Haley & Trump Tied in New Hampshire

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Haley has been slowly gaining on Trump in New Hampshire. A new poll released today now has them tied with each taking 40% of the vote. It's worth nothing half of Iowa Republicans wanted someone other than Trump this time. It's vital Haley win this contest. If Trump prevails then it's all over and the Republicans will go on to lose in November and it will be very bloody all the way down ballot.

Haley has been slowly gaining on Trump in New Hampshire. A new poll released today now has them tied with each taking 40% of the vote. It's worth nothing half of Iowa Republicans wanted someone other than Trump this time. It's vital Haley win this contest. If Trump prevails then it's all over and the Republicans will go on to lose in November and it will be very bloody all the way down ballot.

So what's your plan to convince all the Trump supporters you and your ilk have been insulting for the past 7 years to vote for Haley?
My vote is already sitting at the town office waiting to be counted.
At least the OP's 4th thread since December about Haley and New Hampshire.

She's dead wrong on illegals/he border. Her insistence that people should not be allowed to be anonymous on Twitter and other social media is Un-American. That's just two things.
Yeahbbut she has the endorsement of legacy goofball Chris Sununu! :laugh2:
Haley has been slowly gaining on Trump in New Hampshire. A new poll released today now has them tied with each taking 40% of the vote. It's worth nothing half of Iowa Republicans wanted someone other than Trump this time. It's vital Haley win this contest. If Trump prevails then it's all over and the Republicans will go on to lose in November and it will be very bloody all the way down ballot.

Nikki can't beat Trump's massive ground game... Trump will win in NH just like he did in Iowa... Trump learned something in 2020 about campaigns... Its not just one night...
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I'm talking about if she actually wins the nomination. Why should the true Trump supporters just stay home or write in Trump in imitation of the neverTrumpers?

Unless winning isn't what Taze is all about, just posturing.
Trumpsters aren't going to support Haley...They'll stay home like a heap of them did in '12, when Mittens embarrassed himself by losing a very winnable race.
Another ARG poll...

ARG polls are basically like the doner class operatives going through at the drive-thru and ordering what they want and then paying at the second window.

Unfortunately, AGR never really gets the order right.

But, then again, they weren't really ever expected to. You know how the image being displayed on the menu never actually resembles what you actually get?
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Haley has been slowly gaining on Trump in New Hampshire. A new poll released today now has them tied with each taking 40% of the vote. It's worth nothing half of Iowa Republicans wanted someone other than Trump this time. It's vital Haley win this contest. If Trump prevails then it's all over and the Republicans will go on to lose in November and it will be very bloody all the way down ballot.


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