HAHA. Jesse jackson demands foreign tech workers be fired to increase DIVERSITY!!!

Very few blacks can read. They graduate from HS solely because of affirmative action grading.

Come on, coward, tell us about your advanced degree.
Knowledge acquired by teaching yourself is worth far more than a degree acquired with the aid of student loans which will enslave one for decades after graduation.

I like that. And as we've seen from some the idiot elected asses in Government. A degree doesn't necessarily make them intelligent when it comes to dealing with every day people problems. they think they KNOW all about it and how they should solve them. no matter how destructive they are

Jackson is referring to the other side of jobs going overseas: bringing in foreign workers to the U.S.
These workers send their money back to their families in Asia. There's a bunch of them at the University near me.

Are you proud that your country devalues science and technology in our educational system to the point that tech companies have to bring them in from overseas?

Oh go ahead, blame it on Obama.....
"Devalue science and technology"? Hell, Michael Brown was on his way to refrigerator repair "college". Despite spending more money on education per capita, we succeed in graduating semi-literate nincompoops. The stuff of Occupy Wall Street and inner cities.
Bringing in foreign tech workers isn't creating diversity? I would think that some of those being brought in are from a variety of non European backgrounds I.E. India and Asian. What good old Jesse is saying is he wants it all black up in there. Sorry dude, this is the tech field, they want the elite in the field to remain competitive. If that doesn't include blacks,sorry for ya. Then again by Jesse's way of thinking maybe whites,asians,latino's and native americans should start demanding diversity in football and basketball and other black dominated sports in the name of diversity. It works both ways J/S. Some Blacks can go play hockey and curling and non blacks can get some court time. Then everybody will be happy, right?

First, Jesse Jackson is a clown.

Second, he's got a valid point. Companies aren't bringing in Pradip because they can't find an American they can train to do the job.

They are bringing in Pradip because they can hold his green card over his head for five years.

Third- yes, we need to reconfigure our educational system to produce more graduates who excel in technology.

Fourth - our policies first and foremost need to be employing Americans.
Here's a reality- big companies hire foriegners not because there aren't Americans who can do the same job, but because they want workers they can control. Threatening to fire someone, good. Threatening to fire them AND revoke their Green Card, better.

You guys whine all day about "illegal" immigrants, but the fact is, we issue 1.25 work visas every year when we have too many Americans without jobs.

Do you have anything to actually back up that claim?

Because my experience has been the very opposite.

Immigrant workers tend to bring a small host of side problems. Communication issues. Working in group problems. While a particular immigrant might be qualified, he might not be able to blend well with others. There are also problems in accommodating different cultural aspects, that simply don't come up hiring all American workers.

Additionally, you have the risk of investing time and effort into an employee, that could possibly be shipped out of the country.

In fact, I was just talking to a girl here in the US, who works at a bank. She's not legal, because of no fault of her own. Her parents screwed her over, in a convoluted story, that all happened when she was 8 years old. But she has the work permit. Nevertheless, according to her, getting a job is more difficult, because an employer doesn't want to put in the time and effort to train someone up, only to have them sent out of the country.

The reason employers deal with immigrants at all, is two simple reasons.... they have a hard time getting Americans to take the jobs that need filled (because they are spoiled brats who think they are entitled to a six figure income simply because they sucked air, and showed up), and because immigrants are willing to work for less.

This idea that companies love immigrants because they can threaten them with losing their green card.... I've never heard that from anyone anywhere. I smell leftist BS there.
Jesse Jackson didn`t "demand" anything. I hope that was the OP`s last lie of 2014 and he`ll strive for a little bit of honesty in the new year.
First, Jesse Jackson is a clown.

Second, he's got a valid point. Companies aren't bringing in Pradip because they can't find an American they can train to do the job.

They are bringing in Pradip because they can hold his green card over his head for five years.

Third- yes, we need to reconfigure our educational system to produce more graduates who excel in technology.

Fourth - our policies first and foremost need to be employing Americans.

First, yes.

Second, no. People want to be paid like they are a trained, skilled, experienced, employee, even though they have never been employed in their life, but have a bit of paper saying "I R Smrt". Companies can't afford to pay unproductive, unskilled, inexperienced employees, a six figure income. But that's what people want.

Third, this is a completely backward ideal that you have the power to simply cause more technology majors, by somehow "reconfiguring" the educational system. That's false. We've tried that premise for years, and that's gotten us where we are.

You can't force people who don't want to be in technology, to be in technology, just because you reconfigured the system. Moreover, even if someone wants to be in technology, doesn't mean they are capable of being in technology.

You might be able to 'reconfigure' education so that it pumps out dozens of barely qualified diploma carrying people, but that is only going to backfire on us. Every single college degree given out to even a moderate, let alone marginal worker, results in devaluing the degree. The reduces the premium paid for workers with those degrees, and lowers the incentive of companies to hire workers with those degrees.

The primary reason students don't go into the hard sciences, is specifically because they are the 'hard' sciences.

Fourth, completely and totally wrong.

First I always laugh, because how many times do those on the left claim to be the ones who support equality and treating people fairly, and yet here you are openly advocating a American Supremacy policy position.... that somehow Americans are entitled and deserve jobs more than any other people.

Well you are wrong. The people who deserve the job, are those who earn it. Earning it means not saying "I should have it because I'm American."

Moreover, if we promote Americans in positions, that otherwise would be given to those who work hard, and do a better job.... then we are in effect, making ourselves as a country, less competitive on the global market. If an American Engineering firm who only hires Americans, and a Taiwanese Engineering firm which hires the best and cheapest from anywhere in the world, are both biding on the same contract, and the Taiwanese can do a better quality job, at a lower price, which firm get's the contract?

Obviously, the Taiwanese will get the contract, and all those "pro-American" jobs end up lost, as the Engineering firm at a competitive disadvantage, fails to find customers and goes out of business.
I think you are confusing illegal immigrants and legal immigrants.

If you only got a green card through your employer, that's an awesome thing to hold over someone's head.

But it doesn't. The employer and employee are not tied together forever. In fact, there is no minimum amount of time the sponsored employee must work at the sponsoring employer.

Once the Green Card is issued, which would be applied for by the sponsoring employer immediately, there is in fact, only one sure fire way to have it revoked or annulled. You must prove the employee had no intention of working for the employer, and thus filed his application fraudulently. That would be a difficult sell, given the employee worked there.

The employer would have to have documented just cause in firing the employee, or prove the employee refused to work there.

Short of that documentation of proof the employee never intended to work there..... once they have the Green card, the employee can quit and be hired by any employer who wishes to hire them.

Beyond that, the only issue that could possibly come up, is to challenge the Green Card at naturalization, which of course could be years later. Even then, all the Green Card holder has to show is that he spent several years in the same job, or field.

So the bottom line is, they can't 'hold the green card over their head for 5 years'. At least not as far as I can tell.
How soon after I start work with my green card sponsor can I switch jobs - Nolo.com

This immigration law firm, suggests that Green Card holders work for at least 6 months, and then they can move on to another employer.

Quite frankly, even though the costs to the employer to sponsor an immigrant is low, I honestly don't know why they would do it. But the 'holding immigrants hostage by green card theory' of yours, really doesn't hold water.

Unless you know something that I don't, that the law firms I looked up, didn't mention. (which could be).
Jesse Jackson didn`t "demand" anything. I hope that was the OP`s last lie of 2014 and he`ll strive for a little bit of honesty in the new year.

Hell he didn't. JJ has been race hustling for decades. That's his job!!! He goes to companies and demands that they give high-paying jobs to illiterate tar-babies. Or else the company will have thousands of protesters in the parking lot.
Shoots, you and diversity are incompatible, so, please, don't say it again.

However, I would rather we have more tech training for our native born of all colors.
That would require changing our so-called educational system and making mathematics, science, and reading priorities, instead of all the nice, touchy-feely, PC bullshit indoctrination the teachers' unions seem to prefer.
This isn't going to change with the current black culture of low standards and acceptance of violent crime. Blacks will be lucky to hold onto their corner stores at this rate.

I hear you but i don't really think it's a cultural thing. Even if blacks tried, 99% would still be failures. They are mentally inferior and can't do technology, and wishing and trying won't change that.
I doubt it's a lack of intelligence or ability. But stereotypical black culture tends to vilify blacks who strive to achieve anything outside their narrow views. Blacks who work to better themselves are too frequently called "Uncle Toms", "Oreos", and considered shills for white cultural standards. What's even worse than blacks being discouraged from achieving high and academic standard and elevating themselves above a low social norm is the fact that whites and other races are allowing themselves to be brought down to the same low standards.
Bringing in foreign tech workers isn't creating diversity? I would think that some of those being brought in are from a variety of non European backgrounds I.E. India and Asian. What good old Jesse is saying is he wants it all black up in there. Sorry dude, this is the tech field, they want the elite in the field to remain competitive. If that doesn't include blacks,sorry for ya. Then again by Jesse's way of thinking maybe whites,asians,latino's and native americans should start demanding diversity in football and basketball and other black dominated sports in the name of diversity. It works both ways J/S. Some Blacks can go play hockey and curling and non blacks can get some court time. Then everybody will be happy, right?

First, Jesse Jackson is a clown.

Second, he's got a valid point. Companies aren't bringing in Pradip because they can't find an American they can train to do the job.

They are bringing in Pradip because they can hold his green card over his head for five years.

Third- yes, we need to reconfigure our educational system to produce more graduates who excel in technology.

Fourth - our policies first and foremost need to be employing Americans.
Shit, I need a drink...I agree with all your points except one.
To jesse "diversity" means black only.

Jesse Jackson Get rid of foreign tech workers

dec 22 2014
Foreign high-tech workers are taking American jobs and making Silicon Valley's diversity problem worse, Rev. Jesse Jackson said in a Fortune interview.

"There are Americans who can do that work, and H1B workers are cheaper and undercut wages," Jackson said, referring to the class of visas most often used by tech workers. He said the tech community had a problem letting new people in and giving them opportunities.

Jackson has been campaigning to improve diversity in the technology hub, pushing a number of companies over the last year to publish their hiring statistics

Well..........Jackson would say something like that.......not exactly a genius we are talking about!!:biggrin::biggrin::up:
I want to see blacks get into science, math and tech. I just feel that many of them make the wrong choices in life to succeed..

They can't do it and they know it. It's not a cultural thing. Blacks are mentally inferior and easy verbal liberal arts crapola is all they can get a degree in.
I doubt it's a lack of intelligence or ability. But stereotypical black culture tends to vilify blacks who strive to achieve anything outside their narrow views. Blacks who work to better themselves are too frequently called "Uncle Toms", "Oreos", and considered shills for white cultural standards. .

That's stupid, even for you. If it was just an american culture thing, then blacks in africa would do ok. But in fact they do even worse than american blacks. Blacks are just dumb world-wide and the evidence is overwhelming. THINK
Very few blacks can read. They graduate from HS solely because of affirmative action grading.

Come on, coward, tell us about your advanced degree.
Knowledge acquired by teaching yourself is worth far more than a degree acquired with the aid of student loans which will enslave one for decades after graduation.
Tell that to someone with a PHD in computer science earning $400 K a year while you earn $16K a year working at a McJob b/c you figured the (cough) "knowledge" you acquired being "self taught" was "worth more".
Wise up pal.
BTW. The PHD pays back on average about 3% against the student loans yearly. This 3% any tax consultant can write off. At year's end the PHD pays the government 3% and writes off about 6%. He's actually MAKING MONEY!!!!!!
Ask any tax consultant and they'll verify this simple concept.
It's like the PHD buys into a struggling restaurant. The aim is for the restaurant to lose money every year. That's how the PHD makes money.

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