Hahahahaha....let the revolution begin!

Once again, I'll say it:

If you want SO BAD to be an American that you hustle your ass through a thousand miles of desert, risk dehydration and death, fight off sexual assault, and then take the worst possible job available to the public in the U.S. all so you can give your children an "American" life, you are FAR more patriotic than a white, fat, lazy SOB whose only affirmative steps taken to become an American involved slithering out of his mother's **** with appropriate geographic luck.

Most illegals don't want to be Americans. They want to make money to send back to Mexico so they can buy property to go back to after 10 years or so.

Keep your bullshit myths to yourself, no one believes those lies anymore.
Dunno, if that happens we can discuss it.

The Dow is 20,775 - another all time record. The economy is booming. Prices, including food are holding steady, unlike under Ohwhatafuckup.


Ohwhatafuckup isn't president anymore, sploogy.


So you're saying his fat ass in the chair magically kept the DOW where it was when Obama left office instead of dropping off a cliff if Hillary had been elected?

I'd looooooove to see your dumb ass support that assertion.

The DOW wasn't at 21,000 when Ohwhatafuckup left office.

Put the crack pipe down.

No, it was at 20k. And it's STILL not at 21K

LMAO, are you fucking retarded? Here's what the DOW did under 8 years of Obama:


Damned close to 21K, Comrade.
so Mr Grownup remind everyone how knocking the bottom out of the GDP, drastically slowing economic growth, and increasing consumer prices will be great for the country...

Dunno, if that happens we can discuss it.

The Dow is 20,775 - another all time record. The economy is booming. Prices, including food are holding steady, unlike under Ohwhatafuckup.


43 could have done something about immigration when he had both chambers of congress, but he had other plans to wreck the economy.

Good point...let's be productive with our time and discuss 16 years ago

History repeats itself. Idiot xenophobes are gonna idiot xenophobe. We've got another one in office like Bush, but he's even dumber.

How cute...you and your YouTube buddy here share the same sentiments. Wonder if there are any other common denominators?

Ohwhatafuckup isn't president anymore, sploogy.


So you're saying his fat ass in the chair magically kept the DOW where it was when Obama left office instead of dropping off a cliff if Hillary had been elected?

I'd looooooove to see your dumb ass support that assertion.

The DOW wasn't at 21,000 when Ohwhatafuckup left office.

Put the crack pipe down.

No, it was at 20k. And it's STILL not at 21K

LMAO, are you fucking retarded? Here's what the DOW did under 8 years of Obama:


Damned close to 21K, Comrade.

Indeed and that's about where it was when Obama left office, stupid
Once again, I'll say it:

If you want SO BAD to be an American that you hustle your ass through a thousand miles of desert, risk dehydration and death, fight off sexual assault, and then take the worst possible job available to the public in the U.S. all so you can give your children an "American" life, you are FAR more patriotic than a white, fat, lazy SOB whose only affirmative steps taken to become an American involved slithering out of his mother's **** with appropriate geographic luck.

Most illegals don't want to be Americans. They want to make money to send back to Mexico so they can buy property to go back to after 10 years or so.

Keep your bullshit myths to yourself, no one believes those lies anymore.
Do you have any evidence to support this blatantly madeup assertion?
Trump is deporting illegals and he's rising in the polls for doing so. President Trump upended decades of carefully crafted fake news spin on illegals. He dared speak out on deporting illegals and securing the borders, now Dem's and the fake news media are having a fit.
Notice the extreme left today are making the same arguments that Republicans made in 2008?

I'm hearing costs will go up, they do jobs Americans won't do, it will slow growth.

Illegals are costing American taxpayers billions of dollars a year, deporting them is a net profit. That we put a stop to illegals killing Americans is itself justification enough to deport them. Illegals kill Americans, they rape Americans, rob them, assault them, get their kids hooked on drugs, these are not the immigrants we are looking for.

Yeah, this is simply bullshit.

You are ignorant and uninformed, like so many on the left. Reagan's illegal amnesty was studied and determined to be a huge loss to the American taxpayers. Current illegals cost American taxpayers $5 to $7 billion a year just via one of their tax refund scams according to the Treasury inspector general. Tip of the iceberg.

Gotta link for that, or are you just citing your asshole?

And illegals pay SS and medicare taxes, inject their money into the economy, and also build much of our infrastructure.

Anyway, if you want to go after illegals, go after the demand: Stop employers from employing them. But that would involve penalizing the lionized white, business owner, something you Jim Crow conservatives simply will not do.

Are you pretending to be helpless? Being ignorant and uninformed is on you, I don't have time to give you libs links for something that was widely reported, go look it up and try to pay more attention to what's going on in our country.
Notice the extreme left today are making the same arguments that Republicans made in 2008?

I'm hearing costs will go up, they do jobs Americans won't do, it will slow growth.

Illegals are costing American taxpayers billions of dollars a year, deporting them is a net profit. That we put a stop to illegals killing Americans is itself justification enough to deport them. Illegals kill Americans, they rape Americans, rob them, assault them, get their kids hooked on drugs, these are not the immigrants we are looking for.

Yeah, this is simply bullshit.

You are ignorant and uninformed, like so many on the left. Reagan's illegal amnesty was studied and determined to be a huge loss to the American taxpayers. Current illegals cost American taxpayers $5 to $7 billion a year just via one of their tax refund scams according to the Treasury inspector general. Tip of the iceberg.

Gotta link for that, or are you just citing your asshole?

And illegals pay SS and medicare taxes, inject their money into the economy, and also build much of our infrastructure.

Anyway, if you want to go after illegals, go after the demand: Stop employers from employing them. But that would involve penalizing the lionized white, business owner, something you Jim Crow conservatives simply will not do.

Are you pretending to be helpless? Being ignorant and uninformed is on you, I don't have time to give you libs links for something that was widely reported, go look it up and try to pay more attention to what's going on in our country.
That's what I figured. Just another liar, trying to escape fact checking.
I dare Trump to yank 15 million paying customers out of our economy.

each and every one of you RW morons will need three jobs when the price of a loaf of bread costs you $10 ... but hey, we will be saving money !


Well the 1986 Amnesty bill was supposed to be the last amnesty bill needed. We were going to take in what we already had but then stop the flow. I'm ok with keeping what we have as long as they step forward from the shadows and pay back taxes. If you've been here 10 years how much taxes do you owe? So better to tell us you just arrived. But then you have no real argument why we should let you stay. What a quandry. Tell us you've been here forever and so you should be allowed to stay and then you have to pay 10 years of back taxes.

And in the future, if we need more workers don't back door them in on us. Doing it that way hurts our middle class. With this shit happening the middle class has and will disappear. If you don't get that then it sucks to suck, huh?

Fucking RW dopes are amazing. Willful ignorance takes new meaning. The buying power of 15 million people totally escapes them. From making bread to paying taxes they cover the entire spectrum of dumbass ...

What part of Mexico are you from again?
And I am sure that you cannot comprehend that by lowering wages, it hurts our economy

A durrr! That's why illegals need to go, guy. They drive wages down for Americans AND take their jobs. Double whammy!

Then add the food stamp, welfare, schooling, and healthcare costs and it's even worse!
Illegals are costing American taxpayers billions of dollars a year, deporting them is a net profit. That we put a stop to illegals killing Americans is itself justification enough to deport them. Illegals kill Americans, they rape Americans, rob them, assault them, get their kids hooked on drugs, these are not the immigrants we are looking for.

Yeah, this is simply bullshit.

You are ignorant and uninformed, like so many on the left. Reagan's illegal amnesty was studied and determined to be a huge loss to the American taxpayers. Current illegals cost American taxpayers $5 to $7 billion a year just via one of their tax refund scams according to the Treasury inspector general. Tip of the iceberg.

Gotta link for that, or are you just citing your asshole?

And illegals pay SS and medicare taxes, inject their money into the economy, and also build much of our infrastructure.

Anyway, if you want to go after illegals, go after the demand: Stop employers from employing them. But that would involve penalizing the lionized white, business owner, something you Jim Crow conservatives simply will not do.

Are you pretending to be helpless? Being ignorant and uninformed is on you, I don't have time to give you libs links for something that was widely reported, go look it up and try to pay more attention to what's going on in our country.
That's what I figured. Just another liar, trying to escape fact checking.

Its not my fault you are ignorant and uninformed. If you choose to remain ignorant and uninformed it makes no difference to me. Do you require a link to the Science channel for proof the earth orbits the sun?
Legitimate American's are finally fed up and ready to fight.

Attention Losers and Low-life's:
Polish up those work boots you haven't worn in years...it's time to go to work and contribute.

Attention Illegals:
Go back into hiding; no more pushing that corn cart around without living in fear of being captured.

Attention 'Progressive Liberals':
The genitalia you're born with dictates your gender...not your twisted mind and NO, you can't urinate with your penis in the same restroom next to my 14 year old daughter.

you may be one of the stupidest people on the planet.

no wonder you're a broke loser

you should stop wishing bad on other people because you're a failure.
Legitimate American's are finally fed up and ready to fight.

Attention Losers and Low-life's:
Polish up those work boots you haven't worn in years...it's time to go to work and contribute.

Attention Illegals:
Go back into hiding; no more pushing that corn cart around without living in fear of being captured.

Attention 'Progressive Liberals':
The genitalia you're born with dictates your gender...not your twisted mind and NO, you can't urinate with your penis in the same restroom next to my 14 year old daughter.

you may be one of the stupidest people on the planet.

no wonder you're a broke loser

you should stop wishing bad on other people because you're a failure.

He's living rent free in your head lib.

I heard a farmer in California that said he pays illegals 150 a day to pick Tomatoes.

I'm pretty sure there are plenty of poor citizens who would take that job.

When I was a teen, I picked strawberries one summer, off of Gale in city of Industry. It was back breaking, bending over all day, but it paid really well. I agree that there are a lot of Americans who would do these jobs.
holy crap it didn't pay well, it paid freaking pennies per.

Horrible job. Wish my kids would do it. My brother and sister did. I did too..for one day.
Legitimate American's are finally fed up and ready to fight.

Attention Losers and Low-life's:
Polish up those work boots you haven't worn in years...it's time to go to work and contribute.

Attention Illegals:
Go back into hiding; no more pushing that corn cart around without living in fear of being captured.

Attention 'Progressive Liberals':
The genitalia you're born with dictates your gender...not your twisted mind and NO, you can't urinate with your penis in the same restroom next to my 14 year old daughter.

you may be one of the stupidest people on the planet.

no wonder you're a broke loser

you should stop wishing bad on other people because you're a failure.

What said seems so unreasonable to you?
Apparently Lefty's Temper Tantrums are making Americans happier that Trump was elected President and less happy with the News Media as more and more people tune Lefty out and turn the Main Stream Media Off.

8 more years of Butt Hurt might get us 16 years in the majority.
Last edited:
This really isn't complicated...it's time government demands better of low grade humans and stops stealing from the higher grade to fund the trash among us.
I just hope the rich don't do what they usually do which is shift the tax burden more onto the middle class because they feel they pay too much in taxes not us.

Legitimate American's are finally fed up and ready to fight.

Attention Losers and Low-life's:
Polish up those work boots you haven't worn in years...it's time to go to work and contribute.

Attention Illegals:
Go back into hiding; no more pushing that corn cart around without living in fear of being captured.

Attention 'Progressive Liberals':
The genitalia you're born with dictates your gender...not your twisted mind and NO, you can't urinate with your penis in the same restroom next to my 14 year old daughter.
Best zone #2 thread this hour.

Is that your official cry for help?
Thread has been here since early November...you're just late to the party.
Pull up a chair and stop being so scared.
Huh? Are you butthurt, snowflake?

Butthurt? About what?
We got our guy...he's the one who has you scattering like panicked cockroaches when the light comes on.
Yep, definitely still butthurt. Trump will save you.
We won't let him save you...:lol:
Apparently Lefty's Temper Tantrums are making Americans happier that Trump was elected President and less happy with the News Media as more and more people tune Lefty out and turn the Main Stream Media Off.

8 more years of Butt Hurt might get us 16 years in the majority.

It's pretty clear you live in a redneck echo chamber. Trump's approval is in the toilet.
Here's what you righties in rural red America don't get. Rural America's going to get what it wanted, then it's going to get failing farms, more costly consumer goods, and bankrupt restaurants, flushing it further down the economic toilet.

Meanwhile, thriving urban hubs will get even more expensive as cheap labor dries up, leading to the collapse of major sources of jobs in each state's economic centers, further eroding secondary economies in suburbs. After the economic collapse, some will wonder if maybe cheap, motivated, even desperate labor is an economic good, and start advocating for work visas, just in time for a new progressive administration to swing the pendulum back.

In the meantime, millions will have suffered and even died because people, in their basest of animal instincts are afraid of change.

Good luck America. May reason rule.
Dunno, if that happens we can discuss it.

The Dow is 20,775 - another all time record. The economy is booming. Prices, including food are holding steady, unlike under Ohwhatafuckup.


Ohwhatafuckup isn't president anymore, sploogy.


So you're saying his fat ass in the chair magically kept the DOW where it was when Obama left office instead of dropping off a cliff if Hillary had been elected?

I'd looooooove to see your dumb ass support that assertion.

The DOW wasn't at 21,000 when Ohwhatafuckup left office.

Put the crack pipe down.

No, it was at 20k. And it's STILL not at 21K

LMAO, are you fucking retarded? Here's what the DOW did under 8 years of Obama:

On November 8th, 2016, the Dow was 18,332.

On January 20th, 2017, the Dow was 19,732.

Today, the Dow was at 20,775.
Ohwhatafuckup isn't president anymore, sploogy.


So you're saying his fat ass in the chair magically kept the DOW where it was when Obama left office instead of dropping off a cliff if Hillary had been elected?

I'd looooooove to see your dumb ass support that assertion.

The DOW wasn't at 21,000 when Ohwhatafuckup left office.

Put the crack pipe down.

No, it was at 20k. And it's STILL not at 21K

LMAO, are you fucking retarded? Here's what the DOW did under 8 years of Obama:


Damned close to 21K, Comrade.

Indeed and that's about where it was when Obama left office, stupid

Wrong. We're up about 2500 points since Hillary lost and over 1000 in the past month..
I dare Trump to yank 15 million paying customers out of our economy.

each and every one of you RW morons will need three jobs when the price of a loaf of bread costs you $10 ... but hey, we will be saving money !

Right, because only illegals make bread. Moron.
My brother in law took over his father in laws business. It's a Greek bakery and yes he makes most of his money selling greek bread. Still has the old school bread making equipment. Where you dump a lump into a mixer, then have to pick it up and out and put it on a smasher, then a conveyor, blablabla. Bottom line is yes Americans make and sell bread and we don't need illegals undercutting us.
Let's think like a progressive here for a minute. Without illegals making our bread the prices are going to go up! On the other hand what we really need is a $15 an hour minimum wage because nobody can live on less than that. So if we are thinking like these left wing loons we have a bit of a conundrum here don't we? Pay $15 an hour or...bring in an illegal and pay them what? $3 an hour? Because if you pay that illegal $15 your bread is going to cost more. But we don't want to be racist or make those illegals second class citizens, they should be treated just like we are.

Being a left winger has to be the most mind fucking thing in the world.

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