trusted on the deficit.
Can you... or can you not?

It's a fairly simple question TM.. even one with your limited mental faculties should be able to answer it.

TruthMatters said:
keep it up and you will get banned

:lol::fu: :lol::fu: :lol::fu: :lol::fu:
what is it we should have done to the people who LIED us into war and allowed the banks to fuck every last one of us for a profit?

what should we do with the people who lied on their mortgage applications about their incomes and job histories...you know...the ones who lied when they signed the application right below the disclaimer that said

"I hereby swear that the infomration offered on this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge"

Afterall, they were the ones who gave those banks reason to bundle and trade the loans.

Shouldn't the lender be responsible for verifying the claims of the applicant?
Its like these people dont read the news and dont realise the VAST mortgage fraud that the banks perpitrated on individuals.

They just want to blame the little guy for EVERYTHING!

They are so deluded they think all the power lies in the little guys hands
Very few polititions actually do their fucking jobs, this one does, and has for a long time.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MyRQ2KpLA&feature=player_detailpage]Ron Paul - Some Big Events Are About To Occur - YouTube[/ame]
what is it we should have done to the people who LIED us into war and allowed the banks to fuck every last one of us for a profit?
Since it was clinton's cia that lied to Bush to get us into war, we should have fired THEM! Clinton didn't have the spine to get osama so 9-11 happened, clinton's fault.

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