Haley, Blackburn, other Republicans call for Biden's resignation or impeachment after attack at Kabul airport

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A long list of GOP politicians are calling for President Biden to either be impeached or resign from office after the deadly attacks near Harmid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan.

Nikki Haley, former ambassador to the United Nations, called for Biden's resignation — but expressed concern about leaving Vice President Kamala Harris in charge.

"Should Biden step down or be removed for his handling of Afghanistan? Yes," she tweeted. "But that would leave us with Kamala Harris which would be ten times worse. God help us."

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., added: "To say that today’s loss of American lives in Kabul is sickening does not begin to do justice to what has happened. It is enraging. And Joe Biden is responsible. It is now clear beyond all doubt that he has neither the capacity nor the will to lead. He must resign."

Prior to Thursday's attack, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. had already said Biden said he favored impeaching Biden. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., called for Biden to resign along with Vice President Kamala Harris and several national security officials.

"Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and General Milley should all resign or face impeachment and removal from office," she said.

Former Trump White House advisor Kellyanne Conway sarcastically responded: "#Impeach? Why? It's not like they called the President of Ukraine or anything."

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...

WTF aren’t ALL the REPUBLICANS CALLING FOR HIS IMPEACHMENT???? You know if Trump did this the deathRATS AND ALL their media friends would be calling for his impeachment!!!
A long list of GOP politicians are calling for President Biden to either be impeached or resign from office after the deadly attacks near Harmid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan.

Nikki Haley, former ambassador to the United Nations, called for Biden's resignation — but expressed concern about leaving Vice President Kamala Harris in charge.

"Should Biden step down or be removed for his handling of Afghanistan? Yes," she tweeted. "But that would leave us with Kamala Harris which would be ten times worse. God help us."

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., added: "To say that today’s loss of American lives in Kabul is sickening does not begin to do justice to what has happened. It is enraging. And Joe Biden is responsible. It is now clear beyond all doubt that he has neither the capacity nor the will to lead. He must resign."

Prior to Thursday's attack, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. had already said Biden said he favored impeaching Biden. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., called for Biden to resign along with Vice President Kamala Harris and several national security officials.

"Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and General Milley should all resign or face impeachment and removal from office," she said.

Former Trump White House advisor Kellyanne Conway sarcastically responded: "#Impeach? Why? It's not like they called the President of Ukraine or anything."

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...

WTF aren’t ALL the REPUBLICANS CALLING FOR HIS IMPEACHMENT???? You know if Trump did this the deathRATS AND ALL their media friends would be calling for his impeachment!!!
I'd say to all the GOP'er..the ones who ignored the colossal incompetence and corruption of the last administration...to go collectively fuck themselves.
Not only did the last administration contribute to the circumstances that led to today's attack, I think we're up to almost 700K dead..in this country.
Yeah....Republicans can go fuck themselves. :)

Everyone gets the blame for Afghanistan.
I'd say to all the GOP'er..the ones who ignored the colossal incompetence and corruption of the last administration...to go collectively fuck themselves.
Not only did the last administration contribute to the circumstances that led to today's attack, I think we're up to almost 700K dead..in this country.
Yeah....Republicans can go fuck themselves. :)

Everyone gets the blame for Afghanistan.
Links please, because you are full of shit. You just post lies and expect us to ignore them.
Another low-IQ and vulgar post from a lying POS.
Only 12 killed so far, glad I didn't vote for the senile POS.
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Prior to watching the antics with the dems against Trump for 4 years I'd have said don't bother, this is a waste of time.

After that shit, however, throw whatever bomb might undermine that decrepit moron in any way. Stir the shit, impeach him for shitting his diaper, IDGAF. It's war.
I'd say to all the GOP'er..the ones who ignored the colossal incompetence and corruption of the last administration...to go collectively fuck themselves.
Not only did the last administration contribute to the circumstances that led to today's attack, I think we're up to almost 700K dead..in this country.
Yeah....Republicans can go fuck themselves. :)

Everyone gets the blame for Afghanistan.
Go fuck yourself. You’re responsible for this. You voted for it, you wanted it, you’re getting it. The buck stops with you.
Links please, because you are full of shit. You just post lies and expect us to ignore them.
You have to be kidding. Ukraine? January 6th?...you know what? Never mind.
Not interested in round the twist with the alt-right tonight.
Again, everyone bears the blame for the mess that was Afghanistan.
Go fuck yourself. You’re responsible for this. You voted for it, you wanted it, you’re getting it. The buck stops with you.
Well at least the buck actually DID stop with Biden. Unlike his predecessor that you fawned over.
Now battle off and back to your alt-right dungeon.
A long list of GOP politicians are calling for President Biden to either be impeached or resign from office after the deadly attacks near Harmid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan.

Nikki Haley, former ambassador to the United Nations, called for Biden's resignation — but expressed concern about leaving Vice President Kamala Harris in charge.

"Should Biden step down or be removed for his handling of Afghanistan? Yes," she tweeted. "But that would leave us with Kamala Harris which would be ten times worse. God help us."

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., added: "To say that today’s loss of American lives in Kabul is sickening does not begin to do justice to what has happened. It is enraging. And Joe Biden is responsible. It is now clear beyond all doubt that he has neither the capacity nor the will to lead. He must resign."

Prior to Thursday's attack, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. had already said Biden said he favored impeaching Biden. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., called for Biden to resign along with Vice President Kamala Harris and several national security officials.

"Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and General Milley should all resign or face impeachment and removal from office," she said.

Former Trump White House advisor Kellyanne Conway sarcastically responded: "#Impeach? Why? It's not like they called the President of Ukraine or anything."

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...

WTF aren’t ALL the REPUBLICANS CALLING FOR HIS IMPEACHMENT???? You know if Trump did this the deathRATS AND ALL their media friends would be calling for his impeachment!!!
Nobody gives a rats ass what Nikki Haley or Marcia Blackburn thinks.
Agree, you're nobody.
Fuck off traitor. Where the fuck were you & Haley when ISIS was attacking our troops when Trump was in power? Where the fuck were slime like Haley when your boy sold the Kurds down the fucking river even though they fought brside us?

Hiding under a rock, that's where.
I'd say to all the GOP'er..the ones who ignored the colossal incompetence and corruption of the last administration...to go collectively fuck themselves.
Not only did the last administration contribute to the circumstances that led to today's attack, I think we're up to almost 700K dead..in this country.
Yeah....Republicans can go fuck themselves. :)

You people set the bar. Remember that
I'd say to all the GOP'er..the ones who ignored the colossal incompetence and corruption of the last administration...to go collectively fuck themselves.
Not only did the last administration contribute to the circumstances that led to today's attack, I think we're up to almost 700K dead..in this country.
Yeah....Republicans can go fuck themselves. :)

Everyone gets the blame for Afghanistan.


Sleepy Joe alone gets the responsibility for the Afghanistan Atrocity.

He's is charge, and he fucked up the whole deal that Trump made to withdraw US forces.

When the Terrorists visited Camp David, Trump made it crystal clear that Americans were going to move out all of our men and all of our equipment, and no American would be killed or there would be heck to pay.

But Sleepy Joe ripped up the Trump deal and pulled out the military BEFORE the civilians and our equiprment were removed.

Of course the terrorists were going to be aggressive.
Well at least the buck actually DID stop with Biden. Unlike his predecessor that you fawned over.
Now battle off and back to your alt-right dungeon.
What a stand up guy. The buck stops with Bidumb as he blames everyone else. Good job asshat.
You have to be kidding. Ukraine? January 6th?...you know what? Never mind.
Not interested in round the twist with the alt-right tonight.
Again, everyone bears the blame for the mess that was Afghanistan.
1. Agreed that AFG was a fuckup by both parties, but there was no way to gracefully exit unless the AFG army stepped up, and they didn't. That said, there was a more competent way to exit than the catastrophic Xiden withdrawal.

2. Ukraine? WTF is that supposed to mean? How does that show "colossal incompetence or corruption" by Trump? Like Hunter getting $86,000 a month for a no-show job at Burisma, or Joe extorting the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor going after Burisma?

3. January 6th was a riot by Trump zealots because of perceived "voter fraud", not an insurrection coordinated by Trump. Agreed it was a mistake.
But after 4-years of:
Bogus Russian Collusion charges
Ignoring Hillary's and the DNC's collusion with Russians for the Steele Dossier
The faux Mueller Investigation (no collusion)
The AG suggesting he could wear a wire to invoke the 25th Amendment
FBI director Comey setting up General Flynn with a perjury trap
The FBI falsifying evidence to get a FISA warrant
The FBI and NSA illegally spying on Trump
The MSM always being 93% negative on Trump, even using "fake news"

Trump thought that there was voter fraud. Hillary blamed the Russians in 2016.
Bottom line: Trump demonstrated more competence in office than Xiden, and the dems can't accept that.
1. Agreed that AFG was a fuckup by both parties, but there was no way to gracefully exit unless the AFG army stepped up, and they didn't. That said, there was a more competent way to exit than the catastrophic Xiden withdrawal.

2. Ukraine? WTF is that supposed to mean? How does that show "colossal incompetence or corruption" by Trump? Like Hunter getting $86,000 a month for a no-show job at Burisma, or Joe extorting the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor going after Burisma?

3. January 6th was a riot by Trump zealots because of perceived "voter fraud", not an insurrection coordinated by Trump. Agreed it was a mistake.
But after 4-years of:
Bogus Russian Collusion charges
Ignoring Hillary's and the DNC's collusion with Russians for the Steele Dossier
The faux Mueller Investigation (no collusion)
The AG suggesting he could wear a wire to invoke the 25th Amendment
FBI director Comey setting up General Flynn with a perjury trap
The FBI falsifying evidence to get a FISA warrant
The FBI and NSA illegally spying on Trump
The MSM always being 93% negative on Trump, even using "fake news"

Trump thought that there was voter fraud. Hillary blamed the Russians in 2016.
Bottom line: Trump demonstrated more competence in office than Xiden, and the dems can't accept that.
I should have expected this "list" of grievances. While I couldn't care less about Comey (he ultimately cost Clinton the election while at the same time ignoring what was happening with Trump's campaign), the rest have been gone over adnauseum. They're just bellyaching. Trump made and was the recipient of his own bad press coverage. That's because he was fundamentally corrupt, and he was/is a moron. Fundamentally corrupt morons have little in the way of self-reflection. He made all of his own issues. Trump thinks there is voter fraud. But hasn't been able to prove any of it...before or after he lost. Hillary to my knowledge never said there was voter fraud. She did say she thought the Russians influenced the election..which 17 of our intelligence agencies said....they did.

Bottom line. Hillary would have been a far more competent choice than Trump.

Trump is a moron. A simpleton. A retard....and he's gone. The worst President this country ever elected.
The buck never stopped anywhere with Trump except when it concerned his wallet.

Sleepy Joe alone gets the responsibility for the Afghanistan Atrocity.

He's is charge, and he fucked up the whole deal that Trump made to withdraw US forces.

When the Terrorists visited Camp David, Trump made it crystal clear that Americans were going to move out all of our men and all of our equipment, and no American would be killed or there would be heck to pay.

But Sleepy Joe ripped up the Trump deal and pulled out the military BEFORE the civilians and our equiprment were removed.

Of course the terrorists were going to be aggressive.
Again, I have no idea what reality you members of Alt-Right Nation live in, but it's not the rest the world's.
What visit to Camp David?

Your boy fucked up bigly here. He has as much blood on his hands today as his predecessors and successor do.
I don't remember setting any bar. I remember that the bar got set in 2002 and just kept getting stamped down further into the ground in the name of nation building.
One mistake after another and a lot of dead military personnel and civilians.
Yep...Biden one "mistake" after another that the Chinese are paying Biden for.
I'm waiting for even one Dem to dare defend Biden getting nearly 200 people killed in Afghanistan including 13 of our troops and two female sergeants. Go ahead defend that stuttering fucktard.

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