HAHA - Crazy dems complain that GOP uses PAID ACTORS in anti-obamacare ad.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is classic spin. Create some phony issue to deflect voters from an unpleasant truth about your candidate.

ABC Is Shocked That Anti-ObamaCare Ad Uses Actors | NewsBusters

February 14, 2014 | 17:59

Is it really shocking for commercials to use actors? According to ABC News, yes. A headline for the ABCNews.com article trumpeted, "Koch Brothers Ad Attacking [Democratic Senator] Mary Landrieu Uses Paid Actors." Rather than investigate the continued failings of ObamaCare, writer Jordyn Phelps hyped the fact that the commercials sponsored by the Koch brothers feature stand-ins, writing, "But the people in the emotion-evoking ad are not Louisianans at all; they are paid actors."

Phelps continued, "The ad shows a number of people, who appear to be Louisianans, opening their mail to find a letter stating that their health care policy has been cancelled because of the Affordable Care Act." The commercial features scenes of children running to a mailbox. It seems fairly obvious that such images were filmed and weren't caught accidentally.

Phelps added:

Landrieu’s support for the Affordable Care Act is a major sticking point in what promises to be a tough reelection campaign for the three-term senator. And her campaign is taking issue with the ad, characterizing its use of actors as "misleading" and "low."

"Hiring professional actors to impersonate Louisiana families is low even for the billionaire Koch brothers," Friends of Mary Landrieu Campaign Manager Adam Sullivan told ABC News.
Democrats believe what? That people should have cameras permanently filming in homes so they can have films of citizens opening their mail.
This reminds me of the 2000 presidential election when the dems exposed that Bush had a DUI conviction. The story came out a few weeks before the election and the repubs howled about the "timing" as if that should be an issue.!

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