Hahahahaha....let the revolution begin!

Why is this thread here and not in the taunting area?

Because it's a grown up thread.

You wouldn't understand.

so Mr Grownup remind everyone how knocking the bottom out of the GDP, drastically slowing economic growth, and increasing consumer prices will be great for the country...

Dunno, if that happens we can discuss it.

The Dow is 20,775 - another all time record. The economy is booming. Prices, including food are holding steady, unlike under Ohwhatafuckup.

you cant because you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground...

deport 15 million people ad I ASSURE you the real GDP will loose trillions of dollars, economic growth will slow several percentage ppoints, and conusumer prices will at least double .. all that has to happen... economics 102


You're talking in circles and making no sense bud...clearly you no jack-shit about Econ.
How many Bud Lights and bottles of Tapatio do you think wetbacks buy?
You're a funny guy...and lost in some backward, crazy world.

Illegals buy lots of stuff on credit. Big items like cars and houses as well as renting houses and apartments. Their kids go to schools that were built to accommodate them, some illegal, some not, from the same families as well as making jobs for thousands of teachers and other jobs in the school system. It's taken America decades to get into this position of dependency with illegals and there will be no quick changes without disaster happening to the economy. Same with bringing back jobs and factories. Lots of luck, Donald. I voted for him but never expected him to do all he said he will do, at least overnight or even one term. I wonder if anyone asked what would happen if Mexico says they won't allow American born children of illegals to return to that country with their deported illegal alien parents, since those kids are American citizens.
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Republicans get to show us there is.

But no. If you've rigged the system to where the Hilton's great grandkids have all the money no. The founding fathers warned of unlimited wealth becoming so powerful it takes over our government and ultimately I don't believe your way is going to work but I'm in a position to be open to trying it your way.

And it may work for me but not the blue collar. White collar voted for Hillary. Let's see trump make America great again for blue collar. He wont

Are you planning to take shotguns and strip Jeff Bezos of his hundreds of billions? Because otherwise his great grandchildrens great grandchildren will still be living in luxury off of his insane wealth.

Oh, and other than simply being a thief, what justification would you have to rob the man? You want and he has?
So you don't really have a problem with Jeff bezos

I have a lot of problems with him. He buys politicians wholesale and runs the state for his own purpose, he and the other plantation owners.

I have no problem with him earning wealth, but would see him in prison for racketeering for buying Brown and the democrats.

I would see Brown and the democrats hung in the public square.

And then appoint Betsy devoss to a high power position? Hypocrite

What does DeBoss have to do with the fact that the California government is entirely bought and paid for by the Plantation owners? That the majority of the people have literally zero voice in the openly corrupt plutocracy?
Sure they have a voice. They vote democratic.

Didn't they elect Arnold and Reagan?

And how can you not have a problem with devoss buying our federal government but then cry about the smart rich guys buying Cali? Hypocrite
Trump is deporting illegals and he's rising in the polls for doing so. President Trump upended decades of carefully crafted fake news spin on illegals. He dared speak out on deporting illegals and securing the borders, now Dem's and the fake news media are having a fit.
Notice the extreme left today are making the same arguments that Republicans made in 2008?

I'm hearing costs will go up, they do jobs Americans won't do, it will slow growth.

Illegals are costing American taxpayers billions of dollars a year, deporting them is a net profit. That we put a stop to illegals killing Americans is itself justification enough to deport them. Illegals kill Americans, they rape Americans, rob them, assault them, get their kids hooked on drugs, these are not the immigrants we are looking for.

Yeah, this is simply bullshit.

Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy

When analyzed from the vantage point of information derived from reputable, nonpartisan sources (the Pew Research Center, USDA, United States Department of Labor, and leading economists and researchers) then one can obtain a clearer view of this muddled discussion. The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy, as well as vital to certain industries like agriculture.

According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants.
This is bullshit! Would it be a problem for you if we made them legal? Then you are fos. It's not that we depend on illegals. It's the bodies you say we need. If we need the bodies fine. Just make them legal. It's the illegal part that's killing us
This really isn't complicated...it's time government demands better of low grade humans and stops stealing from the higher grade to fund the trash among us.
I just hope the rich don't do what they usually do which is shift the tax burden more onto the middle class because they feel they pay too much in taxes not us.

/---- The rich already pay the bulk of the taxes moron.
Because they have the bulk of the money stupid fuck
This really isn't complicated...it's time government demands better of low grade humans and stops stealing from the higher grade to fund the trash among us.
I just hope the rich don't do what they usually do which is shift the tax burden more onto the middle class because they feel they pay too much in taxes not us.

/---- The rich already pay the bulk of the taxes moron.
Because they have the bulk of the money stupid fuck
So, you are employed by a poor person? Huh.....
Here's what you righties in rural red America don't get. Rural America's going to get what it wanted, then it's going to get failing farms, more costly consumer goods, and bankrupt restaurants, flushing it further down the economic toilet.

Meanwhile, thriving urban hubs will get even more expensive as cheap labor dries up, leading to the collapse of major sources of jobs in each state's economic centers, further eroding secondary economies in suburbs. After the economic collapse, some will wonder if maybe cheap, motivated, even desperate labor is an economic good, and start advocating for work visas, just in time for a new progressive administration to swing the pendulum back.

In the meantime, millions will have suffered and even died because people, in their basest of animal instincts are afraid of change.

Good luck America. May reason rule.
Wrong. We will survive, even do better without them just like we did before.

We didn't care when blue collar Americans had jobs. Now they don't so they will now be our maids and landscapers. You'll pay a little more but so what?
This really isn't complicated...it's time government demands better of low grade humans and stops stealing from the higher grade to fund the trash among us.
I just hope the rich don't do what they usually do which is shift the tax burden more onto the middle class because they feel they pay too much in taxes not us.

/---- The rich already pay the bulk of the taxes moron.
Because they have the bulk of the money stupid fuck
So, you are employed by a poor person? Huh.....
No. A rich German who lives in germany
This really isn't complicated...it's time government demands better of low grade humans and stops stealing from the higher grade to fund the trash among us.
I just hope the rich don't do what they usually do which is shift the tax burden more onto the middle class because they feel they pay too much in taxes not us.

/---- The rich already pay the bulk of the taxes moron.
Because they have the bulk of the money stupid fuck
So, you are employed by a poor person? Huh.....
No. A rich German who lives in germany
So you live in Germany? Ironic.....:lol:
This really isn't complicated...it's time government demands better of low grade humans and stops stealing from the higher grade to fund the trash among us.
I just hope the rich don't do what they usually do which is shift the tax burden more onto the middle class because they feel they pay too much in taxes not us.

/---- The rich already pay the bulk of the taxes moron.
Because they have the bulk of the money stupid fuck
So, you are employed by a poor person? Huh.....
That has nothing to do with what I said
I just hope the rich don't do what they usually do which is shift the tax burden more onto the middle class because they feel they pay too much in taxes not us.

/---- The rich already pay the bulk of the taxes moron.
Because they have the bulk of the money stupid fuck
So, you are employed by a poor person? Huh.....
No. A rich German who lives in germany
So you live in Germany? Ironic.....:lol:
So stupid
This really isn't complicated...it's time government demands better of low grade humans and stops stealing from the higher grade to fund the trash among us.
I just hope the rich don't do what they usually do which is shift the tax burden more onto the middle class because they feel they pay too much in taxes not us.

/---- The rich already pay the bulk of the taxes moron.
Because they have the bulk of the money stupid fuck
So, you are employed by a poor person? Huh.....
That has nothing to do with what I said
Actually, it has everything to do with what you said....you just choose not to say it.....
Half the U.S. population has been completely shut off from economic growth since the 1970s.
Not true. The 80s had record growth with Reagan's policies. He proved liberals were wrong all along. Rather than accept reality liberals lie about it. Leftist policies have harmed the economy and keep the middle class pretty much flat since then.

Liberals do not understand that business drives the economy. The reason they don't understand it is that capitalism has been demonized in their minds as a great evil instead of the great economic liberator it is.

I invite you to embrace reality the way it is, grow up and join the solution.
Half the U.S. population has been completely shut off from economic growth since the 1970s.
Not true. The 80s had record growth with Reagan's policies. He proved liberals were wrong all along. Rather than accept reality liberals lie about it. Leftist policies have harmed the economy and keep the middle class pretty much flat since then.

Liberals do not understand that business drives the economy. The reason they don't understand it is that capitalism has been demonized in their minds as a great evil instead of the great economic liberator it is.

I invite you to embrace reality the way it is, grow up and join the solution.
Lefty policies such as? You mean paying a decent wage?
I just hope the rich don't do what they usually do which is shift the tax burden more onto the middle class because they feel they pay too much in taxes not us.

/---- The rich already pay the bulk of the taxes moron.
Because they have the bulk of the money stupid fuck
So, you are employed by a poor person? Huh.....
That has nothing to do with what I said
Actually, it has everything to do with what you said....you just choose not to say it.....
Nope, fascist.
/---- The rich already pay the bulk of the taxes moron.
Because they have the bulk of the money stupid fuck
So, you are employed by a poor person? Huh.....
That has nothing to do with what I said
Actually, it has everything to do with what you said....you just choose not to say it.....
Nope, fascist.
Indeed...you are....
Half the U.S. population has been completely shut off from economic growth since the 1970s.
Not true. The 80s had record growth with Reagan's policies. He proved liberals were wrong all along. Rather than accept reality liberals lie about it. Leftist policies have harmed the economy and keep the middle class pretty much flat since then.

Liberals do not understand that business drives the economy. The reason they don't understand it is that capitalism has been demonized in their minds as a great evil instead of the great economic liberator it is.

I invite you to embrace reality the way it is, grow up and join the solution.
Lefty policies such as? You mean paying a decent wage?
Yeah, sure. And not grinding babies up in wood chippers or pushing old ladies down stairs. Come one man, you need more emotion to prove your case!
Half the U.S. population has been completely shut off from economic growth since the 1970s.
Not true. The 80s had record growth with Reagan's policies. He proved liberals were wrong all along. Rather than accept reality liberals lie about it. Leftist policies have harmed the economy and keep the middle class pretty much flat since then.

Liberals do not understand that business drives the economy. The reason they don't understand it is that capitalism has been demonized in their minds as a great evil instead of the great economic liberator it is.

I invite you to embrace reality the way it is, grow up and join the solution.
Lefty policies such as? You mean paying a decent wage?
Yeah, sure. And not grinding babies up in wood chippers or pushing old ladies down stairs. Come one man, you need more emotion to prove your case!

See, you can't even have an honest conversation. You said "Leftist policies have harmed the economy" and when I asked you what those policies were you say abortion? What a fucking intellectually dishonest fuck you must be.

So I'll ask again, what liberal policies harmed the economy? I'll tell you since you won't answer honestly. You must be experiencing cognitive dissonance here. The answer is, "paying American workers a decent wage". That was the policy that got corporations to send jobs to Mexico and China.

But today you cons are anti sending jobs overseas. Now you want to bring jobs back home. But you also claim you want to do it to raise wages. I don't believe that for a second. Or maybe you do want to raise wages, a couple bucks an hour. But not what those jobs paid when you sent them overseas.

So its funny you cons claim you are going to make America great again. Maybe great but not as great as it was when 35% of our workforce was unionized. That's when the middle class was it's strongest.

And eventually even if you raise wages a couple bucks I see you ultimately cutting wages by outsourcing jobs to subcontractors. Yea that's right. I see your long term plans even before you do.

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