The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

I only want to know why Republicans hate the average American.

I only want to know why you continue to waste bandwidth with these stupid strings, R-Derp!

You progressives deliberately passed a healthcare bill that was designed to fail. For you now to turn around and wail about how draconian the GOP is as they try to fix what you deliberately screwed up in the first place takes a staggering amount of chutzpah! The average middle class American got screwed by the Affordable Care Act! Why didn't you Democrats care about them? Then you wonder why they didn't vote for your candidate? (eye roll)
Bull shit "progressives" wanted universal healthcare, they compromised with the republicans to pass the ACA which was designed by the heritage foundation, and originally called Romneycare, they've been lying and fear mongering for 8 long years and in all that time nobody has come up with an alternative, and they have absolutely no plan

Seriously, Purple? You have a "selective" memory! Obama, Pelosi and Reid pushed through the ACA in direct opposition of the American people's wishes...rushing to get something passed before the Republican lawmakers elected in 2010 to stop Obamacare could be seated! There was no compromise with Republicans...there were back room deals with Democrats getting paid off to support the ACA...outright bribes in order to convince fellow Democrats to sign their names to legislation that they KNEW was designed to fail!
now your accusing them of bribery lol? with no proof of course like always, if anyone is taking bribes from the insurance companies its the GOP theyre has to be single republican out there who is not batshit crazy. The "American people" want universal healthcare, a handful of lawmakers and sycophants want to kill off the poor and kick everyone, even kids off their health insurance

When Mary Landrieu held out her vote for the ACA...the law was rewritten to give 300 million dollars in extra Medicare money to the State of Louisiana! As soon as that was done Landrieu changed her vote and supported the ACA. Ben Nelson held out his vote until the ACA was rewritten so that Nebraska wouldn't have to pay for the Medicare expansion included in the healthcare a cost of over 100 million dollars to American taxpayers. Those two Democratic Senators basically extorted money for their States from the Democrats running the country at that time...Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barrack Obama basically bribed the two of them with massive amounts of taxpayer money to buy their votes!
I only want to know why Republicans hate the average American.

I only want to know why you continue to waste bandwidth with these stupid strings, R-Derp!

You progressives deliberately passed a healthcare bill that was designed to fail. For you now to turn around and wail about how draconian the GOP is as they try to fix what you deliberately screwed up in the first place takes a staggering amount of chutzpah! The average middle class American got screwed by the Affordable Care Act! Why didn't you Democrats care about them? Then you wonder why they didn't vote for your candidate? (eye roll)
Bull shit "progressives" wanted universal healthcare, they compromised with the republicans to pass the ACA which was designed by the heritage foundation, and originally called Romneycare ...

How was it a compromise with Republicans? How many Republicans voted for ACA?
Over 130 amendments from the GOP was added into the bill.

Why? If none of them voted for it, why indulge them at all? If it was the vain hope that some of them would actually vote for it, when it was clear it wasn't going to happen, why not rip out the amendments?

Seriously, what's the point in voting for Democrats if they're simply going to do the Republicans' bidding?
Some Democrats still trust the Republicans.
The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

Well, the environuts have been saying the planet is overpopulated anyway, so isn't that a good thing?
Apparently nobody has told Conway that the majority of able-bodied adults on Medicaid already have jobs. The problem is that they work as parking lot attendants and child care workers, manicurists and dishwashers ― in other words, low-paying jobs that typically don’t offer insurance. Take away their Medicaid and they won’t be covered.
Read more: Kellyanne Conway Defends Medicaid Cuts, Says Adults Can Always Find Jobs | HuffPost
I only want to know why you continue to waste bandwidth with these stupid strings, R-Derp!

You progressives deliberately passed a healthcare bill that was designed to fail. For you now to turn around and wail about how draconian the GOP is as they try to fix what you deliberately screwed up in the first place takes a staggering amount of chutzpah! The average middle class American got screwed by the Affordable Care Act! Why didn't you Democrats care about them? Then you wonder why they didn't vote for your candidate? (eye roll)
Bull shit "progressives" wanted universal healthcare, they compromised with the republicans to pass the ACA which was designed by the heritage foundation, and originally called Romneycare ...

How was it a compromise with Republicans? How many Republicans voted for ACA?
Over 130 amendments from the GOP was added into the bill.

Why? If none of them voted for it, why indulge them at all? If it was the vain hope that some of them would actually vote for it, when it was clear it wasn't going to happen, why not rip out the amendments?

Seriously, what's the point in voting for Democrats if they're simply going to do the Republicans' bidding?
Some Democrats still trust the Republicans.

On behalf of the physician and medical student members of the American Medical Association (AMA), I am writing to express our opposition to the discussion draft of the “Better Care Reconciliation Act” released on June 22, 2017. Medicine has long operated under the precept of Primum non nocere, or “first, do no harm.” The draft legislation violates that standard on many levels.


As opposed to the GOP's plan of "how many Americans can we f*ck over b@lls deep?
"There will be deaths": Atul Gawande on the GOP plan to replace Obamacare

“The bottom line,” Gawande told Vox, “is that if you’re passing a bill that cuts $1.2 trillion in taxes that have paid for health care coverage, there’s almost no way that does not end up terminating insurance for large numbers of people.”

He continued: “If you are doing that, then there’s clear evidence that you will be harming people. You will be hurting their access to care. You will be harming their health — their physical health and mental health. There will be deaths.

It also means the debate about the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and whatever health law, if any, comes next, is really a debate about what we value as a society and whether we consider these costs worthwhile.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides

And 24,000 is still a large number. That’s more than the death tolls from firearm homicides, HIV, and skin cancer in the US each year.

Again, the Congressional Budget Office analysis suggests 24 million people will lose insurance under the GOP’s American Health Care Act, which is more than the 20 million these estimates are based on. The CBO estimates the plan will include particularly steep cuts to Medicaid, which covers the most vulnerable Americans, including pregnant women, the disabled, children, and the working poor. It’s their lives that are on the line now.

Koch chief says health care bill insufficiently conservative

Koch political leader says GOP healthcare bill not conservative enough

The Billionaire Koch brothers feel the Senate Bill doesn't go far enough. They need more people dying to get a bigger tax cut.
Oh, come now. Americans clearly don't value human life very much. Heck, we accept tens of thousands of deaths every year because we want to drive fast.
"There will be deaths": Atul Gawande on the GOP plan to replace Obamacare

“The bottom line,” Gawande told Vox, “is that if you’re passing a bill that cuts $1.2 trillion in taxes that have paid for health care coverage, there’s almost no way that does not end up terminating insurance for large numbers of people.”

He continued: “If you are doing that, then there’s clear evidence that you will be harming people. You will be hurting their access to care. You will be harming their health — their physical health and mental health. There will be deaths.

It also means the debate about the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and whatever health law, if any, comes next, is really a debate about what we value as a society and whether we consider these costs worthwhile.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides

And 24,000 is still a large number. That’s more than the death tolls from firearm homicides, HIV, and skin cancer in the US each year.

Again, the Congressional Budget Office analysis suggests 24 million people will lose insurance under the GOP’s American Health Care Act, which is more than the 20 million these estimates are based on. The CBO estimates the plan will include particularly steep cuts to Medicaid, which covers the most vulnerable Americans, including pregnant women, the disabled, children, and the working poor. It’s their lives that are on the line now.

Koch chief says health care bill insufficiently conservative

Koch political leader says GOP healthcare bill not conservative enough

The Billionaire Koch brothers feel the Senate Bill doesn't go far enough. They need more people dying to get a bigger tax cut.
Oh, come now. Americans clearly don't value human life very much. Heck, we accept tens of thousands of deaths every year because we want to drive fast.
Republicans want the pregnant teen to have the baby. But cut the money that would help the pregnant teen.
"There will be deaths": Atul Gawande on the GOP plan to replace Obamacare

“The bottom line,” Gawande told Vox, “is that if you’re passing a bill that cuts $1.2 trillion in taxes that have paid for health care coverage, there’s almost no way that does not end up terminating insurance for large numbers of people.”

He continued: “If you are doing that, then there’s clear evidence that you will be harming people. You will be hurting their access to care. You will be harming their health — their physical health and mental health. There will be deaths.

It also means the debate about the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and whatever health law, if any, comes next, is really a debate about what we value as a society and whether we consider these costs worthwhile.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides

And 24,000 is still a large number. That’s more than the death tolls from firearm homicides, HIV, and skin cancer in the US each year.

Again, the Congressional Budget Office analysis suggests 24 million people will lose insurance under the GOP’s American Health Care Act, which is more than the 20 million these estimates are based on. The CBO estimates the plan will include particularly steep cuts to Medicaid, which covers the most vulnerable Americans, including pregnant women, the disabled, children, and the working poor. It’s their lives that are on the line now.

Koch chief says health care bill insufficiently conservative

Koch political leader says GOP healthcare bill not conservative enough

The Billionaire Koch brothers feel the Senate Bill doesn't go far enough. They need more people dying to get a bigger tax cut.
Oh, come now. Americans clearly don't value human life very much. Heck, we accept tens of thousands of deaths every year because we want to drive fast.
Republicans want the pregnant teen to have the baby. But cut the money that would help the pregnant teen.
Give us a federal welfare agency that had its budget cut from year to year because of Republicans. Actual cuts, not Washingtonspeak, "I wanted 15% and got 8%, so I'm squealing that I got a 7% cut". And not cuts in one program that were matched by increases in another.
"There will be deaths": Atul Gawande on the GOP plan to replace Obamacare

“The bottom line,” Gawande told Vox, “is that if you’re passing a bill that cuts $1.2 trillion in taxes that have paid for health care coverage, there’s almost no way that does not end up terminating insurance for large numbers of people.”

He continued: “If you are doing that, then there’s clear evidence that you will be harming people. You will be hurting their access to care. You will be harming their health — their physical health and mental health. There will be deaths.

It also means the debate about the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and whatever health law, if any, comes next, is really a debate about what we value as a society and whether we consider these costs worthwhile.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides

And 24,000 is still a large number. That’s more than the death tolls from firearm homicides, HIV, and skin cancer in the US each year.

Again, the Congressional Budget Office analysis suggests 24 million people will lose insurance under the GOP’s American Health Care Act, which is more than the 20 million these estimates are based on. The CBO estimates the plan will include particularly steep cuts to Medicaid, which covers the most vulnerable Americans, including pregnant women, the disabled, children, and the working poor. It’s their lives that are on the line now.

Koch chief says health care bill insufficiently conservative

Koch political leader says GOP healthcare bill not conservative enough

The Billionaire Koch brothers feel the Senate Bill doesn't go far enough. They need more people dying to get a bigger tax cut.
Oh, come now. Americans clearly don't value human life very much. Heck, we accept tens of thousands of deaths every year because we want to drive fast.
Republicans want the pregnant teen to have the baby. But cut the money that would help the pregnant teen.
Give us a federal welfare agency that had its budget cut from year to year because of Republicans. Actual cuts, not Washingtonspeak, "I wanted 15% and got 8%, so I'm squealing that I got a 7% cut". And not cuts in one program that were matched by increases in another.
Welfare. Duh!
Under Bill Clinton, rules were put into place that if you get welfare, you have to work for it. No free ride. Of course, there are some exemptions. But when I go outside and see people cleaning the streets that machines can't get, that's people on welfare.

Rick Santorum repeats Romney claim that Obama is ending work requirement in welfare

Two kinds of Republicans:


Stupid liars
"There will be deaths": Atul Gawande on the GOP plan to replace Obamacare

“The bottom line,” Gawande told Vox, “is that if you’re passing a bill that cuts $1.2 trillion in taxes that have paid for health care coverage, there’s almost no way that does not end up terminating insurance for large numbers of people.”

He continued: “If you are doing that, then there’s clear evidence that you will be harming people. You will be hurting their access to care. You will be harming their health — their physical health and mental health. There will be deaths.

It also means the debate about the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and whatever health law, if any, comes next, is really a debate about what we value as a society and whether we consider these costs worthwhile.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides

And 24,000 is still a large number. That’s more than the death tolls from firearm homicides, HIV, and skin cancer in the US each year.

Again, the Congressional Budget Office analysis suggests 24 million people will lose insurance under the GOP’s American Health Care Act, which is more than the 20 million these estimates are based on. The CBO estimates the plan will include particularly steep cuts to Medicaid, which covers the most vulnerable Americans, including pregnant women, the disabled, children, and the working poor. It’s their lives that are on the line now.

Koch chief says health care bill insufficiently conservative

Koch political leader says GOP healthcare bill not conservative enough

The Billionaire Koch brothers feel the Senate Bill doesn't go far enough. They need more people dying to get a bigger tax cut.
Oh, come now. Americans clearly don't value human life very much. Heck, we accept tens of thousands of deaths every year because we want to drive fast.
Republicans want the pregnant teen to have the baby. But cut the money that would help the pregnant teen.
Give us a federal welfare agency that had its budget cut from year to year because of Republicans. Actual cuts, not Washingtonspeak, "I wanted 15% and got 8%, so I'm squealing that I got a 7% cut". And not cuts in one program that were matched by increases in another.
Welfare. Duh!
Under Bill Clinton, rules were put into place that if you get welfare, you have to work for it. No free ride. Of course, there are some exemptions. But when I go outside and see people cleaning the streets that machines can't get, that's people on welfare.

Rick Santorum repeats Romney claim that Obama is ending work requirement in welfare

Two kinds of Republicans:


Stupid liars
So, IOW, you claim Republicans cut money to help pregnant teens, I say give us an example, and you come back with something about Bill Clinton and work requirements.


Are you saying that Bill Clinton cut assistance money?
Since the wailing at the time was that people were going to die in the streets because of the changes, are you saying that Bill Clinton is a heartless monster?
How are you going to tie your screed into what you were supposed to be demonstrating?

Just in case you're not clear, I want an agency that had an actual cut by Republicans, not a gaseous wailing that you're sure they did.

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