HAHA!! Occupy Charleston idiots get arrested!!! Supporters compares it to Holocaust!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Police handcuffing protesters at Marion Square - Charleston, SC | News, Sports, Weather

The morons at Occupy Charleston got locked up. Read the Occupy Charleston facebook page. They acknowledge Charleston's 11pm closing time of the park, and then say "Everyone get down here!!!". INTENTIONALLY planning to break the law. Charleston PD shows up, they didn't comply with days and days of warnings. BYE BYE OC!!! Off to jail, that's gonna look bad in the job resume haha!!!

And check the abcnews link above, and look at the first comment: "They didn't read them their rights....". Dumb asses. Liberals think they are brilliant. If police arrest someone, and do not plan to interrogate them, they DO NOT have to read their rights. ONLY if an interrogation is planned is it required. They are trespassing. They went to jail. Probable cause existed for arrest, they did it, and took them into custody. Supreme Court has ruled it is the responsibility of the citizen to know their rights in the situation where they will NOT be interrogated, which this is one. Dumbasses. The liberal even compared their plight to THE HOLOCAUST!!!! MY GOD!!!

They whine about not knowing the curfew..........while their facebook page openly discusses the curfew days ago, and CPD and the Charleson mayor had meetings all week with them about the city's curfew on the park.

One liberal commentor on abc sight said "I didn't know free speech had a curfew".

Well, it doesn't. But the park does hahahahaha!!!!!!:lol:

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