HAHA. Jesse jackson demands foreign tech workers be fired to increase DIVERSITY!!!

Here's a reality- big companies hire foriegners not because there aren't Americans who can do the same job, but because they want workers they can control. Threatening to fire someone, good. Threatening to fire them AND revoke their Green Card, better.

You guys whine all day about "illegal" immigrants, but the fact is, we issue 1.25 work visas every year when we have too many Americans without jobs.
The offshore talent pool is much lager than that in the U.S. That's a fact that you should recognize.

Most of Asia and India is kicking our ass in tech!
There are plenty of jobs blacks could do taken by Mexican field workers. Tech, not so much.
This isn't going to change with the current black culture of low standards and acceptance of violent crime. Blacks will be lucky to hold onto their corner stores at this rate.

I hear you but i don't really think it's a cultural thing. Even if blacks tried, 99% would still be failures. They are mentally inferior and can't do technology, and wishing and trying won't change that.
First you have to have ambition and I haven't seen any signs of that yet.
The offshore talent pool is much lager than that in the U.S. That's a fact that you should recognize.


Again, the top priority should be employing Americans. Not providing jobs for foreigners.

When a company says, "We need to hire a foreigner because we cant' find an American", we need to go through every resume they got and fine them $1000 for each one that is qualified.
Oh well, He forgot to let the Dear Leader Obama in on it.

He's going to flood the job market with millions of people here Illegally.
Here's a reality- big companies hire foriegners not because there aren't Americans who can do the same job, but because they want workers they can control. Threatening to fire someone, good. Threatening to fire them AND revoke their Green Card, better.

You guys whine all day about "illegal" immigrants, but the fact is, we issue 1.25 work visas every year when we have too many Americans without jobs.
The offshore talent pool is much lager than that in the U.S. That's a fact that you should recognize.

Most of Asia and India is kicking our ass in tech!
Exactly! And do Whites have fucking retards like Jackson screaming and wailing how 'racist' Asian and E. Indians are b/c they are better at high tech than Whites and b/c of this 'inherent racism' and 'Yellow Privilege' Whites much be given preferential treatment visa vi high tech job hiring? AKA Affirmative Action.
Fucking NO!
When was the last time you saw a bunch of Whites 'marching' in front of an NBA game demanding more White players?
There are plenty of jobs blacks could do taken by Mexican field workers. Tech, not so much.

They could easily be trained for it.

How you gonna train a 30 year old black to be a software engineer when he can't even read?

You ready to tell us about your advanced degree yet, loser?
That's it asshole? All you got is "But mommy! Jimmy took a cookie too!" Mommy: "We are NOT fucking talking about Jimmy you fucking dimwit. We are talking about fucking YOU!!!!!!!!'
You're a typical LIB pajama-boy fool.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Stick with the thread or get lost. You're boring.
About 15 negroes have been awarded Nobel Prizes. About 11 of them were 'Obama Nobel Prizes' AKA for work in the 'social field'. Ya fucking right. HAAA HAAA!
About 15 negroes have been awarded Nobel Prizes. About 11 of them were 'Obama Nobel Prizes' AKA for work in the 'social field'. Ya fucking right. HAAA HAAA!

No black has ever won a science nobel unless you inculde one for economics 40 years ago. It's not because of racism since many blacks have won nobels in non-brain fields like peace or literature.

Blacks are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming.
There are plenty of jobs blacks could do taken by Mexican field workers. Tech, not so much.

They could easily be trained for it.

How you gonna train a 30 year old black to be a software engineer when he can't even read?

You ready to tell us about your advanced degree yet, loser?
That's it asshole?!

When he finally pulls out of you, ask shithispeedoes to tell you all about his advanced degree. If his mouth isn't full, that is.
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You're right shootspeeders...

Blacks aren't happy that every other ethnic and race is kicking their ass.

Jackson is referring to the other side of jobs going overseas: bringing in foreign workers to the U.S.
These workers send their money back to their families in Asia. There's a bunch of them at the University near me.

Are you proud that your country devalues science and technology in our educational system to the point that tech companies have to bring them in from overseas?

Oh go ahead, blame it on Obama.....
To jesse "diversity" means black only.

Jesse Jackson Get rid of foreign tech workers

dec 22 2014
Foreign high-tech workers are taking American jobs and making Silicon Valley's diversity problem worse, Rev. Jesse Jackson said in a Fortune interview.

"There are Americans who can do that work, and H1B workers are cheaper and undercut wages," Jackson said, referring to the class of visas most often used by tech workers. He said the tech community had a problem letting new people in and giving them opportunities.

Jackson has been campaigning to improve diversity in the technology hub, pushing a number of companies over the last year to publish their hiring statistics
Bringing in foreign tech workers isn't creating diversity? I would think that some of those being brought in are from a variety of non European backgrounds I.E. India and Asian. What good old Jesse is saying is he wants it all black up in there. Sorry dude, this is the tech field, they want the elite in the field to remain competitive. If that doesn't include blacks,sorry for ya. Then again by Jesse's way of thinking maybe whites,asians,latino's and native americans should start demanding diversity in football and basketball and other black dominated sports in the name of diversity. It works both ways J/S. Some Blacks can go play hockey and curling and non blacks can get some court time. Then everybody will be happy, right?
Very few blacks can read. They graduate from HS solely because of affirmative action grading.

Come on, coward, tell us about your advanced degree.
Knowledge acquired by teaching yourself is worth far more than a degree acquired with the aid of student loans which will enslave one for decades after graduation.

Shitshispeedoes loves to go on and on about what 'races' he imagines can or cannot learn, so it is only natural to inquire as to his own qualification for doing so.

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