Half of College Students Not Sure if Protecting Free Speech is Important


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Huh? These are American college students? I'm not only shocked but disgusted.

The "no problem" argument is based mainly on a poll, the General Social Survey, which shows steadily rising support for allowing "offensive" speakers a platform, especially in the under-35 age group. But it's not clear how relevant that survey is to present-day campus speech battles. Its examples of controversial speakers include a homosexual (absurdly dated) and an atheist (ditto). On the one item that is relevant to current controversies — allowing a speech by a racist — support has dropped, notably among young adults.

Another supposedly reassuring poll, the Gallup-Knight Foundation survey, found that 70% of students felt it was more important for colleges to have "an open learning environment" with diverse viewpoints, even at the cost of allowing offensive speech, than to create a "positive" environment by censoring such expression.

More of this @ Half of college students aren't sure protecting free speech is important. That's bad news
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