Half the World doesn't know about the Holocaust!

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Ever notice how the Holocaust denial theories are always designed to appeal to the lowest common denominators?
No, but I have noticed how the Holocaust myth appeals to people who need others to think for them. .. :cool:

Yes, you do need others to think for you. Here's the deal. What possible benefit do I as a agnostic receive because I "believe" that the holocaust happened? What possible benefit is generated by anyone who points out what happened?

Now....what benefit is derived by those who wish to revise the history? What motive do they have, and what do they hope to get for it?
Ever notice how the Holocaust denial theories are always designed to appeal to the lowest common denominators?
No, but I have noticed how the Holocaust myth appeals to people who need others to think for them. .. :cool:
Yes, you do need others to think for you. Here's the deal. What possible benefit do I as a agnostic receive because I "believe" that the holocaust happened? What possible benefit is generated by anyone who points out what happened?

Now....what benefit is derived by those who wish to revise the history? What motive do they have, and what do they hope to get for it?
Much like you......I have been an armchair historian for many years......especially concerning WWII

And I have personally found the official holocaust narrative to be spurious at best. ... :cool:
No, but I have noticed how the Holocaust myth appeals to people who need others to think for them. .. :cool:
Yes, you do need others to think for you. Here's the deal. What possible benefit do I as a agnostic receive because I "believe" that the holocaust happened? What possible benefit is generated by anyone who points out what happened?

Now....what benefit is derived by those who wish to revise the history? What motive do they have, and what do they hope to get for it?
Much like you......I have been an armchair historian for many years......especially concerning WWII

And I have personally found the official holocaust narrative to be spurious at best. ... :cool:

I've personally found that Holocaust deniers are either completely stupid or absolutely dishonest. They have no interest of any kind in actual historical documentation. They seem to have another agenda.
Yes, you do need others to think for you. Here's the deal. What possible benefit do I as a agnostic receive because I "believe" that the holocaust happened? What possible benefit is generated by anyone who points out what happened?

Now....what benefit is derived by those who wish to revise the history? What motive do they have, and what do they hope to get for it?
Much like you......I have been an armchair historian for many years......especially concerning WWII

And I have personally found the official holocaust narrative to be spurious at best. ... :cool:

I've personally found that Holocaust deniers are either completely stupid or absolutely dishonest. They have no interest of any kind in actual historical documentation. They seem to have another agenda.
Oh my!! .. :eek:
Yes, you do need others to think for you. Here's the deal. What possible benefit do I as a agnostic receive because I "believe" that the holocaust happened? What possible benefit is generated by anyone who points out what happened?

Now....what benefit is derived by those who wish to revise the history? What motive do they have, and what do they hope to get for it?
Much like you......I have been an armchair historian for many years......especially concerning WWII

And I have personally found the official holocaust narrative to be spurious at best. ... :cool:

I've personally found that Holocaust deniers are either completely stupid or absolutely dishonest. They have no interest of any kind in actual historical documentation. They seem to have another agenda.

No, but I have noticed how the Holocaust myth appeals to people who need others to think for them. .. :cool:
Yes, you do need others to think for you. Here's the deal. What possible benefit do I as a agnostic receive because I "believe" that the holocaust happened? What possible benefit is generated by anyone who points out what happened?

Now....what benefit is derived by those who wish to revise the history? What motive do they have, and what do they hope to get for it?
Much like you......I have been an armchair historian for many years......especially concerning WWII

And I have personally found the official holocaust narrative to be spurious at best. ... :cool:

Really? In what way? Be specific.
I don't have the time or the inclination to delineate all of the reasons I doubt the official Holocaust story which has many problems and is not the air tight case most people believe.

I suggest that people should spend time on the internet and read the evidence that holocaust revisionists present. Also, there are many excellent Youtube videos on the subject which do and excellent job of taking apart the holocaust narrative.

Most people have a knee jerk reaction when they hear anything challenging the holocaust story they have been taught in school and rush to defend it.

Yet they have never heard the other side of the story. .. :cool:
I don't have the time or the inclination to delineate all of the reasons I doubt the official Holocaust story which has many problems and is not the air tight case most people believe.

I suggest that people should spend time on the internet and read the evidence that holocaust revisionists present. Also, there are many excellent Youtube videos on the subject which do and excellent job of taking apart the holocaust narrative.

Most people have a knee jerk reaction when they hear anything challenging the holocaust story they have been taught in school and rush to defend it.

Yet they have never heard the other side of the story. .. :cool:

Reasons.....I'll bet I can guess.
Like I would say, if you want the truth about something - don't ask the person with an axe to grind. "Sunni man" says the holocaust story is false.


The Holocaust deniers are apparently just a little bit too stupid to realize that there are still living witnesses. I have personally known two. One was a friend of my father who was among the first GIs to liberate concentration camps, he passed away a couple of years ago. The other is a 90 year old Polish Catholic of my acquaintance who fought with the partisans (Polish Home Army), was caught and sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. I'll take the personal testimony of these two gentlemen over the completely unsubstantiated claims of the dipshit deniers any time.

What did they tell you that has you so convinced?
Ever notice how the Holocaust denial theories are always designed to appeal to the lowest common denominators?
No, but I have noticed how the Holocaust myth appeals to people who need others to think for them. .. :cool:

Yes, you do need others to think for you. Here's the deal. What possible benefit do I as a agnostic receive because I "believe" that the holocaust happened? What possible benefit is generated by anyone who points out what happened?

Now....what benefit is derived by those who wish to revise the history? What motive do they have, and what do they hope to get for it?

They get vilified, harassed, arrested, jailed, firebombed, beaten and their years of work is shredded and burned.

They also lose their jobs and sometimes their homes...for telling the truth.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12OYtO3M7xI]Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent. The Faurisson Affair. - YouTube[/ame]
I don't have the time or the inclination to delineate all of the reasons I doubt the official Holocaust story which has many problems and is not the air tight case most people believe.

I suggest that people should spend time on the internet and read the evidence that holocaust revisionists present. Also, there are many excellent Youtube videos on the subject which do and excellent job of taking apart the holocaust narrative.

Most people have a knee jerk reaction when they hear anything challenging the holocaust story they have been taught in school and rush to defend it.

Yet they have never heard the other side of the story. .. :cool:

Actually the whole Holocaust thing favors the Muslim argument about Israel.

It was perpetrated by Western European Christians..and Christians who felt guilty about it basically help set up a Jewish state in the Middle East.

Achmadinejad sorta touched on that, but he was really too stupid to run with it.
Like I would say, if you want the truth about something - don't ask the person with an axe to grind. "Sunni man" says the holocaust story is false.


The Holocaust deniers are apparently just a little bit too stupid to realize that there are still living witnesses. I have personally known two. One was a friend of my father who was among the first GIs to liberate concentration camps, he passed away a couple of years ago. The other is a 90 year old Polish Catholic of my acquaintance who fought with the partisans (Polish Home Army), was caught and sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. I'll take the personal testimony of these two gentlemen over the completely unsubstantiated claims of the dipshit deniers any time.

What did they tell you that has you so convinced?

I have photos.
The Holocaust deniers are apparently just a little bit too stupid to realize that there are still living witnesses. I have personally known two. One was a friend of my father who was among the first GIs to liberate concentration camps, he passed away a couple of years ago. The other is a 90 year old Polish Catholic of my acquaintance who fought with the partisans (Polish Home Army), was caught and sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. I'll take the personal testimony of these two gentlemen over the completely unsubstantiated claims of the dipshit deniers any time.

What did they tell you that has you so convinced?

I have photos.

Show us the photos :eusa_clap:
A lot of these holocaust stories seem to be made up...

Misha: A Mémoire of the Holocaust Years, by Misha Defonseca a best-selling Holocaust book in which the author claimed to live with a pack of wolves in order to elude the Nazis turns out to be nothing but a pack of lies. Accepted by the gullible media and general public who have been taught to accept even the most absurd Holocaust tales as fact, Defonesca's book was translated in 18 languages and even has been made into a feature film in France, one of several countries that has outlawed objective revision of the Holocaust story.

The publishers of the book did not investigate any of the "facts" of this book when they decided to publish it. Only after a devastating lawsuit was launched did the publisher investigate and determine that Defonesca was lying about the entire tale. Defonesca not only made up the Wolf-pack story but even that she was Jewish.

Codoh.com | Best-Selling Holocaust Memoir is a Hoax!
And you don't have enough sense to realize this is an exception, not the rule?
If you believe the Nazis kept detailed records about the holocaust you dont know much.

Hilberg is still regarded as a number 1 holocaust historian and is quoted by many other historians.

I'm guessing from your contribution so far that you dont know much about the subject.

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, the Nazis kept extensive, detailed records of all their activities. We know exactly who they killed, how many, where, and when. The fact that you are completely unaware of actual history can probably be attributed to your devotion to an entirely discredited author.

Lol, thats all fantasy, Dis.

Show me where a nazi document says how many they gassed and how they did it - in fact show me anything at all that proves even the smallest aspect of the holocaust story.

This is what Hilberg agreed in court:


The Nazis filmed what they were doing. They took still photos. They left behind concentration camps with gas chambers intact. The doctors who did experiments on camp prisoners kept detailed records of their experiments. There is more evidence than anyone needs. I have friends whose parents survived the camps. I dated a man who was born in one.
Yes, you do need others to think for you. Here's the deal. What possible benefit do I as a agnostic receive because I "believe" that the holocaust happened? What possible benefit is generated by anyone who points out what happened?
Now....what benefit is derived by those who wish to revise the history? What motive do they have, and what do they hope to get for it?
Much like you......I have been an armchair historian for many years......especially concerning WWII

And I have personally found the official holocaust narrative to be spurious at best. ... :cool:

I've personally found that Holocaust deniers are either completely stupid or absolutely dishonest. They have no interest of any kind in actual historical documentation. They seem to have another agenda.
They do indeed, as Westwall has pointed out.

I'm not a fan of Israel, but I do care about truth. The truth is the Holocaust did happen in Europe during WWII. Another one happened in Russia under Stalin. Another happened in Cambodia under Pol Pot. Another happened in China under Mao and was called the 'Cultural Revolution.'

1. destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. "a nuclear holocaust" -- "apocalyptic thoughts have surfaced due to the spectre of a nuclear holocaust"

synonyms: cataclysm, disaster, catastrophe, destruction, devastation, demolition, annihilation, ravaging; More inferno, fire, conflagration; massacre, slaughter, mass murder, carnage, butchery, extermination, liquidation, genocide, ethnic cleansing ...

2. the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–5. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.

3. historical -- a Jewish sacrificial offering which was burnt completely on an altar.

Another one seems to be happening to the intellectual level of the American public, i.e., destruction, devastation, demolition, annihilation...

Oh, and btw, it's a pretty safe bet that half the world doesn't know about Pol Pot, the reality of the Cultural Revolution, or what Stalin did to his own people.
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Like I would say, if you want the truth about something - don't ask the person with an axe to grind. "Sunni man" says the holocaust story is false.


The Holocaust deniers are apparently just a little bit too stupid to realize that there are still living witnesses. I have personally known two. One was a friend of my father who was among the first GIs to liberate concentration camps, he passed away a couple of years ago. The other is a 90 year old Polish Catholic of my acquaintance who fought with the partisans (Polish Home Army), was caught and sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. I'll take the personal testimony of these two gentlemen over the completely unsubstantiated claims of the dipshit deniers any time.

What did they tell you that has you so convinced?

Are you fucking kidding or what? This forum is as close as you will ever get to finding anyone who would ever even pretend you have an actual argument worthy of consideration. You've evidently deluded yourself into thinking that you've somehow supported your alleged arguments, but you have no credible evidence to support your fantasies. Your halfwit conclusions are apparently the unfortunate results of an internet based education. Again I implore you.....read some books. I mean books written by some actual historians who's fan base isn't inspired by a blog.
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Much like you......I have been an armchair historian for many years......especially concerning WWII

And I have personally found the official holocaust narrative to be spurious at best. ... :cool:

I've personally found that Holocaust deniers are either completely stupid or absolutely dishonest. They have no interest of any kind in actual historical documentation. They seem to have another agenda.
They do indeed, as Westwall has pointed out.

I'm not a fan of Israel, but I do care about truth. The truth is the Holocaust did happen in Europe during WWII. Another one happened in Russia under Stalin. Another happened in Cambodia under Pol Pot. Another happened in China under Mao and was called the 'Cultural Revolution.'

1. destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. "a nuclear holocaust" -- "apocalyptic thoughts have surfaced due to the spectre of a nuclear holocaust"

synonyms: cataclysm, disaster, catastrophe, destruction, devastation, demolition, annihilation, ravaging; More inferno, fire, conflagration; massacre, slaughter, mass murder, carnage, butchery, extermination, liquidation, genocide, ethnic cleansing ...

2. the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–5. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.

3. historical -- a Jewish sacrificial offering which was burnt completely on an altar.

Another one seems to be happening to the intellectual level of the American public, i.e., destruction, devastation, demolition, annihilation...

Oh, and btw, it's a pretty safe bet that half the world doesn't know about Pol Pot, the reality of the Cultural Revolution, or what Stalin did to his own people.

According to the professor of denial there's a massive, secret, diabolical, international conspiracy to suppress the truth. I wonder if he built a UFO landing pad in his back yard?
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