Half million immigrants cross southern border in 10 weeks

Are the Democrats a cancer on this country.

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The Democrats no longer even attempt to Lie about their intentions. They want open borders and are just letting them flood into the country. Via executive orders using BS loop holes to say ASYLUM they just let them in...........change their names and get fake SSNs.......Bingo new FAKE AMERICAN CITIZENS.

What we learned is that ... the IRS continues to process tax returns with false W-2 information and issue refunds as if they were routine tax returns, and say that's not really our job. We also learned the IRS ignores notifications from the Social Security Administration that a name does not match a Social Security number, and you use your own system to determine whether a number is valid."
According to Mark Levin, the opening of the border by Joe Biden is an impeachable offense.

Down the road from my farm is a guy who has a better robotic mowers than those on the planning tables already. His robotic mowers are goats, and he doesn't have to buy gas for them since clipped grass is their fave. Also their kids are kinda cute. 🐐 :biggrin:
Goats are my favored landscape, land-clearing employees. And yes, the kids are cute as hell.
It is incredible how the mainstream filth media have worked so hard to keep this outrage / catastrophe out of the news coverage.

Also amazing is the level of stupidity of americans, who do not realize how this massive invasion is the reason why housing prices have so massively increased...WTF do they think 3-4MM additional people each year are going to live, in the middle of the highway? It is why rents have exploded, and why jobs that pay a living wage - not the $15/hour retail store cr-p that teens used to work, are so rarely available. The realtors are not building 2MM new homes per year in the country, and there is a limited amount of space, unless you want to live in the desert or a swamp. The f-bag liberals always screech: "oh, the US is a big country with lots of space!" but these MFers are the first to declare how they'd NEVER live so far out of their beloved democratic run dump of a city.

The democraps must really think that all these 3rd worlders flowing in will vote for them - but as things played out in 2020, that did not happen. Yes, Trump might have lost the general election BUT whole hispanic groups like Cubans and Venezuelans heavily voted republican.

The inevitable November obliteration of the dem party might FINALLY get people to realize what these f--kbags have done to the country, and how mass deportations are desperately needed. Now.
I voted no because Democrats are the savior of those that voted for them, so the cancer is the voting base and the average American Citizen…
Has McConnell said anything about the border?.... How about McCarthy?.... Not a peep... This is a bipartisan crisis.... Vote them all out of office.... Including RINOS like kemp in Georgia for example.... Find them and vote against them....
The Media plays us like a fiddle. Yes school shootings are horrible. But we don't need to hear about it 24/7. Hundreds of thousands of illegals pouring into the country, inflation is crushing the average person, we're fighting a proxy war with Russia, The Taliban and ISIS are on the rise and we are screaming at each other because a couple of 18 year olds lost their minds and killed people. Yes that was horrific. But tragedies happen every day, in this country and in other countries. But the Media decides what we see and don't see. What we get upset about and what we blow off. They control the horizontal. They control the vertical.
The Media plays us like a fiddle. Yes school shootings are horrible. But we don't need to hear about it 24/7. Hundreds of thousands of illegals pouring into the country, inflation is crushing the average person, we're fighting a proxy war with Russia, The Taliban and ISIS are on the rise and we are screaming at each other because a couple of 18 year olds lost their minds and killed people. Yes that was horrific. But tragedies happen every day, in this country and in other countries. But the Media decides what we see and don't see. What we get upset about and what we blow off. They control the horizontal. They control the vertical.
And the whole discussion changes on a dime........Every time......each issue makes us focus on what they want us to see.........Every issue is to keep us at each other as they screw us at the back door and steal everything in our kitchens......

Just like Covid...........POOF IT'S GONE......they mad now let's talk WAR.............Then it's ROE V WADE..............poof no one cares about War anymore. Then it' GUNS..........Nobody cares about Roe anymore.

I think they do this on purpose .........drink whiskey and laugh at us........

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