Haggar & Scarlet Witch: Cruise/Hanks Persecution


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a comics-oriented media-orthodoxy fable inspired by Quiz Show.


After the heavenly superheroine Scarlet Witch descended from heaven to administer her message of the modern American media's fascination with physical splendor/beauty and popcorn-entertainment, the insidious underworld witch named Haggar ascended from Hell to challenge America's notions of 'secure media aesthetics.' Haggar talked about glitches in multiculturalism in American schools, urban dissent towards TrumpUSA, and the development of chemical-warfare by terrorist groups such as ISIS and Cobra. Scarlet Witch and Haggar were complete opposites.


An Ivy League (Yale) student named Ajay Satan wanted to adapt this metaphysical struggle between Scarlet Witch and Haggar into a child-like stick-figure color-pencil 'doodle' of the two feminism-oriented comic-book/fantasy-realm female avatars/characters. Ajay would reference this silly but fun non-graffiti doodle to argue that pedestrian religiosity in modern civilization required a certain 'child-like abandon' and therefore transcendence of depression created by urban civics problems such as homelessness. Suddenly, celebrities Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise were drawn to Ajay's project and incorporated it into their new joint-endeavors with Highlights Magazine for Children and Archangel Comics.


Hanks and Cruise believed Ajay was a 'medium' between humanity and the warring spectres Scarlet Witch and Haggar. They wanted to create a series of politically-rallying comics-fables about Scarlet Witch and Haggar appealing to the masses in the modern era of great traffic-oriented social imagination (e.g., WikiLeaks). This would create a 'humanity-solidarity' during the time of witnessing this iconic battle between Scarlet Witch and Haggar. Would media-optimism save the 'soul' of the universe?




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